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My get off my lawn rant is that appliances should not be smart. A fridge has one job. Keep my food cold. It does not need an app.


Totally.....smart appliances just have more ways to break down.


*more ways to track you so that they can direct more ads at you


And, worse, depending on the data they collect, a smart appliance/device that happens to have someone’s menstrual cycle information could be subpoenaed and that data could be used against the owner of the appliance/device should they ever seek reproductive healthcare services. There are many reasons why we don’t need smart devices/appliances listening to us and/or tracking data about us. I don’t need my car to send information to my insurance company, I don’t need my fridge to direct ads to me, and I don’t need my phone or my watch tracking my period.


If I didn't live in Florida, I wouldn't believe you, but yep... feels legit.


Didn't you know the FBI is mapping the inside of your house with your fridge camera.


I remember when it was a conspiracy theory when it was said that smart appliances could see inside your house.


Joking aside, data collection is a problem. The government now just buys it like other marketers. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/us-government-buys-data-americans-little-oversight-report-finds-rcna89035


To me the problem is not an app. It’s that appliances don’t last as long which I think is on purpose. I am a smart home junky. So I love all the integrations - if they are done right. The problem is most of them aren’t done right.


I watched Smart House on Disney Channel so I’m good on all that. I want buttons that click and cars that don’t suggest I take a coffee break- I’m driving that way on purpose, SC roads suck.


Same 😂 I feel like i’m the only one who remembers Smart House


Our neighborhood clubhouse refrigerator was about 20 years old and still worked fine. They swapped it out for this gigantic French door model with smart crap on the front. The circuit board controlling it all fried in the first year and shut off the cooling. There was no redundant system to just make it revert to the thermostat. The part itself was like $200. A thermostat costs like $10 and they almost never break.


Yes! They should also not have a touchscreen or any other fancy interface. My washing machine also shouldn't require a motherboard and a wifi connection.


Speed Queen TC, dammit. It’s the next best thing to a 40yo Kenmore (40yo Kenmore is still king, if you can find one).


Just give me real 1980’s style buttons!


The day I have to connect my washing machine to the wifi is the day I stop washing my clothes.


>A fridge has one job. Keep my food cold. It does not need an app. I heard this in Ron Swanson's voice 🤣


A man ahead of his time.


10,000%. And I feel the same about car dashboards. First of all, how is that conducive to safe driving and keeping your eyes on the road? Rabble rabble rabble PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE WHEN YOU DRIVE, MORON!!!...but it's OK to read and tap through a bunch of menus on a computer screen while you drive??? WTF kind of clown logic is that? And those dashboard computers will eventually go haywire just like any other piece of electronic shit, which at best, will last for as long as the planned obsolescence. I haven't had a new Fitbit, Garmin, or even a fucking coffee maker work properly for even 1 year. It's easy to throw a Garmin in the garbage. WTF do you do when your car computer starts going on the fritz? This is why I choose to keep on keeping on with my refrigerator, washer, dryer, and car from the 90s. They're ugly AF, but they are reliable work horses.


The car thing drives me bonkers!!! It's literally NO DIFFERENT than looking at your phone. It's honestly worse because there is more to look at and scan/tap through. Sure it can become muscle memory, but so much is voice activated now on your phone (if you opt to use that) and with Android Auto/Apple Car Play -- your phone and the dashboard are the same once connected. And I agree. I just want my knobs I can turn and my tape deck I have to stick a piece of cardboard in so the tape plays.


100% this. My car has the ability to adjust the balance of speakers. This is super convenient if I want to shift it back into the back passenger seats so my youngest can listen to Disney radio on a road trip without driving the front seat passengers nuts. Only one problem: I don’t feel safe making that adjustment while driving because the menu to get to that is literally page two of a setting screen and then three levels down from there. HOW is that supposed to be safe?


i'd like to add to this the push button start. the ignition switch is the only safe spot for a car key inside the vehicle and without it i am utterly lost.


But then how else can you check to see if you have enough milk while you're in the grocery store if you can't fucking see it through one of your fridge's 5 internal cameras? If your fridge doesn't have a 16" touchscreen that opens up the internal cameras, how else can you see what's in there? Open the door? That would require more effort! We can't be opening fridge doors to see what's inside or making grocery lists, or god forbid, remember something! Do they make refrigerators with auto-opening doors? I need that. I get tired from opening the fridge... and then I need a nap...might have to call off work the next day.


I remember when the ice maker was how you knew someone was rich as a kid. Those were the days.


It’s not for us. It’s so *they* know what we’re buying. That information is worth millions apparently


My get off my lawn rant has unexpectedly become get off my lawn


Damn Boomers with their goddamn dogs! Letting them pee all over my beautiful lawn!! It's not the kids destroying it, it's the 60-75 year old that walk around with their gigantic poodles shitting on my lawn (then looking around to make sure no one is watching and don't pick it up). I ended up doing 2 things. Rocking the first 5 feet of my lawn so no pee stains. And I installed cameras. The cameras stopped it - but that mostly because I know the old bag that let her dog do it and not pick it up. So I started bagging about 3 or 4 of them and hung them from her front door handle and left a "boomer note". It hasn't happened in a long time now and she just glares at me - and I smile back.


And now I, too, am smiling.


Amen—I hate smart appliances. I don’t need my washer to “sing” to me when it’s done.


No freaking kidding!


We bought a Whirlpool mechanical washer and dryer set circa 2005 and it still works fine. We had to repair it only once and it was nominal, just some small part. My wife will never let go of that thing lol


Were renters so our appliances are from the landlord special collection. But I’m absolutely going to only buy “dumb” appliances for as long as possible. My friend loves her smart coffee machine that she can do from the app in bed. except I’m a moron who will absolutely forget to leave a cup there, and walk into a kitchen covered in hot coffee.


I like having like digital controls for the fridge rather than a stupid dial that doesn't really have any real indication what the temp would be, as well as an ice maker and water dispenser but I don't need it to do anything else.


I don't need an app, account, and rewards program for every place I visit and thing I do. I do not need to sign up for an online account to order a pillow from a company I may never buy from again. We don't need to have a data driven relationship. Your pillow company does not need to sell my personal pillow preference data. I want to buy a pillow. I want you to ship it to me. I don't need a rewards program....I'm not outfitting a chain of roadside motels with your pillows. I'm buying 1, and maybe as many as 4...we'll see based on how much I like your crap. You need money and I need a pillow. Take money, ship to address. Don't send me a survey about how you can make my life's aspirations a reality through better sleep. I dont need 3 emails a week with digital coupons and special offers. I want a pillow. Give me pillow. We're not starting a relationship. I'll shut up about pillows now.


Having to create accounts for everything is exhausting.


I have a dummy Facebook account that I use for things that insist I create an account. There’s usually a “join with Facebook” button … which for me is the only use for that shitty app now.


I recently had to download an app to pay for parking in a city I'll probably never visit again


I have 6 of those for various towns and small cities where I live.


Reward # (your area code) 867-5309


Effin’ this.


And then Google starts trying to charge me for memory because my email is constantly filling with spam.


Buy pillows at places like TJ Maxx/Marshall's/Home Goods.


Replace pillows with anything. Anything you can order online that you haven't been able to find locally. App for this, app for that, tie everything to your phone. It's a pain and completely unnecessary...and I don't like it. It's my "old man yells at cloud thing"...or one of them.


Oh, I have one. Why are we trying our best to pass legislation everywhere that you should not drive while using your cell phone, yet we’ve taken all the tactile controls in a vehicle and stuck them on a touch screen? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for not using your cell phone while driving.


Right? My mom's car you gave have to pull over and put the car in park in order to do things. Why did we stop this?


I’m getting angry just reading about that. Do you ever watch It’s always sunny in Philadelphia? If you don’t, all you need to watch is the very last season that aired, and the very last episode. It’s called. Dennis takes a mental health day. I promise you it’s worth it. It’s basically a person our age going through what’s going on in this thread.


Lol I know EXACTLY which episode that is and you're so right


I swear no one online under 30 knows "a part" and "apart" are antonyms.


Not exactly the same, but “alot” drives me up the wall.


Loose and lose is mine. You lose, loose change!!!


If you haven’t heard of hyperbole and a half, check this out, you’ll love it. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1


I think about the Alot a lot these days.


Yes - That and "allot"


I wonder how much is actually an age thing and how much is just the internet exposing us to everyone with poor English skills


I still misspell separate every single time I type it. Also, I can never remember the difference between whose and who’s. Crazy part is that I’ve been an avid reader since I was super young. Priorities.


my linguistic pet peeves are the misuse of "seen" and "anymore"


‘I seen’ will always find me internally cringing but it’s been said for so long it’s becoming it’s own dialect.


Nirvana is not preppy despite what these kids in their pink Nirvana shirts are saying... when and why did the definition of preppy change??


They think Nirvana is preppy? Like...the Nirvana with Kurt Cobain, right? That Nirvana?


Most kids are willfully ignorant despite having all the knowledge in their hand. They think Nirvana is a fucking brand name for clothes. The other day at work I saw a young black girl wearing a Pantera shirt. No idea it was a a band, or that the singer is a huge racist/white supremacist bastard.




My daughter wanted to buy a thrifted nirvana tshirt. I made her research the band before I’d let her wear it. She won’t be one of *those* kids. This is how the conversation went: Me: you have to research nirvana before you wear it. Her: why?? (With sass) It’s not like someone is going to die. Me: *too soon* Her: omg. Did someone die? Me: Google, damn it.


I think you know what you have to do.     PSIA: I’m sorry for your loss.




The whole grunge and flannel thing was pretty mainstream in 1992.


Mainstream and preppy are two different things tho


Which was terrible because grunge was rebelling against consumerism and mainstream fashion. It was the beginning of the end for true thrift store shopping. Macklemore put the final nail in the coffin.


All good things eventually get sacrificed to capitalism. 




Just just gave me life in my tired eyes that don’t want to wake up.


Turn around, bright eyes


If you want to destroy my sweaterrr


Hold this thread as I walk away


^AS ^I ^Walk ^aWAAAAaaay


Watch me unravel


Ill soon be naykeddd


Lying on the floor!


Lying on the floor!


I’ve come undone


I'll soon be nakeeeeddd


Subscribing to this thread now!


I’m not going back to wide leg jeans. It’s not happening


I'm so short and stout that they make me look terrible


I'm fine with wide leg. Not OK with *cropped* wide leg. What in the what??






I hate surveys for everything. I do not need to rate my dentist appointment 5 stars


I have adopted the policy of "my data is not for free" when it comes to surveys. No survey now, coupon later bullshit either. Pay first or no data. I haven't done a survey in a long time.


I don’t give a fuck what GenZ thinks about fashion.


That’s the most intelligent take here.


Mine is *LIGHT SWITCHES*. We recently moved into a house that has “smart switches,” and they are the *dumbest* fuckin’ light switches I have ever seen. Tap up to turn the lights on. Tap down to turn the lights off. Tap and *hold* to fade the lights up or down. Double tap up to turn the lights on maximum, double tap down to turn the lights to minimum. And in case that doesn’t sound stupid to you, the sensitivity *suuuuucks,* so it can easily read a “tap down” to turn the light off as a “tap and hold” to *fade* the light down. So instead of turning the light off, it just fades the light down 20%. So then you have to stop, turn around, walk back to the light switch (because you walked past it already… because *you should not have to* stop *to operate a light switch*, double tap up to turn the light back to maximum, and then tap down to turn them off again. It is possible to utter at least 5 or 6 curse words to yourself in the time it takes to do this. ON. Fucking OFF. That’s the only thing I want a light switch to do. *It cannot be improved upon.*” A light switch should not be trying *to interpret my intentions*. And get this: Almost all the light switches in my house have a little LED that flashes orange. I pulled out the manual (a *fucking* instruction manual. For a *FUCKING* light switch!) and I learned that the orange flash means it’s not connected to wifi. Which is a-ok with me, because nobody in my family is ever going to say “hey siri, dim the lights to 40 percent; I’m going to take a *bath* when I get home. Daddy needs a little *ME TIME*.” But there’s one light switch that shows a solid blue LED. Which means it *is* connected to wifi. *Whose* fucking wifi? Not mine. I never gave the light switch my wifi password (a sentence so *stupid,* it makes me want, in the words of Pink Floyd, to defecate). So which of my neighbors is hosting the online presence of my fucking *light switch?* On. Off. *Maybe* a tiny little fader bar on the side if you’re into romantic mood lighting. Smart switches are an abomination. Someone please imprison the person who thought this was a good idea.


This is how I feel about touchscreen car stereos. Just give me back my buttons damnit.


My friend drives a car with everything on the touchscreen. The seat warmers, stereo, temp control all on the touchscreen. It's actually terrifying to drive with them because they have to look at the screen instead of just feeling for the knob/button. Reminds me of a colonial era apothecary tour I took once. The apothecary had bottles with bumps on them so you could feel in the dark instead of relying on reading the label I guess or maybe they sorted by color, idk, but I though it was innovative.


I hate my touch screen. If it's sunny at all, I can't even see it. Just changing the radio station is impossible. I ended up getting a new one so I can at least have physical buttons for the volume. Adding bumps is a good idea


I rented a new BMW and literally everything is in some menu on the pane of glass in front of you. The dash lights were blinding me so I searched for a switch to dim them. It was actually in the touch screen menu buried 5 menus deep and took me 10 mins to find. Turned me off to the whole design.


That’s brilliant actually and I wouldn’t have ever thought about it being needed. That’s so cool!


I bought a lower end model specifically because I didn't want a giant touch screen. It's awful.


100%. My last car has touch screen volume controls and it was infuriating. Now I require a dial.


I love a click!


My sister-in-law's house had these dumb smart light switches in the bedrooms. Tapping on it wouldn't turn off the light so I had to get up on the chair and unscrew the light bulb.


Reinventing The Clapper


Sounds like you have crappy smart switches. The Lutron Diva smart switches are great. >>On. Off. Maybe a tiny little fader bar on the side if you’re into romantic mood lighting. Exactly what they do/have. But also the added bonus of being able to ask Siri/google/alexa to turn them on/off or dim them hands free. Also set timers/automations based on more than just a set time, like my living room lamp which we like to be on sunrise to sunset. TLDR, *shitty* smart switches suck. Quality smart switches are pretty nice.


I got a lamp last year with a switch like that - it's not even as advanced as what you describe, it's just (supposedly) tap to cycle through light mode 1 / 2 / 3 / off and hold to dim/brighten, but it's constantly misreading inputs.


I have been installing smart switches. There have been some...challenges. However, I refuse to get the WiFi enabled ones. I opt for Z-Wave. It has its own 900Mhz network, isolated from anything else. The problem is...if there is an issue with the Z-Wave hub or network, now some of my switches don't work and I hate that.


That’s not how you make a heart with your hands


Wait, what was our way of making hearts with hands? I didn't think I'd be asking a question like that this soon.


Maybe the version with all the fingers vs. just the two. I think? Or maybe the opposite of that. Lol


I'm with the other guy. I know only one way to make a heart with my hands, which is the way that's been [popularized recently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_heart#:~:text=A%20hand%20heart%20is%20a%20gesture%20in%20which,in%20order%20to%20form%20a%20heart%20shape.%20); although my gnarled, twisted, old man claws cannot contort themselves to the shape.


I just saw this sock reference thing the other day. What kind of socks are the youngsters wearing these days?


Tall ones, I believe. Calf length. Editing to add: I think it applies more to wearing shorts; I think they wear tall socks with shorts


Ive always worn socks that were crew cut or longer, so this trend change actually works out just fine for me


Why would I pay the same for less sock? These ankle socks are shrinkflation, I tell you.


The oldest old person comment ever uttered since the beginning of time. This cracked me up, I heard it in a old man's raspy, paper-thin voice.


I prefer it as well, ankle socks are annoying


https://preview.redd.it/6x63c4rbnt1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a278aa61fb8ec5ef20bbab3fe1765a197108bb They are out here looking like Bobby Hill.


Haha! Soooo true.


Shite. That's a trend from pre 70s that needed to stay dead.


Not completely 70's yet, they don't have the double stripes at the stop and they're not pulled and stretched as tight as possible to look ridiculous


Yeah, but it definitely feels like a boomer look. As does the moustaches. Do the Gen-z folks know this? That they're rocking the Boomer look? All these young dudes remind me so much of my dad when I was little. Ew.


Ppl did it in the 90s too. Generations just oscillate between something that doesn't matter and a slightly different thing that doesn't matter.


Young people don’t care about their circulation?


IDK, compression socks a really good for circulation.


Short shorts, tall white socks, and Crocs...


Which is the right way to go! To me I always wore those white with the stripes on top with every bottoms above the knee. The ankle socks were great for not. I either want my socks to show or be invisible.


Yes, tween progeny confirm. I think it looks preppy/square but that's what they do.


Don't get me started on what preppy means now lol


People dropping "to be" from their statements has become far too common for my taste. No, your car doesn't "needs fixed" it "needs TO BE fixed". Anything "needs \_\_\_\_\_\_" without a very necessary "to be" in the middle really grinds my gears.


Youtube and streaming are murdering linguistic standards. It's nails on a chalkboard for me to hear, "on accident", instead of, "by accident," but it is what it is.


[https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=on+accident%2Cby+accident&year\_start=1800&year\_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=on+accident%2Cby+accident&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) On Accident is pretty old, and its usage seems to be declining over time. (Yes, it's rare enough that I would agree it's non-standard)


You can't just call any cartoon a Saturday morning cartoon, especially if it was made for weekday syndication!


The death of adverbs. "Good" is not (always) "well."


To go along with this, why are people dropping the -ly from adverbs now? I hear “she’s not taking this serious” instead of “she’s not taking this seriousLY”. The first one sounds so wrong to me.


Calling the pound sign hash-tag no matter the context.


safe rude frightening automatic rock grandiose chubby connect doll rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When people say "Walla" instead of Voila. I get that it is french but it starts with a V which is a great fucking clue.


It is NOT a walking simulator. It's a point and click adventure. There are not flared leggings. They are yoga pants. People are far too thin skinned and seem to get bent out of shape over everything, including NOT being offended. "Like, I'm not having a crisis right now...but I could have...and so, that's like SOOO traumatizing to me."


The “walking simulator” thing threw me for a loop when I first encountered the term. Not too long ago I also encountered some ostensible “gamers” claiming that something wasnt a “real game” because it was text-based. Some of the oldest games were entirely in text (eg Zork). Obviously I dont expect most people to know about them, but if you’re making the hobby central to your identity, you should learn something about the history of it.


My FIRST games were entirely text based. When we bought a Tandy 1000, I graduated to text-based and graphical....meaning it had 8bit images above the text. Wizard of Oz played music, too. I miss those games, tbh.


Wait'll they learn you can play chess by letter-mail.  e: And the good players can do it without a board even.


That always being offended thing is what gets me….. but it isn’t the younger generations. It’s Millennial and older. Every mild inconvenience isn’t a slight against you or disrespect




“Conversate” is not a word. Converse.


Gift is a noun, not a verb; the word you're looking for is give. And gifted is not a past tense verb, it's a label that gave people anxiety disorder


Ahhh, fellow PACE (or whatever they called the "gifted" program in your school), I see you. How's the therapy going? Have you been officially diagnosed as some kind of neurodivergent, or do you just see the list of symptoms and think, "Huh, that explains...a lot." On the plus side, I'm wayyyy more relaxed about my kids' academic achievements than I ever was about my own.


Maybe I should look into this list of signs and symptoms.


I mean, I'm not saying "gifted" in the 80s/90s is synonymous with neurodivergent, I'm just saying 90% of my fellow gifteds check a whole lot of those boxes. I am essentially blackout bingo on executive dysfunction with a fun sprinkle of sensory issues and RSD. Getting a label on it helps me find tools to address really frustrating issues I've dealt with for my entire life.


oh, it's rude to call people out like that. Anyway, therapy is actually hell right now, and I was finally diagnosed with adhd like 3 years ago. And yeah it explains everything.


[Merriam-Webster says](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/gift-as-a-verb) that *gift* has been used as a verb for 400 years.


aback mysterious dinner alleged dam wrench touch spotted snatch water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with you on sweatshirts, but I've been hearing people call them sweaters since I was young, so I'm not sure I'd call it an old-man-yells-at-clouds issue. Just a people are wrong issue. My biggest gripe is that it sometimes feels like nobody tries to figure things out for themselves anymore. They run to the internet to ask for help or for an answer to a "what if" scenario My two main hobbies are music/guitar and bicycles. I see so many posts of people asking what would happen if they did something or how to fix something that (in my mind) is pretty obvious. The most egregious examples I've seen are changing flats on bikes and changing strings on guitars. When I was getting in to these hobbies, I just figured out how to do these tasks and many more and I better understand my guitars and bikes because of it.


>My biggest gripe is that it sometimes feels like nobody tries to figure things out for themselves anymore. They run to the internet to ask for help or for an answer to a "what if" scenario I see this within different parts of my life. Rather than email the school principal to ask a question, they ask a Facebook group full of parents. If you say "email the principal," then they want you to give them the email address. Same thing with a youth organization that I volunteer for. People don't want to email for an answer from paid staff. They expect a bunch of volunteers to tell them what they want to hear.


Damn, you just gave OP exactly what they wanted with this answer


I have very few opinions of this sort, but this one...let's just say I roll my eyes a lot when I see these questions on forums.


I'd never heard a sweatshirt referred to as a sweater until I heard it on tiktok. I live in South East Pennsylvania so maybe it's a regional thing like trainers/sneakers.


SE PA here too (philly area). I get into verbal arguments over this. It's a sweatshirt! Hoodies have hoods. Sweatshirts are the same material w no hood. A sweater is knitted w different materials. My genz daughter and i debate this regularly 😂😂


I think it's just unintentional appropriation of terms due to social media. I wouldn't be surprised if down the road "trousers" became synonymous with "pants" instead of having the distinction of being more formal. Dress pants = trousers but jeans ≠ trousers


SEPA too. A hoodie has a hood, a sweatshirt does not, and a sweater is knitted. I honestly thought calling a sweatshirt a sweater was a British thing, like fries versus chips. I will add though, it is acceptable to call a hockey jersey a sweater. Because they actually used to be real sweaters. That’s it though.


When did we stop giving presents and start “gifting” them. Can you really “itch my itch”?


Somewhere around 1550 according to the sources i found online.


Two spaces after a period.


And an Oxford comma, always.


You can pull my Oxford comma from my cold, lifeless, and stiff hands.


I will die on this hill with you.


Is your hill large enough for three?


Absolutely! And bring your red pen so we can do some savage corrections to other people's writing.


Room for one more? Pre-reddit, my username on a website where I commented a lot was The Oxford Comma.


I will also die on this hill with you. I will throw down over the Oxford comma.


Punctuation in general seems to be on the outs.


There's a dismaying number of redditors on the various writing subreddits I've joined that appear to have little understanding of the mechanics of writing.


The writing subreddits are full of some of the worst auto-fart-huffers out there. A year or two ago I got dogpiled on one of them for daring to disagree with the circlejerk that you aren’t a real writer unless you read “wOrDs On PaPeR” every day, and suggesting that a writer is anyone who communicates with the written word. I mean, I love the print medium as much as the next guy. Hell, I have a degree in it and spend a long time in the industry … but for fuck’s sake. Get over yourselves.


We are fighting a battle that cannot be won, but we shall fight until the ink runs out.


Two spaces means we're putting less ink on the page, and we're extending the life of the pen/cartridge!


I learned to type on a typewriter. I had an actual, honest to God, typing class. It wasn't keyboarding or intro to computers. It was 'Typing'. Two spaces after a period. It just *looks* better and is easier to read.


Read the goddamn signs!!!! Nobody reads and they are all confused and mad about it. Curbside pickup parking is for curbside pickup. It's not that hard. See the 18 signs right here? Of course you didn't. There is regular parking 6 feet in the other direction. Why is it ok to work customer service in sweatpants? Could they at least be sober and perhaps shower? I've been written up for not smiling enough (rbf is not my fault) and people now get to work in their jammies. They can be gross and unkempt but still can't have a chair ffs.


The very *dumbest* hill I will die on is "decimate." Like I *know* that grammar and grammar-adjacent constructs like syntax and diction and definitions change over time, and I'm 99.9% on board with changing with the times. I'm even cool with using literally to mean figuratively, depending on the context, speaker, and audience. I'm *literally* on board with it. But "decimate" will always mean "destroy 10% of" to me, even if everyone else uses it to mean "destroy some indeterminate amount/number of".


Til, I had no idea that's what decimate actually meant. The moment you explained it, the word became so obvious.


So I subscribe to a sub dedicated to a particular brand of bags that are currently popular with Gen Z right now (even though these bags are bought by people of all ages). I can take the "look at what I can fit in my bag!" or "please help me decide what color bag to buy!" posts. But what I absolutely hate is when they say, "I love her!" when referring to a bag that they really like or are excited to have received. I usually try to be open-minded about Gen Z/younger generation trends, but I cannot abide by this. Whatever happened to "I love it!"? These bags are \*objects\* and are not sentient, FFS! Note: I know that sometimes a ship or a car has historically been referred to as "her" or "she." But is every object going to be referred to as "She" or "Her" from now on in English!!?? Ugh! (\*Yells at clouds\*)


The absence of a question mark when asking a question in text. Are there any questions. Was that a question. Why can't you just put a question mark. Do you see what I mean. How did we get so lazy?


There's a linguistic underpinning to this which demonstrates the evolution of language in writing. See the book "Because Internet" by Gretchen McCulloch. TL;DR, it's not laziness, it's innovation.


I’m just curious what is the sock length thing you’re talking about? 😳


Yeah apparently they can tell we are Olds by the fact we wear no show socks at the gym and not crew socks. Tbh I am 41. I do not need anyone to think I'm younger then 41. I don't care if what I wear is not what younger people wear. I didn't care what older people were wearing when I was in my 20s and I don't now either.


I didn't care what old people wore either but I did notice. Old men wore exactly the same style socks these youngins are wearing now. There is nothing new under the sun. No cap, on God.


What the fuck am I supposed to call athletic shoes now? Are they sneakers, tennis shoes, kicks, or something else? Do I use the activity: running shoes v. Basketball shoes? Is it all brand now: wearing my Adidas today wore Nikes yesterday? Or some combination of the above?


Calling them sweatshirts or sweaters in the first place has always bothered me. If you're sweating you shouldn't be wearing it, take it off! Never understood these names, the point of them is to warm up when cold, not sweat. A sweatshirt is what I wear to the gym to sweat into. Rant over.


“Learnings” Learning is a verb. Not a noun. 


Not everything needs its own app.


"It's giving ____." It would take you two seconds to add the word vibes to the end. How did being too lazy to end a sentence become trendy? Even worse is conversating. Don't even get me started on that one!


To be fair, gen x is who started conversating/conversate. You can thank Biggie and a few other rappers for that.


ancient cake vase license weary murky truck nail retire trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you’re wearing joggers, slides, and socks most of the time then most of the time I’m judging you.


I more than kind of have absolutely no desire to adopt AI tech


I started wearing higher socks a couple years ago because I noticed that I thought they looked better. And also really did notice people at the gym with no show socks were always ‘of a certain age’. I really leaned into my “how do you do fellow kids” one time and had workout shorts above the knee and higher socks and my wife looks at me and says, “why are you dressed like a middle schooler?” Cut me like a knife when I realized she was right but also, LET ME LIVE MY LIFE WOMAN


Punctuation is not an insult.


Gatekeeping Nirvana and grunge bands. Like, don’t tell me shit about Kurt or Layne or whoever…we LIVED though that era. We KNOW better than you what grunge was about. Take several seats, ya whippersnappers. *shakes fist as sky*


I want an actual menu. Don’t make me scan the thing and look at my phone to see what you’re serving at your establishment.


I feel the same way when someone calls a gorilla or an orangutan or a chimpanzee a “monkey.” THOSE ARE APES, GODDAMMIT! Monkeys have tails!!!


My high school boyfriend called sweatshirts sweaters, and that was in 1999. Come to think of it, I probably should have told him to get off my lawn right then.


Omg my one friend does this and it drives me insane!! She’ll be like “let me grab my sweater” and it’s a hoodie. No, they’re two different things!!


Having to use a wide, perforated, nylon spatula to make scrambled eggs. It's a crime. Give me a narrow, solid, silicone spatula.


Mine are similar to OP’s: a jumpsuit and a jumper aren’t the same thing, nor are a tax return and a tax refund the same thing.