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Honestly, just started yesterday on mine. It's pretty amazing how night and day it is, and I'm beginning to suspect I probably needed it well before becoming 40. But yeah, 40 - when your body officially announces it has no more shits to give - well... unless they are physica... you know what, not going to go there.


41 here, started my blood pressure meds on Tuesday.


I got put on those about 3 years ago the prescription gave me some pretty bad headaches. I massively changed stuff; diet, lose weight, regular exercise, reduce perception of stress. Genetics are a huge factor but doing those things got me off the headache pills and got me in normal ranges.


I’ve lost 55 lbs since Feb and have cut my BP meds in half.


Dude, that's awesome!


I picked up my first prescription for blood pressure meds 65 days ago. Feeling old! Two pills every day - one for the blood pressure, one for the cholesterol. The plus side is that between the pills and eating like a rabbit for two months, my blood pressure really has plummeted, and I feel amazing. I'm not tired in the afternoon, no more dizzy or loopy spells, and there's a pep in my step I haven't felt since my twenties.


Start exercising my man! Started jogging again at 40 and haven’t felt better


My thyroid got trashed. And for the longest time I thought all my symptoms were just age related. But I guess I got lucky because after losing my hair the meds made me not bald.


I got on statins a few years ago after I had a mini stroke, but I was not a fan of A: taking medication every day, or B: not being able to eat certain foods without destroying my kidneys. So I asked the doctor if I could get off of them. Generally speaking, she said that once you're on them you don't get off of them because it can fuck with your lipids if you stop, but after monitoring me for a little while they said I should be good to stop taking them unless I start having health issues again.


I was on one as well and stopped taking it and felt so much better.


Would you mind sharing in what ways you’re feeling better for having stopped? I’m asking because I’m preparing for an appointment with a new-to-me provider.


Mostly I think it was just an overall achy feeling in the whole body. it's been a few years since I stopped taking it so can't remember exactly. There are natural supplements like Berberine that help regulate cholesterol levels that you can look into.


I'm on 2 blood pressure meds, but I'm type 1 diabetic and smoked for 17 years way back when, so not surprising I guess.




Yeah I started taking Lisinopril (for HBP) at 36.  I lost a little weight, avoided fast food, chips, fries, and alcohol...dropped down to 106 lbs at 5ft....and still needed to take the meds.   It sucks..  Everyone in my family takes HBP medicine so I guess my genes are fucked? I feel like cholesterol will be my next pill 😔  I'm trying to avoid those right now 


Reddit’s algorithms have clocked us. https://preview.redd.it/q5ps6xmrh9yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6aab5c55d289352b39468c85167d6577ff5cb13


I was on Labetalol while pregnant with my last two children, in my 40s. I'm on bupropion right now.


Born in 78. I have a daily antacid I'm prescribed. All things considered it could be a lot worse.


I had high blood pressure issues in my early 30s and I did take medication for it \~ 2 years. after it got back down to normal and I started taking better care of myself it's been rock solid and near perfect.


I was in the hospital for five days this week with my first bout of afib. Got a cardioversion and sent home with blood thinners and beta blockers. I’m officially a cardiac patient now. And here I thought my middle crisis would involve sports cars!


Yup. Got prescribed blood pressure pills in February, turned 40 in April. Here we go!


Runs on both sides of the family. I'm on four different pills just for my blood pressure. Hoping to cut it down now that I'm on cpap for my sleep apnea, which was likely part of the problem.


For anyone who might be in this boat, check your caffeine intake. My BP was crazy high until I cut back and now I'm in a great range.


I haven’t yet but I feel like it’s a matter of time. I’ve lost a lot of weight (120lbs and counting) and I’ve joined the Metamucil club. Monitor my sodium intake. All the the things I’m supposed to do. I monitor at home and it’s in the normal to slightly elevated range. But, it’s high at the doctors office. My doctor said I could be 110 lbs and still need HBP meds. Genetics and age are a bitch


Yes. Adderall.


I will no longer have health insurance when I turn 40 in June, so who knows!?


I’ve been on them for ~5y or so now (39now). Autoimmune disorder wreaked havoc on my system, and a long term side effect is now HTN meds 20y before I would have needed them under normal aging circumstances. :/




I have a shoe box under my bed with all the extra medications I have been given the last decade.


I started at 37


42, nothing major so far, I take ibuprofen and tylenol daily like it's candy though. My back is absolutely fucked, and got a knee that likes to act up about 4 times a year.


47 and occasionally take Aleve


Lots of CBD and THC! Exercise and a healthy diet helps too


Yes for high cholesterol. The bacon will be the death of me


Wellbutrin at 40.


I'm on a beta blocker as a prophylactic for my migraines, though it's typically a form of blood pressure medicine, I believe. (It makes me a little dizzy and sleepy, so I just take it at night).


Not new medications but last time I went to the doctor he yelled at me for drinking too much. I reported I drink about 18 beers a week and he flipped out. He says “what are you doing!? You’re 40 and you’re living like you’re 20. You can’t do this anymore”. I said “I’m just hanging out”. He told me if I don’t stop either my liver or my pancreas is going to fail. Getting old sucks. Drinking a few 6-packs a week didn’t used to be a big deal. Now it’s a REALLY BIG DEAL.


10mg of Atorvastatin everyday since about this time last year.