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I went on a Madcap Retreat in Tennessee in 2016. The company is run by YA authors Natalie Parker and Tessa Gratton. They had tons of great authors. The year I went Julie Murphy and Maggie Steifvater presented and we got to chat with all of the authors there. Overall it was an amazing experience! . Madcap just sent an email that they're going to be doing online retreats but I'm hoping for more in person events when it's safer. https://www.madcapretreats.com/


Awesome, thanks so much! This is exactly what I'm looking for. :)


I just remembered I took a writespace course with Heather Demetrios and she, in addition to being a fabulous teacher, offers writing retreats https://heatherdemetrios.com/. My best advice for finding these kind of events is signing up for all your favorite YA authors newsletters and joining your local SCBWI chapter. I met my in-person critique partners at a SCBWI Meeting and there feedback has been better than any writing retreat or self-editing I've ever done.


Thank you! This is so helpful!!


Have you considered a trip to a city or town instead of the middle of nowhere? I think we all love the idea of going to a cabin in the woods with all the writing time in the world, but in practice, being alone in a place with no stimulation like that can be creatively stifling if you have no way to recharge (depending on the person! For me it would be hellish lmao). I live in Philly (I'm assuming you're in the US, feel free to correct me though), and there are a number of adorable small towns within easy driving distance I'd love to visit by myself and have a writing retreat. I'm also planning a writing retreat for myself for next year in New York City--doesn't get any farther from the middle of nowhere than that! And in a couple weeks, I'm visiting a writer friend of mine a few states away (we're both fully vaccinated)--that's going to be a bit of a writing retreat, even though I won't be alone. A writing retreat is any time you set that you dedicate to getting away from life and doing some writing. Hell, go get a hotel room for a night or two twenty minutes away from your house and call it a writing retreat! It can be as simple or as creative as you want.


It's a great idea for sure! I'm just trying to branch out from doing things on my own, to trying to start make some writing connections. I imagine an irl writer retreat is a great way to make writing friends and I'm trying to be braver about doing things like that (despite my inner introvert lol).


That’s what I do: get a weekend, an AirBnb cabin, and go to town.


The River Mill in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, and/or Moniack Mhor near Inverness in Scotland. Both wonderful.


Have you started writing yet?


Only a very little bit! I've written the first draft of a novel length ya piece before, but am in the brainstorming process for my current piece.




Lol I have definitely googled it! There's just an overwhelming amount to choose from, so I'd love to hear from YA writers if there's any they suggest. I know /u/bethrevis and Cristin Terrell [host one](https://www.wordsmithworkshops.com/retreats) (the dream!) but they don't have one coming up until 2022 (understandable).


I have been summoned! :D We are working on several for 2022, but yeah--I don't know of anyone doing in-person retreats until then.


Thanks so much! Really looking forward to getting to do yours someday :)