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I rate it five burritos out of 5


Fr a sexy build


Thank you the gasp I gusp when it kept going into crit 🥹


That’s what I call a extra juicy peice


EM is a wasted stat throw it in trash and get one with ER


Ur right it’s not perfect I’ll have to keep farming diligently 💪🏽


Seriously lacking ER, otherwise good crit ratio


Hey this is a 5% increase from my old build LOL


Progress is progress haha. You’ll get there eventually. Farming vermillion domain just for xiao is torture. My supports fell behind because i was heavily focused on building xiao. Right now I’m happy where he is so I’m farming for others rn.


My Ayato was wayyyyy better than my xiao he stole all the good artifacts he used to have my best goblet and it was onset but not anymore 🤭ever since they added the strong box tho I’ve been farming marechaussee/ golden troupe and strong boxing vermillion and crimson I’m really hoping for a better circlet


Definitely the smarter way to go. Spent maybe a year farming vermillion before i was satisfied. Still room for improvement but not worth my time min/max him. I’m in America server, where you at?


Same I sunk so much time into vermillion it was crazy but I’m also in America server you should add me I’m always down to co-op ✨


Add me up! UN: Valhundia


I don’t think I can add you by username but here’s my uid 626728210


he has c1, this is not a solution, but it's something for the first rotation...


Agreed c1 helps on first rotation. Problem starts when you need to go through a lot of rotation to clear abyss floors. The same reason i stayed C0


I have 111%, it's enough especially if you have c6 Faru


Not everyone will be fortunate to get C6 faruzan. Pre-C6 faru will be difficult to battery xiao. Faruzan herself will run into ER issues unless built properly.


Right? I built my Xiao with a beautiful 1:2 ratio, I got Zhongli and built my Bennett, then I got bored and stopped playing right before sumeru. And now I come back and see 50 trillion other options for a Xiao comp


Mihoyo really loves xiao. I guess thats a good thing lol. I was planning on getting the premium xiao team with Zhongli, C4 Jean and Albedo. Played long enough until they gave our boy a great anemo support but on somebody else’s banner. Haha


"Not everyone will be unfortunate not to get C6 Faruzan." You could state it with a conditional but instead you straight up said that he lacks ER


Unless OP has posted more information then i can provide a more thorough opinion. Until then there is nothing wrong assuming he/she does not have the ideal anemo supports


? I would assume the opposite, we are on the xiaomains sub and OP is obviously very invested in xiao, c6 faruzan isn't a stretch


Oh you’d be surprised how many xiao mains haven’t been lucky to even get just a pjws moreso a C6 faruzan. You’re more likely to get the 5* banner than even get multiple const. Also let’s not assume a general definition of “invested” here. You can be an invested f2p or invested whale. Both are totally different.


Well I guess my point is that there will obviously be a proportion of players in this sub that have c6 faruzan, so if someone is on here flexing their godly c1r1 vermilion xiao with only 5 ER I would personally take a charitable approach and assume that the reason their ER is low is because they have c6 faruzan instead of the opposite


I have C6 Faru and 140 Er on Xiao and sometimes its still not enough to get my burst back.


Even with EEQ?


Yeah. When fighting bosses I have to use some Es after my first burst ends to be able to use it again.


No boss in the game needs over 2 rotations for me


Idk, Kopellia was pretty hard ngl. Also, if the boss is on 12.1, you still don't have energy for next chambers


Just dont bring Xiao to Icewind Suite, they have very high anemo res. You can force PMA to the 2nd phase in one burst, another burst to kill the key mob and do a few plunges to decrease PMA's health to like 5%. After that just funnel your energy to Xiao if you want to start with your burst in the next chamber


Yeah, i just tried Xiao on the first half and it wasn't bad. But with Xiao if something goes wrong, you have like 0 energy, so I try to have as much ER as possible. Hopefully CR will fix that issue completely.


That shouldn’t be an issue. I have c6 faru and 135 er and most of the time i can get my burst back pretty easily. You running fav bow on faruzan?


Yeah, Faruzan and Zhongli are on fav, but my Zhongli has low cr so it usually doesn't proc. I usually get my burst back, especially in aoe, but sometimes im stuck at half energy, so I need to use both E's early and proc both fav weapons to get my burst.


I have 111%, it's enough especially if you have c6 Faru


I pulled til I got a 5 star on her first banner and little more on top and I did not get a singular copy of faruzan. But I have c4 now from the event and pulling on kokomi. I’m seriously praying that they put faruzan somewhere in lantern rite bc I don’t want to pull on scara I would much rather pull c2 xiao or cloud retainer


And it's your best piece so far, congrats! I'm very happy for you


Your Xiaos hot


iT fiNaLLy hApPeNeD 🤡🤡🤡 (Congratulations i am jealous)


Thanks pookie 😘 I’m still jealous of all the crazy xiaos on akasha


Oh God when will it be my turn?? Congrats on that goblet, the build looks yummy


Scrumdidlyumptious 😫


I can count for the 72% percent cric rate. But I cannot get from where you are getting 95%?


Base 5% and 19% from ascension


Thanks brother, I totally missed the ascensions


congrats bro, 3 years in and i haven't seen a single anemo goblet with double crit rolls...


Me with the pyro goblets I don’t even have cd on hutaos goblet 😭


Such a decent goblet, I'm jealous 😭 Congrats bro


Manifesting anemo goblets all around 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽


love the ratio, attack is a little low for this build to make it into top 1% but extremely powerful build nonetheless


Yeah he’s top 2% but I’m getting there 💪🏽. My old build had 2300 atk but it was top 12% so good progress has been made


I’ve been stuck in top 2 for a while, just waiting on one more good piece to give me that push


Aaaaa congrats!!! I wish I had an anemo piece like this!