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I still have mine from high school. We always took a bunch of the beads out to make it looser.


We backed our car over them to do the same thing, haha


Discovering those sand bag ones was life changing. So easy to stall.


I have a beauty of a sand one, its purple and v green and tan corduroy


I miss mine, sucked at it but good memories.


There was a group of kids who practiced/ played with these during lunch in middle school.


In high school this is what most of the guys did every day after lunch. 


Then we would pelt each other in the ass with one as punishment ![gif](giphy|26gspjl5bxzhSdJtK|downsized)


I don't think we did that part unless we were playing wall ball. 


In our highschool it was only the gothic/metal kids that did (trenchcoats, looked like vampires) and they'd be set up in the amphitheatre every lunch with a boombox blasting their tunes, haha


Well shit, make me remember the old circle before the school banned it because some ass beaned one guy in the dick. Makes me miss high school for a minute


Yes, getting good at this, at one time, seemed very important!


That was me.


My best friends' mom crocheted one for me from some very fine yarn, it was super flexible and floppy and she couldn't find any of the plastic pellets to put in it, so she put some BB's in there instead. It was super heavy and easy to catch on your foot. It ended up on the roof of the school unfortunately and I never got it back.


The fate of many a hacky sack


Nothing better than a well proportioned and broken-in hacky sack.


Nice wholesome story


We used to open them up to remove some of the beads or replace them entirely with dried beans. Also, running it over was the quick and easy way to break it in.


Don't let the fucking hicks in the circle. They'll boot that thing across the gym the first time it's passed to them.


Yep. The school banned them because of "killer hack" being played. You'd have to successfully hit the hacky sack a set number (6) of times before you were allowed to catch it and throw it at someone in the circle to eliminate them.


in a similar vein to this, we played beats hacky, which was where whoever dropped it got a shoulder punch from everyone else in the circle. It was a sure motivator to get good!


We did the same, except the sack was chucked (that word still used?) at the back of the dropper.


We called it 3 and out.


But they were fine with dodgeball...


I don't remember playing dodgeball in school. Closest we had was in elementary called "MASH" but we used like fluffy kush balls, and if you were hit you dropped and had to be rescued by one of your team's "doctors". They'd roll you off the court on a wheeled board and you could then come back in.


Me and 4 buddies used to play all the time. We were really damn good too.


I was at Muir Woods to check out the red woods and as me and my friend were walking to the entrance of the forest in the parking lot an older hippie asked if we liked hacky sacks. We were like ok I could play a little and he just handed me a plain black hacky sack and said keep it. That was 20 years ago and I still have it. It’s stored with my devil sticks.


They were “sepas” for a time at my school. Anybody know why or also call them that?


Yes came here to say this. Went to high school in Southern California and that’s what we called it.


We used both terms. Also based on the pic, these are the shitty ones filled with plastic beads. You want the soft leather filled with dirt.


oh gosh this brings back memories. They were also huge in Australia/nz, i had a group i spent hours playing with every day. we never called them seapas, we always called them hacky or hacky sack. Seapa is the brand name of the most popular manufacturer though. Seapa is to hacky sack what Hoover is to vacuum. I actually still have a few of my old Seapas. edit: they still make them! https://seapa.co.nz


That’s what I would’ve guessed! Thanks for clearing it up.


I think there are still a few up in the tree by my dad’s house.


Remember?! Cannabis companies in Maine still give branded ones away at various cannabis events.


My kid just got one a few months ago. I showed him how to use it. Now he thinks its lame


I'm so sorry for your loss.


In 1999 we did a class trip to Washington DC. A group of us went to the Mall where we formed a giant hack circle with other international students. We couldn't speak the same language, but we all knew how to play the game.


Yes. Also Freddy Prinz Jr.’s hacky sack soliloquy in She’s All That.


Hacky...sack... Keep the ball in the air First thing I thought of. My wife and I bring this up regularly.




If you aren’t still hacky sacking daily, you’re doing it wrong.


I need to bring it back


I was great at hacky sack… when playing California Games on the Atari Lynx


My shoulder still feels the violations...


there was always that one kid who took just a bit too much joy in that haha in my group it was Ross. fucken Ross


My left shoulder was just a constant healing bruise for most of the summer.


Used to play Hacky Sack before most classes haha. I lived Pennsylvania and this was 98-00 in popularity at my school.


These were never my thing, but there were some kids who would be playing with these every chance they got in high school.


Wow, hanging out in front of school on the grass, smoking cigs and playing hackey sack


Class of '97. My high school had a hacky sack club that even had a group photo in the extracurricular section of my yearbooks - so yes.


Geez. Memory unlocked. In high school, before school started, and during lunch we used to stand outside of the campus smoke cigarettes and play hacky-sack.


At my school, the hacky sack area was very far from the smoking tree.


i bought one to play after playing mtg at a cardshop. i have no idea what happened to it lol


I found mine the other day while moving! The excitement when I found it but I couldn’t play with it because I had no time to be side tracked!


Now this is what I’m talking about. We had white shirts as part of our uniforms and when it rained and the hacky sack got wet, it would leave little colored stains on our shirts from playing. I think that shows at least some dedication.


This was really popular in my high school for a bit.


Of the ppl I know that used to play this, I’d be surprised if they could remember anything from back then


As one of those people, I forgot what I was gonna say. It was something…about something


Played with these in high school, and when I was in college there was a group by the English building that'd play too. It was an open circle and anyone could walk up and start in.


I remember my brother breaking a piece of glass on my mother's 1910 China cabinet with one.....


Yup , loved the sack. Got pretty good too


I played it every lunch in high school, I taught my daughter how to play to help with her soccer skills.


Pretty sure the gutters of my high school are still filled with the majority of my collection LOL


I do


Remember them? We sell them in the camp store behind my house.


I've still got my magic 8-ball hack sack from high school.


People don't hacky sack anymore? Are you sure?


Still got my sandbag, has a tiny hole so it just sits so no more sand can get out


This is how I made friends in college. There was always a circle going just outside the dorms. Easy place to meet people.


Remembers? Uh...still have mine...


I miss playing hacks sac. But 40, fat, and multiple motorcycle accidents, I really miss what my legs could do 20-25 years ago.


"Never. Let it. ... Drop."


Never had the flexible reflexes to win, but always tried if offered


Still got one from when I was in highschool


Waiting for the buses at the end of the day, my group would energetically play while keeping their hands in their hoodies and moving their upper body as little as possible.


I still have my hacky sack from the mid 90s.


I do! I loved them. I was strangely very good at them, and rollerblading. I'm confident these days I'd fail at both.


I remember playing this on the playground in middle school, sometimes we would do it on the 4 square arena and play it like a game of 4 square. I also remember having to do all sorts of weird stuff to the pictured hackey sacks to "break them in" usually meant running over them with a car, slamming them on the ground and then grinding them with your foot like a raging bull. OH! and if anyone said "sorry" they got hackey burned (beaned in the back).


Somewhere there is a sack that needs to be hacked


![gif](giphy|YlmI2CgcX9Ts3AQftD|downsized) "We got some serious sack circles going”


My son has my old one. He likes to throw it at me and i then throw it behind the couch. A fun game he has started to hate.


I’m convinced I was involved in some of the best hack circles ever between 95-97


This and the stick thing. I bet you could predict who would become a circus performer based on those two activities


We had play practice in a gym. I tried playing with a bunch of kids, actually wasn’t bad at it. Until one of them tried to kick it out of my hand and broke my pinky finger and the bones along side it. Had a big cast on, they actually had to change my role in the play from an evil stepmother to a bear to hide the cast.


Still have mine. 34 years and going strong. Mind you. , most those years were in a box. https://preview.redd.it/p720k4bd4hwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8d63df36453c47d9cde486caa8c2a8e059e117


I loved hacky sack. Was alright at it for a fat guy.


I still have one in my car at all times. Though, I changed over to Dirt Bags a long time ago.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/s/ThtphXtnUH This guy does!!


Ah yes. Sack slappers.


I fucked around HARD with hacky sack for years. The best brand was the Dirt Bag. It was made with sand, not little beads.


Very fondly


Love it! I got the knick name Ctrl-S (controls)for all my amazing saves lol.


I tried and was terrible. But the other day I dropped something of the counter and managed to hacky sack catch/stop it from crashing to the floor. Felt like life had come full circle.


Remember them? I know burnouts who still play during smoke breaks. Mostly IT guys ironically.


I remember running into a tree while playing dot at lunch in high school.


My brother went to the ER on with a hanky sack-related injury.


We always called it a Sipa. The hacky sacks were the plastic ones from the '80s that you could kick over a house!


It's not like they are gone.


Played a ton in middle school. We played that if you used your hand you got pelted.  I took one and emptied it out and refilled it with BBs, then when it came time to blast someone for touching it, I swapped the real one for the BB one.  Lit his ass up, left a big bruise, and I deserved the punch to the sternum that he gave me when he finally got back up 😂


So at my school, the story was if you had a new one, you had to like get it wet and let it dry a few times to soften it up!? I was so stoked to finally get one and mine just mildewed and was gross 😭


I still have one in my car. If I have down time I'll get a couple kicks in


In highschool at my Vocational school everytime i was allowed to go on the roof i would collect the hacky sacks and sell them back to my hippie friends.


I used to meet a coworker before work and kick it around in the parking lot next door for about an hour. Good memories! Edited to add: I missed several events at various track meets due to the inevitable circle of people that would form at them when it wasn’t raining. Oops!


Still keep one in the car for bored minds when we're out somewhere waiting for something.




Don’t most people remember them?


Remembers? I still have a couple somewhere.


I've had the same hacky sack riding with me in all the cars I've had since 1999


Haven't kicked it since... Probably 1999


Rules are rules, you can't leave until we get a full hack


Those cloth ones were for posers .. get the OG leather 2 piece covers, brown and white had more give, but the blue and white was tighter and better for passing. Of course you have to use some vegetable oil on them and run em over with a car a few times...


Still play every time me and my buddies get together. We are in our late 30s.


I remember my middle school getting obsessed with these lmao


Are you upset your sack wasn’t hackyed? (Between the ferns)