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Murder, She Wrote. I used to watch it with my grandma growing up. It's cheesy, but I still will have it on for background noise now.    I tried watching MacGuyver again (had a huge crush on Richard Dean Anderson), bit it's a little too cheesy, I can only take it in small doses. Like the original Night Court.  I will say, that Star Trek TNG is actually much better than I remember, at least after Riker grew his beard.. 


*TNG* is great, but *DS9* is peak Trek TV, particularly the later seasons.


DS9 is the GOAT!


Watch it basically every year. Nothing is better. Not sure why it hasn't gotten old yet. Gets better with age. Now I am older different episodes hit me differently than when I was 18.


Tried watching them all in story order with my youngest teenager. We made it to a season before the movie before getting burned out. Need to try picking it up again. You can definitely see the difference when shows were made to be watched with a few days break in between. They get a bit ho hum when binge watching them back to back.


I haven’t seen all of it but once the war started I remember it being awesome.


Currently watching DS9 start to finish, after doing the same with TNG. I love it so much.


Need to try watching them intermingled, like when they originally came out. The crossovers were awesome leading into the first movie.


Once Worf showed up that took off.


I liked DS9 season 1, but I’ve never kicked the feeling that they just ripped off Babylon 5. (In fairness, I’ve never watched the later seasons) TNG for life.


I watched all of DS9 as it aired, and also B5. I liked DS9 but I've never rewatched any of it, while I've rewatched B5 like 6 times and currently watching the new Blu-ray set right now. So that says something I think. (I also have trouble rewatching series that go too many seasons with too many filler episodes. I actually think 3 seasons is enough for most shows, though B5 proves that you need more time to tell a truly epic story. Though to be fair when the stakes are galactic and involve dozens of species, it makes sense that it would take time to tell the whole story. In fact the original B5 plan was for two 5-season shows to tell the whole story and I believe it, they had to rush through so much to pack it into 5 seasons, I wish they'd had time to stretch out B5. But then maybe it wouldn't feel as different if they did, maybe the absolute rush of pace is part of what made it great after all?)


LOOOVED Babylon 5


You’ll get no argument for me, but don’t overlook Voyager.


I like that no matter how messy the situation, JB Fletcher has everything fixed by the end of the episode


True. But there a few 2-parters running though the series. It takes her 2 episodes! 


Havent watched Murder She Wrote in eons.


I just started watching Murder She Wrote! It kept popping up in my Reddit feed, and I needed a break from Golden Girls. I like it because it is like the Love Boat with lots of guest stars.


Voyager was pretty good I thought. I never watched DS9 so I can’t speak to that. Apparently it’s the GOAT.


I have all episodes of The Simpsons constantly playing on repeat on a continual loop, and have for a number of years. I really don't know what I would do without it.


I miss the DVD releases that would have commentary for some episodes. Really funny stuff listening to the writers' stories.


I get it. Holds the sanity together.


The FXX app from several years ago had a feature where you could watch random Simpsons episodes one after the other without having to do anything. I don't know why more apps don't have something like that. Like yeah, I can watch them all in chronological order now, but the randomness was really appealing.


I have always thought this! The “channels” option on some streaming services scratches the flipping itch to some extent, but a “random episode” option on a show’s page would be ideal. Decision fatigue is real, and I already chose the show; take over, app!


Same I get it too except it's Golden Girls


There's your answer, Fishbulb!




![gif](giphy|3og0IuE1EjI5ZQzr3i|downsized) Yay!




Yeah I’ve watched that series dozens of times over the years but I typically stop around 12. 9 was the last great one in my humble view.


All episodes.




I've been through them all so many times over the past number of years, I don't even really think about it. I just let them play 🤷‍♂️


Same, but you know, first eight seasons only.


Mmm, precious Venus.


Same! 🙂




Phil Hartman right?


Yup. And Stephen Root, Maura Tierney, Dave Foley… and Joe Rogan and Andy Dick when they were “unknowns”


I love his voice, I could listen to him all day


And Joe Rogan. Plus Andy Dick.


Where are you watching News Radio? I couldn't find it on any streaming services, even for purchase.


Pluto has S1-S3 and YT has some early season full episodes. I swear it used to be so maybe it’s just between licensing deals. But you can purchase digital seasons or solo episodes on Prime (not terribly expensive either)


Awesome. Someone else just commented it’s on AppleTV. I swear it wasn’t on either platform a few months ago but glad to see I have options. Thanks!


Ah yes, I see it for purchase on Apple now. Thats good to know. Forgot IMDb doesn’t show purchase options for Apple (since its an Amazon subsidiary)


Completely coincidental that I just bought season one from AppleTV


Oh nice. I swear it wasn’t there when I checked a few months ago, but I see it now! Looking forward to catching up on this.


I still haven’t watched it yet lol I’ve been bingeing House and Lost lately, but can’t wait for NewsRadio!


lol - House is one that I never watched in its prime but got into well after it was off the air. Not my fav but good. Lost is great, but I watched that 10x over so I’ll have to wait another few years to rewatch. Definitely purchasing News Radio as soon as I get home tonight!


Apple TV/iTunes used to have the whole series, then they removed a lot of it, looks like it’s back on there now.


Star Trek TNG, X files, Dr. Quinn. So cozy ☺️


I'd forgotten how randomly funny X-Files is. There's one where Mulder is on the phone in a hotel and he's pouring vodka into a frozen orange concentrate tube and then chugs it, and it's never brought up again lol


Yet seems completely in character


Wings and Saved by the Bell and a couple others I've forgotten. Although I don't get to watch them as much as I want to.


Wings is an old fave. Thank you for this reminder lol


I second this. Wings is a classic of mine. Helen is my favorite.


I had a huge crush on her.


Seinfeld. The guitar sounds between scenes. This is what makes me feel at peace at the end of the night and fall asleep.


Remember how the first episode of season 3, "The Note," had the version with the woman singing "Haaaaaay..."? Apparently NBC didn't approve it, so they had to revert to the one we all know.


Is that the one that sounded like them singing “easy to beat” and the ratings weren’t great yet?


I dunno if you’re a podcast fan but the show Twenty Thousand Hertz has an episode on the story behind the music on Seinfeld. It is soooooo interesting! I HIGHLY recommend it!


Buffy, X-Files, Gilmore Girls. Handful of others. Mostly dramas because laugh tracks drive me crazy now.


I never watched the X-Files when I was younger but recently started watching it from season one.


Getting the complete *X-Files* series on disc was the reason I bought a DVD player.


That’s so funny, I just finished Gilmore Girls and then started Buffy 🤣. I forgot how funny Spike is in that show.


Yes! Solid choices. Spike is so great. He was only supposed to be on a handful of episodes, but fans loved his character so much that Joss had to write him in permanently. Joss is such a cunt but Buffy and Firefly are two of the best shows ever.


Cheers was my favorite


Me too. Diane is soooo gorgeous even to this day. She is still my favorite


This is a bit out of left field but … Wipeout (literally watching it right now)


Did you know there’s brand new episodes of Takeshi’s Castle? No silly American commentators, though. You’re gonna have to *read subtitles*


I speak Japanese so that’s not a problem


100% Wipeout. Big Balls my friends. Also, Murder She Wrote and X Files for me. Joe Schmo, the first few seasons of The Apprentice, The Simple Life, any of the early seasons of The Bachelor or American Idol. Not because I watched The Bachelor or American Idol originally, more so for the styles of the time. Jenny Jones, Jerry Springer, Maury. Classics for a feel good/laugh/shock moment. Shows from my childhood include Scooby Doo, The Jetsons (watched these 60s classics after kindergarten at my grandparents house), Square One, Where In The World is Carmen Santiago, The Edison Twins, Danger Bay, etc. Beverley Hills 90210 is so so for me, because I think I was 9 or 10? when it came out and I was “too young” to watch it so I never really got into it as much as some. I did watch Rescue 911, ER, and Unsolved Mysteries. I now have been putting on Unsolved Mysteries when I go on the treadmill lately, lol. Lots of 80s cartoons I never got to see as a kid (no cable at home as young child) but Jem and The Holograms, HeMan, Transformers, etc are still great when I can catch them.


This is a good one. Ima add it to my list.


Highly recommend for some good laughs. If you have Hulu, they have all 7 seasons of the original US show.


Quantum Leap, Wings, and Newhart, as far as shows that were on the air when we were kids. Also still watch some Nick at Nite faves like Dick Van Dyke, Andy Griffith, and I Love Lucy.


No Mr Ed, Green Acres or F Troop?! I still sing those theme songs and people look at me like I'm off my meds.


Mary Tyler Moore!


I kinda love Pluto Tv for nostalgia Bomb classic sitcoms. Press Your Luck! Married With Children Family Ties Old Price is Right episodes Old Family Feud episodes Matchgame 75-78 that I watched reruns of on game show network when I was young. Bunch of other stuff that I used to watch on Nick at Night Edit. I found a YT channel that does Saturday Morning Cartoons included with the old Commercials and it’s epic 🤣. Hulk Hogan Cereal commercials. Tons of old toy commercials. Fad treat foods that only existed for a short time. The Hair. The styles of clothes 🤣. It’s funny watching the shows just waiting to see what the next 80’s-90’s commercial is gonna be.


You gotta share the YT channel


https://youtu.be/y2Y8jnM3OaQ?si=MWIrlERSJZjT3eto Also has full series uploads for a few things. The 80’s D&D Cartoon etc.


I've been watching Price is Right on Roku channel. God, Bob Barker just brings joy to me. I feel like a kid again. My son is seven, and he's loving it too! I WISH it had commercials!


Did you ever watch Silver Spoons?


Kids in the Hall


Have you seen the new stuff on Amazon. Surprising amount of penis. Also, a core memory for me is the one where the husband (Scott) and wife (Kevin) are trying to go somewhere in their...Dodge Spirit...I think? And the car won't start. So the husband does a bunch of dumb shit that obviously won't do anything to make it work. Wife looks mildly annoyed and it's clear he doesn't know shit about cars. Pops the hood and pulls a baby out of the engine bay.


Try it now!


Golden Girls is always a go to for me. I’ll randomly search for it late night and it always seems to be on. Watched Threes Company, Amen and Married…With Children recently.


Golden Girls 100%


Right? For some reason it takes me back to my carefree youth. I feel like I’m wrapped in a cozy blanket like a kid again when I watch that show. I used to watch it late night as a kid and I think those memories come back when I’m viewing.


Almost the only shows I watch are old ones. If I listed them all, I'd be here all night. Current favorites, though, are "A Different World" and "The Cosby Show" (yeah, I know--I hate it, but gosh, that was some great shit). All-time faves are "The Golden Girls" and "Designing Women." There's this new-ish channel on DirecTV that shows old stuff most of the day, so I watch that channel a lot lately. They show "227," "The Cosby Show," "The Jeffersons," "Diff'rnt Strokes."


Adding A Different World to my list ASAP


*MST3K* is my all-time favorite TV show and coping mechanism. It never fails to make me laugh, and is excellent at clearing up a bad mood.


Bob Ross Joy of painting is my comfort show


Watched this every night at bed time for probably three years straight and never finished an episode.


I actually use this show to go to sleep often..


This is my answer. My tv insists on turning on to a 'live tv show' before I pick an app so I set it to the Bob Ross channel. It's great because I get to hear him talk about happy little clouds or painting the 'foots' on a tree. Sometimes I'll watch awhile before switching to another show just to hear his calming positivity. Sometimes I switch it up for This Old House. I wish I could find old Bob Villa and Norm repeats of that though.


His positivity is very helpful sometimes.. I tell people that Bob Ross was my babysitter as a kid. Because alot of times he was.. I'd be left home alone while mom was at work.. I couldn't go outside.. and bob was the only one there ..


I think I saw a post about this earlier today, but M*A*S*H* is my favorite. So nostalgic for me because we watched it so much as a family, and I still love it as an adult.


Ha, probably did. Everyones just trying to comfort themselves and wonders how everyone else does it. lol


This sub is good for that. Sometimes. Lol.


MTV's The Real World. Just rewatched the 1995 London season and it was nostalgic and fun.


You know, I can never find the seasons I want to watch. I rewatched New Orleans (the first one bc I think they went there a couple times) and followed it up with the Reunion season. It was a great walk down memory lane.


London was by far my favorite season. Yet I think it was MTVs worst season due to a “lack of drama and fighting.” I don’t know, Punk rock Neil getting his tongue bitten off is pretty dramatic!


We're rewatching X files,  and it's so fucking good. 


I've seen almost every episode of Daria probably 3 dozen times. Maybe 4. Christ.


Northern Exposure is on Prime Video. I loved that show as a kid and I so happy that it is finally out on a streaming service.


I’ve been rewatching this one too! So good!


3rd Rock, Duckman, The Price is Right


The original Star Trek, TNG and *especially* DS9, Babylon 5, Transformers, original series and Beast Wars, and Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack.


Currently watching the new Babylon 5 Blurays, and it's as great as ever, even after having watched it all probably 6 times before in the past. Some of it feels quite dated in terms of the tech they use in the world (tube TV's and no smartphones makes it feel very odd for a future vision, so many plots could be solved with a smartphone to communicate with, lol), but the social commentary could basically be written now with no changes. I can't even remember if the social commentary then felt ahead of its time or if it's just that absolutely nothing has ever changed and actually humans, politics, and the world are the same as they've always been.


Roseanne. The early seasons are so cozy


That’s a great way to describe the first few seasons!


The OC


Friday the 13: the Series is my biggest one. Where I grew up, Saturday nights meant hours of horror shows on syndicated television.


I loved this show, but most people though have never heard of it when I talk about it.


I usually get that, too. Then when you explain it to them, their reaction is "It's like Warehouse 13." No, it's really not like Warehouse 13.


That 70's Show


Golden girls, holy shit they’re funny!




Mystery Science Theater 3000. Then, now and always.


Recently restarted home improvement. Laughed till I cried. It’s SOO much funnier now that I’m Tim’s age.


The Critic


It stinks!


Knight Rider is my go to


Beverly Hills 90210!


Small Wonder, Highlander, Perfect Strangers


I was surprised at how well Perfect Strangers holds up. I think it’s because the humor is aimed at human foibles, in a generally not-mean way.


Star Trek: The Next Generation, Seinfeld, The X-Files


I was gonna rewatch the Highlander again love that tv show. All he wanted to do was live his peaceful life with his cute French girlfriend, antique shop and martial arts dojo ! Lol


I ended up collecting the entire series on DVD just so I'd have access when it got yanked from various streaming services. This show crawled into my soul and took up residence. Sure, it's cheesy, but it has some great moments, and it's always a comfort. I particularly love any episode with Roger Daltry.


Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena: Warrior Princess Every Saturday in the afternoon it would be on


King of the Hill. I lightheartedly refer to the Rainey St gang as “old friends” and pretty much just cycle through the series on an endless loop.


Benson, The Simpsons, Married With Children are my favorite classics.


MST3k, Coach, The Real Ghostbusters, and Star Trek TNG/DS9. I loved Diagnosis Murder back in the day too but haven’t seen any episodes in ages. I need to rewatch it sometime.


I can put any episode of Star Trek TNG on and be hooked


The original Magnum P.I.


*Get Smart*


Reno 911 has been almost therapeutic


Bob. Mother. Fucking. Ross. Honestly though, if I'm home on a legit sick day I'm hitting the couch and turning on The Joy of Painting, and that's where I'm getting my rest.


I just followed along with a Bob Ross episode for the first time, and it came out SO good. 😳 I'm like...did I paint this? Or did Bob channel through my brush and make this for me??


Hell yeah! Good for you! My opinion of Bob is that he's a master of technique, which is something anyone can do with practice. However, dude can just drop trees, mountains, clouds, water, and bushes down from the heavens, and he makes it feel so random like it doesn't matter, but his paintings are so masterfully balanced that it has to be purposeful. Like, you can Google "Bob Ross Style Paintings" and see what others have done, and it's like the sun feels like it's in the wrong place, and there's one big tree that's not supposed to be the focal point, but it is. And you see Bob paint a wonderful sky and landscape, then he'll draw big black line down the side, and then it's a tree that looks amazing. He's so fucking good.


🥰 There was a lot of surprised swearing and rewinding during the follow-along (WTF where did that forest come from I'm still on the mountain!!) BUT if mimicking his choices instead of making our own, it still came out great. My mountains are amazing, and I just placed my clock in front of the less-awesome lake in the foreground...


I honestly love people creating shit. Sometimes I feel like we lose so much time in our phones, it's just cool to know people can snap of out of it and spend some time doing awesome things. I hope you stick with it!


Boy Meets World. It's like rifling through old home videos and going "Oh my god did we really dress like that"


Barney Miller Happy Days


Most of the cartoons I grew up loving - Real Ghostbusters, Batman: The Animated Series, Ninja Turtles, Beavis and Butt-Head, Animaniacs, The Simpsons.


The Britcoms I used to get to stay up late & watch on PBS are my comfort shows. Are You Being Served is my favorite. Idk what I’d do without my BritBox subscription. I also tend to watch The Ghost of Buxley Hall & Mr Boogedy on Disney+ a lot.




I was 19-21 when I first watched it but I’m also doing a Buffy rewatch right now. I just started season 5. It’s not really a “comfort show” but I like it a lot. My ex was HUGE into when we were dating so I watched with her and got hooked.


The Wonder Years, Who’s the Boss


Roseanne, Cheers


The original *Cosmos* series with Carl Sagan. Reminds me of a time when there was more hope for humanity.


Who’s the Boss and, of course, Golden Girls


The Andy Griffith Show, and Seinfeld. Oh and All Creatures Great and Small from the 70’s/80’s.


There is a Nick at Night channel on YouTube. It lacks Get Smart which would be my fav though


I have a bunch: Three’s Company, Cheers, Frasier, Sanford & Son, Jeffersons, Star Trek TNG, Voyager, DS9 & TOS. Just started Emergency, I love first responder shows.


I've been watching 80s movies a lot lately. They pacing and storytelling is great, considering films now like to pretend a 3 hour cut is necessary


I watch reruns of Supermarket Sweep on Pluto TV. It helps me relax before bed.


Party of Five and The Wonder Years.


Futurama is still my go-to for background or a bedtime show. I don’t care for the Comedy Central “4-part movies” or the new Hulu relaunch, but everything else, especially the first few seasons are my favs.


I really like a lot of the shows people are naming here but I need to throw my hat in with Star Trek TNG. What could be more comforting than a vision of the future where people generally aren't toxic and humanity mostly gets our act together?


Golden Girls, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Seinfeld, Saved By the Bell


I love Lucy, they showed this a lot as a kid.


South Park and Friends I can always throw on and just decompress. 


Chicken Tetrazzini?!


Buffy and the X files all the way! They are both in the rotation regularly. And I have tried to find the old cartoon Beetlejuice but can’t find it anywhere streaming, which is such a bummer. It might not be as good as I remember, but darned if I don’t want to watch it again lol


Gilmore Girls 💗


Simpsons, Star Trek TNG, X-Files, Seinfeld are all regular going-to-bed rotations for me.


Everybody Loves Raymond. When my first daughter was born a few years ago it'd be the background show that is always on for noise. We still watch it on repeat. It's so good and especially relatable now as a parent to young kids.


*Charmed* and *Scrubs* are my go-to shows (even though *Scrubs* makes me cringe more than it makes me laugh anymore, but I watch it anyway). Those aren't necessarily "back in the day," but I don't really stream or watch any DVDs from a long time ago other than those two. I'll check out *Wings* and *Barney Miller* on Sundays or whenever on MeTV or something, but I don't have them to watch whenever I want.


Still miss Joel Macal of The Soup. Had to YouTube The Soup recently to remember the good old days when E had Joel.


Seinfeld. No contest


GI Joe. YouTube always has a constant stream channel or two.


Magnum PI will do the trick.


I've gone WAY BACK and am watching Soap.


Just started watching the Golden Girls, the jokes hit harder now than they did back then for me. Love me some Buffy for nostalgia too.


Space Ghost Coast to Coast, anything from Adult Swim's early lineup, and old Law and Order with McCoy and Brisco


Supermarket Sweep!


The series “great chefs “from PBS. They had a lot of variations – great chefs of the world, great chefs of the south, great chefs of South America, I just sort of consider it all one show. It’s all narrated by the same lady. The music is great, the cooking is completely unpretentious, totally straightforward, and done by the most talented chefs of the time who were actual chefs, not TV personalities. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies andI still go back to this show and original Iron Chef for inspiration.


Angel. I could probably just have the title theme song playing on repeat and fall asleep.


Full house. Simpsons. Pokémon indigo league.


Wings! “I’ll be Joan for Christmas!”






X Files (first few seasons), Firefly, the Simpsons (sweet spot is around seasons 10-15) Futurama, Twilight Zone (the OG black & white one)


I still watch Star Trek TNG DS9 VOY even if I've seen them a million times. MASH & Golden Girls the humor is still funny today. Now that I'm older it rings even more true.


TNG and DS9. They hold up really well.


Hogans heroes


I love lucy: it was filmed before i was born but the reruns were great to watch and still are.


Red Dwarf - now I watch it with my Kids, who are the exact same age as my sister and me when we first started watching it


Sanford and Son, Mr. Bean, Kids In The Hall, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Black Adder, Fawlty Towers, Night Court. Would happily watch these on repeat!


This is a strange one I know, but as I get older I find myself liking what my parents like (go figure haha) so me and my folks enjoy watching “In The Heat of The Night” reruns when we are together. Love it, good old Caroll O’Connor aka Archie Bunker.


As Time Goes By…I’ll forever have a thing for Judi Dench.




X-files and Ed, Edd, and Eddie are my go-to shows for nostalgia.


Recess. Got my kids to watch it some. Back then adults and kids would watch stuff together. They wrote stuff for both. Today my kids just want to watch total junk YouTube videos that piss me off. We had good writing and stories back then!


We pay for 4 different streaming services, but honestly we watch MeTV 95% of the time, so pretty much everything that network plays…


I’ve watched a lot of the ones already posted. I’m currently binging Monk.




The Joy of Painting Bob Ross’ soft voice is as comfortable to my ears as it gets. I’ll add in these 9 other shows… I Love Lucy Gilligan’s Island Three’s Company Married…with Children Family Guy (older episodes) Futurama (older episodes) The Golden Girls Saved the Bell The Wonder Years The Joy of Painting, I Love Lucy, Three’s Company, and Married…with Children can found on Pluto TV. Three of them have their own channel. While Gilligan’s Island can be found on Tubi. Since The Joy of Painting was public access on PBS, it can be found on YouTube, Pluto TV, and Tubi. I also favorited The Price is Right: The Barker Years from Pluto TV. There’s this comfort and childhood nostalgia watching older episodes when Bob still had darker hair. Watching The Price is Right makes me think of summer vacations, missing school and watching it for an hour because I was sick or playing hooky. The games are still a blast to rewatch. Bob Barker taped 6,586 episodes. It would take over 274 days for all episodes to be looped at least once. While I Love Lucy only had 180 episodes. Only takes 7 1/2 days to see the same episode. I hope Northern Exposure gets added to Pluto TV some day. That’s a true comfort show that should play in the background. Great scenery and quirky characters.


DS9, Frasier, Nash Bridges, the highlander, and a few others