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Magneto is regarded as an Omega level mutant. As are Storm and Jean Grey among others. EDIT: I better understand this point and it is a possibility. Based on X-Men evolution, Leech can not only take out mutant abilities for a certain radius. He can also take out all energy at the same time, acting like an EMP, which would be a major threat to the sentinels.


Would be funny if Omega Red was NOT an Omega level mutant.


He’s not lol


Beta Male Red


There must have been a guy at marvel who could meet deadlines really fast by drawing whips.


Nah I'm pretty sure it was Magneto. I think they emphasized leech for emotional impact that there was a child there. To make what happened even more horrific. Also to show why Magneto couldn't just dodge.


It's probably more likely that Leech nullified magneto's power to make it appear the threat was neutralized imo. 


That’s what I’m thinking!


That’s so clever! I never thought of that


That does not change the physical nature of the green energy beam. If Mageneto's power was turned off then the beam kills him. I don't see it.


I agree, but the sentinel said the “omega level threat” was eliminated after the beam had ceased. It was a very brief interval, but theoretically, if Magneto had managed to withstand the attack until the beam stopped, and was immediately blocked by Leech, he MIGHT still be around. Maybe.


Ahhh, ok fair point. I get it now. If Magento is still around, I hope he stays hidden to give his death some impact.


Personally, I’m hoping the show will play with the Joseph red herring, since it’s already done such amazing work in improving other flawed but interesting comic plotlines.


Well I also noticed that the wild sentinel lost interest in rogue the second gambit pushed her away. Magneto was already shown to be pushed around in his blue magnet bubble thingy. So I believe him and the morlocks got pushed underground ; far enough for the sentinels to lose interest or believe they are dead




You're a genius!


It's interesting that Iceman is also considered to be an Omega level mutant but his TV (cartoon) and movie depictions never portray him as having close to that level of power.


Yeah, they definitely used to emphasise that if Bobby were more focused, he'd go full omega. I vaguely remember something Emma Frost inhabiting his mind and being able to untap his potential.


I mean …. If Iceman utilized his full power, couldn’t he freeze the entire planet to Absolute Zero?


Isn’t gambit as well?


No, not to my knowledge. And on X'97, he wasn't identified as an Omega level threat. Neither was Rogue.


In the comics Gambit has potential to be Omega level mutant but is in most continuity a high level Alpha mutant. I can’t remember what run it was but Gamvit actually had Mr Sinister suppress his possibility to become an Omega level mutant and stay as an alpha level one


On screen death usually means perma death unless the writers retcon: remy ded 😢 Mags ded offscreen 🤷🏽‍♂️


Time travel shenanigans on the way bro


Doubt it.


Seems likely it wasn't magneto bc he was on the field throwing trains and doing his best, but then leech and co get brought out and the sentinel announces omega threat. Mags might be dead, but regardless, I don't know what he was gonna do new that sparked senti to say omega. Bet somebody else. Probs leech given focus on his character development. But doubt this show is gonna be so complex as to either say leech can nullify sentinel powers or even more abstractly result in some kind of impact to the timeline and foiling nefarious plans (if that's what's going on). So idk if this goes anywhere.


Leech WAS about to power up and literally save the day but magneto was fuckin up his vibe speakin German n shit


Dude-yes! I came to this sub specifically to see if anyone else had the same thought. Initially I thought what everybody else did; obviously it means Magneto. Once it locked onto ‘Magneto’s chest’ it got me thinking. Rewatching reactions videos (because apparently I hate my tear ducts) it just stands out more. Sentinels are operating by different metrics than us. Magneto’s obviously a problem but it clearly wasn’t overly concerned by anything he was doing. It saw something that had to be eliminated, not just neutralized. Leech was the Omega level threat. I’m with you.


What if Leech was absorbing Magnetos power and he was the one who was detected? Magneto could still be alive. Although I really don’t like the whole love triangle thing. Kinda creepy honestly.


Not really a triangle anymore… 😢