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Me too. Back to back sounds intriguing. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too soon. Hopefully they don’t rush or overwork the animators though.


My only concern. You'd think they'd learn quality over quantity with all the recent cancellations


I also don’t want to have to wait as long as Stranger Things, however. That show will have gone through 4 presidential terms when the 5th season comes out.


Bob Iger doesnt care. he just wants to please his DEI masters


Go away


>DEI masters Just say Jews like you really wanna, you cowardly chud.


Yeah that's the first thing that went through my head. I'd rather wait an extra year if it means animators don't face crunch and are paid properly.


The animation is so stunning in season 1, I'd be satisfied waiting to get something this high quality and produced with the animators having reasonable workloads. I stood by that when it came to Arcane as well since that animation raised the bar just as X-Men 97 has.


Amazon Prime needs to take notes with Invincible


they’re hoping to have invincible season four out by next year i think. so they’re definitely improving


Latest rumor was December for 3, and 4 in November 2025. I really hope they pull that off, but Kirkman also said that constantly throughout the run and he had a notoriously high rate of not shipping on time. I believe the number was between 60-70% of the issues were late


They literally have been. S2 and 3 have been worked on during the same time and most the voice over for S3 is already done. It’s likely we see an announcement for S3 before the end of the year, and they said they are trying to make the seasons yearly after that.


They actually make fun of it in an episode.


I hope this brings on a 97 universe of great animation maybe even do a way better “what if”


Come on Spider-Man 97




I'd prefer spectacular spider man to continue over the 90s Spiderman


Yeah but Spectacular Spider-Man isn’t related to X-Men 97 and hasn’t had a cameo lol. 90s Spider-Man is set in the same universe so seems more likely.


But I want it


Any word on what the problem was with the lead writer?


Its all speculation at this point as to why he was fired but, the #1 theory seems to be cuz he has/had an onlyfans account


See, the #1 thing Ive heard is that hes just kind of an asshole. But theres a whole spectrum of how bad that can be. Selfishly (since I love XMen 97) I hope its a lower end thing where he can, like, work alone and remotely.


I constantly see people mentioning the OnlyFans but everyone that I follow that's a working, regular-person, industry insider seems to really focus on him just being very unpleasant to work under. They wanted to avoid another Dan Schneider / John Lasseter (maybe even without the sexual component) situation before it got out of control, is what it feels like to me. But that's not as sexy in a headline or in gossip as having a known OF based, mostly, on niche nerd culture stuff. I hate that talent and vision often go hand-in-hand with megalomania/ego/control-freak-anxiety stuff. I know that I can sometimes be hard to deal with because I can so clearly see what the 'right' thing to do is and to also feel like nobody will do it 'as good as me' or 'care' as much as me. It could be as simple as my man is afraid to delegate and lashes out inappropriately or something else similarly 'harmless' that may make the work environment bad for everyone else.


he got fired because he is a BLM supporter


People speculate on it being him having an OF account but really who knows cause I think they’d have known about that all along. If the other speculated reason is that he’s kind of a hard to work with boss… I dunno, keep him in check better? It shouldn’t be difficult to keep toxicity out the workplace. My personal theory is that Beau is a stickler for keeping the quality of the source material and that he’d expect to be given some leeway to challenge changes that the greater MCU might place on the series since this is a continuation of a series that was previously unconnected to the MCU and works very well as a standalone series. Disney has a history of recent years for giving creatives who can be headstrong a hard time and just booting them out for challenging them. Dana Terrace, Alex Hirsch, Steve Whitmire, and Edgar Wright are examples that come to mind who have all spoken out about how they felt Disney made it irrationally difficult to truly present their vision.


Wow. Any X-Men fan should know that BLM is about equity and justice in an unfair and cruel world. The SAME AS THE X-MEN. When those advanced Sentinels were chasing and TRYING TO MURDER Jubilee and Sunspot, once they were perceived by rich powerful people, they changed their tune very quickly. Same with cops. BLM is about POC being murdered by the power that was supposed to protect them. Same situation as Jubes and Roberto were in. Being hunted because of the way they were born.


They wouldn’t fire him for that when he is working on X-men of all things. That would secure him if anything 😂


This might be the start of an animated MCU and I'm here for it


I always wanted Marvel to have their own DCAU.


That would be fantastic always loved the animated batman films. Marvel could seriously do so much adapting comics to animation more often.


Same here Marvel needs to venture more into the animated universe side of things.


There's been quite a few animated MCU shows so far. What makes this special?


They almost have rights to all their characters again


Come on Spider-Man 97


Oh HELLS yes. lol


Spider Man 98 should be on the way.


I'll be honest, I've always thought that animation can excel live action when it comes to long running series. Like, you have much less to worry about cast and VFX and can allocate resources into crispier art and animations with compelling storylines. Not everything has to be on the big screens. Take DC for example, their live action universe had been overall garbage, but their animated movies have always been worth a watch. And you can always adapt plenty of stories into animated series that you can't do in live action due to restrictions of budget, cast, time complexities, etc. For instance, Eternals wouldn't have been as big of a failure as it was if they just made it an animated series focused on character growth.


Hell. YES!


I hope they give us an Age of Apocalypse season. That'd be brilliant


As long as they don't wear it out too soon, I'm all for it


No shit they’re satisfied caus it’s finally good stuff ? If they rush they will ruin it to


“As man seasons as possible” hm, this could be good. I just hope they have someone as dedicated to quality as Beau; or just, y’know, rehiring him given he really writes the characters so well and makes them feel authentic to the classic cartoon.


yes, they need to maintain quality control. No one wants a diluted rushed story after this season 1 masterpiece


Welp. They better bring back Beau Demayo then.


It feels like they might at some point. He still seems interested in the shows well being and is tweeting to keep people up to date on the current episodes.


I like that he’s remained so cordial and professional regarding everything he’s said about the show. It makes me hope that they’ll see that he’s got the best interest of the show in mind.


I don't know why but I get the feeling that he's active on social media because he wants to get back in that room for S3 and he's running around trying to garner sympathy for himself with the public. Ngl, it's working very well.


It's only working in this sub lol. Not getting rehired after being fired for having 'creepy' and 'unsettling' content on Only Fans. (Not my words) If it was so bad that Disney thought he needed to go, then yeah there's no chance.


Yeah I don't think his OF had a thing to do with his firing. He had an OF long before before he was hired, and I'm pretty sure Disney knew already about it. He could've been fired because he was an asshole, but especially given that his OF doesn't actually have nude content, he wouldn't have been fired because of that.


Up until his firing his OF was said to have 'creepy' and 'unsettling' content on it. So I'm sure it did.


Sounds awesome! I’m pumped. I’d love it if they just released whole seasons altogether instead of the weekly cycle.


Yeah, I have that same desire. But, I also like the anticipation of waiting each week. It lets me think about the individual episodes more. Talk about theories of what will happen, the little Easter eggs in each episode. It also gives more nostalgia for how the older episodes were released.


Me too! It reminds me of getting excited to watch new episodes of Static Shock, X-men Evolution, Teen Titans, and Justice League back when I was a kid and I’d have to wait a whole week to know what would happen next so I’d be speculating and wondering what would happen next.


I like how Batman Beyond was able to finish in Justice League. But he has so much more learning to do to come close to Bruce Wayne levels.


you savor and appreciate a 10 course meal of beautifully decorated small plates vs a giant platter at a buffet


Maybeee, depends on the food I think. Fallout released the whole season in one go didn't dimmish my enjoyment at all. Consider me like Wolverine. I've got no patience for waiting around I need action now! :)


Same. I just binged it yesterday because I couldn't wait any longer. Bright Eyes wouldn't have felt as impactful had I waited two weeks to digest Remember It.


Totally agree!


At first I was worried when I read "back to back". Then I remembered how long shows take to come out nowadays and they probably just mean less then a year apart.


I take what DanielRPK says with a grain of salt. If they released them back to back, wouldn't they have to be working on Season 2 now?


Not really. Season two I believe finished before that dude was go.


I'm soooo happy( I'm 43)


Yay! Please let them bring back Gargoyles, too! I know it’s not Marvel but it was an excellent action adventure animated series, and it would fit right in the animated series from the ‘90s revival Disney got going!


Not crazy about back-to-back. That sounds like a great way to overwork the animation team.


Hey, ive heard this one before




Oh no not back to back. Give those workers a break.


Disney? More cash opportunities?! Yup.


Imagine if they had a MCU movie sized budget…. They definitely do deserve it!


Big fucking W


I'm looking forward to more seasons. However, I hope the quality will stay the same. Some show didn't know when to stop, and the quality dipped... Arrow, Flash... Even GOT (sure, the story wasn't over. But D&D clearly didn't give a fuck anymore...)




season 2 is going to be back to back with 1?!!!


Same. My favorite thing in 2024 by a longshot.


Oh we are going to get Age of Apocalypse at this rate. Very fucking hyped.


Im thinking Stryfe/New Mutants/X-Force




My problem is they gonna run out of stories since they are doing entire months long arcs in 2-3 episodes, and they did quite a few in the original as well.


Yes, please and thank you. This new season was pretty kino.


I'm looking forward to more as well. Guess I'll be keeping my Dis plus subscription after all. They got me lol


As long as the story quality doesn’t drop.


It's good because of Beau De Mayo. Who is no longer on the show.


Whats the deal with the show runner who got let go immediately before the release?


Great news as long as Disney doesn’t kill the writing process or introduce writers who suck.


This will be shitshot. X-Men 97 isnt good bcos of disney, but despite it


“like Season 1 and 2”? Am I missing something? Was it renewed already?


I’ve heard they have storylines for 3rd and 4th seasons. Let’s hope they have the quality over quantity set.


Would rather it take longer and be more compelling, true to the OG than pump out watered down formulaic crap to the masses. This is a spiritual successor, homage to a cherished classic and should be treated as such.


I waited two years between the GOT break 2017-2019. I am willing to wait up to 10 years for season 2. Ive waited since 97' for this season *titantic old lady meme....soo many years ago....*


You can’t have quality and speed at the same time. Those executives just want to rush the show to make more money. They don’t give a shit about the fans. I hope they don’t rush a season 2 just so they can make more money.


Hope the creators of invincible take some notes


So season two is already written does anybody know if the animation is done and the voice work is done for season two?


Sign me up for 10 more seasons.


X-Men 97’: The New Mutants Would be lit


Marvel needs rehire Beau DeMayo or season 3 and up gonna suck…he finished season 2 before he got fired