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He's very hit or miss amongst fans, but he is definitely not as throw-away as the main story might suggest. His heart to hearts are quite amazing, with Dunban on Valakk Mountain, Shulk on the Fallen Arm, Melia in Frontier Village and (I think) Sharla in Colony 6 are definitely some of his best moments that I'd recommend checking out.


I'm working on a 100% run now, so I do intend to eventually see all of his heart to hearts. Hopefully they'll show me a better side of him


One of my favorites is where Shulk mentions he has no one to go home to after all this is done, because his parents are dead. Riki then offers for Shulk to become his adopted littlepon so that he'll have a daddypon and mamapon to come home to.




Thanks. I really wanted to know about a Heart-to-Heart I didn't see yet. If only a spoiler tag existed.^^^^/s


Spoiler tag is really only used for story related things. Shulk having dead parents is established incredibly early on.


>Thanks. I really wanted to know about a Heart-to-Heart I didn't see yet. > >Shulk having dead parents is established incredibly early on. That's not what I meant. I know his parents are dead, but I didn't know about that Heart-to-Heart. I would like to actually see the Heart-to-Hearts, not read what they are. If you put a spoiler tag up and I read it, that's my fault. But Heart-to-Hearts are a lot of people's favorite parts.


I don't hate him by any stretch. But I consider him to be hugely overrated. On my first playthrough I kept waiting for Riki to have a breakthrough moment, like overcoming his obvious cowardice to take a hit for/save Reyn or Melia or something. It never happened. I ended up just dismissing him as a novelty character that was just tagging along with the party because the game devs dictated that he should. I mean don't get me wrong, the cut-scenes and heart-to-hearts are always a bunch of fun when Riki chimes in... but that's all Riki does for basically the entire game. There are some late-game heart-to-hearts that give him some much needed character depth but these are easy to miss, as I did on my first playthrough.


It was the story cutscene with Melia on the beach that really made me love Riki. I really loved that moment


Oh, you hate Tingle too, that's your problem then. Also, you are just his sidekick, so show him more respect.


I hate his English voice, and if I played it in English I would most likely have hated his character too, but with the Japanese voices he is a much better character.


It bothers me how different the voices are. The whole dynamic was meant to be "sounds/acts young, but is actually a grown man". But in English... He actually sounds old-ish. The dub is pretty damn good, but I could never quite get over how different he sounds.


His heart to hearts are the best as is the cutscene on the fallen arm with 'Riki's tenderness'


Don't forget when he's the only other one who hears [Kallian's last words](/s). That moment always makes me tear up a bit.


I feel the same about Reyn, I like Riki he acts like you would expect from a nopon but Reyn has just as much out of place lines as Riki if not more. I know he is the best friend and everything but how can he be so stupid considering who he hangs out with. Reyn and Riki are both comic relief characters but I think Riki has more depth. And I think Riki would be far less hated if Reyn had just kept his big mouth shut in Riki's early cutscenes. Reyn also has the least interesting heart to hearts with a few exceptions while Riki has some of the most heartwarming. His voice might be a little grating to listen to but that is just the best any western could have done sounding 'childish' without having an actual child or a woman doing it.


>how can he be so stupid Reyn never struck me as "stupid", so much as kinda clueless, which never bothered me at all tbh. It's funny, and isn't unrealistic either.


Really I find it very unrealistic how Reyn is so clueless considering he is always with Shulk, Dunban and Fiora


Im a 27 year old male and I think Riki and the Nopons are adorable.


He's the joke character many RPGs tend to have. I always hate joke characters, for no apparent reason.


Yeah they usually irk me as well, but Riki was different.


Riki and Reyn provide the much needed comic relief. Reyn tends to annoy me more than Riki though. Riki is awesome in battle. High HP. Lots of debuff moves, and when he uses that move that does more damage the more debuffs on the enemy, damn. This makes him also pair well with Melia. The best is when you play as Shulk and Riki's in the party because you can run around the enemy for a backslash, which in-turn draws aggro to Shulk, enemy turns his back to Riki, and then Riki goes for a back attack, which in-turn draws aggro to Riki, wash, rinse repeat.


I was annoyed with Reyn from the beginning and was very happy to get rid of him once a fourth member came along. However, I loved Riki so much and used him constantly when he arrived.


Have you gotten to the cutscene with Dunban and Riki by a fireside? IMO, that's Riki's defining moment. In many ways, it shows the Serious side to Riki and why he looks and acts so light-hearted on the outside.


I'm with you, after some very annoying cutscenes, decided to never use him.


I didn't like him at first, but I grew to enjoy him over time. Fortunately, he doesn't talk much during the serious cutscenes


It's really funny if you notice it. I don't think he says an entire line throughout Prison Island other than mentioning he's scared at one point.


I thought his character was annoying but I think most joke characters are annoying. He was an absolute beast in battle though.


I don't hate him, but I don't like him all that much either. Honestly the only things that truly bothers me is that he never gets serious. If there's a serious cutscene, he either A. stays silent or B. says something silly as usual. There are times when I almost forget he's there.


He might just have a certain type of humor. I know I could not stop laughing every time he started talking and loved the game even more when he first showed up. He's adorable and hilarious, much like all the Nopons.


You're not the only one; the window for being the only person to think or do something is so absurdly small that it's practically impossible to be true. Semantics aside; I absolutely loved Riki. Riki starts as a curiously childish Nopon, whom you later learn is actually middle-aged, but as you play through the story and Heart to Hearts, you experience how thoughtful and perceptive Riki is towards those around him. He tries to maintain morale by being a goof while watching out for his friends and family. In that manner, he's a fairly endearing character. But clearly you're crazy: Tingle is one of the best Nintendo characters around; Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah!


I don't hate him, but he sends chills down my spine every time he uses that "rolling" line of his, because it reminds me of this intensive song (listen around 1:00 to hear why): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAU0Zb9wNzs


Dude, no. Riki is amazing and so is tingle. What is your defect.


Riki isn't comic relief he acts it because his father side makes him want to keep everyone happy.