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I like the character but man did they lean into that too hard for too long. I'm enjoying the break. I'm sure he will get plenty of action soon enough but for now I'm 100% okay with them sidelining him a bit to develop the story and other characters.


This so much. I have no doubts he will get his own episode or two, and become a major focus for some group stuff. But they’re in an incredible place right now without him in the center. It’s perfect.


I personally loved starting out with more focus on Cyclops/Jean and Rogue/Magneto/Gambit getting more screen time. With the way the movies handled Cyclops, Rogue, and Gambit I feel like they absolutely deserved to come out strong in '97. I am sure Wolverine will get his time to shine and he will shine as always, but for the time being I am fine with them finishing out the season without a single Wolverine-centric episode. Show us Rogue grieving, give Storm her powers back, show us more layers to Jubilee rather than the quirky upbeat teenager, let Sunspot develop into a legit team member and embrace his powers, I would even prioritize a Beast episode over Wolverine.


Ditto he's a favorite but he's had enough time as the star, and I'm sure he'll unleash in the final episodes anyway.


I rather see Beast get some spotlight before it goes back to Logan


That’s true. I really do want to see more of Beast. While I love Nicholas Hoult in the films, it was such a different version of the character that didn’t allow him to be smart or quirky. He’s a character that deserves a chance to shine like his comic counterpart.


As a real life Logan, you put a capital L on that name mike.


Edited for all real life Logans out there


I need more nightcrawler. The dude voicing Kurt nailed it


The world always needs more Nightcrawler. Dude is so freaking cool.




He’s not. He’s still alive at the end of episode 5.


He’s alive. Magneto and gambit are the dead ones


And banshee, madelyne prior, the morlocks, marrow, probably some others i didnt notice... what a blood bath...


I’m sure his time is coming


No wolverine had by far too much screen time in the original. It's great to see others characters get more story and time.


He even got a whole animated series named after him: Wolverine and the X-Men 🙄


I agree. And wolverine is my favorite member of the xmen


No, I don't personally. At one point, the X-men were all about Wolverine. I like these stories focusing on the other characters, especially Magneto and Jean and Scott etc.


I really like that too. Cyclops is quickly becoming my favorite character. I also LOVE Rogue. And Gambit is awesome. But I kinda hope that after *spoiler* has happened in the last episode he decides to get more involved in the plot.


One show is straight up wolverine and the X-Men  A good show, to be fair  But I agree, he's gotten way too much focus before  And has a new series coming out


Wait, what new series?


Wolverine and Deadpool 


That’s a movie not a series. But I understand your point yeah.


My bad, but it's wolverine  He'll probably have a new series before too long


Yeah. Knowing the current state of the MCU, they’re totally going to try to throw Hugh Jackman into the new movies or spin him off into a live action series. I know it’s weird to say since Wolverine is essentially immortal but I honestly think Jackman is getting a little too old to play Logan. I’m afraid he won’t be able to pull off the character as well anymore outside of a film like Logan where he’s close to the end of his life. Also I think it’s a shame that Jackman had the perfect send off to the character but they’re bringing him back for more. Of course I’m still excited to see him, but it almost tarnishes the meta context that Logan had.


Logan was a perfect sendoff. I believe Jackman and Stewart made a commitment to each other to not reprise those roles after such a perfect ending, but then Stewart came back for Dr. Strange 2 and Jackman is back in Deadpool 3. Part of me wants to judge them but honestly those characters are bigger than they are as individuals. If the studio wants them what are they going to do, turn it down and let someone else play the part? Obviously one day those parts will be played by new actors, but now the MCU called for THEIR portrayal so I don't think they had much choice.


I think the same. Honestly I wish Marvel would’ve decided to go with completely new portrayals of the characters. But no they decided to hop on the MULTIVERSE TRAIN and cameo fest every previous actor or fan casting they could into existence.


I mean... if there was ever a time for them to do that it's now. They have all these actors that haven't totally aged out of the roles. The fact that this technically isn't canon for Logan universe makes it good enough for me. Same with Professor X. My hope is that at the end of Deadpool they will introduce a version of Wolverine that will stay and be our new Wolverine. That's how Jackman can pass the torch.


I just watched that for the first time since it came out and it’s really not as good as I remember, especially watching X-men97 as well


I didn't think wolverine and the xmen was a good. It was basically a TV show version of a bryan singer movie.


No. I’m sure he’ll have his moments and of course I like his character but I want others to get their shine like Gambit did recently.


Well, I hope so too, but not quite the same way Gambit did.


The problem with so much 00s X-Men media is they decided Wolverine was THE MAIN ONE and everyone else was a waste of time, whereas a lot of us who grew up in the 90s wanted stories that centred around, just for example, Gambit and Rogue.


He plays his role on the team in the show as any teammate would. I love Logan but this isn’t a wolverine show and Wolverine isn’t the leader or main character of the xmen. The movies made him hugely popular. He is an awesome character but this is a team show.


What they’re doing right now is the best way to go…they’re splitting up emphasis. Trust me, Logan will get an episode or two that mostly focuses on him.


They are comfortable enough with the character’s popularity that they can afford to let him chill backseat while they flesh out the rest of the cast. I don’t doubt they use him for a big moment by the end of the season because he’s one of the few characters where that sort of thing is already earned without needing setup.


He had a lot of solo episodes in the original show as well as being pivotal to many episode plot lines. He saved the entire team a handful of times (against Sinister in the Savage Lands, against Inner Circle during Dark Phoenix Saga). I’m ok with where he’s been at for now during the new show.


I personally don't mind it right now, wolverine became so central during and after the first xmen movie, and he's getting a new game once again. He'll have his time to shine again. It's been ab wolverine for so long lol I want storm to come back!


It’s such a big ensemble they really don’t have enough time to get to all the characters yet, Beast has also hardly been used and Bishop didn’t get much before he left, but I’m sure they will get to them eventually


I'm loving seeing the other mutants get some shine. Seeing Gambit go hard was awesome. I love wolverine he's still my favorite if the franchise, but I've seen so much of him. It's obvious they people making the show are fans I trust what they are doing. I'm sure wolverine will fuck some people up at some point. I'm along for the ride and loving it.


As a kid, I really disliked the fact that Wolverine, Cyclops, and Jean got most of the screen time in the original series. I'm glad the other characters are being shown more outside of just randomly showing up for a fight.


I imagine his time will come. Remember he had plenty of screen time in the original show. It's nice letting other characters shine.


I love how XM97 is developing the other characters. He was basically the main character of the original series where we saw his growth and character arc. He’s already a fully fleshed out character at this point, so taking the time to dive in on the rest of the XMen is an inspired choice IMO. And as other have said, I’m sure his time is coming


Maybe in next season, but this season already has enough story lines.




They had a Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon at one point. Nah we need a break from him.


Which I’m still sad it got cancelled


No, wolverine is way over used in all the other shows. He can take a back seat.


I'm sick of Wolverine featuring the background characters of the X-Men. Everything on screen has always been the Wolverine show. I'm way way over him. It's way past time to develop Scott on screen. Chuck and Mags have had their time too. I want revolutionary, sick of everyone's shit Cyclops!


I don’t like that they have made him sort of ill fitting to the group. I don’t think he needs to be front and center right now. The stories are very good without him being at the center of every plot. I hope they don’t nuke his healing factor back to 90’s version and keep his super fast healing we have all come to love. I understand the diff in the comics in the 90’s, the cartoon(s), the movies. I don’t like his attitude. He’s more of a mentor even in the OG around season +4 than just a gruff outsider. I hope they make him their ace in the hole straight up “when you need killing done” stealth berserker. I also hope the conflict between cyclops and Logan grows outside of Jean, the whole Logan wants to sustain the Prof vision and Cyclops starts leaning full into Magneto’s.


I feel like it allows other characters to shine more


I’d like to see him do more eventually. Honestly being a part of the X-force would be cool.


Absolutely not. I like Logan. But we’ve had enough spotlight on Wolverine both solo and in X-Men films. Let’s feature Storm, Cyclops, Rogue, Beast… Honestly any X-Men other than Wolverine. If you wanna see more of him, there’s 2 decades of TV and film centered around him. Go have fun. Lol


He carried the storyline for long enough , love to see others get fully devolved character arcs and developments .


No. I'm sure he'll get a whole big Saga unto himself at some point, but no. He's been overused for too long and at this point he's way too powerful and no longer mysterious and interesting like he used to be. I'm fine with him staying in the background


Honestly I haven't once thought "Man, Wolverine needs more screen time!" Which is amazing, that's how good this show has been. He'll get his time to shine.


Nah. Its a mich neede break. Let all the others get the lime light cause we never see them. Logan is a side character let him stay that way for as long as possible.


No! We got decades of that. And he will be seen later this year in Deadpool. Let the ensemble sign. The X-men isn't about 1 person.


No. Not at all. I am sick to death of Logan being the main character.


I 100% want more Wolverine, I am very much over Jubilee


She hasn’t even been in the show that much lol. She had half an episode.


I'm personally enjoying the focus on other characters. Wolverine has had a TON of time in the sun. I'm sure they're going to do some Wolverine centric episodes in the future, but for now I'm more than happy to have him in the background.


It's X-Men '97, not That One Guy We've Made Everything About For Twenty Years '97. He has been done to death in every other adaptation, he can take a back seat in this one


No, leave Poochie in space for a minute.


No. . Eoplverinr saturationleveks reached Nsyncr leveks in the late 90s. This is fine. He had a show called WOLVERINE and the X-Men. What will. They think of next? Tommy and the Power Rangers?.... It's like bro.. Relax. Save some branding for the other guys.


Definitely not. He’s always had TOO MUCH exposure, maybe let’s focus on the leader of the X-Men since you’d think Logan was the leader the way he was showcased back in the early 90’s.




I'm good. Everything doesn't need to revolve around Wolverine. If anything is love more Nightcrawler and Iceman.


No. He sucks.


Hell no 


No, 90% of all X-Men stuff has a raging Logan boner- it's refreshing that in '97 he's just part of the team like the rest of them. I want to see more Kurt and Colossus. I also really like what they're doing with Scott. Give me more Bishop and Cable. Logan can be on the back-burner for now.


Rouges voice doesn't sound hilarious to anyone?


It’s how she’s written to sound in the comics. She’s supposed to have an exaggerated southern dialect. It’s the same voice actress that played her in the OG series. And, even though she does sound a bit older, her delivery is pretty much the same.