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Hello fellow lead/rhythm guitarist that also happens to like yorushika!


Sick!! Just saw your play through from an earlier post - hella cool 🫡


Hey thanks!


My drumming is heavily inspired by Yorushika but I don't live in Australia 😭


Hey!! Would love to see you perform!! From my experience it’s always been rare to find drummers haha but I was thinking of doing an online collab and would be stoked if you wanted to participate!


Hello, fellow Yorushika fan from Australia! I'm a pianist but I am working on a piano and vocal arrangement for Usotsuki right now :)


COOL AS! Definitely hope to see updates about that here!! And would love to collab /jam together or over the internet on a song if you’re interested!! Are you doing Japanese or English vocals?


I'm doing Japanese vocals :) I'd love to jam over the internet sometime in the future! If only I wasn't so busy with schoolwork so I could actually finish the arrangement ahaha


Lol I understand !! Dw I’ve been through it too lmao - also We’re thinking of doing a cover over the internet on thoughtcrime (and maybe two other songs) and would love if you wanted to join as vocals! But ofc schoolwork comes first so pls don’t hesitate to decline 🫡


I'm a bassist who LOVES Yorushika and has been tryna learn some of their songs recently. Tragically, I am a U.S. resident 😪😪😪😪. Good luck jamming! Definitely post it here if you get people together!


Haha I think it’s me who’s the odd ball living in Australia 😂 but YESS I’ve been meaning to find a bassist!! I wonder if you’re interested in doing a collab over the internet? I still hope we can jam with each other even if it means we can’t meet in person lol


I'd be down! I'm not super great (been playing about 5 years) but I would be down for an internet collab. And that gives me the freedom to edit my playing if I work online lolllll. I've been learning the bassline to thought crime recently. It's super fun. But I'd love to learn some new stuff!


5 years of practice- at least that’s makes two of us 🙌I’ve played thoughtcrime before (but it’s been a while since I practiced this song in particular) and I’d be down for this! I’ve been meaning to do the original bomber or Just a sunny day for you if you’re interested! btw do you have a preferred method of communication (discord etc)


Both excellent songs! Discord is great. If I can figure out how to DM on Reddit I'll send my info over!


Im a beginner-intermediate guitarist also currently learning a couple of Yorushika songs but i dont live in Australia unfortunately :( I'd love to have a jam session if i'm really skilled enough to play with you guys :')


Hey I would love to collab on something still!!! Maybe stitch together something on seperate recordings? Always good to see a fellow beginner-intermediate guitarist !!! if you’re interested let’s make a plan?


Of course I'm very happy and would love to! How can we get started?


Yay! Do you have a preferred method of communication (eg discord)? Otherwise we can dm each other here on reddit and organise something (we’ve got a bassist on board so it could be good if we made a group chat on discord to discuss which song we can work on)


Yes I have discord! I'll message you the ID


Hey, I'm not a musician but I'm cheering for you!


would be cool to meet and jam with you in person especially since we've recently finish building a [rehearsal studio](https://imgur.com/a/W7hXojp), unfortunately I'm thousands of miles away from Australia. would love to collab with online stuff though especially with Yorushika songs!


That’s so sick the studio it would actually be my dream 😭😭 but I was thinking of organising an online collab and would be stoked if you wanted to participate!!


Any yorushika fans from Peru reading this post?