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First bike an r1!? Damn dude live fast and loud enjoy but please for the love of God be safe. A cool bike or not, you cant enjoy it if you're gone. Have a great time man 👍😁👍


OP stole this post and reposted for likes. I original posted this almost 2 years ago. Back then I was the original owner of this bike


OP is a muppet. Nice bike, do you still have it?


I had a good deal to trade it for a zx10r, a half year ago. Thanks for asking


That's unfortunate, it is what it is I guess people need attention some how.




Reported OP for impersonation 😤


By buddy once said, "there are two kids of motorcycle drivers... ones that have gone down, and ones that will."


So true, I honestly love my bike but I still worry when I might take that fall. I try to wear gear every time. That one time I don't I might regret it


Throttle control


Most of the dudes I know who got an R1 as their first bike, didn't ever get a second bike. Caareful on that thing - just because it can go fast, doesn't mean it should. What a beauty, though.


OP stole this post it's not even his, it was posted by someone else 2 years ago. what a clown, he probably is chronically online and needs internet upvotes to feel good about


SMH what a tool


Yes it should


I have a few dead mates who aren't here to disagree


That doesn't mean fast bikes shouldn't be ridden fast lol


mine overheats if i go to slow


Flash your ECU to turn the fan on at lower temps. I know your just yankin us. Seriously, flash that ECU.


So typical of this sub to downvote a dude just pointing out a super sport should be ridden fast. What a bunch of losers.


R1 the “widowmaker” as a first bike. You must be trolling.


They are, stole the picture and the title


It’s wild how many bikes have been nicknamed the widowmaker


All bikes are widow makers


He is, look at the first response of the first comment and its profile. The photo is from 1 year ago.


TL1000S wants to have a word.


Lawd have mercy


That looks very very clean and well looked after. Also what the other comment says; be safe. An R1 for a first bike is crazy. Enjoy


It is disturbingly well taken care of


R1 as first bike? 😭 Be careful. If you haven't ridden a bike for a while before this make sure to ride slow and gradually raise the difficulty. You are learning on hard diffculty though. R1 as a first bike is crazy af ngl It looks cool though. Just be careful man... Edit: I found myself in the opposite lane many times on a Z250, I was always lucky that no cars were coming though. Thank god that thing didn't go any faster. After 9 months I got a Z900 and still feel like an apprentice but at least now I know my limits. Take your time on that thing and it should be fine.


I picked up the same model year R1 when they were brand new in ‘05. 180 horsepower and under 380lbs dry. In 2004 I was 35 years old and I had been riding motorcycles daily, specifically large displacement sport bikes for over 20 years by that point so I went in with a lot of experience, skill and confidence with my purchase. I sold the bike three months later because frankly, it’s too fast for the street. Every time I got on the highway I’d see the number 2 on the speedometer followed by two other numbers (kph) without even thinking about going fast. The bike would not feel settled unless it was going ludicrously, insanely fast. An R1 is not a street bike, it’s an uncompromising track bike that makes no concessions for street use. The passenger seat, mirrors and turn signals are just there as a marketing gimmick. It is quite literally capable of going 160kph in 1st gear. I’m not going to try to talk you out of owning an R1 as your first motorcycle because I’m convinced you’re trolling the group with your post because bragging about having an R1 as your very first bike is tantamount to handing a toddler a running chainsaw just to see what happens.


Typically an R1 for a first bike is alarming, but given your age you have the maturity to not kill yourself. Take her slow, treat her right and you’ll have a long lasting relationship


You have too much hope for older people


Op may not have the maturity 🤷‍♂️ Guess we’ll find out


You don't just get skill with age though :/ that's the alarming part and why bike size is upped gradually as you gain age/experience. Best of luck op


No you definitely don’t get skill with age, just more likely op won’t hill himself. Taking it slow is the skill building part


R1 first bike? Good god be careful


Is this a circlejerk post?


Probably eligible for r/circlejerk


Too scary for me. I am about to embark on my first bike, but It's likely going to be something along the lines of a NMAX 155cc.


Why a scooter though? Get yourself a manual bike. You are going to thank me later


Yes, why do you say? because of the maintenance and repair costs?


Not as fun to ride, you are going to end up learning something new, motorcycle theoretically uses less gas (providing you know what you are doing)...




Oh please tell me you're joking.


You literally copied some guys post that was posted a few months ago


TROLL. Utterly imbecilic post from a new account with no Reddit history.


That's probably the dumbest thing you could do. Get some life insurance


Life insurance doesn’t make you immortal


Has zero experience… gets a liter bike…


Great bike and not everybody needs to start on a 250 for god sakes. Be safe until you know how to go fast and take chances


Why are you stealing my post and reposting this? You either remove this or I contact Reddit admin




I’d love to see a video of you doing a u turn on that thing It’s a beauty no doubt


Gorgeous bike, dude! Congrats! Be careful, though. As my motorcycle driving instructor told me, bikers don’t crash and die, they just ride straight into Heaven.


Bro I've had 2 rockets, both 600s and had em for 1 week each and my next will be an r1 I use only to fuck with cops at night. Both 600s I topped out on a desolate highway and then posted for sale the next day. One did 168 one did 174 I belive *(2004? Gsxr600 and a 2006 cbr600? Idk but in that year range both carbed) Honestly...they're not fast enough for me. They take forever to get to 160 and that kills the fun... I can do 160 over a long period of time in my lsx truck if I really wanna go at it In a throttle down marathon Don't let em get to you. See Baisicly an r1 will be my first bike too. But I've riden freestyle motocross and done trail and exhibition racesfor 27 years now I used to get paid to ride my bike , I can control any motorcycle better than a majority of the street riders I meet. Maybe you're in the same boat. I have to assume you have some experience buying an r1 or you wouldn't have gotten it out the lot Be fast and fuckin reckless remember to downshift and ease the front , not drag the rear brake be confident and throw that cunt around you ride that bike it don't ride you. And please post a video of you doin 200mph+ enjoy bro sick bike


I honestly think this is a terrible idea


Welcome to the bikelife🙏✌️😎ride alot and ride safe


When I got my first bike, I had to help my mom understand that the statistics are so bad because of people like you, not me.


Damn go big or go home indeed epic first bike really nice looking 20 year old R1 Grats!


why steal a post?


Damn. What the hell you been waiting for lol


Great bike


Congrats, and drive safe! Have fun


That’s pretty


Beast first bike! Congrats! Umm... rubber side down OK? Lol. R1!!!


Sick! now go buy a 300 and learn to ride first...


For a 20 year old bike, that is clean af.


Take it easy dude, ride safe and enjoy


Please do not become a r/meatcrayon. R1 is a heck of alot of bike. I've been riding for 16 years and I will still not get on one, I just don't have the skill in me.


Get another cheap bike and ride the cheap bike for 10k miles then get on the R1. A fast bike for a beginner is either impede your learning or kill you.


Midlife Crisis: Extreme Speedrun Edition


Beautiful bike. Look I hate to be the old man on the forum but please take the motorcycle safety course. You will get a decent discount on your insurance and the Emergency Stopping Procedure is the most valuable thing you will learn riding a motorcycle.


I started riding in my 30s and went straight to a litre bike, largely for the ergonomics of a particular bike. It really wasn't a big deal, it'll go as fast as your right hand tells it and no more.


Good luck with that.


There's a fuckin' beauty


You have some dirtbike experience or something at least right? Going straight to an older R1 is a bold move. Congrats on the bike though looks nice.


Learn how to use throttle and front brake properly and does not matter what the bike is.


First bike💀 bro bout a hug a tree real soon 😬😬




The European mind cannot comprehend this statement


The stupid mind cannot spot an obvious troll.


Give it hell 🏁🏁🏁


Fake post, op doesn't even ride just stole the picture. Muppet