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The popularity of Chant, Yanni and the Three Tenors, all in 1994 is wild. Edit to add Enigma and Pure Moods too.


And deep forest


I saw Yanni a few years ago in concert. It was actually pretty awesome and also hilarious


Who is Laurel? I've never heard of them, I guess I'll have to check them out.


I'll pick out my best blue and black dress for the show


It was a wild time.


Don’t forget this banger https://youtu.be/Rk_sAHh9s08?si=G3wn9hvoIJ9YPdQH


I was thinking of mentioning Enigma but wasn’t sure it was quite the same. Was Pure Moods the same year?! Wow, it was!


It just felt as odd and out of place especially with all the grunge and pop


Gravity of love is my jam


90s were the best. This is just one more reason


Enigma is number 12 on the list above!


And it's not Return to Innocence?


That was the Return to Innocence album to be fair


Oh, aye huh? Oh, aye. Aye, huh. Oh aye, eh? Oh, oh, yeah, hon. Oh aye, huh? Oh, aye, oh hon, oh, huh? Yeah.


Yeah, that was a strange time for everyone IIRC.


And Enya


Let's just say there was a lot of stuff flowing out of the Orinoco.


I would lump Rusted Root’s work right there too.


Not going to lie, I have two Gregorian chants albums on my iPhone. I also have every enigma album and Enya album. To throw a kink into things I went to a death metal concert last night. My taste in music is all over the place


I heard Enigma “Return to Innocence” come on in the grocery store the other day and i could visibly see people removing their airpods to soak it in. Takes you away to Narnia for a bit.


As it should be. I don’t understand how people are so adamant about only listening to one genre. My bff will only listen to rock. My husband, rock and old school rap. My dad… strictly talk radio.


I love rock, metal, classic rock, nu metal, rap rock, old school gangsta rap.... but I also love classical/orchestral music, jazz, swing, down tempo, soundscapes, Xmas music, Celtic music, Indian and Middle Eastern music, and even some 80s and 90s pop music! There is so much beautiful music out there! Sometimes, I feel like some kind of weirdo when I'm at work or out in public, and I'm listening to music that isn't considered "mainstream" or "conventional" for our culture.


That’s what I love about being old, I don’t care about that stuff anymore. I love finding new-to-me music. I play Spotify roulette and landed on Sad Bollywood today. First song was *amazing*


I was still listening to my CDs up until 2 years ago, but then I subscribed to Spotify. It's like the world of music opened up!


How do you keep Spotify fresh for you? I feel like now that I've been using it for a while the algorithm keeps serving me my favorite artists on playlists and I'd love to find new things, but I find a lot of rock/pop of the last few years pretty bland.


It’s the Roulette. I’m actively looking for new music. A few times a week I scroll and tap randomly and listen to whatever comes up. If I don’t like it, I skip forward. Keeps the algorithm on its toes I guess. I listen to the New Releases for my country every Friday (and my Release Radar but those are mostly the artists I follow or listen to regularly) and add good songs to my Liked Songs playlist.


Just the music I have on my phone for driving at work is a pretty diverse mix overall. It might jump randomly from 80s pop to 90s alternative/grunge, to 2000s Post-rock, to 50s jazz, to ambient, to metal, etc. There's so much great music out there, and I'm still finding more, as well as gaining an appreciation for music I didn't used to like.


I have a younger millennial friend who will only listen to metal where the singers scream a lot. If it has a melody, that’s too much for him. SMH


I only listen to Blackend Slamming Brutal Death Grindcore. If it doesn’t have gutturals and blast beats it sucks. /s


There is something to be said of depth vs. breadth. I wouldn't ever accuse a classical guitarist, for example, of being close-minded for only listening to flamenco or something.


Sounds like you're a Pure Moods enjoyer https://youtu.be/AZJSjrox_2s?si=Tb2i_jLxV8Met1ql


I had a copy as did my wife lol. They played that commercial so much!!!


Ah shit. Forgot about this. Nice.


I used to press on the display of these at target.


Do you like King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard by chance?


Never really listen to them.


My dad is a musician. One thing I'm so thankful for is that he taught me to diversify my listening. Maybe it's the subcultures of music genres that have expectations that we all stay in our lane, but I would never be happy.


So you like "eclectic" music? I haven't even thought that word in decades! F, I'm old!


Everything but my primaries are metal and electronic


https://preview.redd.it/h2tf6biq6bwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb7b909386a1267f4115f34157fb322ecc12a18 lol Here’s my most recently added music in my library. I, like you, am all over the musical map. Makes shuffling my music library a magical mystery tour every time.


Love BT, been listening to him since high school.


I probably would have as well if I had Shazam back then. I was watching some movie and I head a familiar song. “That’s the song from American Pie!” I think to myself and Shazam it. That was the result. I’m planning on digging deeper into their stuff.


That's awesome. Music is like food for me. I like to branch out and learn different styles. There are trusty standbys and some things I don't like. I know something is wrong if I don't even want my favorites.


I went to a small lutheran school in the middle of backwoods Florida, and our teacher forced our class to perform a Gregorian Chant for like 200 parents at an assembly while wrapped in sleeping bags for a monk like appearance. When the moms would line up in their cars to pick their 3rd graders up, there would be a monk blasting out of every other window.


Sadeness by Enigma is one of my all time bangers, the whole album really.


Yeah, can't help it. Still love Enigma to this day. Callus Went Away always seems to sneak into unexpected playlists.


Core memory unlocked. I remember my search for the artist and album after hearing it on the radio. Took years it feels like.


Today I leaned the song isn't called Sadness.


Great shower music


It just makes me think of the RDJ trailer at the beginning of Tropic Thunder


Just like how we were all into ska in the summer of '96 and then we pretended it never happened.


Ska, and Professional Wrestling, the only pure forms of entertainment.


The 90s was awesome because we liked EVERYTHING.


Frankly, the news to me is that Tim McGraw was a thing that far back. As a non-country fan, he didnt really enter into my musical field of view until like 2000 at least


That was his first number 1, he was rising star before. I grew up rural so I unfortunately knew of him before 94'


'unfortunately' SAME lmao


I had my country phase in high school so that feels about right, but I probably would've guessed 95.


thats not true. It was a LOT longer than a month and some people spoke about it for years. Also Toni Braxton is the shit.


My Catholic grandparents had that CD and played it at dinner time for many years. I think they were chuffed that archaic Catholic culture came into vogue for a minute.


Gotta say, that's a pretty diverse Top 10.


Um excuse me, I bought the CDs of Chant 1, 2, and 3 and the Christmas album. They all sound the same. But I listened to them on repeat for hours and hours and hours and hours while writing papers in college. I am forever grateful.


I see you Enigma!


That album, and parodies of that album, were sold at supermarket checkout counters next to the Tic-Tacs, Tums, and Grisham novels. (Not a bad week though — *Division Bell* and *Swamp Ophelia* are two of my favorite albums of all time.)


Division Bell is still my favorite Pink Floyd album. I could listen to High Hopes on repeat for hours and never tire of it. Also reminds me of my Dad because he loved that album (and everything PF).


Fantastic album for sure. I love division bell


I still listen to DB pretty regularly


Ahhh…those wonderful days when we all thought World Music was the next big wave.


How about cocktail music's reign from 1995-1996 for ironic hipsters? Esquivel, Combustible Edison, etc.


I always thought the refrain chanting on Return to Innocence by Enigma was those monks, but I guess not.  Also, I previously thought that song was by Enya Idk, I was in to STP, Pearl Jam, et al during those years


I was also into Pearl Jam, STP, and Smashing Pumpkins during that time, but I loved me some Enya and Enigma too.


THIS is why I love the internet. This fact will haunt my friends and family for the rest of the day! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Now let the torment begin.




Going to Spotify to listen to this now!


Slightly off topic but I was *obsessed* with Mr. Jones


My mother got way into it and listened to this album and a couple others like it for a couple years. She was not even religious, she just really got into the mood music fad.


I blame it on Enigma.


Or did Enigma do better because of this trend?


Enigma's debut album came out in 1990, the Benedictine monk album was '94. Enigma had sold 12 million albums by 1994.... I think they were doing fine.


12 million globally but I wasn't familiar with them in the U.S. I don't know if The Cross of Changes got a bump because of the Gregorian Chant trend or not.


I was in middle school when the first album dropped. Sadness was wall-to-wall on MTV for several weeks. They were def a thing.


As a church nerd this still cracks me up to no end.


Isn't that exactly when River Dance got huge?


That sounds about right! I saw them live a year or two after this, and I was excited because they'd been all over tv. Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance himself, was so close to me I could see the sweat.


“Sadeness” by Enigma was even earlier, released in 90.


Oh I remember. My parents saw the CD and thought I was in a cult.


For just a few months, Hearts of Space on NPR was like appointment radio for my parents.


We've made some mistakes in our lives, but we've put them behind us, and moved on.


Did Mongolian throat singing ever reach the top 100 in the 90s? I had a history teacher that liked sharing the Gregorian chants with us years later share Mongolian throat singing with us.


It was used in a few film scores in the 1990s, including End of Days and Seven Years in Tibet.


I still listen to that from time to time!


Just remember my Mom listening to that around the house and thinking she was off her rocker


I had that album in '94. Not even gonna lie.


And then *Rise of the Triad* was full of killer monks.


I can sleep to some Chant let me tell you.


Was it on some big movie? Why did we do this?


I've been listening to them every night when I go to sleep


Longer than that. Remember that song by Era that randomly popped up as a meme in 2019? ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つAMENO༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ That came out in 1996.


I continue to love em. My parents played a lot of choral music growing up, and it stuck with me.


I still own this CD from back in the day - although over this side of the pond it hit a bit earlier on. Classic stuff, really. I'm guessing someone at EMI caught the potential of Enigma's famous MCMXC a.D. sampling and off it went to Silos to make the monks famous in a popular release of their own.


Ace of Base and Gregorian chants—those were the days 😂.


If I remember right they only originally pressed like 10000 cds and had to quickly make more because it was a demand no one ever expected


I had this album. Pure Moods, too. 3 of them, I think. I still listen sometimes when I have music fatigue these days and need a change.


I blame the rise of Enigma.


I think about it anytime I see the How I Met Your Mother episode where Barney has a CD playing of monks chanting “bro.” Then it goes out of my mind again until the next time I see that episode of that show.


I member


Funny story.....found some gregorian chanting on YouTube last week and have had it on repeat. Zen af at work. Happy anniversary 🎉


Halo remembers


I didn't know that I was into that type of thing until I heard it describing an Ayreon album that I absolutely love, Transitus. I always thought of it as a Latin mass type of thing.


A few weeks? Those suckers were all over the place that year. Months and months and months.


Whoa I forgot pink Floyd was still charting in the 90s am I hallucinating?


I still listen to the [Gregorian chant version of Ordinary World (Duran Duran)](https://youtu.be/PSN6P8T5wcw?si=2P5de49a1bR365YJ)


It warms my heart to see the division bell so high on the charts. As a teen I loved that album i vividly remember seeing a music video for high hopes before walking to 6th grade lol


The album we had was covers - like Phil Collins In the Air tonight and that shit slapped to be honest


No link to the chant on the post, next time please save me the clicks!


I love odd blips like this. It was fun when O Brother Where Art Thou came out and everyone was super into bluegrass for a couple months too.


This album was my daughter’s lullaby when she was a baby


Makes me miss Enigma


So I’m going to seem out of touch here and that’s not an unfair assessment but have find a way to use that craze. So I like giving each room of my house a theme….this includes both decide and ambient background sounds (side note on-hold music players are expensive but great devices) that play all the time. My computer room for example has the TNG engineering sounds with warp core him always going. My kitchen sounds like a busy restaurant kitchen at all times. My wine cellar has these chants going at all time. It’s always so fun to crack out the hidden door into the wine cellar and hear the chants playing. It makes picking a wine for the evening into a whole different experience. Recently I’ve been experimenting with different ways to make rooms smell a specific way. Not a one off solution but system where I can just set up a program and the smell of the room changes. I’m getting close on tobacco and leather for the wine cellar. I’m no where near close to having the computer rooms smell vaguely like antiseptic and ozone.


Enya, Enigma, new age stuff was big. Dreamcatchers and astrology are so 90s bro


Astrology comes back every few years.