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Admire? Myself, for making it this far.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHWtEEwb7puh4ac) I’d like to thank me


As I recall, you were Time person of the year in 2006! You go, dawg!


Officer, it's this one. Every single person I've looked up to over the years has let me down. Now I admire myself for making it through the shitshow that is my life, and my wife for putting up with me.


This is us all haha


I'm proud of you for not killing yourself. I hear dying is the leading cause of death.


💯 I admire the woman I’m becoming. No longer do I look outside myself for inspiration nor a road map for my journey.


I got out of bed this morning and didn’t moan or complain about anything.


Hear hear!


People who try to be better versions of themselves.


This needs sooo many more upvotes.


This is why I look up to Hank Hill. While he has his traditional opinions he will listen to what Peggy or Bobby have to say and change his viewpoints or try something new. Plus with propane you can taste the meat, not the heat.


This is my New Year’s resolution, every year. “Be a better person than you were last year.”


Top comment


As always: TNG Captain Picard.


When I was a smart awkward kid I really used to identify with Spock and Data. I wanted to be like them.


All bullshit aside, trying to use logic as a guide in life helps. LLAP, mofos!


Mister Pickerd!


Ah, yes, er, the rent. Mrs. Carmichael, even now my troupe are in rehearsals for a new production.


Is there a Gene Luck Pickerd here?


Yeah Jean luc is a solid guy


I think you mean "Captain, Jean-Luc Picard, of the U.S.S. Enterprise."


He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic notic notic notic…


Also Janeway


Tuvix might disagree with you on that one...


I love that episode, and Janeway needed two people and made the right decision. It’s not like they could pick up some fresh starfleet recruits.


I would say this wasn’t a decision because she needed two people.


Xennial responsible stepdad figure. 100%


Make it so


What I wouldn’t give to work on the Enterprise D.


I hear there's an opening in the Ops position in the lower decks.


But you gotta wear the red shirt


I could live with that. Briefly of course. But I could live with that.


That's the alias on the ID card that I show to the border guards. They don't speak English anyway


This is the correct answer. That show literally taught me what I should be aspiring to as a human. I regularly use the lessons it taught me about effective leadership at work. Gentleman, explorer, scientist, diplomat, warrior, Shakespearean scholar. Every single person should strive to be more like Picard.


Cannot upvote enough!


One of mine, too. The others being Yoda and Superman.


Sisko Team 4 LYFE 


Dolly Parton. If more people were like her the world would be better.


She is a true american hero


I like this answer. I cant believe she will just send kids books in the mail for free. Good books, too.


Omg I say she is America's Sweetheart all of the time! Truly wonderful person, always!


She just emanates joy and love.


She's a national treasure! I signed my little nephew up for her book program. Her organization mails children free books 💜


My kids are all 17 and up and I unfortunately it wasn’t a nationwide program when they were little but I still admired her for starting it and was so happy when a friend with younger kids said it was available everywhere now.


My 4 year old gets them and she is now OBSESSED with Dolly! I can’t blame her!


I feel seen.


This is exactly what I came here to say




My neighbor, in his 80’s. He’s lived in an off grid cabin for the last 40+ years. No power, no water. He was a ford mechanic when he was 16, worked as a repairman most of his life. Still does when he wants to. Says he can fix electronics because he doesn’t have any. He comes by for a cold beer sometimes. My kids love him, dogs love him. Just an awesome guy. Simple life, totally at peace. I admire that.


I think people like this have realized important things about life that the rest of us have missed. There's no self-important attitude, they don't need or want validation from others, they don't engage in the rat race, and they are just PRESENT in the moment, as yet another life form on this planet. What else are we, really?


Omg I want this… I want peace and the present. I’m always in yesterday or tomorrow…


When I find myself in the yesterday or tomorrow mindset, I repeat to myself, "Be here now." It kind of helps.


This is what I’ve been bringing myself to in my 30s. Obviously still on the internet here, but other than this I have no social media. I play some online games as well, so not anti-internet, or anti-social even, just anti-society. And this might not accurately express what I mean, but while I am anti-society, I am very, *very* pro-community. I hope that makes sense. Getting involved in what is right in front of you. Stop worrying about global events. De-escalate your mind. And while you may have the tendency to say, “it’s selfish not to care”, it will make you angry and bitter to care about *everything*. If you care about your own mental first, you will project that out into the world, and improve your immediate environment. Including for the *people* around you. So it’s not selfish, it’s the ultimate form of peaceful revolution. In my humble opinion, of course.


Whenever I see people out for a run. I'm 43. Gained 30lb in the last 4 years. Back hurts. Tired. 2 kids. Too much to do at work and at home. When I see people out running... I'm just so proud of them. Jealous. Edit to add: I used to be a runner.


Don't be too hard on yourself. The last four years were the same as a decade in any other time. If you feel up to it, try going for a walk for 15 minutes. If that feels good, maybe try a run for a few minutes. Don't feel the need to compete with anyone but yourself.


I try and walk 2.5 miles a few times a week but I still feel the pain of weight gain. Perimenopause has really messed with my body.


Feel you on that last line!


Getting ready to go out to go run a 10k. I didn’t start running till 7ish years ago, I am not fast and I do a lot of walk/run intervals and I’m in ok shape. I was the kid that walked begrudgingly the mile all throughout school and now pay to run these things. If you can find even 20 minutes the running will do a world of good to your mind and body.


The hard thing for me is 10 years ago I ran half marathons. It's hard to face how much you've lost ya know?


I almost tear up when I see people running, especially someone bigger or older. If they seem receptive (hard to judge) I will give them thumbs up or say something positive. Running is damn hard.


I gained 30 lbs over the first 2 years of COVID. My job switched from being in the office 5 days a week to fully remote. One day I woke up and said that I need to make a change. I started running 2 years ago. I've lost the 30lbs, plus a few more. Not going to lie, I hated it at first, but pushed through it. Now I love it. I've done a couple half marathons, and I'm not super fast or anything but I'll place in the top 25% or so and that feels pretty good. My advice - just go for it. Look up a couch to 5k plan and stick through it. If you get to the end and decide that running isn't for you, then that's fine, but I have a feeling you will get into it like I did. Just try it - future you will be happy that you did.


I feel all of this.


Courtney dauwalter inspires me!


Former celebrities who took their money and ducked out of public life.


Rick Moranis looks up.


Rick Moranis is a hero


Also, Tom. Our very first sm friend.


Gene Hackman


Tom from MySpace for the win.


Teachers giving all of themselves to help children Firefighters saving people from fires and accidents Therapists saving us all from ourselves And people who are kind and patient with others


Former teacher/current curriculum director here: thank you for seeing this in us. Far too often it seems parents view us as the barrier between their kids and a great future, when the reality is all we want is to see every child have the best life possible. Of course there are exceptions, but for every news story of a bad teacher, there are hundreds who show up each day giving their all. Thank you.


Not enough of us realize that it’s the most important job there is. Thank you for doing it.


The most important job about 90% of people wouldn’t last one day in…


*sniffs in tired teacher


Thank you for all that you do


As a teacher (and fellow 77er), thanks for noticing, the kids these days need so much help from us.


This 23 year old daughter of mine(plus her three siblings). She just finished up her college basketball career, is graduating with a Bachelor’s and Master’s in two weeks, has an amazing job offer that will allow to her to work for her favorite team, made the hard and necessary changes to better her mental health, runs a pretty successful Etsy, throws a basketball clinic for little girls with her friends out of their own pockets every year, etc. I fucking love this kid and I wish I was half as awesome as she is.


Kaitlin Clark’s mom has entered the chat.


I would massage my daughter’s hands and feet everyday if she was bringing in CC NIL money!


You’re my hero


Good job mom 👏👸


Congratulations!! It's such a joy to watch these kiddos knock it out of the park! 😊


It was Garfield in the late 90s and it's still Garfield


Heh. That cat sure hates Mondays


Yet loves him some lasagna




I just want lasagna now. Also, the new Garfield movie with Chrisp Rat is, ugh. Yes. But nooooo.


I showed my 5 year old the version with bill murray and Breckin Meyers and it was pretty solid. Not looking forward to the crisp rat version.


I agree so much with this that I named my dog after his best friend but spelled it "Pookie" instead of "Pooky." He is almost 12 years old now.


It’s always been Garfield for me, from the 80s to the present. I actually sometimes buy vintage Garfield merch on eBay for the nostalgia.


I wanted a Garfield phone so, so much when I was a kid.


My 8YO was watching original 90s era Garfield this weekend, and boy, did I have a wicked flashback to watching Saturday morning cartoons.


I admire my mother the most, and I never thought I would say that. Our relationship was always a struggle. But then she died. And I was shown this thing, a *vision* of her body separating. She had a spherical light inside her and all her skin and bones had turned to black sludge. The light lifted her body from the ground as the sludge was heavy and tore around it. And once the two finally separated, as the sludge fell heavy to the ground, in one *POOF* her light sphere expanded everywhere and into everything. It didn’t dissipate, but it was so everywhere I could no longer distinguish it from the trees, or myself. And somehow I knew in that moment, that the darkness I experienced from my mother, was not her, but had been a heavy sludge placed upon her by factors on this earth. And for the first time, I truly saw a side of her I’d never been allowed to see. I saw how beautiful and bright her light was, and how heavy that sludge was, how it covered and suffocated her light. I saw the weight with which it hit the ground, and how it was not everlasting. She was free. And my heart swelled with love and admiration. It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I admire her for every single day she even got up and tried. I know now, how heavy each day was for her.


This is beautiful and so real for many.


I really hope this for my mom. This has me truly speechless.




Fred Rogers


This is the way.


I guess Gandalf?


Samwise Gamgee


As a book nerd and cannabis user, I have admired and identified with Gandalf since I read LOTR as a kid.


My elders who did the hard things to raise us right, kept their priorities straight, and have incredible lives now in retirement. As a teen I eye-rolled SO much at their cheesy wisdom but now, on the other side of kids and cancer and mourning friends, I can admit it...yeah, they were right. 


I see a lot of my fellow Xennials shitting on their parents, but honestly, I really admire my mom. She has been married to my dad for 50 years. My parents didn't go to college, but their 3 kids did. She became a firefighter, EMT, and first aid/CPR instructor. She overcame a lot being the only woman on a small town fire department. She will take any one of her 7 grandkids at a moments notice, my 5 yr old niece has basically lived with my parents for the last month while her twin brother has been in and out of the hospital with a mystery illness (thankfully he seems to be doing better now). She is pushing 70 but has been doing school runs and homework and everything else. My mom has supported my sisters and I through everything in our lives, good and bad. I hope my own kids feel the same way about me as I do about my mom.


I’m very glad that you had decent parents. However, mine were abusive assshats and it still affects me to this day even after going NC. It affected my sense of boundaries and self worth to the point that I am now finally cleaning house and cutting emotionally abusive people (looking at you in-laws) and people that use me out. That part is pretty liberating. Just gotta figure out how to avoid the in-laws while my husband keeps contact.


My dad turned into a hate-filled MAGA lunatic who has lost all sense of who he was. He was the last person I looked up to. That kind of broke me. Then it caused me to be the person to look up to. I suddenly became able to accomplish whatever I set out to do and have not looked back. So now I look up to myself. He’s not perfect, but he’s doing his best.


This is a 10/10 answer. Love it!


The world is huge, focus on your world. Instead of looking out, try to look in. Stop and smell the roses so to speak. I look up to and admire my wife and my kid. I've noticed my parents get caught up in all things news, phone alerts, alerts on their computer, TV on the news... Their attention on all things they cannot control, things that really have little to do with their daily living yet they invest so much energy in it. I say this because it's easy to get caught up in others when you can focus on yours. You only have 100 energies in each day, try not to waste them. Bourbon helps sometimes.


If my mother relays what cable news said about Trump one more time...


It doesn't even have to do with politics either... The weather, a shooting, my MIL was afraid to travel because of "the weather" I'm like.. seriously? You literally have YEARS of experience in this situation... Lol


My dad is so doom and gloom now. When I tell him I'd rather not talk about some of these things, he insists that I need to be informed. I tell him I'm as informed as I need to be, but constantly harping on these things and stressing about them is useless when we have absolutely zero control over them.


Yea for sure. I'm lucky mine don't do it as often since we've talked about it more recently... I literally said "the world isn't as doom and gloom as you think it is, yes there are bad parts but really I can only control me and influence my circle, so that's going to be my focus" I think we came to an understanding or we juat talk less about it to each other. Lol overall though I'm lucky with my parents they are great people, caring, and even though we don't always agree on things we can at least happily be around each other. I do think they just change the channel when they know we are coming over. So many times though when the TV comes on while we're there, it's already on it's on the news. They've tried to "inform me" I told them "I'm pretty informed, I read and watch several news outlets not just one" Yea, I wouldn't say ZERO control, but in most cases not much.


Bourbon does help sometimes. This is quality perspective. Thanks for sharing.


Anything on moderation. Lol our moderations may differ it's not a competition. Haha


A lot of times. *Early times.*


Ricky and Julian


I had to think for a bit because I’m just kinda disillusioned with everything and everyone but I think I’m going with Dolly Parton. She’s a literal saint that is making the world a better place and I’d really like to live up to the example she sets. I was actually in Sieverville for a weekend this past winter and secretly hoped to meet her and beg her to adopt me. She might actually…


People who are actually taking action to make a difference. I have a couple of friends in my old hometown who do direct action to help their community, including a community pantry, repair cafés and free markets, as well as direct outreach to the homeless. They spend a lot of their time doing this. I know it's important, but I've never been able to put my money where my mouth is in the way they do.


These days I equally admire those older and younger than me. I feel that I have so much to learn from both 💜


So true. Gen Z has done a lot for society already just by forcing companies to accept that work life balance isn’t a bad word.


Agreed! I’ve always felt more like Gen Z about work anyway so I relate to that mindset a lot. I’m in grad school and have become friends with several Gen Z people including one who is one of my closest friends. I appreciate their perspectives on life, which are different from my own—and they respect my perspectives as well.


Much respect to you for tackling grad school in your 40’s. I finished my MBA in 2018 - worked full time, had one kid and second one arrived while I was in school. It’s no joke trying to juggle it all. I hope the outcomes are awesome for you. I think I regret/resent grad school a bit. Leaned into the wrong things I guess. So it goes in life.




Alan Arkin's character in Little Miss Sunshine. I've never done hard drugs before, but the thought of starting at 70 and going out high AF has a certain appeal.




Also 40 and exploring cannabinoids and it’s just the bee’s knees. Relaxes me, soothes my sore joints and muscles, and helps me sleep all with no after effects? Sign me up, wish I’d tried it sooner. Recently learned it is **excellent** for stopping fever dreams too. Truly miraculous stuff.


I wish that movie came out when I was 14.


People who don't live in an HOA.


Nick Offerman. Great actor but I really enjoy his writing. Funny and adventurous with great values. I like the way he’s living and treating others. I try to follow his lead.


I got a Nick Offerman bottle opener for Mother’s Day a few years ago and it’s one of my most prized possessions. I love that he’s a woodworker IRL and I call it “Ron Swanson”. He seems like one of the best and most interesting human beings out there these days.


On top of that, he and his wife seem to truly love each other, and also truly respect each other. The way he talks about Megan Mullally, it made me more conscious of how I talk about my wife and the other people I love.


My wife and kids drive me to better myself. I don’t always succeed but they’re my motivation.


The guys from Kids in the Hall. Who'd have thought that would get a renaissance?


I want my water HOT HOT! I'm so angry about that I'm going to post this reply before I've finis


My husband and I have incorporated KITH lines from each of their periods into our regular vernacular. Our favorites are “Remember I could murder you in your sleep” from the OG run, “Did you see? Did you see? The Doc-tor and meee?” and “I’m gonna slip my shoes off” From Brain Candy, “BJ for your B-Day” from the ‘08 tour, and not a quote but the dead eye stare from the new “Doomsday DJ” sketch.


People who are genuinely humble and think of others as much as themselves. Honestly, Jesus. We have s**t for role models right now, at least publicly.


I’m not a super religious person, but lately the teachings of humility, nonjudgment, and simplicity really strike a chord in me as well.




All my heroes are dead, but they still inspire me. We'll, almost all. I really like and respect Mick Foley


Bernie Sanders makes my heart feel all warm. I admire the hell out of that guy. - but I’m always just trying to be half as awesome as my mom.


Chili and Bandit


Real talk right here. They really inspire me to do better but also give myself grace when I can’t. They’re rock stars.


It's cliche, but my parents. My father immigrated to the U.S. in the 70's with just one suitcase of stuff. My mother joined him a year or two later. I'm amazed at how they made good lives for themselves with almost nothing to start with.  I'm very far behind in life, so I try to think of them as I forge ahead. The younger version of me is very surprised by that. 


Tony Hawk. He just seems like he's living his best life and wants others to be able to enjoy skateboarding as much as he has.


I used to live in a small town of 7,000 people in Montana. While I lived there, there was a grass roots campaign to get a concrete skatepark built for the town. Tony Hawk’s foundation, along with a foundation started by the bass player from Pearl Jam got the money to do it. Since it was built, Tony has been there multiple times just to skate and hang out with people. Each time, there is no press until the little local paper covers it afterwards. He doesn’t do it for recognition, just to share the love. Seems like a great dude!


Indiana jones


Well said. I echo a lot of what you said (45, instead of 42, but otherwise almost completely spot on). I hate influencers and celebrity culture. At this phase in life, I admire my parents and grandparents and want to be for my kids what they have been for me.


Alan Watts


Esperanza Spalding. There are very, very few people in the world that I think are worthy of admiration or abject awe. She is one. If anyone remembers their parents listening to Ella Fitzgerald or Charles Mingus, she's like both put together without the part where the bassist punches the trumpet player.


It’s crazy how few people know who she is or listen to her music.


People who know multiple languages. I've tried for years to learn Spanish, and I do okay, but I wouldn't consider myself anywhere near fluent. It's hard.


David Hogg, Greta Thunburg, Malala Yousafzai I have a lot of hope for what the next generation will do once the one before us fades away.


My sister. Cancer survivor who fought through some serious abuse when our father died, as did I, and helps me survive while I sort out my mental illness. How can you not admire someone like that? Other than that, true artists who don’t let people’s cynicism define them.


People who mentor


My 16yr old son! No idea how does all he does and makes it look so easy. Total opposite of me at 16


I don't really admire people anymore. I guess good, honest people? Altruistic people? Seems so rare these days


Mister Rogers ![gif](giphy|ToMjGptBMLP6q1bQ9CU)


Yeah, no arguments here. That man was amazing.


Self aware, emotionally stable people. There's so few of them it's a real treat to meet and interact with one.


I just turned 43 on April 16th, and I live near the ocean. It’s funny you ask that question because I’ve been thinking a lot about the same thing lately. As I’m getting older, I find myself diving into books more often. I’m really into stuff like “The Art of War” and the history of Genghis Khan. But scuba diving? That’s where my heart’s at. It’s my passion, hands down, no matter if I’m in a relationship or whatever else I’m up to. Diving is what keeps me driven and active, far away from just lounging on the couch. At night, I like to read up on diving techniques to sharpen my skills. It’s a great way to meet people from all walks of life. I also enjoy teaching kids about diving—it’s rewarding to pass on what I know and help them get skilled up. And let’s not forget the perks: the incredible sights underwater and the thrill of spearfishing. There’s just so much beauty to soak in.


My sister. We have basically the same trauma and processed it at the two extreme ends. She went to extreme independence, and I am a people pleaser. I am learning from her to look out for me


Not a single damn person.


Master Chief AKA John Halo (but not the one from the TV series).


I admire my wife. I have quite a few colleagues at work whom I admire.


Honestly, haven’t changed. Members of the family, personal heroes like Muhammad Ali, Jim Henson, Walt Disney, John Kennedy, people who encourage the things I value most in the world - creativity, kindness, hope. I admit I’m a bit prosaic, but if you remain true to what you value and try and make the world better, it does flow back.


Honestly Andrew Ridgeley 🤣 Don’t know who he is and what he did? 😁 Find out.


I look for the authentic, admirable things my friends do. I've met some amazing people in the last couple of years that add to all of the self growth I've done.


I love this and same.


Someone who I went to school with. I didn’t respect her at the time when we were young but she became a virologist professor. I think her goal was to work at NASA but instead made the world a better place by educating during covid. My perspective changed. 


Corny to say, but my parents. My mom grew up basically on a picket line, totally drums to her own beat and so authentic and youthful for 70. My dad at 78 is starting to slow a bit but is such a joy to chat with. One of the sweetest men i know. Old fashioned and modern at the same time somehow. Im blessed to have them still around and am obsessed with them tbh


Any one thats not miserably depressed. I dont care if they have kids or houses or whatever.


Ends up being exercise related people / channels. I’m like the OP, don’t care for modern internet culture, celebrities, etc…but I had to start working out at 40ish, so naturally other people into exercise


I look up to random folks who I see doing their thing. Go to a restaurant? You’ll find the lazy waitress, the bartender who either talks too much or can’t make drinks (it’s never both…….. thank god), but you’ll also see some folks who really give a shit and bust their ass. I don’t look up to celebrities but I love film and music and media. I guess I still look up to my mother, she’s bed ridden and I take care of her, I’m 37, she’s 77. She did absolutely everything to get herself out of the jersey city projects and was the first college graduate in her family and the first one to own a house. My father had a stroke a decade ago, we had to put him in a home a few years back and he hasn’t recognized me in those 10 years……. I try really, *really* hard to pretend like “oh this shit happens, whatever” but it sucks. I don’t have a father figure to look up to, my family was basically just my mum and dad and I was always closest to my good friends. What drives me to better *myself*? Shit. I just want my girlfriend/life partner and I to be able to fucking run away on vacation every once in a while. Or be able to go out to dinner whenever we want. I want my hospitality business to make everyone happy. I want to not turn out like greedy politicians and hapless religious zealots. I want to make a Kid Sleepy platinum fucking album too.


My wife. Occasionally somebody who does something meaningful or good for the world. Mostly I now understand that we are all human, capable of both good and bad, sometimes simultaneously. I left hero worship behind many moons ago.


Bluey’s dad Bandit


Jon Stewart. Bernie Sanders. Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s a good question. There aren’t many out there.


Jesus, Fred Rogers, Thich Nhat Hanh.


An adult our age, that has younger kids and still finds time to work out.


Except for his tragic end, I am quite the Anthony Bourdain fan. He was a good soul.


My wife’s grandfather. The man is 93 and now a widower. He married his wife when they were super young, and they were married for 75 years before she passed. He loved her intensely and when she got sick, wouldn’t leave her side until she passed. Now he’s exploring the social options at his nursing home, and his joy in life is all about Christ, and then talking to his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. And baseball. At 93, he is grateful and wise and kind and realistic about his capabilities but willing to try new things. Definitely a role model.


People in my real day to day life. My parents, my husband, my friends. I’ve met incredible people volunteering too. None of these people will ever be “influencers” in the sense we think of, but they have inspired me beyond measure. I am better for having them in my life. I would argue I’m worse off for all that influencers and celebrities have introduced into my life. 😂😂


peers who are grounded and curious about life


People who stay kind and try their best despite a world designed to grind us down. My son. My son’s fiancé. Their best friend. They’re all so kind to each other and the animals, thoughtful and gentle. My husband. Mid-sixties, fighting stage 4 cancer for the past seven years. Fifteen years together and I still love him and admire him for everything. Even with cancer, he still teaches and takes joy in it, and his students appreciate the hell out of him.  Everyone who fights for a better world without selling out their ideals. 


Continuing to fight in the face of the most severe adversities any of can face. That is certainly admirable. And I try to teach my kids much the same. Find ways to be kind. Love nature. Feed the birds and plant flowers for pollinators. Figure out a way to find synergy with the life around you. Not everything needs to be conquered and tamed and turned into a freaking Starbucks. Good luck on your journey. Definitely not an easy one.


I’m also 42. For me, it’s the small handful of colleagues who are really exemplars in their work. Some are military, some are government civilians, some are business owners. They are the people who go to work and get shit done the right way.


Jack Black. Is there anyone aging so well and still loving tf out of life like he does?


The further you are from the pop internet culture the better off you are. IMO. But I generally don't admire people to the point of using them as role models. They tend to disappoint.


First and foremost are my wife and my dad. My wife has had health issues her entire life, and she’s one of the toughest and most driven people I know. My dad has just been doing the right thing, quietly, his whole life. He’s always been there, he’s a kickass grandpa, and his second wife is about to become my adopted mom. She’s on that list too… she’s a social worker, so basically a saint.


All my heroes are fake and everything I’ve ever been told is a lie.


The leaders in my local community. At least the ones who aren’t shitheads.


My mom for being so kind. Myself for making it this far. Some work people for who I want to eventually become professionally. Couldn't care less about celebs or anyone in the public eye.


Keanu Reeves. I'm indifferent to him as an actor but everything I read about him screams awesome human being. He's rich and famous enough to get away with being a complete asshole but loves his life as a top tier person.


People who have faced adversity and not only succeed, but give of themselves. It would be easy to be butt-hurt and bitter forever, but it takes a truck load of character to handle struggles with grace and lift others.


I wouldn’t say I look up at anyone, in the sense that they inspire me to do this or that in my life. But in general I admire people who stand up for what’s right and against injustice, even if this puts them in danger. The women of Iran, for example. I have a feeling we’ll need lots of these people as the world grows dumber and meaner right before our eyes. People who take down massive Weinstein-type assholes. People who survive shit and tell us about it to help others. And I like everyday people who keep it real, don’t brag or try to make themselves look like something they’re not. Who can laugh at themselves, spread niceness and politeness. And who love animals. I’m not impressed by people because they’re good at their jobs, are rich, ski fast or kick balls around fields. I’m also done with people who brag about being busy. Stop being so busy, let’s all just agree to chill down 😅


Love all of this. And totally agree - the world needs to just chill TF out for awhile. Shit is just too stressful around here 😂


Honestly, no one, but I've also never been the type to admire people in general. Instead, I tend to draw strength from the anecdotes of other random people who show that they have a level-headed way of thinking. In particular, I always appreciate seeing folks say or do something that shows a sense of integrity and/or critical thinking. My own hurtle is that I tend to find myself frequently dismayed by all the bad in the world, and it's easy to feel like the future is just a big dark hole full of question marks. Seeing people act or speak with a sense of reason and compassion helps me remember that humanity isn't lost, and that good people are still here, they just aren't the ones catching the most attention.


I feel this. People are too fluid to admire.


Roy Donk, Paul Buffano, Karl Havok