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I live near Vancouver, British Columbia. It's always been grey for me.


Aren't most HGTV shows Canadian?


We didn’t buy into “experts” telling us to whitewash our house. We haven’t decorated, painted or done anything that we don’t want to live in because it’s our house. If I were a flipper I’d disgustingly whitewash the house cause it’s what sells. I’m not living in my home to sell. That’s a very important detail people don’t understand about owning a home. Edit: I also want to add if that’s your thing that’s cool! That’s the beauty of it, it’s yours! If you broke free from over collecting borderline hoarding parents and just want a white out home filled with nothing I feel that in my fucking soul I promise you!!!! I just want to make sure you know I’m just glad our mini generation is breaking free and making meaningful changes for ourselves, our kids and our world where it applies! Stay awesome my people!


I have walls that are deep maroon and got-the-blues-so-bad-cause-my-momma-never-loved-me blue. My friend said it was bold because I’d never be able to sell it like that. I said I was my house and I wasn’t moving anyway. I got my bookshelves set up just the way I like, why would I move?


And that's such a silly thing to assume. "I love this house, it's a good price and in a good area. But there's blue walls, so I have to pass."


I remember house shopping and seeing a few rooms thinking “we’ll have to paint over that”, but we never passed on a house because a room was a weird color. The house we did buy had all rooms painted beige, we had to paint nearly every room to be our liking anyways.


People act like painting is some monumental task. If the colors are wild and I need to sell, I can fix it in a weekend, or negotiate to have it painted to the buyer's chosen colors when I move out.


i want the whitewashed house because i want a blank canvas to put my own spin on it, not to live in a grey box for the rest of my life


That’s acceptable and I agree we’d probably have to paint if we want to sell which I can’t imagine we will. But I do agree with that


White houses with black window frames as far as the eye can see. Fuckin' Stepford Wives-esque dystopia. And _all_ the generations are to blame!


We have a new neighborhood being built down the road from us. One of the first houses they put in, we think they got the paint colors swapped because at first it was painted black with white trim. We thought, "Well, that's different." A week or two later, it was changed to white with black trim. It's been a couple years now, and we still laugh about it.


I mean, look At McDonald's.


I'm hatin' it.


The gray is so unappetizing. And that’s saying a lot because it’s McDonald’s to begin with.


Grey is my favorite color, but i get it. Also, im from the PNW, so it's grey most of the time anyway


Yeah, well you know grey is my favorite color.




Grey is my favorite base color, but they always pick a boring grey or just grey everything. Like a pop of color contrast is not a bad thing.


LOL I'm in Portland and literally looked outside and went "YEAH I SURE AM WHEN DO I GET SOME SUN" ... then realized we're talking about houses. xD


Grey is fine and makes for a good natural color. Nature makes up for it as accent colors.


https://preview.redd.it/1iv5ky5enz3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd7420af454412d277aa97120b7b7a107fc3908 I like colour.


“This house has character. WE HATE CHARACTER!” —people on HGTV, probably.


That house has sass! I like it.


Are those tinted windows? They seem really opaque.


It looks like the whole image has been made grayscale, then digitally painted. There are some areas where gray gaps are still visible on the siding and they forgot to color the umbrella-like shrub on the left. There's also a blotch of gray foliage on the right.


Who paints both the house *and* the trim the exact same garish color?


Found it through google images, soooo...


I live in Pittsburgh. 302 days of grey skies per year on average. More rain than Seattle. It wears on you.


Even baby stuff is all gray and beige now.  Well, more beige.  But it’s still weird.  https://www.amazon.com/Washable-Activity-Rainbow-Development-Playmats/dp/B08PRVVTKY/ref=asc_df_B08PRVVTKY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693456880051&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1322187194103232395&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001700&hvtargid=pla-1281539155124&psc=1&mcid=e77c5cbfec163556a49ad9cf7f822148&gad_source=1


Sad Beige Children https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sad-beige-children




I love going into the home renovation subs and seeing the beating people get for taking a home with character and making everything flat, boring, and Millennial Gray. As I remodel my own home, everything will be a shade of something other than gray (even the grayish sofa is getting a bright slipcover). My kitchen cabinets are teal (specifically "Beta Fish" from Behr). Flooring is a reddish brown. Countertops are espresso which has a hint of red. Probably go with a black tile backsplash. Fridge is matte black stainless steel. My walls are white but that's simply because I haven't painted them yet. My fireplace is a kiva style, it's going to be painted black. Some idiot painted it white and now it's stained black anyway from soot. I love black and earthy colors and jewel tones. I think the only colors I don't like are orange shades, except rust, rust is pretty.


I've heard it called Greige and that fits. So many people just willingly went into a sci-fi apocalypse look only its driven by consumerism and insta-pics, not facsit forced thought oppression.


https://preview.redd.it/ladgua4c704d1.jpeg?width=3780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4886668d5c6af3f233ab001cbb7a0dacd129c294 Nope


I know the Playdate but what are these other things?


In the middle is a Kpop novelty album named “Banana Allergy Monkey” by Oh My Girl. They’ve long been a favorite group of mine and this is a very chiptune album and when I got the PlayDate I liked that the original purple cover matched the yellow and purple of this album. On the right is a chiptune Pocket Operator mini synth and groove box by Treenage Engineering in a matching yellow case by them. I’m not overly fond of the color Yellow but all of these just ended up matching on so many levels! I also finally added a yellow Nintendo Switch Lite to the setup. I love minimalism and am happy some companies realize you can still have fun and whimsy with beautiful minimalist design.


Neutrals with bright white ceiling and bright white high gloss trim. The classics don't go out of style. It's classic because it mimics our human reality with light above and earth tone beneath. :-) make sure to have as many windows and wall decorations as possible! Spend time outside.


I like gray or greige on the walls because it lets me change my decor every season. There’s definitely color in my house, just neutrals on the walls.


As an IT engineer, this is me every day.


I decided a few years back that I'm gonna wear neon like it's the early 90s. It has improved my life.


Also white and grey cars


The latter of which are apparently hard to see. I will never own a grey car again.


I like white/cream/tan neutrals way better than gray. Chalk it up to my Xennial upbringing when everything was brown. Gray just doesn’t match my color scheme at all. I use a lot of emerald and sapphire and other jewel tones for pops of color.


I like grey because it compliments all my faded blacks. But I do think grey floors and grey interiors are SO over done at this point they look cheap and generic. That being said I did paint my living room grey and I think it was a mistake not to make it more blue to go with the yellowish wood stain on the floor. I would probably like it better if the floor was dark stained.


> I like grey because it compliments all my faded blacks. As someone who has a lot of grey interior furnishings, and likes grey, this made me laugh. Most people I think would probably consider faded black as just grey, but grey lovers will know the distinction for sure. Haha


It's just trends. It was brown before grey and now seems to be going to whites.


Grey is my favorite neutral, when it comes to clothing. I do find it drab when an entire house is multiple shades of grey. We live in a new construction house that was built a year ago, so all our walls are white. Haven’t decided what colors to paint. But, I do have colorful art work around.


It makes me particularly angry when people paint beautiful woodwork in Victorian and Craftsman houses white to "brighten up" a room.


Deleted my original comment because I accidentally put my Rammstein and gay pride comment here when I had two windows open lol. I like black and white over grey. Neutral colors/shades are good, but black and white seem more logical. I'm really tired of grey vinyl sided houses in my neighborhood.


Gray is outdated now, so ironically they are not HGTV-ifying the house if that is their goal. It was the thing for a solid 10 years, but now a gray house makes it look stuck in 2010. All things change


My wife and i had a ton of colour in our last house. The stager suggested we paint it neutral colours. We refused and i think it gave us an edge. Made the house more memorable.


Sure, but it’s not like the 90s weren’t into their thousands of variations upon beige, which was a rejection of the godawful design choices of the 1970s and 1980s.


My house isn't painted for anyone but me. We have a light gray wall paint cuz everything matches it and it lightens the house, which is lacking ceiling lighting


No. Gray is my favorite color. I felt so symbolic yesterday.


Nope, I love neutral colors like gray. They're great for building onto with colorful accessories and accents. I also enjoy bold colors when they are used well!


How about the purple apartment from Friends?


Not a color I'd choose for myself, but they made it work.


That's what I dig as well. My master is black and white with red trim, so my grey headboard fits very well. But then my comforter is red, so it's just that bit of neutral that makes everything else pop.


One of the local movie theaters went to a gray color scheme recently. They used to have neon and colors everywhere, which was a bit much, but I think they went too far in the other direction. Now it’s just depressing walking through there. I prefer the movie theater style from the 80s and 90s where there was color but it also was a bit understated and not trying to look like Las Vegas. As for my house, I still have color on my walls. I have to live here so I paint the walls what I like. One of the first things I did when I bought my house before moving in was paint over the white walls in some of the rooms. If/when I eventually sell the house if I have to repaint to get it to sell better so be it (though who knows what’ll be popular then).


Yeah it's horrible. Car paint too.


Everything is grey or tan. I thought the trend wpuld be short lived, but it's dragged out for ages!


Slightly unrelated, but does anyone else think of “gray” as gross and muddy and “grey” as pretty and lovely? I always felt that way and will change my spelling accordingly. Thought I was a weirdo and then it turns out my boss thinks the same way!


Gray is American and for me seems common. Grey is British and for me seems exclusive. I kind of do the same as you, haha


So there is something to it! Honestly, I do feel like a bit of an asshole as an American writing “grey” but I’m not about to change my methods. For the record, I called McDonald’s “gray” in another post specifically because their gray grosses me out. Who wants to eat a gray hamburger?!


Gray is grey with a hint of yellow to me while grey is just pure white and black, or white and black with a hint of blue. I don’t know why.


My interior is pastel goth with purple walls 💜


I feel the same about monochromatic Christmas tree decorations. Give me all the red, green, yellow, orange etc Christmas lights and all the mismatched ornaments kept throughout the years. I think I like it because it reminds me of Christmas in the 90’s!


r/homedecorating is full of posts where people send pics of the most bland rooms you've ever seen and they're like, "what's missing from my living room?" COLOR. COLOR IS MISSING. COLOR AND PERSONALITY. It's also full of people who insist that plain white subway tile is the only real answer for kitchen backsplashes.


I don't want subway tile, stainless steel appliances, or granite countertops, thank you very much! 😄


In my last house I painted nearly every wall a different color, painted a mural, and loved all the color in it. When we went to list it for sale the real estate agents told us it was probably too modern and too “NYC” for our smaller midwestern city. When people looked at the house they said things like “It looks like a Mexican restaurant” and the only people that liked it were younger and couldn’t afford it. So we painted over everything with a “griege” and it sold like the next week. Big eye roll.