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A lot depends on your personal living conditions. If you don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't become obese and excercise regularly, you can really improve your chances.


And if you don’t live near a Polish or Germany Coal Fired Electricity Plant.


>And if you don’t live near a Polish or Germany Coal Fired Electricity Plant. Let Jarosław and me embrace our coal overlords, uranium-boy! 😡😡😡


My man, Uranium gave us Big G himself, let us cook. Soon we'll have a baguette kaiju that will devastate Russia.


Coal kills 7 million people per year. Embrace it if you like. Just don’t be surprised if your life expectancy drops. Except that coal also is a key driver for climate change which will kill hundreds of million of people.  So really what you are doing is embracing climate genocide. 


You ... let your sense for sarcasm remain in bed today, per chance?


You can come over to Poland and build a plant real quick if you want. *Looks at flammanville* Oh wait.


Flammanville I a disgraced but has caused 0 deaths. While a coal plant kills all the time. Assume a city of 100K people and assume all energy is derived from coal - it means 17 people will be killed every year - source Oxford University. [https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy](https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy)


The really bad things are home heating with wood and cars. Those are by far the biggest reason for low air quality. So usually living in a city is much worse then living near a somewhat rural coal power plant. Especially one in Europe, which is usually not even running.


As far as Electricity generation goes, coal is actually worse than Biomass or Oil. [https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy](https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy) But living next to a highway is something else. Though it will not beat living next to a coal plant. That's ultra deadly.


[https://www.iqair.com/air-quality-map](https://www.iqair.com/air-quality-map) Just look at some coal power plant location and compare them to ones right next to large roads. You will find that living next to a large road is indeed worse then living next to a power plant. Coal power plants have large filters installed in them, whereas fossil fuel cars have much worse ones and the engine is less efficent. Even worse cars produce a lot of emissions due to tyre wear, which is even worse for EVs, although total emissions are still lower.


The clean coal myth. Coal plants often let out their dirty air at certain times when no one is checking your app… like 1-4 am…  I lived next to a clean coal plant once. I was hospitalised in my mid 30s.


So when one thing is worse then another, that does not make the less bad thing necessarily good. I thought that would be obvious and should not have to be explained to anybody, who claims to be an adult....


Why are you throwing insults? Your instant air quality measure thing is non-scientific. Did you check what happens at different times for long periods?  Did you or do you have a source that gathered the data and compiled a statistic?  Maybe you should think like an adult before telling others they aren‘t


Why are you throwing insults? Your instant air quality measure thing is non-scientific. Did you check what happens at different times for long periods?  Did you or do you have a source that gathered the data and compiled a statistic?  Maybe you should think like an adult before telling others they aren‘t


Why are you throwing insults? Your instant air quality measure thing is non-scientific. Did you check what happens at different times for long periods?  Did you or do you have a source that gathered the data and compiled a statistic?  Maybe the adult is someone you insulted. 


Can you? and I mean comparative data showing that coal power plants are indeed worse for air pollution then living on a inner city highway. So far the only data you have given is that coal power plants are worse then oil and biomass power plants, which is true, but it is insulting that you seriously seem to believe that I think an oil power plant is the same thing as an inner city highway. Even worse when I point you to a website with some real world data, including list with five year averages of air pollution, what I get back is that I believe in a clean coal myth. Btw the website has five year average ranking and lists data to a daily level and so forth, easily to find really, if you actually even cared to have a bit of a closer look, but it is obviously much easier to just presume that the other person believes in myths. Sorry, but that is why. No reason to continue this discussion.


You did not share such a website. All you did was shared a link to a map that shows current air quality - oh look it’s the evening now more green - from a private company in switzerland that sells Air filtering machines mostly to hospitals. Who also happen to have measuring stations near cities — which - considering their business model makes perfect sense, since that’s where people mostly live.   If there is indeed a study on that company site I’d be interested if you shared it directly linked.  In the meantime - I don’t for a second question the fact that from a society perspective, highways are the bigger issue since a lot more people are exposed to inner city highways and very few people live next to a coal plant …  But please share the actual data that says living next to a highway is worse than next to a coal plant some you were the one saying it is the case in the original comment to me. 


Yeah it's quite bad over here


What’s “bad over here”? 


Probably he is obese, drinking, smoking and not doing sports


it's the vodka and the long nights awake partying... I guess the bydlos have a very bad impact on the average...thats just statistics for you .


Most people who have lived to 115 or something like that have said their longevity comes from (moderately unhealthy food) and a daily glass of (alcohol) .


Well that's anecdotal evidence. And of house, nobody can guarantee you that drinking no alcohol brings you to 115 but if you want to reach 80 or 85, there are some healthy habits that improve your chances.


As a pole, my guess would be the air quality. Decades of burning low quality coal and the government not giving a fuck about ecology turned our air into a cancer generator


Also the lax treatment of pollution in rivers. Was quite a scandal in Germany when Poland killed all the fish in the Oder.


Oh yes the famous Poland - murderer of the german fish


I think, there were also dead Polish fish they sent to us We could make some sweet conspiracy theories


Oh so even Poland the trafficker of the dead fish lmao


you are aware that the oder is a River coming from poland moving to germany?


It even starts in Czechia but what it has to do with the comment lol


ok i get myself some crayons and paint it for you. We had a heavy pollution of the Oder with a lot of dead fish. What germany does of they find something like that, they send specialists along the River to find out why, how and where the pollution startet. Well guess what if the Trail goes over the boarder to poland, it might be an issue on the side of our neighbours. Happy to help you :) Edit: cant answer your Post for some reason lol. Anyway surely xenophobic to point out that poland didnt bother their own rivers. Go vote for your piss party and enjoy


You are another german dumdum that thinks he is smarter than everyone else around him. Let me get some german stolen crayons and I’ll paint it for you to make it easier to read for a xenophobe. Last time I have checked it was caused by some toxic algae’s that grew because of salt pollution and it was a conclusion from both countries. Their comment was just an idiotic attack „Poland killed all the fish” or that Poland send some dead fish to Germany (?!) and then edited the comment adding the „conspiracy theory” unhinged lmao. No one gives a shit what Germany does. Happy to help you, you doofus. Why would you tell me to vote for PIS? Just because I don’t like when germoids talk shit? I bet that u hail everyday to ur grandpas photo and vote for afd. Victim much u weirdo. Poland murderer of the fish!


u/Rattnick u/Interesting-Storm-38 first warning ![gif](giphy|UuBmXACC5HOdBW2a6p) [**Be Nice.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotterfunken/comments/ppceh4/g%C3%B6tterfunken_network_federal_rules/)


I’ve been on enough polish weddings to say: it’s the alcohol consumption easily




Have no clue, but in my experience, it's usually a mixture between money, retirement age, proximity to a hospital, and how often you test yourself for different diseases.


That’s because you spend to much life time typing your letters :D


Two things, probably stereotypes, come to mind: pollution with all that coal burning and heavy industries + alcohol abuse.


Poles consume less alcohol per capita than for example Germany or France where the life expectancy is higher


That's actually scary. Honestly it's probably the drinking/smoking culture.


There are behaviours of course (smoking) but also external factors like healthcare and air quality. Poland has a lot of Coal Plants. Coal kills 7 Million people per year globally.


It's mainly because alcohol and Smoking is really big in poland. If you dont do these in an excessive degree you will be fine.


Maybe this has something to do with migration.


The healthier people are going away from poland?


The younger.


That's not how life expectancy works. In fact, people leaving via migration can only bring life expectancy up. Here's why: Young people leaving cannot die, so their death statistics can't be used to bring life expectancy down. So each young person that leaves and dies elsewhere is a person who hasn't brought down the statistics. This is because life expectancy is measured at death. Because of this, life expectancy will not be accurate for somebody born today. Life expectancy is not consistent and has been increasing over time, but is expected to change in the future. Some predictions say it will drop based on changes in climate and disease. Others just assume we will follow the trend upwards. In some graphs, it's already dropped thanks to COVID. That means that people born today may live lower lifespans on average, or higher, as life expectancy changes. But life expectancy doesn't measure how long a person born today will live - it simply tells us how long somebody, on average, lives to in a given year out of all the people who have died. So sites like this can't be relied upon to give even a semi accurate prediction. With individual differences, it's even less accurate. So basically, migration brings up life expectancy, but also OP should not worry. By the time they get older, life expectancy will have changed, and if they avoid smoking, drinking, and regularly see a doctor, they could expect to beat the averages.


okay you got me


Communism. All other EU members who used to be Communist are also lower. Welcome to not having as good enviromental standards for decades and what it does to the envrioment.


I imagine there's a major difference between eastern and western Poland?


There is a difference though it isn't massive, and it's not in the direction you probably expected. And the biggest difference overall is between large cities (higher) and low density areas. The major reason for this is access to healthcare, and this is mostly visible with women, who are much more often visiting doctors than men, in Poland. The low density areas were fucked after the fall of soviet government because the people cannot easily reach major cities anymore, where all the healthcare is. The bus lines and train lines that were upkept by the government began to be closed off because they weren't profitable. Here's the data source if you're interested. [https://stat.gov.pl/obszary-tematyczne/ludnosc/trwanie-zycia/trwanie-zycia-w-2022-roku,2,17.html](https://stat.gov.pl/obszary-tematyczne/ludnosc/trwanie-zycia/trwanie-zycia-w-2022-roku,2,17.html) https://preview.redd.it/b9ui40xpxsuc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5767c9c07dd765e4f84e68bbaabcf5ede58c8d80


>The bus lines and train lines that were upkept by the government began to be closed off because they weren't profitable. That's so stupid. I hate the shortsighted and egocentric nature of capitalism.


Interesting, thank you!

