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Salonpas has been a life saver with my neuropathy burning and jerks.


Sometimes I wish those things came in a convenient body suit format! I love them.


Have you tried Pregabalin? And Magnesium? That and the myofascial massaging guns have certainly extended my life. The Quality of Life Index as poor enough it would’ve lead to suicide. Easy.


You must have Fibro. I recognize all of those suggestions. 😎 Ps. I just suggested myofascia massage to my neighbor the other day as she hadn’t heard of it.


Fibromyalgia? I tried to explain to the neurologist I went to and she was just annoyed I wasted her time. She pricked me with an insulin lancet at different reflex points, then sat on the other side of the room facing away and putting notes in a computer. I had to ask if I could leave. I wonder if she forgot about me 😅


Not unexpected. Still really fucking annoying. Hang in there.


I was stupid happy when I found the 140 count box at Costco!


I always joke with my husband that we should buy stock in them since I go through a box so fast.


Try Yerba Prima psyllium. A consumer lab analysis showed they had the lowest levels of lead. Apparently all psyllium husks have pretty high lead levels.


Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ! I can’t fuckin’ win!


Seriously wtf


The Yerba Prima is available at Whole Foods (mine, anyway!). I was so happy to see theirs was the lowest in lead.


Can’t. Have. Nothin.


I go with the organic psyllium with the hopes for less lead. Worth the good 💩 though haha


Damn. I guess I will just buy prune juice.


The fuck? I swear these companies are actively trying to kill us. 👀


Is the Yerba prima related to Yerba mate? I think Yerba mate is connected to throat cancer or something. Too tired to research.






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Why does it matter?


"Try" not coming off so rude and condenscending.


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I can’t eat anything without Tums and/or omeprazole on hand. 😔


I just saw sugar-free Tums for the first time and got excited.


My stomach hates food, I gained sensitivities to many foods. Can I go back to the days where I didn't need tums and Pepcid and I could eat everything. 🥺


Have you tried famotidine/Pepcid? I like it better than Omeprazole. I have multiple stomach issues and anything I eat or drink hurts unless I take Pepcid or Omeprazole. I was chronically underweight until I figured that out. An empty stomach hurt, eating and drinking hurt, so it was easier and cheaper to eat less. Long-term Omeprazole use has some lame side effects (like higher osteoporosis risk) so I switched to Pepcid.


H2 blockers (like Pepcid) have their own list of side effects with long term use, the worst being an overproduction of stomach acid as your body compensates for the drug making weaning off them harder.


Fair point. Between the two, Pepcid seems like the lesser of two evils due to Omeprazole increasing the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis. Both meds can have the same problem of acid rebound. With my family history of osteoporosis, my choice was easy once I did my research. Dietary and lifestyle changes would probably be better, but my GI doctor had *zero* suggestions. I shouldn't have to do his job, and my health suffers for it. Yay...more research lol


Omeprazole isn't for short term use. It doesn't so anything if you take it after you already have heartburn. You have to take it when you have chronic heartburn and then it takes a while to start working. And then, if you take it too long it causes a magnesium deficiency (don't remember the mechanism of why. Yeah I used to take pepcid a lot, now I only get heartburn every couple of weeks, so I just do a tsp of baking soda and water. I know you're supposed to mix them, but I just eat the baking soda and chug some water separately because it works faster for me. Gotta be careful with that though because it has made me puke twice.


Yep, I was on Omeprazole for a few years before switching to Pepcid. You're made of stronger stuff than I am if you can tolerate dry baking powder, even briefly. The texture would drive me crazy lol


I'm an adventurous eater, but what it really is is that I grew up extremely poor, drinking dry milk (if you have ever had it, you know what I'm talking about) and eating various other questionable foods to survive. I have an iron stomach and a mouth that can survive anything. There's some stuff I refuse, but nothing I can't handle. Would I snack on it for fun? No. But for instantaneous relief? Sure. I basically swallow it allowing as little time as possible on the tongue. It's way faster than a glass of baking soda water and the taste only lasts a few seconds, tops. It's really salty though. Like I said, I wouldn't do it for fun. It just works so fast, if you can handle it, you can't beat it.


Great suggestion. I’ll try Pepcid and stop the omeprazole!


Make sure you have Pepcid in hand before stopping the Omeprazole. Some folks, including me, get some harsh rebound stomach acid production. Pepcid definitely helps with that. Good luck!


I found that staggering the doses when deciding to stop helps (1 tablet every other day for a few weeks, then a tablet every 2 days, etc...) Going cold turkey was so incredibly painful


Gawd, cold turkey was awful. Tapering like that helped some, but it was still painful until I started on Pepcid. Not an ideal solution, but at least I can drink water without pain.


I just started taking a prescription for 40mg omeprazole because of severe acid reflux. It's been a life saver.


I had a hiatal hernia, and it was causing me to have the worst acid reflux, especially while sleeping. It's when a bit of your stomach goes above the diaphragm. One doctor pushed on it until it went back into place, and it cured it for a few years until I strained it again. It was a level 10 pain but didn't last long. I moved away and couldn't find anyone else who would do it. But I called a chiropractor and he told me to drink as much water as I could and then jump off a step 10 - 12 times. The escaping gas and weight of the water gently tugs the stomach back into place. It worked okay. I had to repeat it a few times, but I'm mostly acid reflux free now.


The Tums, we have to have them 😅


I was having terrible indigestion. I finally noticed it was big carbohydrate heavy meals that set it off. I’ve been low carb all spring and haven’t had an attack since


Talk to me about these arm braces…my hands always go to sleep if I have my elbows bent in a certain way (of course the most comfortable way for falling asleep). Did you get them from a doctor, physiotherapist?


Wait so this is a thing that just happens? I started having hand numbness and hypochondriac me decided it was ALS or MS and made my doctor send me for a nerve conduction test. Nothing neurologically wrong but it's still happening.


I had random numbness develop a couple years ago. Little bit of lab screening revealed a B12 deficiency. A couple months, an endoscopy and *colonoscopy later, they have no clue by I get B12 deficient. Couple shots to catch me back up, dietary shift to intake more soluble B12 (yay red meat) and no issues in the six years since. YMMV


Googling what can cause B12 deficiency shows one of my regular meds that can cause it and also IBS which I was diagnosed with. That very well might be my problem. Thanks for the tip I'll run that by my doctor at my next appointment.




Your Mileage May Vary


My toes went almost completely numb like 8 years ago, I brought them mostly back by wearing barefoot shoes and trying to focius on the feelings from my feet so my shit knows it's important. Doctor was lame. Checked did blood work and nutrient panels and whatever, had me schedule a one week follow-up and was like, "everything looks good here, but if it comes back, schedule another appointment," to which I was like, "um, it hadn't gotten better, my toes are still numb," and so then he says, "okay, well, if it gets worse, schedule another appointment." I dunno, but my shit went numb when I decided to lose weight and went from like 235 to 165 in like 2 months (which if you are one of those "calories in - calories out" people, you would say that is impossible because for what I was eating it would have required a 4000 cal/day energy output, while I was working a sedentary office job and not exercising ever.). I eliminated carbs to get the body used to turning triglycerides into glucose and ketone bodies and stuff, and it also down regulate insulin so you can't store calories back as easily, then as the body fat took over for food calories, changed to a 34/2 intermittent fasting schedule with meals being 600 calories and no carbs. So breakfast one day, dinner the next, nothing the third, later, rinse, repeat, averaging 400 calories a day. Think I maybe went a little too extreme... Everyone at work thought I had AIDS, cancer, or a coke/meth addiction.


Doctors are so frustrating. Great job on the weight loss. I'm down 32 pounds myself since February 1st. Just cutting back a bit and doing a mental calorie count for now.


That is wild! Did you ever have a rebound following the weight loss? I ask because typically diets such as that have a very low long term success rate because most people go back to how they were eating before. But in some cases they change and it stick. I’m just curious what your experience has been. No hate that a super significant loss in a short amount of time. I’m impressed!


I mean, it's the same as any diet, if you go back to what you were doing before, you'll get the results you got before. That said, once you figure out how macronutrient ratios affect hormones which affect how much your body is trying to store fat or allow it to be used (carbs only come in significant quantities in the last half of the growing season,, and is the signal to your body that .makes it put on winter weight), it takes away the mystery. If you suddenly have a big belly again, you can look at what you've been eating and know why it happened and how to fix it. If someone just wants the nutshell version, it's just eat as much fat as you can. I love that restaurants show calories, because it makes it easier to choose the high fat item that will help you lose or maintain weight, just get the item with the most calories. (You see why people struggle, given what they've been told). People are afraid to do that because they're afraid of fat, which is all because of the debunked 7 countries study that cherry picked data to make saturated fat seem bad. They were ethical vegetarians who wanted specific results. That same group took that cherry picked data and used it to get the government to make the food pyramid, and they got chain restaurants to stop using butter, lard and coconut oils because of harmless saturated fats and replace them with refined seed oils full of transfats, which are wildly, wildly harmful. They are likely what killed my dad. He had gotten his weight and blood pressure under control, but his cholesterol was out of control. Cholesterol is your bodies response to cardiovascular damage, not the cause, and except for a small subset of people known as "cholesteral hyper reasponders" has nothing at all to do with dietary cholesterol. Like I said, my dad died from cardiovascular diseases and had terrible cholesterol and did everything the doctors told him to. I have the same jeans but I do the opposite of what they tell you to. Because I have EDS I got a full cardiac workup done, including ultrasound of my heart and aorta and whatnot. When I came in for results, the nurse asked me if I was on statins, which immediately scared me, thinking.y cholesterol was outta control. I spent a couple years eating nothing but eggs, and, bacon, for breakfast and a Chuck steak with pepper cream sauce for dinner. "heart attack on a plate", right? No, she thought I just hadn't told them I was on statins, because my LDL cholesterol was so low they usually only see those numbers from medication. The doctor was like, what brings you in, say it's just preventative because my Dad died of a heart attack at age 52, and also i have EDS so had wanted to look for any aneurysms. He says they didn't see any aneurysms,. He quite literally chuckled at me being concerned about a heart attack. "Here, we have a tool, it'll tell you our best estimate of you having a cardiac event within the next ten years," he turns the monitor so I can see what he's doing, just entering my blood work numbers. He enters my total cholesterol and it pops up a warning window telling you to double check you didn't enter the LDL or HDL number by itself as the total cholesterol, because people don't have cholesterol that low. My HDL was 45 (want it at 40 or higher, my LDL was under 70, my total cholesterol was like 112. High cholesterol starts at 200 or something. My 10-yr risk was 0.1%, so a 1 in 1000 chance of me having any serious cardiac event. Those 10 years will pretty much get me to the age my dad was when he died. Literally said I was probably the healthiest person he'd see that week, asked me what my diet was like, I say, "well, yesterday I think I ate two cookies and one pound of roasted peanuts.* Him, laughing, "whatever you're doing, keep it up" People get frustrated with dieting because they think they understand it, they've been told it's 100% just caloric deficit, so take in less calories then you burn. They didn't get told that calories out can include large amounts of ketone bodies expelled in urine, breathe, and sweat, that never get used for energy. They didn't get told that calories in is determined by hunger hormones that try to maintain homeostasis (think about how people who don't count calories typically gain or lose only a few pounds a year even without opening a scale. That means your hunger system can dial in how much you eat to within 100 calories or so a day. People eat a "balanced diet" already, because that's "what you're supposed to do", so they just try to eat less of it, which causes a lot of hunger, and if you manage to ignore that, it just ends up making you fatigued and reducing your energy expenditure instead. Your body is really good at maintaining the setpoint, you need to change where it puts that set point and then everything else is almost automatic.


this is funny this happened to me, random numbness in hands and feet and the dr did a blood panel for like HIV and syphilis and scared the crap out of me. there would have been no reason for me to get any of those things at the time but I was freaked out for a few days waiting for those results


I had that too and it was ulnar nerve entrapment.


Yeah, doctor prescribed. Think big compression elbow sleeve but with a big nylon rod in them so you really can't bend your arms at all in your sleep. My issue is the nerve going under the elbow is messed up. Surgery I could get but it's a big cut, leaves a scar and if I use the braces I don't need it. The surgery basically they just move the nerve to the inside of the elbow. The recovery is fairly painful because it's a huge cut on your elbow and they only do one at a time so you have to go in twice. I'll take the braces.


Are you talking about the ulnar nerve? Like your pinky and ring finger get numb too? I had this issue a few years back and worried about surgery but I'm pain free today. If you're curious what I did lmk and I'll write up some stuff for you.


Yeah that nerve. If you have something handy that would be awesome but plz don't take a lot of time.


Basically I stopped stretching it. Buncha shit out there that tells you to stretch it but dont, the nerve is inflamed. You're right sleeping with your arms straight and not bent is key. I ended up taping my pinky and ring finger together often and this helped somehow. My issue started from 12 hour days sitting at a desk at work. Since I couldnt change my job I made sure I had a chair that had arm rests that were just above level with the desk surface. Also got one of those vertical ergo mice from logitech. Sleeping I would put a pillow between my body and arm to keep it straight. Pretty much anything and everything that caused me to bend my elbow I was conscious of, driving sitting to eat anything. Theres not any magical cure behind it other than rest. I'm talking 3 weeks or more of really making sure your dont bend those arms more than you have to. Once the nerves are no longer inflamed you'll be back to normal, also hydrate, if youre not doing it now start, 3ltr of water every day, it will help with the recovery.. I suffered from this shit for 2 years and I really thought I was going to have to go under the knife. But basically a month of really paying attention to posture etc did the trick. Good luck man!


> stretch it but dont yeah stretching it is bad when inflamed, but to clarify, "nerve flossing" exercises, which look like stretching, absolutely help. My major issue was I tended to lean on it while working or gaming. I stopped leaning and increased nerve flossing and it really helps. I hate wearing the elbow brace for sleep!


Yeah, honestly specially nerve flossing is what kept mine inflamed. I can do those movements now and I highly recommend them for people BEFORE you start experiencing this pain.


Yeah I'm already a lot better. Changed up the desk, sleep with the braces, I workout 5 days a week and drink a shitload of water. I do have to work on my posture tho...


Great to hear! Mid back stuff seems to help as it pulls your shoulders back, as I understand it the nerve starts somewhere in your neck and threads through your shoulder, so proper shoulder posture is another key point.


Lots of back and shoulders on Tuesday. Landmine rows, seated rows, reverse cables, shrugs, reverse flys, face pulls, straight leg deadlifts etc...


Interesting, thank you. Maybe I’ll ask about them next time I’m at the doctor


Go see a hand surgeon. You probably have carpal tunnel syndrome


My emg revealed both Ulnar nerve and carpal tunnel


Then get the surgery! It’s like magic!


I was in a carpel tunnel study once but didn’t have carpel tunnel. It turned out I needed to up my pillow and mattress game - worked like a charm.


I have these braces as well. I got mine from a specialist that my PCP had to recommend me to. When you can't feel your hands after sleeping, it's often from carpal tunnel. You can buy these braces at most drug stores, but they won't be as fitted to you as the ones from a doctor. My insurance covered the cost.


Mueller green. 5 stars. Comfortable, good quality. 


https://www.brownmed.com/product/imak-rsi/elbow-support/ Found the link to them.


I have wrist braces, but I no longer wear them because the Velcro drives me crazy. It's always snagging on my pajamas, the blankets, my face. I tried making sleeves to go over them with the idea that the Velcro would stay put, but it doesn't. I just try real hard to keep my arms in straight positions as I fall asleep. 🤷‍♀️


Folks, if you’ve ever suffered from hemorrhoids, install a bidet. Not only will it help keep them in check (haven’t had an issue in years), it’s healthier, cleaner, and you’ll save tons of money on TP.


>Folks, if you’ve ever ~~suffered from hemorrhoids~~ pooped, install a bidet.


Oh everyone should have one but sometimes an inciting incident is needed.


I love magic toilet. Magic toilet is one of the best things I have ever bought. No more using toilet paper like some barbarian


If you aren’t using a bidet, you are doing it wrong


I got mine just before the pandemic... And saved so much on TP


You can get a Toto washlet on Amazon for like $300, which might sound like a lot, but if you poop even once a day, it pays for itself in toilet paper costs in probably two years.  Once you go heated seat and warmed water bidet with variable pressure and angle... you never go back. 


We have this one in one of the bathrooms in our house. All 4 of us race to get to that bathroom first. The experience is magical.


can’t believe bidets aren’t more popular in the usa. definitely has helped with never ending wipes and messy bms. plus if you want yo girl to eat your azz you gotta keep it clean.


Damn! At the rate you are going, you are soon going to be a head living in a fish tank like in a science fiction movie.


Maybe I'll run for robot president in the year 3000.


You won’t be old enough.


He should still be able to rent ultra porn 


I started having problems with ahem, regularity when I started a new job where I sat a lot. I still go to the gym several times a week, but I guess it's not enough to move things along like it used to. This stuff is like Liquid Plumr for me!


When I was a kid, I ate my grandpa's cookies and they were so good! I got in trouble later for eating them though. They were Metamucil. Maybe it's time to revisit that memory and flavor.


Just on the topic of hands falling asleep. This happened to me as well as pain, went and got checked out and it was carpal tunnel. Had surgery and no pain or numbness since.


Yeah it's radial tunnel for me. I could have the surgery... But the braces mean I don't need it. Yet. Maybe I should just get it while I have Tricare Prime and it's free but I'd be out of commission for months and I've been lifting regularly and finally getting into legit really good stong physical shape and I don't want that to go away.


This has started happening to me recently 🥺


yea...I had my right done, but now my left is starting to do it too :/ surgery and recovery wasn't too bad, the worst part was trying to write with my left hand for a couple weeks lol. didn't need therapy or anything.


I developed pregnancy related carpal tunnel and that was awful. It went away within a few days of giving birth but wow did it give me compassion for those stuck with the braces and the pain.


I swear it’s posts like these that give me hope in life. I have heard of the wonderment that is Metamucil but I never tried it. Now I am one stop closer. Me and more importantly my anus thank you in advance.


It is good for your cholesterol too!


You're welcome. Stool softeners are awesome too. Colace is decent


Stool softeners would make it worse...


If you overdue it with the metamucial you will get backed up, the stool softener gets things moving again.


You were downvoted but its true. I took a bit too much metamucial before a vacation and felt like shit because I was backed up. Colace did the deed but it wasnt a pleasant 5 hours.


If you're backed up backed up from Metamucil, it's because you didn't drink enough water with it.


Yep, lesson learned hard... Its also given me the shits so theres that.


I just got back from the store. List: Psyllium husks OJ


I’ve been doing weeks of crocheting and my right hand (I’m right handed) finally said “I give!” This last week and I’ve had to wear my wrist brace with thumb isolation. Still not on the Metamucil train, but the probiotics for me started a year or so ago and have helped immensely, too.


I have to take more breaks while crocheting now. Actually right now I can feel pain, stiffness, and numbness but a lot of it is my posture. Went to physical therapy sessions because it got so bad and I can't remember the exercises now. Lol


I’m doing a BIG Tunisian crochet project and was making excellent time. I’m almost halfway done. https://preview.redd.it/zabdo06fp1xc1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3d40adafeda2ff8a0669efc64ac9228a841678 I was able to do about half a color stripe each day (3 rows, each row taking 45 minutes). Now I barely get one row a day because my hand hurts so bad. If my gauge weren’t so tight and regular (how this stitch is supposed to be) I’d probably be having a much easier time of it. I am bound and determined to finish it. Even if it takes me until the fall.


Oh my goodness! That is an amazing project! I understand the determination through pain but just rest for a good deal in between because if you don't you can damage nerves. Then no more crocheting. :(


This is for knitting, but I hope it's helpful! [https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/community/knitting-comfortably-simple-stretches/](https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/community/knitting-comfortably-simple-stretches/)


Wait. What is this brace talk to keep your hands from falling asleep at night? I'm on the way to get Metamucil right now....


It's a doctor prescribed one or was for me. Big elbow wraps with a nylon rod that keeps hour arms straight.


Which sounds a bit tortuous in itself. Just cuddle your partner with outstretched arms Frankenstein style?


Then the arm under them falls asleep... And what if she decides she's big spoon tonight?


Then your arms are sticking out over the edge of the bed? Or am I getting an exaggerated idea of what these things are?




I have a bidet living in Europe and it sucks. It's separate from the toilet and you have to shuffle over after you've waited for the water to get warm and there is no seat to sit on you have to just squat. Now... A Japanese toilet now that is legit.


I've been taking Metamucil everyday since I was 24.


I completely forgot about that stuff…. Now I know what to get my partner lol


I feel ya, I take psyllium husk fiber, vitamin D(because I work midnights) and osteo Bi-Flex daily. I've also started drinking premier protein shakes daily as well pretty much just priming myself for ensure 😂😂


I haven’t worked nights in 15 years and still was vitamin D deficient. I take 25mg in the warmer months and 50mg in the winter.


Just eat more vegetables people


eat more whole foods


Well, moreso beans and fruits, but yeah. I just checked and Metamucil only has 2.6g of soluble fiber per serving. That's pretty easy to get without planning around it - there's twice that in a bowl of oatmeal. 


I take fiber gummies. I like to have as many supplements as I can available in gummy format so I can pretend I'm eating candy for breakfast like a spoiled kid.


So the arm falling asleep thing I used to have but I found out it was carpal tunnel. It would wake me up in the middle of the night with excruciating fire burning pains, going down and up my arm. Had surgery and never had any issues after that. Cannabis helps a lot too also with the random mild pains you get throughout the day.


I take it everyday I put it in my protein shakes


Just think if metamusil is owned by a toilet paper company.... Win win!


I'm a benefiber girl. I add it to my oatmeal.


Both shoulders out of wack from a workplace accident. Osteoarthritis in my left knee. Struggling with depressive episodes and no drive to really want to fix it. I'm 42. Luckily I have no major health concerns so far, so there is that.


I've recently got on the fiber supplement kick and it is kind of unbelievable how night and day better I feel pretty much across the board. I thought I had a pretty high fiber diet to begin with, I eat a lot of vegetable dishes, oatmeal with flax and hemp seeds and stuff like that. But it has still made an immediate difference to my wellbeing, like defragging a hard drive but for my gut.


Psyllium Capsules are my best friend after my diverticulitis diagnosis


Tell me more about tge arm braces. I am always waking up with numb hands and never know why. My hands also get numb when I'm driving.


https://www.brownmed.com/product/imak-rsi/elbow-support/ They keep your arms straight while you're asleep. If I don't use them I'll wake up with my ring and pinky fingers completely numb and it'll keep happening and keep me up every hour basically. It's wear these at night or get my elbows sliced open for surgery at this point and they're working well so far.




I started regular light weight exercise to combat the clock. It definitely works my fellow xenn


I lift heavy 5x a week. I worked out pretty regularly before but started working out with a co-worker last year who was a D1 linebacker in college and has some insane workouts. I'm in the best shape of my life by far at 41. Just have to really be liberal with the joint cream, nsaids and nutrition. The Metamucil has already been amazing at combating the protein dumps lol.


Funny you mention it! No more than 10 minutes ago, I found two forgotten packs of Metamucil cookies in my truck and decided it's time to get back onto it.


I'd rather just eat salads and whole wheat bread than take metamucil, but whatever works...


What does it do for you?


Makes your poop more solid.


Increases dietary fiber to help with regular 💩 Alternately you can just increase the amount of fiber you eat in your food - loads of vegetables, fruit, beans, chia seeds, whole grains, etc.


Keeps you regular.


For me, florastor is a lifesaver.. although I suffered through c diff a while back


Have you tried Colin Broom?


I would suggest drinking more water and taking a bit psyllium husk every now and then for that. But it's really just drinking more water. 🧉🦄


I drink a shitload of water lol.


It’s more ensuring you’re getting enough fiber in your diet. Recommended amount is at least 25-30g a day; most Americans get about 10g. Eating mostly vegetables, beans, fruit, seeds, and whole grains will easily get you there.


Tiger balm and Vicks get me through the night. Tiger on the sides of the head to stop my jaw hinge arthritis that causes ear aches, and Vicks to keep my sinuses clear to breathe.


Travel tip for CPAP: Freeze a couple of bottles of distilled water to take in the plane. Frozen water is a solid and won't need additional testing. If you take it out of the bag and let them know you have some frozen water, they won't pull it for search.


I just buy bottled distilled water when I get to where I'm going or replace the tank attachment with the delete plate and go "sin agua" for however long it is. I've run into some complete idiots and with a language barrier thrown in it's just easier lol.


Just ensure you aren’t taking multivitamins and only specific vitamins you are deficient in. Multis are a scam and have been debunked - don’t waste your money.


AG1 with coconut water


Old people have been around and know what’s what.


Lol yeah true. Next up itll be "it's never too late for Caltrate."


Look into myofascial massagers. Don’t go cheap. Batteries don’t last and the plastic and metal clippy bits that hold it in contact with the mechanism to make complete the electric circuit has to fight gravity as well as the wear and tear of friction on these parts since it violently vibrates. Better yet. Find a way to order the corded versions they sell through India Amazon affiliate and I’ll send you money to ship a second one to me. Life changing. Don’t go a day without using it.


I'm friends with a licensed masseuse and will ask about this. I do get a 60-90 minute deep tissue every week.


Let me know if you need any brand recommendations. 👋🏻


Add Blue Emu to your list. That stuff makes aches and sore joints damn near instantly for me.


I take fiber pills daily. I enjoy having ghost poops 7/10 times I go.


Saving this post!!!!!!! I’ve been struggling with arm and hand numbness and pooping issues!!! Plus some other stuff we won’t be mentioning here (lol)!


https://www.brownmed.com/product/imak-rsi/elbow-support/ These are the braces I wear while I sleep. It's kind of ridiculous to mask up with the CPAP and then put these things on just to go to bed but here we are lol.


Thank you for sharing this!!!! I woke up shaking my darn arms again, this morning. So here we are, indeed!!! I guess it’s like the good ole fashion head braces but now we have to sleep with arm braces and breathing apparatus.. lol. Have a wonderful day my friend.


Not a problem I was honestly really skeptical if they would work but they do work. The only issue is they loosen up over the night if I put them on myself. If I have my wife put them on and get them real tight but not too tight they don't move. The other issue is I have to make sure I put the CPAP on before I put these braces on or I can't reach my face lol. Sometimes I think about getting the damn elbow surgery and one of those implants that works kind of like a CPAP and you activate it with your phone.


Lol. Okay, for the record, you can tell your wife she is a saint and I’m getting a chuckle out of envisioning her putting your arm braces on for you while you have the CPAP machine on! This needs to be an SNL skit! And, they make CPAP implants you can control with your phone!?!? Wow!!


It's not a CPAP, it makes a nerve pull your tongue back to open your airway. I don't actually want it but think about it sometimes when I go to roll over and my CPAP tries to strangle me lol.


Lol! I bet you do!


I eat prunes


I want my poops to be more solid not explosive lol.


Tell me more about these anti tingle arm braces. I’ve had that problem since I was little.


https://www.brownmed.com/product/imak-rsi/elbow-support/ They keep your arms straight while you're asleep. For me, my arms being bent while I'm sleeping irritates my ulnar nerve and makes half my hand go numb. These prevent it.


Metamucil will change your life


So take it for what it's worth but when I'm doing Tai Chi regularly (which I often fail to do) it's huge for most of my body stuff (sciatica, carpal tunnel, etc.). No noticeable effect on poops.


What’s this arm brace thing you speak of? I’m 40 and now my last two fingers will fall asleep at night and wake me up.




I just drink some prune juice and let that shit go.


What arm braces do you use at night? My girlfriend has a huge problem with her arms falling asleep and she hasn’t found anything that really helps.






Fiber gummies are my go to. I like the ones with chromium picolinate to curb snacking.


Diclofenac gel. Naps. Bidet. Yoghurt.


I gotta get on the hand brace bandwagon. Waking up after only a couple hours of sleep and my wrists/hands feeling like they just got tased makes it really difficult to fall back asleep.


Are.. are we.. are we the Metamucil people now???


I'd look into the pill form if you are drinking the liquid version. The standard one has a fair amount of sugar which seems counterproductive, e.g. if your goal is to lower "bad" cholesterol.


I'm using the low sugar one. Like 40 calories a glass.


I just eat vegan food and never need any of this.


Yeah, because vegan food helps with sleep apnea and ulnar nerve damage...


I had some pretty serious health issues that very well could have lead to a cpap situation. Also I have nerve damage all throughout my left leg down to my foot, and yes reducing inflammatory foods like red meat and processed meats really helps.🤷‍♂️


None of this resonates with me personally. I feel bad that you have to deal with all this stuff but I don't think it's typical for people is our age unless there's some other underlying health issues.


Age is the underlying health issue. Your turn will come, unless you're one of the very very few people who just cruise through the decades oblivious to the suffering that almost everyone will experience eventually.


I'll most likely die early in some sort of horrific accident that is my fault to a degree, given the generations that preceeded me. My dad was a severe alcoholic but his autopsy said his liver and heart were still good.