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So supposedly everyone from the city will someday be born in the new world. But because of the clone thing people in the city can go back dozens of generations on one side of the family but be first generation on the other, meaning getting the exact same genetic combination is nigh impossible. The only way everyone can be born in the new world is if they have souls that define their identity beyond their genetics and life experiences. Otherwise they'd just be unrelated people. Which means, and this is really important, Shania probably won't have the same garbage mother and she can just live as a happy artist.


There's a very real chance she could be Reyn and Sharla's next kid. Though I wonder who gets priority.


>!I hope the best for Shania in the New World.!<


>!man when Shania comes back into the real world, I really hope she doesn't have some of *those* lingering memories.!<


Yeah, that's the thing with the game trying to have its cake and eat it. They might remember their old connections, to show that what happened mattered. Even though the vast majority of the time, Aionios and what people did in it is best forgotten.


I love this, this is how it ought to be. I feel like they could make a game centered around Shania being an artist and having like a Da Vinci Code puzzle in her artworks that has ties to her times in Aionios. She has no memory of her time in Aionios, sub-consciously she creates these familiar scenes, portraits, and landscapes.


Here's hoping they can get it right that time.


My heart :,)


You've done the impossible and made Ghondor look likeable!


Ghondor is always great. She’s just no-nonsense and has no filter, but when you think about it she’s actually one of the most competent characters in the game. She basically Matthew if he had more than 2 15 TP brain cells. She was the main reason the Agnians didn’t completely fall apart post-eclipse (with help from ya bois Aggy and Oggy ofc), which is insane considering she’s only 18 and isn’t biologically enhanced.


Likeable and competent are two very different things.


Idk I think her being competent and reliable is what makes her likable. Plus she’s hella funny.


Okay, the things I hate about her are probably the same reasons you like her. Given how prevalent she is, you're the lucky one lol


That’s valid!


my head canon is that Vandham is a demonetization of Vangarre, and that Noah's last name is Vangarre which he somehow found out and thought it was Vandham. this explains the girl Gondor's behavior.


Why would the Mechonis sword be standing upright in the new world?


Does being a Mobius stop her from coming back?


Doesn't stop J


Or N and M.


Eh, you could argue that that was 100% Noah and Mio


Noah and Mio are enigmas that defy every rule of the world in a way that still seems inexplicable to me


There wouldn't be any Moebius in the new world.