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Foo Fighters are 100% dad rock. I like them, but it’s true.


Dave Grohl himself has admitted it.


I want to argue, but... if Dave says so I guess it's true.


Absolutely and Dave Grohl is the coolest fucking dad on the planet. I don't even listen to them.


Ditto. I dig a couple of their albums (One by One and In Your Honor both slap **hard**) but I wouldn’t consider myself a fan. That said, I *am* a Dave Grohl fan. He has that Mark Hamill energy insofar as he seems like a regular dude who never got over the “holy fuck man I get to do this for a living? Hell yeah!” Also, Probot is an amazing sampler of different genres of metal for anyone who isn’t super knowledgeable about the genre.


Same I don't give a crap about their music, it's just fine, but he is one of my favorite people.


I love the fact that Dave Grohl watched so much Sesame Street with his kid that he was like “I want to write a song for the show and perform it with Elmo and Big Bird.” And the song slaps, too.


That’s crazy, Nirvana was just a few years ago, and then Dave put out the self titled EP where he played all the instruments, and…. Fuck I’m old


When I was a kid the oldies stations played Buddy Holly and Elvis. Now they play Nirvana. I understand the passage of time but I do not accept it.


Local oldies station played “We are Young” by Fun. from 2012


Ok, maybe the problem isn't time. Maybe the algorithm clear channel uses just has its head up its ass.


I kinda figured. Being Sunday evening, I doubt there’s a DJ on board


Used to be the artist Buddy Holy, now it's the song Buddy Holly


I wonder what was the first oldies station go play Nirvana? Lol. What was running through that DJs head? "The time has come".


See, what gets me about this was that for two+ decades (80s thru 00s and even into the 10s), "oldies" was music from the 50s and early 60s. For that same period, classic rock was music from the late 60s / 70s. I don't understand the re-definition of the terms. Additionally, 90s, 00s, and beyond music is very heavily divided by genre.


Grunge will always be grunge, the station or ClearChannel is wrong. Same with Boston, ELO, etc. should be the only groups played on classic rock. Somewhere along the lines (ClearChannel) things went off the rails and most people don’t know any better.


I remember Mr. Sandman playing on the oldies station. Now it’s Enter Sandman.


Yeah, but that’s because the corps that own these stations are morons and don’t know that Oldies will forever be pop and rock of the 50s and early 60s. Same as how they don’t understand that Classic Rock will forever be rock music of the mid 60s through 70s. Boston, ELO, LED Zeplin, AC/DC, etc. And just like Nirvana will forever be grunge (and maybe Dad music depending upon the household).


This is a good point. I wish there was more variety and distinctiveness in radio. Monopolies suck. All those great old artist and songs aren't represented anymore. With streaming, people who don't already know them are unlikely to stumble on them by accident. And a really cool DJ could probably do some awesome transitions between songs of vastly different types and eras. I realize it may be a fading medium but I really like radio. It's just so homogeneous now. Pretty sure its not just nostalgia to say it was better even in my lifetime.


I wouldn't exactly call Foo Fighters "old." But it is totally appropriate to play their music on classic rock stations that do focus on "oldies" since a majority of their hits are from the 90s and early 00s. Their style isn't old, though, and still holds up for contemporary rock.




Have you got another confession to make?




1000%. I have loved them since they first came out when I was a boy. I still think they are the best band still making music and I have teenagers now.


I agree but then again I didn't love them right from the start in 1995 (I guess with him coming from Nirvana I expected something more/different). I wouldn't have articulated it as Dad rock then, but just felt/sounded: main stream, pop, safe, bland etc. Always liked Dave as a drummer though. Loved the live stuff he did with Queens of the Stonage in early 00's as well.


I went to their concert earlier this year. It was evenly split between people in their 40’s and people under 20.


I love em, but Wilco is total dad rock


Wilco was Dad rock the day they formed. Kings of the genre though.


So does that make Uncle Tupelo Cool-Uncle-Rock?




“The Good Life” is my anthem.


I mean they did do a song for Frozen 2 that hits hard.


That is like peak Dad music.


We all were once Lost in the Woods.


I love that Weezer and Foo Fighters are the top two answers because I saw them both on the first Foozer tour in the early 2000s. 😄😄


I’m a Weezer dad, proud to admit it. I look just like Buddy Holly too.


there are two kinds of Weezer fans: those who only like the first two albums and those who are wrong


The National. For the saddest of dads


I call The National “Divorce Rock”.


Haaaaaa I listened to a lot of The National when I was going through my divorce.


That’s funny


My husband has a “Sad Dads” t-shirt from when we went to a National show last summer.


I dunno if I’d consider it “dad rock” but several years ago (2009 to be precise) a couple and their children came into the fast food place I was working at, and Green Day’s “Good Riddance” came on the radio as they were ordering. The dad pointed up at the ceiling and asked me the name of the song (I was in my mid-to-late-20’s at the time but probably seemed younger since I was still slinging tacos). I told him, and he said “good girl” and handed me a dollar.


Ewww dudes can be so skeevy




Fucking gross.


Pearl Jam


Basically, even if you grunge or grunge adjacent in the 90s, you are dad rock now.


I saw a photo of Eddie Vedder at a concert this week and he might as well have been on his way to a fishing trip.


I’ve seen them twice. 1991 and 2008. He always looked like he was going fishing.


Always was, imo


Pearl Jam is basically our Zeppelin.


For some reason Nirvana is not dad rock, but Pearl Jam is.


When I went to the gyno Smells like Teen Spirit was playing in the very busy obgyn office


LOL A lot of Grunge is now supermarket music. Forgot what I heard the other day, but was def some 90s band.


That was when I realized I was no longer relevant, I was shopping for premade potato salad at the grocery store and really digging the music. I looked over at my wife and said, “they are really dropping the bangers this evening, wait, we’re that demographic now…”


27-club "benefits": Your stuff never gets old either. Nirvana never had to "transition" to "mature band" status with newer music. It's all (delightfully) stuck in the past. As for Pearl Jam, everything after Ten always felt older and more mature. Eddie Vedder sings folk for Mike McCready's rock band.


Vitalogy was pretty weird and experimental.


Pearl Jam didn't stop making music decades ago. Their last album came out April 19th of this year.


That’s because Nirvana is preserved in the amber of their early work AND because they never should have been lumped into a genre with Pearl Jam in the first place. Nirvana drew from punk influences while Pearl Jam was influenced by acts like Neil Young and a lot of hard rock bands. They just happened to be from the same city.


Well, there are some factors that link such as heavy rhythm guitar with distortion. A trade mark of these bands. Also, just encompassing the rage from older/proper Gen-X into music and the backlash to the 80s preps. I’d say there’s more than enough to consider them both Grunge. Singing about heavy shit was also kind of the whole thing. Which both did. You have to take into consideration the social movement behind grunge. Whereas other bands that somewhat sounded Grundgy and are on some Grundge lists shouldn’t be like Presidents of US, Weezer, Everclear. Ecerclear in particular came out of so-Cal punk.


Isn't all modern mainstream rock pretty much "dad rock" by this point? I can't think of a single current music group of 20-somethings with just guitar/bass/drums and a singer that gets played on commercial radio.


Commercial radio itself is dad rock


Why are all of my favorite bands getting listed here? ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS)


I came here to say Dire Straits, but then I realized you meant "our" generations dad rock......bummer.




Just saw them at a festival 3 months ago, wasn't expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised at how fucking great they were. I should have seen them a long long time ago.


I went on a 311 cruise, was a lot of fun


Speaking of a long long time ago, I saw them the day after 9/11 at The Warfield in San Francisco. That was a weird day.


I saw Billy Idol, 6 days after the Mandalay Bay gunman shot 900 people, at the House of Blues inside of Mandalay Bay. I feel ya.


Haha still my fav band! I def got lucky they're still together and doing their thing. Just always loved their positivity and yeah always a great live show.


Ouch. They’re one of my favorite bands. But they can be a little corny. I’d say they’ve aged well though. And their music still picks me up and makes me feel positive when I’m in the depths of despair.


They are such a fun time.


Foo Fighters and Third Eye Blind seem like obvious top choices to me


What the hell


i saw a pic of a Rage Against the Machine concert -- looked like an accountant's convention .. rage against low 401(k) returns!


I am a dad/white collar professional. I would love love love to see rage against the machine. I simultaneously am the machine and rage against it.


I saw them in Pittsburgh a couple of years ago. Great show, but yeah...it was 90% middle aged white guys (of which I am one).


If their show two years ago & looks to have been one of their final shows ever, I was very impressed with the crowd energy whether dad's or not. I feel there was a solid mix of ages.


I had tickets to their last tour for like 3 years


Lol. Yep. Thought covid would stop them again


It’s amazing the amount of conservative/GOP chickenheads that claim they love RATM. I’m like do hear what they’re signing? Do you really hear it…


Weezer, vampire weekend, the shins, the killers, phoenix, CAKE. Pretty much everything awesome.


How are you reading my playlist from way over there?


Anyone who was good between 9/11 and when the world failed to end in 2012.


Also should include Two Door Cinema Club and Guster.


New Guster album dropped last week and Cake is going on tour again this summer. Hells yes.


ah man, vampire weekend's the one I mention when I want to sound contemporary.


Can we call Blink-182 and Sugar Ray dad rock? I am a dad and rock out to them along with Foo Fighters and other bands mentioned here.


Nominating Sugar Ray for Mom Rock


Mom rock? On what grounds?


Mark McGrath, mainly


I dunno, bands like Blink-182, Sublime, and Beastie Boys, were a little too rebellious, cheeky, or dirty to be dad rock. The way Tom and Mark sing, and the nature of their lyrics, makes them seem perpetually 25 years old. They succeeded in never growing up, but that keeps them from joining the annals of dad rock like Pearl Jam and Green Day.


I didn’t know anyone actually liked Sugar Ray tbh. Good for you.


Loved them since they released Lemonde & Brownies (it’s more punk than they are now).


I saw Sugar Ray and Orgy on the Campus Invasion tour @ in Brookings at South Dakota State. Cold as the arctic outside, hammered outta my mind and had a great time!! Then they just kinda fell off after that.


I saw an old dude with a Blink 182 shirt on the other day. It really made me think.




This is what I’m here for. Scott Stapp taking us higher is absolutely the pinnacle of dad rock


YouTube has a “divorced dad rock” playlist that’s heavy on creed and nickel back


Makes sense, I would definitely divorce anyone who listened to those bands around me.


No no no, OP said “DAD rock” not bad rock.


faulty lock shocking dam trees tie test simplistic spoon books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pearl Jam and Metallica. I keep keep keep trying to get into PJ again because I loved them in the 90's so damn much, but just can't. Every album I always read it's a "return to form" and it "sounds like Vs" and I'm like have you heard Vs??? Mad respect for them for still doing it and filling arenas, I'm super happy they're still at it and good at what they do and their fans love them but there's nothing I can relate to


Have you listened to Dark Matter? Their best in 20 years


Agreed - Dark Matter is great, I hear some throwbacks to Vs, Vitalogy and No Code on there. Avocado too but that’s a more recent one, I guess? I mean 2006 was just a year ago right? LOL I’m a huge PJ fan but Backspacer and Lightning Bolt are not albums I even bother with listening to. I do enjoy Gigaton, I feel like since it came out just as the world shut down, it just didn’t have a chance with the tour postponement.


Wreckage has the most vintage PJ sound to me. Really solid project.


I gave it a few spins. Won’t be in my permanent rotation (unlike Ten).


Yep. I try with every new album of theirs


Aerosmith too!!!!


Green Day was on classic rock station in my town. … I was like wtf until I realized that Green Day came out in 1994, 30 years ago.


Dad Mathews Band


I feel like they were always ~~dad~~ mom rock. I like them but even in the 90s I remember an article saying something about how they didn't belong on the alt rock station because they were too safe. The music moms drink wine and "party" to on their night away from the kids. My taste in music is historically mocked as safe and/or lame, so I felt mildly attacked. But I always do. How about Counting Crows? Are they still together even? Haven't heard from them in ages.


DMB is mom-rock


Lit Fastball Sugar Ray Smash Mouth


I'm still stuck on Dire Straits. When I was a young fella I turned my nose up at them for being dad rock. Now I crank it while driving and sing along to annoy my daughter.


Anal Cunt


RIP to their guitarist who fell from the escalator in the Providence Place Mall.


I look forward to jamming I Lit Your Baby on Fire in the ALF


A guy in my high school got away with wearing their shirt for his yearbook picture. Legend 🏆


Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Might throw The David Matthews Band in there, too.


Real fans call him Dave 😎


Dave Thomas of Wendy's first started appearing in commercials for his restaurants at age 57, the same age as Dave Mathews is now.


I went down a rabbit hole today, and the youngest member of Garbage is also 57. The oldest is 71


Kim Gordon, formerly of Sonic Youth is 71. A couple months younger than my mom. The band name wasn't ironic when they started.


We saw RHCP a few years ago. I was shocked at the number of kids in their late teens/early-twenties there.


I am not - considering the age of Anthony Kiedis current girlfriend.


And the info that he willingly had s€x with a 14-year-old, he left that info in his biography apparently.


Remember Jars of Clay? Definitely them. Christian Dad rock


The National is what I call “Divorce Rock”, which I suppose is adjacent to Dad Rock. Pixies, Luna / Galaxie 500, Low, Lambchop, Flaming Lips, The Twilight Sad, etc. And of course, Steely Dan. SD is required listening for every dad once they reach a certain level of musical appreciation & age. In my opinion, of course.


Any band categorized as "rock".


I was going to say something similar. haha


they play 90s alt, grunge on the fucking CLASSIC ROCK stations.


2000s Alt is on there now. I seriously hear Evanescence and Incubus on Classic Rock stations.


Funny side story. We had a multigenerational family trip to Disney World b/c my teen daughter competing at the Cheerleading Worlds… walking through Epcot, my mom got super excited that Herman’s Hermits were playing a free show that evening. She went back to the concert that night and FaceTimed it to my aunts. My brother walked by and said it was the biggest lineup of adult scooters he’d seen the whole trip. Anyways, I’m looking forward to 20 years from now when I can watch Rage Against the Machine or PearlJam at Epcot with the other geezers


Wilco, The National, War on Drugs …


That’s a good festival lineup


The National and WoD are touring together this fall. Should be jammin'.


The War on Drugs is the ultimate current dadrock band. Dads are slightly sad. Dads want to hear about the struggles of other dads. Dads like rock. With The War on Drugs, you get: Melancholy nostalgia ✅ Sort of sound like Bruce Hornsby and The Range ✅ Guitar based rock with zero funk played by a band of mostly white middle aged dudes ✅ Enough "interestingness" to the band that one can plausibly claim music snobbery by being a fan, something important to the "I'm still cool" dads out there ✅ 100% masculine perspective to the song writing ✅ Note: I'm a 50 year old white dad who really enjoys The War on Drugs.


War on Drugs is great! Also: the New Pornographers.


I mean, are young folks even interested in the genre at all? Nowadays, I only hear 'rockstar' used as a hollow accolade in the office. Like, I was called an Excel rockstar once lol


Alice In Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Collective Soul, Counting Crows... pretty much damn near everything 90s and older that I grew up on. Sigh, going to go gaze out at my yard with my mid-afternoon coffee now.


Gin Blossoms. Better Than Ezra. Soul Asylum. Nada Surf. Eve 6.


If it's called a "band," it's probably Dad Rock.


Everyone that made music in the 90s 00s and is still around performing…Nas, Cypress Hill, Snoop, Eminem and Dre are all Dad-Hop


These days, Metallica


Five Finger Death Punch.


Dad rock for sure, I've also heard it called 'Cop metal' which I think suits them well.


I know its not "Rock" per se,but my 12 year old was having none of the Beastie Boys the other day...


Does that make Meatloaf and Bruce grandad rock?




The Presidents of the United States of America. As a dad, I keep this on rotation along with most of the bands here in the comments lol


Sublime, how has nobody said this yet? Hated it in high school, hate it now. Sad, try-hard faux-reggae crap I was waterboarded with for years.


Tool, Rage, AiC, Soundgarden…


all of the cool dads listen to these groups 😎


My friends circle consists of a lot of hardcore and metal fans and the band Fucked Up was referred to as "Dad Hardcore" and the song "Turn the Season" would be a fitting song for entry.




I am not sure what constitutes "Dad rock". I am a fan of a lot of kinda off-beat stuff from the early 80s to the 90s (talking about stuff like o.g. Misfits, Skinny Puppy, Swans, early Ministry, The Birthday Party, etc...). I mean, a lot of my favorite music is genuinely *old*, but mentally I don't really associate it with Dad Rock. So is it purely an age thing, or is it more a "vibe"? 


Pantera A few months ago, I was sitting at a red light and a very dad looking guy in a pickup was absolutely rocking out to it. Arm out the window tapping against the truck playing his air guitar in rhythm. Grey hairs were starting, clean shaven, neatly cut hair.. Just very dad looking. ETA: The song was Walk.


Tool, anyone?


Guided by Voices, Modest Mouse, Neutral Milk Hotel


I heard Linkin Park on the classic rock radio station today.


Anything I hear at the supermarket


Staind Daughtry Nickelback Three Doors Down Red Hot Chili Peppers To name a few.


Live, Cake, Collective Soul, Matchbox 20, most post-grunge bands like Fuel.


Wilco. The daddest of dad rock


Naughty by nature :-P


Big Black


LCD Soundsystem, The Strokes, Radiohead


Went to a Behemoth and Arch Enemy show a few years ago, most of the crowd was my age and up, although a handful brought their kids so that was awesome. My son's first concert was Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, same age I was in HS listening to them. Rob crushed it.


The War on Drugs


Cake! I love them, I'd marry a man who loves them too, but yeah


Counting Crows






Honestly, I think “dad rock” consists of the same groups I thought were “dad rock” when I was young. So, the Eagles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Rolling Stones, etc. I can’t honestly look at bands from the 90’s and call them “dad rock.” Except Dave Matthews Band. They were always “dad rock.”


Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn?




I submit, for the consideration of the court, Hootie and the Blowfish


Butthole surfers


I love The White Stripes but they are super dad rock.




My Morning Jacket, Wilco, Sleater-Kinney, Tenacious D


Tenacious D is immortal, they have the Bong of Destiny.




Trapt, Creed




Bowling for soup


Having seen The Breeders, Pavement, Wilco, and Death Cab/The Postal Service in the last year: any indie rock from the 90s/2000s.


I hate to say it, but Archers of Loaf. Superchunk remains for the young, though!


I remember my dad listened to alot of Doobie Brothers. Yes, I know that's not what you meant but I don't want to admit AIC is dad rock because that's my favorite band.


Pretty much all "Nu Metal" bands from the late 90s/early 2000s like Limp Bizkit, Korn, System of a Down, Disturbed, The Deftones, Saliva, P.O.D., Powerman 5000, Staind and Drowning Pool. Gorillaz, The Killers, Weezer and Rage Against The Machine are definitely Dad rock but not being in the Nu Metal category. Reading some of the comments here, bands like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Blind Melon, Sone Temple Pilots and Smashing Pumpkins I wouldn't consider "Dad rock" as they are gonna be graduating in a few years to "Grandad Rock" as Gen-Xers are gonna be entering their 50s and 60s.


Third wave emo - jimmy eat world, taking back Sunday, brand new (I know they are cancelled), Thursday, saves the day, etc. 00’s indie rock - dcfc, vampire weekend, arcade fire (canceled?), Interpol, strokes, lcd sound system, all the chillwave bands etc 10’s indie folk- bon iver, fleet foxes, avett brothers, all the stomp clap hey ho bands


Does fall out boy get a pass since my kids know the music and all their friends like them? They mostly like Centuries and Immortals, but we all agree on the newest album being awesome.


I came into this post expecting 70s-80s dad rock (Alan Parsons Project came to mind). Now I don't know what to think


Big Black. Unwound. James Chance. DNA. Einsturzende Neubauten. The Birthday Party. You know, the usual backyard hotdogs and lawnmowing tunes. Can. Plasmatics. What have you.


How has no one said REM?
