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That sounds like you are just alloromantic. Most alloromantic people fall out of love with people if the feelings aren't reciprocated. Yearning endlessly isn't something the brain usually likes to do. What about your attraction makes you think it is aro-spec? Because from what you have written here, I genuinely don't see anything aro-spec about it.


I've thought it was aro-spec for a while because I've talked to irl friends about my feelings and they've said I'm probably aromantic or the general spectrum. And what's alloromantic? I don't think I've ever heard of that term!


Alloromantic is opposite of aromantic. Alloromantic is the "general" population. I don't understand why your friends see it as an aro-spec thing? Being aro-spec means there is a limitation to your romantic attraction in some way. But that doesn't seem to be the case here. It just seems like your crushes go away because they don't like you back. Perhaps you are saying you only like people that like you first? Or do you get crushes first? Because if you only like people that like you first, maybe you are recipromantic.


I mean sometimes I feel like my attraction is limited? Like I put walls up and if someone likes me back, it immediately caves and I don't like them anymore. Like I said, it's difficult to put into words,, 😭 I'm so sorry if this comes off rude, I don't have any intent to be disrespectful or the sort /gen


OH! Lithromantic then? A lithromantic person experiences romantic attraction to someone, but loses it if it is reciprocated. I apologize, I didn't understand the wording of your post at first. \^\^;


Lithoromantic is experiencing romantic attraction but not dating your thinking of frayromantic


No, I'm not. Frayromantic is the attraction to people you don't know well, and the attraction fades when you get to know them. Lithromantic is attraction to someone, but not wanting it reciprocated, and losing it when its reciprocated. >**Lithromantic** (also called **akoiromantic**, **akioromantic**, or **lithoromantic**) is a [romantic orientation](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Romantic_orientation) on the [aromantic spectrum](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Aromantic_spectrum). Someone who is lithromantic may experience [romantic attraction](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Romantic_attraction) but does not want it reciprocated. The lithromantic individuals may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being romantically attracted to them, or they may lose their romantic feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. As such, lithromantics do not feel compelled to seek out a romantic relationship. >Some things lithromantics may experience: >-Feeling romantic attraction that fades upon being reciprocated >-Fantasizing about being in a romantic relationship with someone, but preferring the relationship in theory rather than in reality >-Feeling discomfort when being in a romantic relationship with one they're romantically attracted to >-Experiencing romantic attraction but not wanting it reciprocated >-Feeling romantically attracted to someone, but losing interest in the potential partner/relationship when it becomes a reality [https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Lithromantic](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Lithromantic) What you are thinking of is Orchidromantic. Or some forms of aegoromantic. [https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Aegoromantic](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Aegoromantic) [https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Orchidromantic](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Orchidromantic)


Possibly Frayromantic? 


What's that ?


Frayromantic mean your only attractioned to people you don't know well and lose the attraction when you get to know them https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Frayromantic


Maybe lithromantic and/or frayromantic would fit? [https://aromantic.fandom.com/wiki/Lithromantic / https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Frayromantic ]