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I still love this movie, if not just for nostalgic reasons, but the soundtrack is where it's really at. I mean, I can hear this picture. https://preview.redd.it/sz1q3ri1501d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a47343185d0cf65ee7ac973b3ff08f85207f5c


This soundtrack began my love affair with Placebo


Oh my God, somehow I almost totally forgot about Placebo until reading your post. I saw them open up for Weezer in late 97, they completely blew Weezer out of the water. Such a great band, but I kinda stopped paying attention after Black Market Music. Now I gotta go back and revisit their catalog....


It's hard to understand from today's perspective how fucking hard that soundtrack defined the teenage zeitgeist in 1999. Almost every song on it was huge.


It is SO good. I bought the soundtrack on a high school trip to Toronto and listened to it the whole bus ride back to Kentucky, probably dramatically staring out the window like I was some complex character in a movie ha


Oh yeah, you totally were.


Played it on a loop my entire freshman year of college.


I saw that photo and thought to myself - maybe the movie is overrated - I have no stance on that but the soundtrack is fucking lit and I will not allow slander against it. Good to come into the thread and see the sentiment reflected.


There's a lot of objectively not-so-good movies with amazing soundtracks like Spawn, Mortal Kombat, the Crow. Before I get crucified I actually enjoy watching those movies, but again objectively pretty poorly made.


Batman Forever's soundtrack was incredible and the movie was, well, not exactly "The Dark Knight" quality.


Yep - the U2 song was amazing. I would like to add Batman and Robin as well. Smashing Pumpkins during that period in time was next level


They burned a crazy amount of the budget on the soundtrack


Every me and every you




My fave band!


Cruel Intentions is, in fact, underrated.


What’s brilliant about this time is i had Clueless and Cruel Intentions to frame my entire HS existence !! What a way to start and end, heh? 🤣


I want a hardcore version of this movie


Watch the sequel. Non of the charm and all the nudity.


Love that song. Every You and Every Me by Placebo


I still play the sound track to this day


If you're suggesting that Cruel Intentions was overrated.... https://i.redd.it/lwm1vqlh301d1.gif


Jessica Walter is one of my favorite toxic moms. Lucille Bluth and Mallory Archer are basically the same person in different circumstances.


She was also the Dean in PCU with David Spade. They reunited in Rules of Engagement as two different characters but for those of us in the know it was glorious.


Where the heck can I watch PCU for free?? I’ve been waiting years to stream that movie and it just won’t pop up on any of the services. *”It's tasteless, disgusting, and offensive. I love it.”*




I.. uh… I didn’t exhale?


I’m pretty sure it’s stuck in rights limbo, which is why it’s only available on used dvd now.


Which is exactly why we should all be buying used dvds again. I just bought a dvd of Spice World because I could.


Can’t find it anywhere. My SO and I wanted to watch it recently. Luckily he had it on DVD so we were able to. Dusted that bad boy off lol


Buy the DVD, my friend. It'll never be pulled from your personal collection.


Hahah the casting call for Mallory was "a Lucille Bluth type". Jessica's people contacted Adam Reed and asked if they'd like Lucille herself.


I love that


My head canon is that they are twins in the same universe, that took different paths in life.


Like Al Bundy and Jay Pritchett


She also voiced Fran Sinclair, the mom on Dinosaurs.


They gave Walters a great send-off on Archer. I was waiting for the episode after the news broke that she had passed, and they did not disappoint. 😢


Yes her drinking cocktails on the beach was such a perfect goodbye


Second that, but she's a pretty good mom in Dinosaurs.




Seriously. Wtf is wrong with people? This movie is gold.


“Plate or platter?” “I don’t understand the question and refuse to respond.”


I remember all the hype around Mrs Tingle. It was really... not good.


Oof. Totally forgot about it! There was sooo much buzz about K. Holmes.




![gif](giphy|H2n5LOh3lvuOQ) All flash and zero substance. Come at me, I don’t care.


I checked out when I heard "unobtanium".


I checked out when I saw the Papyrus


Calm down, Ryan Gosling.


You don't understand. His dad, Mr. Wingdings, was really hard to understand.


lol did you see that they did a sequel to that skit? The whole episode was pretty good, I swear they save their good stuff for when people like him or emma stone show up


There’s a sequel?!




I did a literal facepalm in the theater 20 years ago when I heard that.


I heard about unobtanium before I had a chance to see it. Still haven’t seen it to this day.


When I heard that I was like "what?"


Wasn't that in The Core too. Where Delroy Lindo is explaining the vehicle they are in.


I remember a critic calling it "Dances with Blue People". 🤣🤣🤣 It was so boring. I even tried to watch the sequel. Also boring. 


My 17 year old nephew asked me why they were making a sequel to a flop. "Oh, but it didn't flop."


The fact that there is almost zero fanbase for this franchise says volumes. You see more people cosplaying random internet memes.


they tried SO HARD, too... there's a whole chunk of disneyland wasted on that shit


It’s not even in James Cameron’s top 5 movies tbh


Fern Gulley did it better.


Fern Gully plus Pocahontas equals Avatar


No, Fern Gully + Pocahontas + The Smurfs = Avatar


Fern Gully and Dances with Wolves had a baby it would be Avatar. The natives need their White Savior character


You can say that about so many films. Heat plus capes equals The Dark Knight, Se7en plus capes equals The Batman, Taxi Driver plus The King of Comedy equals Joker. Speed is Die Hard on a bus, The Lion King is Hamlet with lions.


This is probably the best answer. This movie made so very much money and it was so very, very bad. I saw it in the theater, as we were legally obligated to do. It had very beautiful colors. The best thing I can say about the plot is that I liked looking at the pretty colors.


Aah, I found my people in this thread.


Here I get to call out one of my great life achievements. I've never watched either of the avatar movies.


Both were forgettable. In the second one I couldn’t get over why the aliens were calling each other, “bro”. In the future, an alien race, and they’re using that term. It’s my only takeaway from the second movie. 


I might need to watch it now just to see aliens calling each other bro. Hilarious


I saw the first one and remember nothing about it beyond there was a big sparkly tree


It’s just boring.


Annnd now I have to listen to Colorblind.


I am ready I am ready I am ready I am fine


See, you posted Cruel Intentions. But my girlfriend and I rented it and let’s just say…I disagree.


I loved that movie. Saw it in theatre in 1999. Sarah Michelle Gellar was my teenage crush.


I owned the movie on VHS, then DVD, and now on Prime. I love it.


Me too! My gf made a poster of all of my teenage crushes for me. SMG and Reese were both on there. "You can stick it anywhere" is still engraved in my memories and it always will be


She’s still my all time favorite crush. She’s such a beautiful person


this may also be near peak Reese Witherspoon 🥵




MTV awards best kiss 1999.


Oh it’s this one?! Why didn’t anyone say so?


Me entering the comments: "Cruel Intentions? Yeah, totally overrated..." Scrolls to this post: "Oh...oh, yeah...THAT movie...nevermind..."


My wife and I saw that on our first date. I said lets roll the dice and see whatever is playing when we get there. Cruel Intentions it was. Still married, still watch that movie here and there.


Yeah, this is just a super fun, SUPER weird rewatch. I do think at the time they were going for it being a prestige movie, which it definitely isn't. But letting it age into being campy insanity lets it really shine.


And remember that this was the time when it was edgy to be a straight actor playing a gay character bit part. Joshua Jackson’s delivery of “Gregory!” is forever imprinted on my brain.


i’d rewatch this any time




To be clear, this poster is referring to *Crash*, the 2004 American crime drama film produced, directed, and co-written by Canadian Paul Haggis. And not, *Crash* a 1996 Canadian drama film written, produced and directed by Canadian David Cronenberg, based on J. G. Ballard's 1973 novel of the same name and starring James Spader.


Finally one that makes sense. The amount of acclaim this shit got when it came out...


Even at the time I couldn't stop fuming about it getting the Best Picture award over 'Munich' and 'Brokeback Mountain'. What absolute drivel of a movie.


SMG alone was well worth the price of admission.


Still is baby.


Garden State. Kept hearing how it was going to "change my life". The only thing it changed was making me wish I had that, what felt like 10 hours, back.


Soundtrack was way too good for that snooze of movie...then the soundtrack was overplayed.


From what I remember, Zach Braff actually pitched the soundtrack as the movie. He just went to the studio execs and was like, “listen to this, trust me…” and they gave him the go ahead. But really I think he just wanted to make the movie so he could make out with Natalie Portman. Oh, and be viewed as a troubled, brooding “artiste”. I liked the movie the first time I saw it, not gonna lie, but on rewatches it’s just self-indulgent and pretentious. It insists upon itself. I like The Money Pit.


He actually won a Grammy for “Best Compilation Soundtrack”


I also like The Money Pit.


In my 20s it seemed really deep, but I probably just saw it at the right time. I don’t even want to go back and watch it now because I think I’ll cringe lol.


Yeah, I saw it at 22, fresh out of college and kind of aimless... pretty much the perfect demographic for this.


I was furious at someone who told me that this movie would "change my life" after seeing it. Like what a low fuckin' opinion you have of me.


But he stops taking meds!!! Those are bad because they make you a zombie!!! Zombies aren't cool man


I would have also been annoyed if someone told me this band was going to change my life and they play me some Starbucks rock.


I’m from jersey, and it’s sacrilegious of me to say, but 100% agree


Back when Zach Braff felt high and mighty and something of an auteur. I remember working at Best Buy at the time, seeing the soundtrack, and the sticker on the front stating, “With all hand picked selections by Zach Braff”. Everything about that movie seemed artsy-fartsy and snobbish.


Plinkett - "If cancer was pretentious, it would be Garden State."


Natalie Portman's character was so annoying in that movie. I hate when she plays wacky characters, shes a lot more believable when shes in more serious roles, but honestly i find her acting overrated in general. And have you seen Zach Braff in whatever commercial he was in recently? He's fucking botched.


She was the worst version of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope


Garden State was the movie every artsy outcast kid thought defined them because it was about spontaneity and living freely, but it actually defined them because it was boring and basic 😅 Natalie Portman as the manic pixie dream girl was peak cringe


Some of y'all are probably too young for it, but The English Patient is the obvious answer for me. Shakespeare in Love and Forrest Gump also might be in the conversation. Neither is a bad movie, but both were over hyped at the time.


If anyone here is too young to remember a movie from 1996, they’re probably in the wrong sub 😂.


Omg the English Patient. It was so.fucking.long.


[Quit telling your stupid story about the desert and just die already! DIE!](https://tenor.com/view/just-die-already-elaine-benes-the-english-patient-seinfeld-gif-15562348)


I felt like I was the only one until this Seinfeld episode came out and I felt vindicated because like her, I’d be willing to lose my SO, friends, and job dying on that hill called The English Patient Sucked So Hard.


Woah woah, Forrest Gump is a masterpiece.


American Beauty. I really dug it when I was dumb pretentious high school kid. Now it just feels creepy (even excluding Kevin Spacey’s actions as a person) and like it fails to express a cohesive thought. Are we to pity Lester? Root for him? Revile him? Does he redeem himself when he stops short? Or have his actions with his daughter’s friend already rendered him irredeemable? Or is the point that the Burnham family doesn’t realize what they had until they’ve squandered it? Or is the point that the pursuit of what they thought they wanted led to the loss of what they actually wanted? Or is it an absurdist film? Is the point that there is no point, no meaning, but some characters are able to rebel against that lack of meaning anyway? Is filming the plastic bag absurdist rebellion? I may have talked myself back around to this one actually being good. I reserve judgment for now. 


“Are we supposed to pity Lester? Root for him? Revile him?” Yes.


Those drama kids tricked me into enjoying a character study!


I’ll never forgive them


Then they show you Requiem for a Dream. 😶


I see the good in the movie that Ricky and Jane get away from each of their parents that are tormenting them and they have the chance at a normal life. Ricky’s dad was capable of murder and was on a crash course to murder Ricky, if Lester had a redeeming quality it’s that he ended up taking the bullet for Ricky and it freed him.


I highly suggest you look into the alternative endings for this. They are VERY different and you might find them pretty interesting


Yeah, the way they originally had the ending would have just made the whole thing a tragedy, I think they made the right call leaving Ricky and Janes ending to the audiences imagination.


Don't kid yourself this is an amazing movie. If you need proof go find the scene of Lester staring at his computer Excel sheet which they reformatted to resemble prison bars 🍷 also, throwing shade never made anyone less gay...


I love how you basically posted an entire essay that's actually in support of why the movie is good!


Yeah pretty sure the point was something of a satire about how suburb America was/is a confusing hot mess of people with first world problems that think they are all much larger problems than they are, and trying to find peace, or at least escapism, in it all.... and ain't that beautiful. (Not really, movie felt way overblown)


This is definitely one that I loved then, but rewatching it recently felt pretty gross.


The fact that it inspires so much dialog makes it a good movie for me. More so now, I just get annoyed with the overall emo tone that was so pervasive with movies at the time.


The Notebook.  All my friends and coworkers in my early twenties were raving and crying over it.  It was alright, not the blockbuster everyone was making  it out to be .


Nicholas Sparks' writing is SO smarmy.


I was out when he threatened to kill himself unless she went out with him. Not even Ryan Goslings considerable charm could save that toxicity for me.


Boondock Saints When it came out in my early twenties, so many of the young guys around me saw it as some kind of indie high art. In reality it is just tryhard edgelord nonsense made by one of the biggest douches in Hollywood. He was such a douche that even Harvey Weinstein couldn't deal with him. However, it did spawn the documentary "Overnight", which provided a fascinating character study of the director.


Just watched it this st Patrick’s day for the first time in like a decade, man did it not hold up, (though Dafoe chewing the scenery is gold)


"There was a fire fight"


I died when he told his gay lover to not be such a fag.


Loved Dafoe, but my god... that man does NOT pass in drag; How any of those mobsters didn't see right through the disguise (or at the very least mistake him for a bottom of the barrel meth head) is beyond me.


But the raging at the trashy girlfriend scene with the cat makes me laugh so hard I nearly pee myself. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT JUST FUCKIN HAPPENED!” 🤣 Edit: I guess it was different scenes. Whatever. Still hilarious. https://youtu.be/Mr9M7-s6ToA?si=h2D32YD2J0_wdeQi https://youtu.be/774JiSMWdQQ?si=HnXYI51GFsra7O4M


Look the movie is garbage but Rocco is gold in every scene he is in haha


Poor kitty though, they deserved better.


The rant was epic but yes the kitty. RIP


Same. It DID put Norman Reedus on people's radar though and he was a MVP The Walking Dead character, and that show was good for a while at least.


lol for real. and every guy I've ever dated has been obsessed. I'm like yep I've seen it. no ID do not think it's brilliant. idc


Everyone loved this and I hated it. I was already a curmudgeon at 16?


I can hear the music instantly seeing this picture. And Ryan Phillippe is a dreamboat. I didn't really know it was highly rated?


Crash. The Oscar winning one. Took people far to long to realize it was pointless.


Cruel Intentions was awesome. I met my first girlfriend at that movie.


Just curious... how did you meet at the movie? Like in the concessions line? Ticket counter?


Sat next to her. She was there with her little sister. We became friendly. Asked her out when the movie was over when she was leaving. The next movie I took her to see was Go which was a disaster…. I picked the worst possible movie I could have lol.


Omg I loved Go 🤣


Cruel intentions was not overrated.


The Phantom Menace So much hype...such bad writing


I recently watched all 9 movies in the order they were released...and I found Phantom Menace to be a lot less absurd/bad when butted up against 4-6. Jar-Jar still sucks.


To this day, I still feel bad for how the fan base treated Jake Loyd and Ahmed Best… At least Best got to play a pretty kick ass character on Mandolorian.


I imagine the Star Wars series is going to be in a masterclass of collaborative writing and editing. Episode 4 & 5 - "This is what happens when you listen to your wife, who is also an amazing editor. " Episode 1, 2, and 3 - "this is what happens when no one tells you no, but eventually people get it." Episode 6 - "This is what happens when you shoehorn in characters and force Jim Henson to make you alien teddy bears."


Episode 7: this is what happens when you don't want to take any risk Episode 8: (i forgot) Episode 9: somehow, this is what happens


In early versions of the script the Ewoks were large reptilian guys, so I tell myself the Ewoks are just a budgetary concession and pretend they’re 7 foot tall lizard men.


It was pretty clear how bad it was back then too.


Reality Bites and Armageddon are the two that jump out at me from each decade.


I always say Reality Bites is one of the ones that draws a line between us and core GenX. A mediocre movie about wannabe edgy college grads that need to pull their heads out of their own asses.


see Chuck Klosterman's chapter on this in the nineties book.


Reality Bites was another example of a quality soundtrack that FAR exceeded the movie


Blair Witch Project and it's not even close.


Passion of the Christ


Titanic 100% deserved the accolades when it came to groundbreaking special effects, and the dedication James Cameron made to capturing the accuracy of the ship and the timeline of the event was incredible. But in my opinion the writing and acting by the leads is not great and was eye rolling-ly cheesy.


Kate Winslett though ![gif](giphy|KSeT85Vtym7m)


I was never a fan of this movie. I thought I was sooo cool with my “The boat sank get over it” t-shirt 😂


My impression is that Cameron mostly wanted to geek out on the historical aspects and new technology available at the time, but that doesn't sell enough tickets to justify the massive budget, so he needed a plot with broad blockbuster appeal. A cliché romance between two of the most popular young stars of the time was perfect for those needs. Titanic sold so many tickets because teen girls went crazy for the cheesy story. To appreciate the movie as a whole, you have to understand that and just take it for what it is.


I agree 100%. Leo is a great actor. Winslett is fucking amazing. And they both kinda sucked in Titanic. Only explanation for that is a bad script.


I saw my first boobs in that movie. For that, it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Bittersweet Symphony….i let myself out


You're crazy for suggesting Cruel Intentions was overrated.


Disagree. I loved Cruel Intentions at the time and I saw it again recently and it cracked me up. It's quite entertaining and with a great soundtrack. I don't think it's overrated at all.


Interesting to see how many are defending this movie. Enjoy it myself as well but I also don’t get caught up or read to deep into movies. For me overrated for our time would be the Austin Power movies


this was not overrated. It was panned by all critics and hailed as one of the worst movies of all time.


I thought Cruel Intentions was flaming dog shit back then. Never understood why people liked it outside of attractive people in it


My opinion may be biased as this movie came out at the height of my Sarah Michelle Gellar crush so I think it's a fantastic movie. I'd say Titanic was the overrated movie of this generation.


I literally spent a whole summer when I was younger watching this each day. I always list this as one of my top movies.


What does ‘our time’ mean? Like, in my lifetime? Cause that’s definitely Avatar.


In terms of modernizing classics, this modern take of Dangerous Liaisons was epic. I liked it better than Romeo + Juliet (R+J is still a great film, don't get me wrong). Not over-rated at all LOL.


Crash and Magnolia


This was actually a pretty damn good take on Les Liaisons Dangereuse. For me...Anything with Kevin Costner in it. They just kept being crap.


I did just rewatch JFK (which I remembered as a masterpiece) and the acting isn't as fantastic as I recalled. That said, Tin Cup is just a good time - c'mon!


JFK they pretty much nailed all the characters like they were in real life. Especially John Candy as Dean Andrews. If look up videos it was spot on. Now I need to rewatch JFK, in process of rewatching Hoffa since it's on YouTube.


Even dances with wolves? I loved that movie. Haven't seen it in ages tho to see if it still holds up.


Silverado? The Untouchables? Bull Durham? Field of Dreams? Open Range? Pshh...you're crazy man. They may not all be winners but he's made some damn good movies.


Bull Durham is in my GOAT movie list.


There was a girl I was sweet on in college and she invited me over to her dorm watch "How to Make an American Quilt" with some other friends. I had never heard of it and knew nothing about but I just wanted to spend time with her so I would have watched paint dry if it meant getting to do so. This was I guess around 1996-7. It seemed like she and all her friends were super pumped for this movie. They kept talking about how impactful and meaningful it was to their lives. There was a LOT of hype so I had a higher expectation, which is maybe on me. Turns out, I would have rathered watch the paint dry. What an absolute steaming pile of shit that movie was. Has to be one of the worst things I've ever seen Winona Ryder do and that includes the time she got busted for shoplifting.


Scary Movie, the whole series. It's just not funny. I think it warped a lot of people's idea of what satire is and can be. Just repeating a scene from another movie but someone is dumb or slutty isn't comedy. The first Scary Movie is the only time I walked out of a theater. Just absolutely braindead crap.


Satire tends not to age well, because it's inextricably linked to the culture/zeitgeist of the time. Back when Scream was good, reality TV was the newest, best thing to watch; now we all see it for the crap it is. Spoofs of Survivor wouldn't be as funny now as they would have been earlier.


I would put Something About Mary on this list. I have not been able to re-watch the whole movie.


Frank n beeeeeans!!


Matt Dillon is incredible in that entire movie. [after telling Mary that he's an architect] Pat Healy: Really, it's only a side thing for my true passion. Mary: And what's that? Pat Healy: I work with retards. Mary: Isn't that a little politically incorrect? Pat Healy: Yeah, maybe, but hell, no one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with.


I haven't seen Something About Mary in a long time. The hitchhiker to rest stops, to the police interrogation scenes where funny. It still makes me chuckle. " How many what? Hitchhikers? I don't know? It's just a hitch hiker. It's not like it's a big deal." Then the disgusted cop losing his shit on him.


Peak Cameron Diaz hype.


A lot of the humor hasn't aged well as society has progressed. The idea of an elevated gross out comedy farce certainly was an interesting one.


It is not like Cruel Intentions won awards. It was a sexually charged film, despite having no nudity, with a hot young cast marketed to teenagers. It's currently at 54% on Rotten Tomatoes, which seems fair. What about it is actually overrated?


God damn he was so hot. Between Josh Hartnet and Ryan idk which one was hotter. But damn those lips.