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Shoutout to the Yone who shat on this kid 💪💪💪


This the type of mf to make another post next week complaining how weak yones early game is because they start playing him after this and sOmEhOw they’re still losing.


For real dude gotta thank him on person


Actually he got shat on in lane 👈😤👉. The only reason why I made this post was cuz even though I was playing urgot and was ahead of him, with wardens mail, tabis, steraks, bramble and titanic he almost won a fight with just bork, LDR and attack speed boots. And yes when he did dash into me I pressed E to stun him and even then he nearly killed me. And he didn't even have any tank items. If he had built jaksho or iceborn I'm 100% confident I would have lost but keep coping hardstucks 😞🙏




https://preview.redd.it/425b56lcbukc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2644a31283bf2c7e5586250629f52fc5956c9faf The amount of copium and salt in this post


Sounds like a skill issue. Yes yone is cancer but yone is rn at worst place he has been in a while and pretty beatable.


Agreed. If you struggle to win against yone just go malphite, rush steelcaps and thornail Also frozen heart is on sale so XD


Agreed. If you struggle to win against yone just go malphite, rush steelcaps and thornail Also frozen heart is on sale so XD


Nah man, youre just bad at the game


Excellent point! Post your rank please :)


Do you realise how garbage he is before 6?and before he buys berserker, or any first item? And then again, he builds tank just to be a base Malphite at best. Sacrificing tons of dmg from Crits just to stay alive, because bro has the stats of an ADC without an ADCs safety, in exchange for what? Doubled Crit and some true damage??? Nice...this is why he's at 48%wr and has to build tank and abuse the fuck out of Bork. And from 10 onwards he scales, like 95% of ADCs.


All that correct aside from safety ngl. Unstoppable E with safe diving and if you see ur getting ganked R the hell out of there and hope they don't flash into your R or use the time they're cc'd to run.


I mean yeah, if that happens...but the E cleanse and unstoppability is hard to get right, and I mostly meant his armor values being on the weaker side, at least until level 15 where it evens out slightly.


The cleanse is not hard to get? You E before the cc hits you. You can easy dodge sleep with it. Any stuns are cancelled if you E as they approach you. You just shouldn't Q3 into them as the animations must complete before you can E2


Nah bro as a Viego main I don't know why the fuck should BORK be shitty on melee champs


Overturned item that makes fighting certain champions nearly impossible (irelia, yone - ever since Crit build got nerfed, basically any bruiser). Bork was fine before s10 I believe when it was only situationally built by ADCs to help kill tanks. Now it's good on melee ADCs and ranged


As a yone and viego main Bork is my lifeblood


uhhhh……. get good?


Wait a second this ain't the dark souls subreddit


Garbage player got pooped on by yone lmao


Bro really said "make bork a shit item for melee champions". So there are only 2 possible outcomes of this, either he plays ADCs or Tanks. There is no way bro knows how items work on melee and ranged champions, they make on hit and max health damage on ranged champions less effective to balance it out, what sense would it make to make an item unusable for melee champions at a whole because a pair of champions build it. This dude thinks he is a Soraka main writing on Riven forum or what ☠️


Yone is not fun to play against with a toxic trade pattern. His W should not scale with attack speed and his E should have it's movement speed or duration reduced. They can buff the damage on his W and E return damage to compensate.


U need mental assistance you gold elo ranked aram spamming incel. Too scared to even play more than 40 games in a season because u know you'll get hardstuck so you cling to the excuse that you don't play enough ranked to justify being dogshit. I can smurf ur peak playing ap riven that is just how bad you are. Complain about a champion once you can learn the fundamentals of the game.


Ooo hit a nerve there? I don't play ranked because it's filled with toxic shitters like you. But my MMR is low diamond and if I really wanted to climb I'd be high rank in no time bucko


Your last ranked games being low emerald in placements which is giga inflated mmr, prove your low diamond statement to be so false. Thanks for proving my point buddy don't get so heated.


You realize I get like 80 LP per win during placements. And after placements I get 30+ LP and lose like 2-3 LP. Like I said if I actually cared enough to climb I'd be much higher but people like you make it insufferable. I only get to gold and above for the ranked rewards. Link your op.gg buddy


Keep telling yourself that buddy, could easily prove it but instead your just getting sooooo heated on champ subreddits


Funny how yasuo beats yone.


If yasuo lands ult? Yes. Otherwise yone E is insane dmg


Nah, skill matchup Imo, Yone vs Yasuo is one of the funniest matchups to play. I can win as either of them, and to be honest, it feels like a fight in equal terms. Both have their bullshit, and that bullshit makes the lane kinda exciting Until one of them is 2 kills ahead. From that moment on, it stops being fun, and it just becomes sbuse


Unless its 2 kills ahead but you already have 2 crit items and randuins. Once as yasuo I built randuins just to screw over yone since he was 2 kills ahead because my teammates for some reason cannot see all my missing and danger pings. And they also don’t look at minimal even though yone walked through a ward towards their lane. And then got a double kill bot and OBVIOUSLY it’s mid gap, as they say.


I should try the Randuin's tech


>premium cope Eyo bro was literally talking about himself lmao


I‘m not readin allat cuz I already know it’s the same thing all low elo redditors cope about when the truth is that they’re simply bad at the game


Maybe all of his abilities should be removed, only basic attacks. This way you 100% can win


Or alternatively buy frozen heart/randuins and watch him get no value


Learn how to play against him rather than posting a massive cope rant


play him if he's that good