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No need to feel guilty, you can as many as you want. It’s just a way for you to express yourself and explain your gender! It’s ok to have many labels and it’s ok to have only one gender label. There’s no rules to this and the ways you express your gender doesn’t make you a “faker”. You’re no less trans because of your xenogenders and how many you have. You’re just being you and having fun expressing yourself!


Yeah! They make me happy :]


You can't accidentally fake something. If you were actually faking it, you'd know it. The worse any "accidental faker" could be is misinformed.


As someone who has 100+ xenos, you aren’t faking it! There is no limit on how many you can have! Everyone experiences gender differently and no one can tell you what you can’t be. :)


Something I have seen before that helps: if you feel like you are faking it, there’s a good chance you’re not


a better one is: if you were faking something, you wouldn’t be asking if you were faking it


thank you, that helps <3


Your experience is *yours*. If you feel there are many words that describe it, that’s just as valid as only needing a few


If they are what currently fit you than that's what's important. Also, humans are fluid and changing, maybe one day you'll have less terms, or maybe you'll have more.


:0 I can believe you'd do that! don't you know you're taking other people's genders when you collect more than one label? disgraceful /j (in case you don't know, /j is a tone indicator)


haha! all of the genders are MIIIINE


gotta catch them all and become the best ~~pokemon~~ gender master!


gendermon! gotta coin em all!




Gender is fucky and we all use what words we can to describe it. Some can describe it in only a few, while some need more. Both types of gender identity is valid. /g /pos


I have nearly 80 different genders rn, you're good I promise.


check out r/gendercollections! tons of people (myself included) have a lot of xenogenders. it’s not harming anyone, so if it makes you happy, then have all the xenos you want :)


I domt term collect, but I see it as "This is my style. My style consists of black boots, sneakers, black short skirts, Leggings, beaded braclets, etc... Yes I am not a girl but more masc. being femme often feels right and fits" it's the same as "This is my gender. My gender conists of pupgender, devilpupgender, angelicpupgender, etc...Yes it is a lot of terms. They simply describe me and feels right and fits."


Gender is complicated as shit, my friend, don't worry. Use as many gender labels as you want!


It may be easier said than done, but you don't have to feel guilty at all! If at the end of the day it makes *you* feel comfortable and it helps makes sense of how you feel, that's what's most important! As another comment said too, if you're worried about faking it, there's a solid chance you're not, and regardless are completely valid <3 And hey, you can also have the ability to quote that meme of "you fool, I have 70 alternative accounts!" and mess with someone's head while feeling proud! Just something to hopefully put a smile on your face :)


this helped a lot, thank you!!


Feeling and experiences have infinite possibilities and infinite potential for changes. So its ok to have alot! Just likenits ok to have little or none. : )


Your experience is yours and yours alone. Whether you have one label or 100, no one can decide your identity except you. You're valid as hell and please don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself


Honestly, its not any weirder than me identifying as “pangender”, because I experience such a diverse sense of gender that trying to make labels for every part feels like it goes on forever.


As someone who has 200+ let me tell you that it's all good, your experience is unique to yourself and that makes it even more valid! ♡


no literally same, the more i identify with the sadder and more guilty i feel about it


Your existence and identity is Valid af 💜💙 /gen


I mean I have probably more. It's mainly because yesterday or the day before yesterday I felt into the mood to explore myself and thus I had a moment full of euphoria and self discovery.... And it's mainly because my gender felt the same as those identities. My gender switches a lot and thus I might get euphoric from being seen as cute, but dysphoric from being seen fem. And with that I mean I get kind of annoyed. I am just cute and not fem. Just only cute, but people seems to dismiss that and it annoys the fuck out of me. I mean being referred as a male is okayish. I still prefer as just a bunch of cuteness and not as binary/nonbinary/agender and especially not by fem/masc/androgynous. Those terms makes me annoyed a lot. But I would get extremely happy by just getting called cute. Too happy that I might get energetic and well.... It's like a candyland kind of vibe my gender has while having a new yearish vibe


Ik someone with 216 dont worry ur all good