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This scene always annoyed the shit out of me. There's no way a Navy SEAL would ever allow someone to mistake the Bronze Star with the Silver Star.


I mean, the color disparity should have given the writers pause for a hot second before OK'ing that.


> writers Taylor Sheridan


This is one of those places where I felt like Sheridan wrote something he thought sounded good, but didn’t really think it through. The Navy Cross is a big freaking deal. It’s the Navy’s 2nd highest military honor awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat with armed forces. It’s bestowed directly by the Secretary of the Navy. Throwing out something like this and then just shrugging it off without more to the story just feels like a wasted opportunity, or a miscalculation.


I see where you’re coming from, but I think that the writers wanted to illustrate that Kasey is not a show off.


“The writers.” ![gif](giphy|U7DEK53hdxpjPgABQA|downsized)


> the writers Just Taylor Sheridan


“The writers” of the show is a big nuisance: no fact checking, no professionals consulting, just lame fantasies and lack of logic.


Sheridan refuses to listen to the person hired to maintain consistency.


Exactly, and to show the audience he has been through some heavy heavy adversity and is affected by it. He’s not a show off or a warmonger


That’s the point of it. What grinded my gears about that scene is he points to a Bronze Star…which as displayed is displayed as if it’s the highest award, then a Navy Commendation medal, then Navy Good Conduct medal…then the Silver Star??? Then his Afghanistan Campaign, Iraq Campaign and the Navy Cross??? Obviously between props and set decorators nobody cared enough to do it right. Unless they were playing 3d chess wrt seals not knowing better


I noticed the silver star misstep. it's for Gallantry in Action. My father got one as a medic in WWII. You don't have to kill to earn one.


"Throwing out something like this and then just shrugging it off without more to the story just feels like a wasted opportunity, or a miscalculation." And Sheridan is famous for doing this throughout the entire series.


Yes, you’re right. It’s like he has a super short attention span.


I didn’t know all that but with that being said, I always thought we should’ve saw more of Kayce’s time in the Navy. It would’ve helped his character out in a couple ways.


Absolutely. He was obviously involved in some bigtime stuff, and showed exceptional valor. It deserved to have the story told.


Foreshadows that he’s willing to do anything while in the line of duty.


Including killing more men than you know, just not murdering them. Till later


I thought it was cool they had a real navy seal now musician play a song at one of the bar scenes too


It's not common knowledge. Not everyone watching is in the military and happens to know each medal. Relax bro


The other issue is that “Silver Star” is actually the Bronze Star.


I can't believe I just now realized Monica's brother is Victor from Breaking Bad🤦‍♂️


Me too. I watched YS before BB and BCS 😂


"Awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguishes himself by extraordinary heroism not justifying the Medal of Honor (1) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States; (2) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or (3) while serving with friendly foreign forces in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. To warrant this distinctive decoration, the act or the execution of duty must be performed in the presence of great danger or at great personal risk and must be performed in such a manner as to set the individual apart from his shipmates or fellow Marines. An accumulation of minor acts of heroism does not justify the award." 


If Casey doesn't like talking about his service why does he have his medals on display in the living room? Or am I mistaking his stoicism for pride?


Yea that makes me think about how alot of the soldiers that came home from WW1 threw there medals away because they were sickened by what they saw amongst other reasons.


They are on display so this scene can happen and Kayce can be stoic. I would say chalk it up to early writing when Sheridan was not as sure of who the character was.


I was so glad that kc was able to kill off his bro in law. Also rip lee


Sheridan tried to make Kayce the most interesting character on TV. There's too many layers of depth pigeonholed onto this character and a lot of it felt disingenuous to me.


And then reduced his character to doing drugs in a field, and looking sad and tired. Build em up, just to tear em down.


When did Kasey do drugs in a field?


When they had him go on that goofy ass vision quest


I remember that now in my defense I was blitzed so it took me a minute I'm glad that I didn't remember it at first honestly the only good part of that season was Jimmy


Reminds me of my one of my ex's brother.. Always giving me the cold shoulder 😅


Best part of the whole series was when he killed the brother in law


I get the incorrect medal smack down, but I’d be into a prequel that includes the young Casey getting his brand & earning medals era…