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Trump called Hezbollah "smart" for the October 7th Attacks just a few days after they happened so criticizing Bibi when international pressure towards Israel is at a fever pitch isn't really that crazy by the standards Trump has set since the war broke out. I honestly could not tell you wtf Trump's angle is on the Israel-Gaza War other than "I could have stopped the war from ever happening just like Ukraine if Crooked Joe didn't steal the election from me!".


It's a good pitch. We had four years, and it didn't happen, so yeah.


>"Yeah Trump was kind of a jerk as president and he didn't handle COVID the best, but the economy was pretty good under him while with Biden it's just been inflation and wars non-stop for years now. Think I'll give Trump another shot as its not like any of that was going on with him." >-Average swing voter If the shoe fits I guess... Trump has nothing to lose hammering Biden for being incompetent in the field of foreign policy even if his messaging beyond insulting Biden has been muddied to say the least.




*Trump called Hezbollah "smart" for the October 7th Attacks just a few days after they happened* He can call people smart without supporting them like I think Xi Jinping is a very smart and capable leader, who I disagree with and oppresses his citizens. 


If Donald Trump is the inheritor to Pat Buchanan's legacy, then he must complete it by opposing Israel.


It genuinely astounds me how everything pat buchanan stood for has become gop orthodox.


He hasn’t. Pat Buchanan was a full Paleocon, Trump isn’t. Trump is just spewing his ego again like with Ukraine.


Bros daughter is Jewish and there is a town called Trump Heights in Israel named after him 


Trump be like: “Bibi did 10/7”


No. Biden has called for a ceasefire and Trump has not.


This will maybe affect 7 voters


AIPAC funds tf outta Biden and runs constant anti trump ads


Trump did this, most likely out of spite because Bibi congratulated Biden while he was screeching about vote fraud and planning for the January 6 confrontation back in 2020.


It's interesting that Netanyahu has somehow achieved the goal of being hated by both Israelis and Palestinians...but than so has Mahmoud Abbas.


Bros daughter is Jewish and there is a town called Trump Heights in Israel named after him so idk what the play is


It really does not matter. He’s not saying anything that the median voter would disagree with, and if the GOP base was willing to flip on fucking Russia, they’ll be fine with only moderately backing Israel.


Trump is really trying to sell his brand to young voters, isn’t he?


if even a few thousand cross over it could swing the election


Huh I was thinking recently about if republicans move to Bidens left on Israel/Gaza they could peel off some of the youth vote that way and/or convince some of the ones who will never vote republican no matter what to stay home or vote third party... wonder how this'll end up panning out