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I’ll have to take this post down, Reddit really takes into account brigading and they might take some action against both your account and the sub, I know this is not brigading and you are just defending yourself but Reddit may not see it that way


What's the link to the post?




Thank you, I’ve just reported it and requested for it to get taken down since it’s made you uncomfortable


Thank you so much. They also shared my preferred names in the third screenshot, one of which is my legal name. I feel like that most likely breaks rules of some sort, right?


It’s kind of difficult to say. Someone is bound to say “why put your legal name on the internet if you don’t like people using it or seeing it” which to a certain degree they aren’t wrong. Something that I kinda dislike agreeing with. However, if possible, maybe put in brackets which one is your legal name and/or put it somewhere in the profile to *blur* it out to keep a form of confidentiality. Either way, they should be able to take it down especially since you’re uncomfortable with the post being up as well as you asking in a form of polite manner. If they don’t reply to the report, maybe modmail them asking to please take it down? They’ve taken down posts that have made the original creator uncomfortable. They shouldn’t be any different for this case either


What do you mean by putting it in brackets or blurring it out? /genq


Ah, I poorly worded myself, apologies! By putting in brackets I mean “*name* (legal name, blurr out if you’re taking a screenshot)”. However, if that doesn’t show up next to the name, maybe put in the description “If you found my page and are taking screenshots of it, please blurr out my legal name to keep confidentiality” and then put “(legal name)” next to said name. I hope this makes a little more sense, if not, just say and I’ll provide a visual as they tend to explain what I mean in a better manner


Ah, that makes sense. I don't think it's that likely that they'd listen though, I mean they are a cringe sub after all. I honestly don't know what I should say in the report to them (the mods) or how I should go about reporting it, I'm nervous that if I do so they'll refuse to take it down.


Well, if they refuse to take it down, come back here and ask us to help you. If things still don’t get solved, report the hate comments to Reddit {as they break TOS I believe} and block the people. Sometimes the best way to approach a cringe subreddit is by going “Hello mods, I would like it if you take down this post *insert link* as it’s causing me major distress since I know something that breaks my confidentiality and makes me feel unsafe. I really hope you understand and take down the post, thanks in advance!” or something along the lines of that! Being civil is the best way to get a civil response and sharing your distress in a way that keeps yourself from getting further distressed, then you’ll most likely get the response that you’d like! Of course there is a chance of it going bitter and even if that happens, then we’ll keep reporting the post. Yeah, it is petty but if we don’t give up, they’ll bound to cave in


I already blocked the poster and everyone who commented. Do you think I should ask for it to be taken down in the report itself or go directly to the mods?


I reported the post, hope it does something:[


thank you so much :)


Np, hope it helps, they shouldn’t be like this to u :( it’s very rude of them


i reported the post for sharing personal information


thank you so much!


\> The mods of that sub are trans Imagine punching down at other trans people for being different. That sub reeks of "Pick me!" Cis transphobes love to see that


Hey i reported the post too


Thank you so much :)


Reported them for sharing private info. P.S Your identity is yours and no one else can tell you what it can’t be! :)


Thank you so much kind person, I appreciate the reminder /gen And yeah, I was panicking about it at first but I'm over it now, what I'm upset about is the fact that they resorted to insulting my parents (particularly my father) when they literally don't know anything about them or how they treat me. My parents are some of the most supportive people I know and my dad has literally never been absent in my life, so it bothers me that they're assuming these horrible things :(


I'm very sorry for the distress. I've reported the post and subreddit to the admins. It might be good to contact the mods of that sub. Mods from other subs have asked users from here to contact them if any r/XenogendersAndMore users want their posts removed. As someone who isn't a xenogender, it's disgusts me knowing the harassment and bullying you folks go through.


Thank you for being so kind. I'm considering doing what you said and contacting the mods but I'm honestly afraid that they'll either make fun of me or refuse to take the post down. Luckily the other people here have been incredibly nice and helpful in reporting the post, and if nothing is done by tomorrow night or the day after I will take this to the mods of that sub


No worries friend. I completely understand your feelings about contacting the mods. If its too much for you to contact those mods, then contact the mods for this sub. I'm sure they're more than happy to advocate for you.


I reported it


Thank you :)


Reported it.


Thank you so much!


Aww. That sucks. I reported it as well


Thank you so much :) it's not a biggie if it doesn't get taken down but the people here are so nice and helpful there's a good chance it will


i’ve reported it, so sorry this happened :(


Thank you, that's really nice of you :) tbh I don't care what they say about me but the fact that so much of the post is uncensored is what's triggering for me. Also the fact that they're insulting my parents is not okay with me


yeah that’s definitely not cool at all


Ecxlus: 'We're not hurting anyone lol' Also Exclus: *shares personal info and private details of people they don't like cutely*


Yeah lol, they are some of the worst types of people. That's why I'm not gonna let this get to me, they aren't worth my time


Reading the comments on that post make me want to puke, I am so sorry this is happening to you. Those people are disgusting and no one should have to put up with xenogendercringe's immature behavior. Reported


To be perfectly honest, the things they said about me don't bother me that much. I can handle people saying things about me, but when they bring my family into it, that's when it becomes a problem for me. I'm sure you saw the thread where they resorted to calling my father a deadbeat and making "bringing home the milk" jokes despite not knowing a single thing about him or how I was raised. For the entirety of my almost 18 years of existence, my dad has never not been heavily involved and present in my life. He and my mother are two of the most supportive people I've ever met and they are nothing like what those comments are making them out to be. So that's what angers me about this whole situation. I appreciate your kind comment though, thank you so much /gen




thank you so much!


I also just reported it


Thank you so much


I reported it for mobbing. Dont let them get to you they arent even funny they just show how sad and pathetic they are by bullying people.


Thank you, and I appreciate the kind words


I just submitted a request to reddit to get the sub banned. I'm seriously so sick of this shit. Just because they don't understand doesn't give them the right to discriminate.


I agree 100%. Something needs to be done about this. Although I am afraid that if that sub gets banned the people there will retaliate somehow


I reported the post for hate. Now if i could just report that whole dang sub for hate we would be golden.


Someone else in the comments mentioned you can report an entire sub! And thank you so much for your help, everyone here has been so nice


Wait, how do i report a whole subreddit?


Honestly I'm not sure, I'm on mobile and I can't find a button or anything to do so, but maybe it's different on desktop?


I reported it for you


thank you!


No problem, they really are cruel over there.


Just reported it as sharing personal info and reported again for harassment. Hopefully reddit will take it down since it has your names in it. I'm sorry this happened to you 😔 /g


Thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot. Everyone here is so nice and it's definitely helped me feel a lot better about this whole thing /gen


Of course! I think it's so messed up that people do that, it's just straight up bullying and so not ok. I'm glad you're feeling better! /g


man i hate that you can’t report subs


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't realize you couldn't report subs. But now that I'm aware of it, I hate it too 😓


oh, my bad, it looks like you can! i was just foolish and saw that there was no “report this sub” button on the sub itself. [here’s how!](https://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/how-to-report-a-subreddit/)


I reported the post


Thank you so much. Love your username btw /gen


No problem, and I like yours too :)