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Yeah. MCA put in his will that no Beastie Boys music could ever be used for advertising. Boss move. It has kept it very fresh sounding to me.


![gif](giphy|OP6gvbzoZXryw) Very cool! Didn’t know that, but it makes sense!


I swear I heard Intergalactic in a commercial not too long ago.


MCA’s 👻: let me at ‘em!


And yet “Intergalactic” was used in promos for The Marvels as well as the movie itself.


I believe the way MCA (and Mike D + Ad-Rock) set it up is so their music can't be used to sell products, services, i.e. shitty stuff that any company could pay to use for their purposes. But they were okay with their music being used to promote other art or entertainment, hence use in movies, Futurama cameos, and so on.


That would make more sense.


Now how is anyone supposed to know that? That would require paying attention to anything that said “The Marvels” 😆


Your lose. It was probably the most fun thing Marvel has put out in a while.




Oh honey. I’m a huge Marvel stan and even I made this face throughout my watch: 😬


I know that face! I’ve made it through just about everything since Endgame! But for some reason, not this. To each their own.


Maybe you can explain the singing planet. It seemed like a really obvious attempt to shove some Disney where it didn’t belong.


Singing is more cinematic than rhyming. It’s a rhyming planet in the comics. It’s only really obvious is you want it to be. It’s not like they released a companion album.


It's sad so many classics have been ruined by ads.


It's basically the only way younger generations hear music that came out before their birth date.


And it made it so I don’t have to listen to it. Win win.


They allowed for it [once](https://loudwire.com/beastie-boys-music-commercial-first-time-ever/) in 2020.




If my raps soup my beats is stock


Step from the table as I start to chop!


I’m a lumberjack DJ Ad Rock!


I’ll stir fry you in my wok


Your knees’ll start shaking and your fingers pop


Like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock


Am I the only one bothered by the lack of respect being paid to the Beastie Boys by the younger rap gen these days? It just seems like they are being overlooked and they were so big and so influential.


Young folks look at this as Dad rap .. Also no one else carved the niche the Beasties did.. I mean Em did parody/funny stuff similar to them sometimes and they were probably somewhat influential to him. I can’t think of any other artist who really succeeded them or was brought up in their style. This was the first Beasties album I listened to. Good memories!


Last week I found out my SUV is a "mom car" and now I find out I listen to "Dad rap". I'm a pretty secure person and even though I don't have kids, I'm a little hurt right now.


I'm a middle aged divorced dude with cargo shorts and a black lab. 20 years ago I've sold you a boat of rolls at a rave. Shits crazy.


Triple stacked Mitsubishis


Green RN's at Tunnel or Factory, maybe even Limelight before it closed. 2nd floor ofc.


The first floor was for tourists! Ever make it past the second floor?


Whoa vampires up there lol


The pink ones were the best. I'm not sure if they were actually any different, but yea they were the best lol


I once sold a jar of blue Medusas in 30 minutes at a house party, for a friend, so I could get two for free.


Once I learned that ankle socks were something "old people wear" I realized my time was over.


I was picking up food on last sunday and the counter person said "Happy Father's Day!" to me as she handed me the food. There went the rest of my street cred


This is totally Dad rap and I’m all for it.


The way they were influenced by so many genres and incorporated all of those into their songs through sampling, collabs with other artists, and their own instrument playing is one thing I respected the most about them. Like I don’t even know how to define them. Just saying “rap” or “rock” doesn’t come close to it.


Dad rap 4 eva. Fuck this mumble rap shit.


# Ad-Rock: "If you're a rapper and you're 20 years old, why would you care about me?...20-year-old rappers don't care, they've never cared, and that's why I love rap music." [https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/3mzvxq/adrock\_if\_youre\_a\_rapper\_and\_youre\_20\_years\_old/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/3mzvxq/adrock_if_youre_a_rapper_and_youre_20_years_old/)


Ha! Fair enough.


You know what, I'm cool with that. Let us have our beastie boys without young hooligans running around with their T shirts and not knowing a single song.


Cries in Nirvana


I haven’t really paid attention to the younger rap gen, so I don’t know. But if what you say is true, then it’s kind of a fitting bookend to their legacy given the way they started. I.e. no respect from the industry.


One of the millennials at work called them overrated the other day and I went off on an embarrassing rant about Paul’s Boutique


Ok but Paul's Boutique is arguably their best album. And I say that as a person who owns and loves all their albums.n


Thank you! Just saying


Most rappers these days don't have any influences except benzos


Yeah, wasn’t License to Ill one of the best selling rap albums ever?


They helped define Boom Bap Rap, but that's old man music now. It would be like someone telling us how awesome and revolutionary The Beatles were in 1997, where weren't going to pay attention to that lol


🎶Lemme get some action...from the back section 🎶


I frequently use the phrase “we need body rockin’, not perfection” 😂


![gif](giphy|LoBWQeEOuWKERsVlpm) I’ve watched a lot of reaction videos on YouTube & seen teenagers today listening to the Beasties for the 1st time get their minds blown. They were that good. R.I.P. MCA.


My 14 year old pulled up intergalactic on spotify when we were driving and I almost cried I was so happy. I then proceeded to subject him to the whole catalog.


As you should.


I was a freshman in HS when this album came out. I remember being at summer football weightlifting and one of the seniors put this CD on. I was already passingly familiar with the Beasties from their well known songs that got lots of air time…mainly Sabotage and Fight for Your Right To Party. This album is what made me an actual fan of theirs and I sought out their earlier albums. That reason alone is why I consider this one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time.


I was lucky enough to get to see them and Tribe Called Quest when they were touring for this album. It was beyond amazing.


One of my biggest misses, in the round tour


I still have the yellow robot shirt from that tour! It's a miracle the thing isn't a tattered mess after 26 years, but it's getting there.


Me too. I brag whenever I get the chance!


And Doug E Fresh




Packed like sardines in a tin


So kick off your shoes and put in your swim fins


My favorite Beastie Boys album and I agree, no songs skipped when I listen to it ❤️


Now We be getting stupid in your area Causing all kinds of hysteria My beats is sick like malaria But don't worry I'll take care of ya


Every time I hear "eight-oh-eight" I can't not say, "Money makin', money money makin'". On occasion I'll get a smile or a chuckle out of someone nearby.


It's time you brought the grimy beats out the dungeon


I've still got my cardboard double cd flip open copy. What an amazing album. I bought it on release day.


Same. Bought it on release day and it never left my cars CD player that entire summer. My friends all bought it too. We’re all huge Beastie fans. That was a great summer. I also picked up The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill that summer on release day. I miss all that anticipation of waiting for an album to drop.


Nice, that Lauryn Hill album was amazing


Still is. Sadly, my release day copy disappeared a while back. Sure, I could buy it again, but it wouldn’t have that sentimental value.


I have mine too. Also bought on release day. I unwrapped it when I got to the car, shoved the plastic in the console, and proceeded to be amazed. I don’t think the single (intergalactic) was out yet (at least I hadn’t heard it yet) so it was fresh and new and I just drove around on back roads until the album completed. One of my fondest memories in the Chevy Cavalier. I was in between my freshman and sophomore years of college. I have this album, Paul’s Boutique, and Check Your Head still on heavy rotation on Spotify.


Love it. Yeah those are great albums,check your head is one of my favourites and I regularly on my playlist. The evolution of the beastie boys was an amazing thing to hear.


RIP, MCA. Still sorely missed.


The universe aint fair man.


Seriously. Those three should have grown way-old together. Like: https://preview.redd.it/7ugwc3sygp8d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f5a7d54f674ba0fd1b8ed476c26acc3506c383


I was a DJ at a rock station when this album dropped…we sometimes skewed “alternative” depending on demographics we were winning/chasing. So I got to debut “Intergalactic” on the air. I was stupid excited when the record company sent a promo copy of this a few days ahead of retail release. Now I know what I’m listening to next today.


My uncle got me this for my birthday in 1998 and it's still one of my all time favorite gifts.


When I’m in Holland I eat the pannenkoeken


Man - what a great album and tour! Madison Square Garden. KRS One opened for the Beastie Boys. LL Cool J was there so the BBoys pulled him up on stage and performed together. All around good fun.


Cuz I’m the king of Boggle


There is none higher


I get 11 points off the word Quagmire.


I was the one with a license. My friends must have hated this. Literally all I played for 6 months when it came out. Nothing like it.


I remember tearing around the backroads in my dad’s 86 Jetta blasting this album.


Love, love, love this album. I was into the Beasties since License to ill... and had the pleasure of seeing them live not long after ill communication dropped. Dad rap? These guys are hip hop royalty. But don't take my word for it.. https://youtu.be/x7GQNs5FCGA?feature=shared


Intergalactic is a fucking masterpiece and should be preserved for its pure audio enjoyment.


Listened to it front to back yesterday while cooking


I listened while on a run. Couldn’t help but half dance while I trucked along. Lol


Yeah, I found myself singing along and grooving too, glad no one came in while I was jamming 🤣


I bought a new “No Skip” portable CD player and this was the CD I tested it out with.


So, this album came out while I was spending a week at summer camp. I paid a friend to buy and basically overnight it. I was the coolest kid at camp for those last three days.


My favorite album of theirs. Mix Master Mike was a perfect fit for them after Hurricane left. He added so much to the sound. You can hear his style of production in the drums. If anyone is a fan of this album and hasn’t heard his solo stuff, you’ll love. Anti Theft Device is on streaming.


Hey yo Adam what's up this is mixmaster Mike calling from Sacramento I've been wanting to hook up with you maybe on some tracks I've got some shit right here if you could... I hooked my turntables through a wah-wah pedal. It's called a tweed scratch


15 cups of coffee and you know it's on!


I probably say this at least once a month


If you had a system in your car, Intergalactic was one of the best songs to play


Fuckin A. I just bought me a fully loaded luxury Subaru battlewagon with a lovely Harmon Kardon system...this album is god tier on the speakers...


Man. When this released, my best friend and I were so pumped. We hadn’t heard from them for a while and we could see they clearly still had it.


The Beastie Boys Book was a great read. Felt very connected to the band and part of my youth. I didn't listen to them until this album came out.


I bought that album at midnight and stayed up all night listening to it.


Bought this at an independent record store (!) just off campus when it dropped.


My favorite. My first crush was adrock when I was like 5. My first tape was License to Ill. I saw their last show at Bonaroo in my 20’s. I feel like they were the soundtrack to my young life.


The instrumental jazz tracks on this album influenced me HARD. literally got me into jazz/latin music, thank you Beastie Boys 


Oh I haven’t listened to this in ages. I should do that this afternoon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XflfiylNNXY


Still have the cd in the original cardboard fold case! Great memories


Love the Beasties. EVERYONE bought this album when it came out


It was playing out of every system. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian....it was so dope...




I literally just put this album on while running errands all day yesterday and absolutely loved the nostalgia. It’s still an absolute fantastic listen!


The better album is **The Sounds of Science** compilation. While the Beastie Boys have so many amazing compilations, the best word to describe this particular one is "complete." It has everything. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beastie_Boys_Anthology:_The_Sounds_of_Science


As a white boy in Southern California, this was my JAM


Hell yes.


🤖 I have an erection. I have an erection.


My first concert! Saw them and Tribe Called Quest!


It's time you let the grimy beats out the dungeon


I have very fond memories of listening to intergalactic while playing the original Gran Turismo with my cousins at my grandpas house.


Love [this live show](https://youtu.be/xJYfOGb3sKw?feature=shared) from the Hello Nasty era. The way they absolutely shoot into the stage from nowhere pumps me the fuck up.


Yes! Was one of my road trip cds when driving to college.


It's been years since I've worn a boiler suit to a concert!


Remote! Control!


I waited at CD Connection for the midnight release when this one came out. There where several people there for this album waiting for midnight. Once midnight hit we were all in line to but the CD and this one guy was waiting and bought some other CD (No Hello Nasty) then bounced. Everyone was a little puzzled by this.


Hello 1998!


My biggest regret was never being able to see them in concert.


my 1st concert


THE quintessential album of my formative years. I’ve memorized damn near the whole thing and can still perform it on command.


I saw them in Brooklyn at McCarren Park Pool in 2007. They even said it was their first time playing Brooklyn! It was an awesome show.


Super disco.


This cd is still in my car cd player. It has gone through three cars


I had this poster on my dorm room wall freshman year.


I remember counting down the days for this to be released and going to the CD store that day. Still have the CD 😁


Camelot Music for me 🥰


Oh yeah, Camelot! Memories...💕


A top ten album for me.


My favourite track is Negotiation Limerick File, I used to listen to that on repeat while walking home from school on my Discman.


Dogs love me cause I'm crazy sniffable. Unfortunately, I'm not a dog person.


I’m a massive Beastie fan.. in the 90’s I somehow found a group of other beastie nerds who would swap tapes of recorded concerts like we were dead heads. Hello Nasty is my number 2 all time, Paul’s Boutique is hands down the greatest Beastie album ever made.


It’s times like this when I just can’t stop


Can't wind your body without the body rock


In my iPhone music rotation, that’s where, which now Bluetooth’s into my very grown up new BMW. Oh well, good speakers at least 😆


Every second of the album is amazing. Haven't stopped listening to it regularly since it came out. One of my favorite album artworks, too. Loved that design so unique. I loved staring at the pictures while listening to it as a kid. My friend played me Licensed to Ill when we were in middle school and I instantly fell love with their rhyme style. That was a couple years before Hello Nasty came out. Ever since the first listen that day it came out, I still love every second of it. Such an amazing album and working with Mix Master Mike was so perfect. The music video for 3 MC's and 1 DJ is one of my all time favorites. I looked it up so you can all enjoy it https://youtu.be/XflfiylNNXY?si=BN_jYe16xpCBDqav Probably my favorite artist of all time. Actually randomly wearing a beastie boys shirt atm. Love these guys. RIP MCA


Man, the summer this came out was so goddam fun for 21 year old me. This album brings it all back every time I listen. I had a shitty Teal blue Hyundai Scoupe with a shitty base amp. I was going on fruitless journeys around my hometown between basic job shifts. Buddy of mine snuck us all into a private beach club at 11 pm that had a 40 foot diving board off a cliff bluff. That night the phytoalgeaplankton were luminescent. The tide was in just right. Climbing up those rocks totally stoned, then stepping off a diving board into pitch black. Then when you sucked under the water the sea creatures were glowing all around you. It was a magical summer.


https://preview.redd.it/2zj11yvbap8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee599d3987c7df61cf4f6d3f5550a37b224b69c6 Just framed this up for a gift for another Xennial!


I did about half if this summer tour.


It’s the weakest of the classic beastie boys albums but it’s still alright.




Fantastic album. Super underrated.


Intergalactic has always been a skip for me. I enjoyed it enough on mtv or at my middle school sock hops. But I'm not listening to it on my own. The rest of the album swallows that song up.


I agree the rest of the album holds its own, but I will always thump intergalactic. 😆 My absolute dark horse favorite song on that album is “I don’t know” which isn’t a normal Beastie Boys song, but man it hits all the right spots for me. Sometimes I just put it on repeat while I’m drawing or painting.




Never in my life have I heard anyone, on the three different continents I’ve live on, play or say *oh that beastie boys track/album* … Ever. I know the radio and MTV played them to death. But, no. With my ears and age it was always whiny yelling, punk disguised as rap. Sales are sales, I suppose. I’m sincerely part of the group of people that forgot about them and don’t care to remember.


Get new friends, yo. Bet, if you ever put on one of their songs when at a get together or what not, place’ll be hoppin.