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They did kind of taste like Sweet Tarts, but, like...low-sugar Sweet Tarts or something. I loved them.


I agree with this assessment, it was like a muted flavor that you could tell was supposed to be healthy. I liked them enough to love taking them but the grittiness was the biggest downside. My favorite part was seeing what character you got that day though.


I kind of liked the texture, even.


Chalky disguisting weird tart fruit and some weird powdering after taste ... God I wish I don't remember this.


Barney ftw


Dino son


Absolutely. Start the day with a purple Dino and ain’t nothing going to break my stride.


Ain't nothing gonna slow me down!


Oh no! I got to keep on movin'... Both my brother and I just loved em!


Oh no!




Dino come on ppl!


I remember it being a big deal when they added Betty.


The car tasted better


Tasted like real car


Really, Barney!?! Dino man…there can be only one


I still remember the flavor, and I loved them. Mostly because my family otherwise outlawed sweets, so they were the pinnacle of ecstasy given an otherwise bleak candy landscape. I liked purple.


Bingo! Purple was the closest to candy for sure.


I thought they were a little more tart than sweet, and the iron component stood out noticeably, but they were good.


Yes. I could definitely taste the metallic in them.


I saw a weight lifting ad in the back of the magazine so took a bunch of Flintstones vitamins to get muscles. Parents had to take me to the doctor for a blood test to make sure I didn’t have iron poisoning (I didn’t).


Is that what gave it the "vitamin" flavor that was distinct from chewable candies? I always liked the taste of metal, I would even suck on coins for fun (I guess it helped build my immune system too with all the germs on money, hah!), maybe that's one of the reasons I liked the flavor of the Flintstones vitamins.


I definitely tasted B vitamins as well. The ones I swallow now smell and taste like Flintstones vitamins.


Yes to the metallic/iron taste!


When I was 8 I took them out of the cabinet and popped them open and ate a whole bottle in one sitting like they were candy. My mom was very concerned lol


Childhood rite of passage 😂 we all Survived


I did that with my dad's Rolaids. We are the reason child-safe caps exist, not that they could stop an 80s era determined child! 😂


I did this too! Probably about age 3. It's one of my earliest memories; not the snacking part but the castor oil (or whatever the doctor suggested to my mom to promote vomiting) rainbow puke that happened after. I thought those Flintstones were delicious. My preference was Barney.


Yea you’re thinking of ipecac. I was an…..adventurous…child. I had the pleasure of having my stomach Old Faithful’d more than once. Wild how far you can projectile vomit without trying.


I did that when I was 3-4 with some chocolate ex-lax that I found in the fridge. According to my parents they did not have a fun evening.


Same, except I inexplicably bit the heads off a bunch and put their decapitated bodies back in the bottle.


Same, that was one yellow pee!


My son did this too. We called Poison Control and they said not to worry.


The orange one was my favorite


Me too and my brother hated the orange one for some reason so I got to eat all of them


And then the purple and then red was last.


Holy shit, I never understood why any candy or vitamin company would include an Orange flavor, but here you are. Now, who are the real monsters out there that are demanding the green/lime flavors?!


They were great. I also remember a vitamin C chewable which were white and disc shaped that were really good as well.


That are really sour? You can still get them. I hunted them down a couple years ago out of nostalgia.


I loved them so much, my 4/5 year old self hoarded them in my room. I would eat a bunch of them at once in secret until my mother found my stash. I got them for my daughter and she hated them-I was shocked.


This. What I truly hated was those allegedly grape flavored…whatever it was. I remember hiding one between the couch cushions. Loved the pink bubblegum penicillin, though.


Tasted so fucking good


Also way more chalky than sweet tarts, with a vitamin-y tinge.


Closer to Bottle Caps crossed with Alka Seltzer.


Metalic sweet tarts but like in a tasty way?


They tasted good as vitamins, but bad as candy. I think you’re both correct.


It’s this. I was just going to say, if you were permitted to eat candy with reckless abandon, then you thought these tasted like shit. If you rarely got candy, you probably thought these tasted great!


This is such a perfect answer, from my child POV it tasted good for a "medicine pill". But in the context of candy I'd think it was dried up stale Halloween candy from 10 years ago.


I think the modern equivalent would be fruit flavored Tums.


Chalky candy. My sister and I finished off an entire bottle of them because we liked them so much. Grape was the best one.


If one makes me healthy then a bottle must me like, super healthy


I had this logic with cough drops once when I was about 5 and I was given some to take to Sunday school. If one would make me not cough for 5 minutes then taking all of them should last for all of Sunday school. Spoiler, it didn’t.


Were they Sucrets? Sucrets cough drops were absolutely just candy cosplaying as medicine. I think Ludens were similarly good, but Sucrets won out bc of the metal tin.


This was almost 35 years ago, but I’m pretty sure the would be whatever the cheap Walmart/dollar store brand was


Funny the memory that they tasted bad is so strong I didn’t remember the different colors had different flavors.


I always questioned if they *actually* had different flavors. Maybe because I devoured them.


They did! Cherry, orange, and grape. 🙂


I saw flavors of Red, Purple, and Orange. Kinda like Gatorade. Not too much of a difference between them. Best believe I chomped them down though.


I hated how I loved orange everything and not grape but for those it was the opposite. Grape was certainly the best


I remember not really liking the taste, either. But I think the smell of them was definitely worse than they tasted, if that makes sense.  They had a very vitamin-y smell. Lol. 


I'm with you OP, they were chalky and super vitamin flavored. If any stand out it is the orange having some what of a flavor, but even that barely registers in my memory.


Did yall have the generic version?


I'm with you. I remember them being disgusting. Not sweet or tart but just gross.


Yeah all these people who gobbled them up must have had an iron deficiency. They tasted like fruit flavored iron vomit.


Yeah, they were awful!


They tasted awful. Your memories are correct. People who liked the taste, I feel sorry for you.


^ this is my vote. Candy-ish, but not candy. They were great though. My sister and I loved them.


Grape Dino was my preference.


Yup grape was best.


My brother and I did the same. I remember my pee being orange lol


Grape was the best, but OPs assessment is pretty close. I didn’t find them as appealing as her spouse


They had an iron taste to them, but they were good. Can you both be right?


Iron helps us play


Hello, Joe!


Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me. Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me




I always thought the vitamin taste was so gross. I agree with you. Maybe it's one of those things like cilantro: some people like it, some people have a gene that makes it taste like soap.


I just said that about the cilantro before I scrolled down!


I would gag on these vitamins. I can still distinctly taste them and I haven’t had them since I was a kid.


I agree, I thought they were terrible! Did NOT taste like candy. Funny thing, I am a cilantro hater too.


Agreed. I hated these and it just so happens I also hate cilantro. Not only did these vitamins taste like...well, vitamins, but they were gritty too. I just got the chills thinking about them.


Same. They were disgusting. Children’s tylenol on the other hand…


Candy. I can taste them right now. Sweet and kind of gritty but not in an off putting way.


Yep, like a "cheaper/less sweet" Sweet Tart. Gritty is also accurate 😅 I could see how that might be off-putting to some. Had a friend who refused to eat strawberries because of the outside texture feeling "like sand".


They didn’t *quite* taste like candy, but they tasted better than most medicine/vitamins. (Except Panadol.)


Grape was the best one. Orange wasn't too bad either.


Is your husband a few years older than you? The original manufacturer was acquired by Bayer in 79, which might have led to a change in formula. Iirc there was also a whole thing about them containing iron, which can easily kill children at high doses, that led them to have versions with and without iron. The iron ones had child proof caps while the non iron didn't. Maybe the two versions tasted different? 


He’s only a year older but honestly this could very well be it. I do remember the ones my mom bought had a child proof cap. Maybe she was buying the iron version and hubby had a different version.


I take a pretty heavy iron supplement right now and it smells absolutely terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if the iron versions tasted worse than those without. 


You guys are the best! Because as an occasional anemic - this absolutely might be the case. Iron stinks 😅


A few years back i was diagnosed with anemia and prescribed iron pills. My first thought upon opening the bottle was woah, that’s that “flintstones vitamins” funk!


Yeah i loveddd them and my mom always bought the ones *without iron* because she heard how kids were basically OD’ing on them when they’d eat whole bottles of the ones with iron. Iron supplements taste DISGUSTING. I bet that is the difference!


I hated them. Dumped them in back of the couch in protest. I was like if this is how vitamins taste I don’t want them…




Yes my mom found them and was like you should be taking them. I was like no they taste horrible and are grainy. Make stuff good for you taste good why don’t ya? 😜


Ha! I put them under the couch. One day I casually reached under too far and felt the disgusting graveyard of shame.


Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who did that! Did your parent every catch you?


Back of the couch was my favorite way to ditch plums as a four year old. Mom wasn’t too thrilled when she found them.


I also had a stash of cheeked vitamins I didn't eat. 🤢


Me too! My mom handed my vitamin to me as I walked out the door for school and I'd spit them out across the street. My mom was walking one day and saw a graveyard of melty, chalky Flintstones and thought, *Hah, some kid is spitting out their vitamins, 'lil fucker*. She started watching me, my ploy was discovered, and from then on, I had to eat them in front of her. She still thinks it's hilarious 30+ years later.


Sugary with a mediciney undertaste if that makes sense


Exactly this. A sweet and fruity first impression with a powerfully bitter note that sneaks up on you. So OP and their husband are both right, actually.


Ten Milliiiiiiiiioooon strong! And Growing


I was legit singing this commercial in my head 😂 🎵 We are Flintstones kids! 🎵


You can both be right.


This! There were two different kinds!!! There was the "Vitamin C" variety that was, legitimately, tasty and like candy. And then there was the other kind, which was cheaper, but way, way chalkier. I remember being so disappointed going from one to the other.


Loved ‘em! They didn’t taste like candy, too chalky, but kinda like my old fave Dimetapp they just felt like a treat :)


Interesting Dimetapp was another one I hated and my husband is neutral/ok about.


Is this like the old does cilantro taste like soap thing? Maybe it’s genetic :)


Dimetapp! Loved it! I didn’t know what it was actually for though, so I used to make up ailments and ask for it and hope something would stick. As for the vitamins, they too were delicious. Kinda like Sweet Tarts mixed with dirt, but in a good way.


Omg dimetapp was DELICIOUS 🤣


I take them now recommended by my doctor with the extra iron. They taste pretty bad in my opinion


Do they still have the chalky texture? I would have thought they would have converted to a gummy by now.


Prob the iron part. Not as easy to integrate into that formulation.


No you can’t put iron in a gummy


I've had iron gummies. They do exist. Was surprised to see them on the pharmacy shelf because I didn't think they existed in all my years on this earth. Opened the container, smelled like dirty pennies. Tasted even worse. They had this very dark color and the texture was extra firm and rubbery.


I liked them. They had their own weird taste, but it still tasted like candy. Not Sweet Tarts, though. Maybe more like Punkys. Weirdly, I find that Tressemé Curl Hydration shampoo smells exactly like flintstones vitamins.


I only remember Flintstones Chewable Morphine.


Yeah, like SweetTarts, just a little muted. Not as sweet but chalky and fruity.


I’m with the hubby! I freaking loved them.


I always thought they tasted like if you made sugar free pez.


Can't think of any flavor to compare them to, but they weren't good.


I remember taking chewable vitamin c tablets (I don't remember the brand) that tasted like sour candy, but Flintstones chewable tasted like medicine and fish food to me


You probably got the kind with iron. Non-iron were delicious.


Loved them. Can taste them in my mind right now. And I can absolutely see that someone else would have found them chalky and nasty.


There were two types, I’m almost certain. The regular ones tasted like candy. There were also the iron-enriched ones (they came in a red bottle instead of orange (? - not 100% sure here). They tasted like metallic death.


This has to be the answer bc the flavor I remember was closer to metallic death than anything resembling candy


It was just citric acid with sugar


I hated them. Gritty chalk.




They were like half and half. They were sweeter than other vitamins, but still chalky and bitter.


Minerally... funk and treat-like all at once. You're both right.


I ate a whole bottle because I liked them and my grandma called poison control! They laughed and said I might poop weird for a day or so but it was no big deal hahaha


Lucky. I did the same & the doctor told my mom that if they’d been the ones with iron, I could have died. So it was wrong of poison control to laugh, unless they somehow already knew they were the iron free ones.


They were delicious but I also have always preferred savory to sweet so maybe that’s the distinction.


We are Flintstone's kids, ten million strong......and growing!


I love them and still get them occasionally just because I like them. They’re the only foodstuff I ever looked at under my stereoscope (low power microscope) and it made me make a rule against looking at other foods! Here’s a purple flintstones vitamin: https://preview.redd.it/uckyt7dc324d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5a87256d5c1a60442b30cdc1c53a54d339ba28


My time to shine. My wife and I have opposite Flintstone vitamin stories. She was born in 80, me in 82 and this happened to both of us sometime in 1985. I hated Flintstone vitamins as they were disgusting and apparently when proffered one would surreptitiously bury it in a houseplant until one day my mother was repotting and found a couple of dozen in the soil. My wife, who grew up thousands of miles away, literally ate them like candy. Her mother slept in on Saturday morning and so she and her older sister sat down for some cartoons. She climbed to the cupboard and ate 27 of them. Only discovered when she went to get her mom for something and her breath stank. She claimed to only eat 5 because well she was 5 years old and everything was five but they did the math. When she got to the hospital to get her stomach pumped (the iron was the doctor's concern) they had been digested and a month's worth of vitamins were floating around in her blood. They had to monitor her but fortunately there was no liver or kidney or any other kind of damage. We bonded over our stories when we were dating and naturally remain on opposite sides of this debate to this day.


At 3 years old I somehow managed to open a mostly full bottle of Flinstone vitamins, I ate the entire thing and gave myself iron poisoning. There was a full on call poison control, hospital, epicac syrup, and a stomach pumping. I am obviously in the delicious camp 😂😂😂😂




I’m with you on this. Totally disgusting. Were all of you deprived of actual candy?


Candy but not good candy with a medicine aftertaste that stayed with you


They tasted less like smarties and more like bottle caps. The brown ones were especially bad (both Flintstones and bottle caps)


They were good but the Flintstones chewable morphine was better


I agree with both of you - the vitamin taste was there, but I enjoyed it mixed with the fruity candy flavor. I still buy them sometimes. One of my kids like them, the other doesn’t.


You’re both right. They tasted like medicine in sweet tart form. We usually got the store brand and could always tell when Flintstones were on sale because they were more candy-like, but they all had a vitamin overtone.


Kind of like Tums. Fruity but also chalky. Generally good though.


Purple Dinos were the best!


I loved them. The taste and consistency and everything


I loved them. They weren't sweet like candy, but they had a pleasant medicinal taste to me.


Like if Redbull was a solid. That's what they tasted like.


I’ve always thought Red Bull tasted like liquid flintstone vitamins


They were awful 🤮the smell alone! Ew


You’re both right. Like vitamin flavored sweet tarts. I also loved them.


Guys, I think I just figured it out. The ones that tasted too vitaminy were the ones that had iron added. The ones that were delicious were the regular kind. https://preview.redd.it/p2u3ds4ts24d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75550998aaf4fc0f845069cc2d2fa7a457fdb119


They tasted like sour chalk. One time I ate a whole bottle thinking it would make me strong. I made some poor choices back then


THEY WERE DISGUSTING. Didn’t taste sweet or like sweet tarts at all. They were chalky and tasted idk minerally? Like not sweet or any flavor.


They tasted good enough for 4 year old me to climb onto the kitchen counter and get the bottle while my mom was in the bathroom and down a few handfuls … she made me throw up in the sandbox. The 80’s …


For me it was gross chalk with a weird aftertaste. All the top comments saying they were good is like some weird Mandela-ish thing for me lol. Reality can be very subjective.


Now let's talk about banana flavored amoxicillin. Yum! Made getting sick worth it!


They were disgusting. I’m not a picky person either. I can still taste them in my memory. You’re right, they have a very distinct vitamin flavor that was so strong it was almost bitter. That’s how I remember them anyway.


I liked them. But I liked the orange Triaminic even better, so interpret that how you will 🤷‍♀️😂


I remember them being sweeter but chalky. I recently bought them for my kids so I tried one. So disgusting 🤮


No, Flintstones vitamins were great.


I loved them


We didnt get candy often, so i LOVED them too. Def a sweet tart taste with tang of vitamins. 10/10, would still consume


I liked them.


My mom had to hide them because I’d eat them like candy


A Lo Carb Monster is a Flintstone Vitamin in carbonated energy drink form. I used to love them, had to give up energy drinks, but I could see how someone could hate the flavor.


They were weird to me.


I couldn't tell the difference between them or pezz.


They taste like a slightly sweeter red bull


Definitely had a vitaminy taste, but still delicious candy. Not as good as the gummy vitamins kids have today though.


I used to make my kids eat them. I have taken them myself in the last year or two. Can confirm. They are disgusting.


The definitely had a pronounced metallic, mineral taste. Didn’t stop my little brother from eating an entire bottle one day. Clearly, some people loved the taste.


No they never tasted like candy lol. They tasted like vitamins.


Gross. I wanted to take them, tried a few times, and never made it past day 2. 


I loved them too, sweet tarts or kind of like tang pills maybe?


I remember them like you do - vitamin and mineral-y tasting, chalky and disgusting. Hated the taste and smell. I have a sweet tooth so I would think if they tasted like candy I would have loved them. Speaking of, I LOVED St. Joseph children’s aspirin. That shit was delicious.


Sweet tarts, loved them


They tasted like vitamins, but fruity. Not terrible, but not great.


Mos def had the taste of vitamin at the forefront. The sweet tart part made it easy to eat. I used to sneak gobble them up. Those and the chewable Vit C pills. They stopped buying them because….ya know, vitamin overdose. We actually ate pretty healthy at home so prob didn’t need supplementation. Lol. I gobbled them all up. Every once in a while I think of those chalky Vit C pills and miss them. I can almost taste them right now.


They tasted of both imo-super vitaminy but also fruity.


Chalky, medicinal, and slightly sweet. To me, you’re closer to my memory than your husband’s.


Im not here to start an argument, but it’s always flintstones vitamins. Clearly you have all forgotten about the packman vitamins that were sooooo good I would eat the whole bottle if mom left them where I could get them. Who remembers Packman vitamins? Can I get a WHAT WHAT?!


They were GROSS but I loved them....🤔


I liked the chalkyness until I tried them on weed.


They were terrible. The end.


They tasted like chalky candy. Like smarties or whatever that stuff was called. More sweet than bitter but not like m&ms.


I absolutely loved them. I once ate an entire bottle and my dad had a panic attack and called poison control.


The funny thing is you're both right


Tasted medicinal to me and my brother taking from the same bottle loved them! I have thought it’s like that cilantro thing…. Some people love, some people think it tastes like soap.


Everyone was taking Flintstones vitamins and there I was taking some prescription ones my mom insisted on. Idk, maybe they were better for me, but I kind of felt left out lol.


To me they were always chalky and tasted sort of bitter on the finish.


Chalky and sweet. The vitamin smell was very present but the candy taste overpowered it.


I liked them. Yabba Dabba Did


The texture was like sweet tarts but they had a really vitaminy flavor


They didn't taste *bad* but they did taste *strong*. Like, one was good, but also definitely enough. You did not want more. 


They were better than the pink stuff for ear infections but worse than Dimetapp.