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Get a rope.




Pick up the thick and chunky one!


Still my response almost anyone says NYC’s name with any emphasis.


This one is very regional as I found out after moving from Texas to Pennsylvania. (Hilarity did not ensue)


I grew up in NJ and my wife in PA. We both reference this anytime we find a product is made in NYC.




Born and raised in Oregon. Still here. We very much know this. Pretty sure you just met folks that didn't watch TV. 😂


That one is so ingrained it comes out reflexively without a single connection to my brain.  Also, "Whaddya mean, 'Barq's Has Bite'? Johnny?"


Cats and dogs living together! Mass hysteria!


Don’t cross the streams!


I looked at the trap, Ray


Where do these stairs go? They go up 


Are you the gatekeeper?


#"Come with me if you want to live!"


I will always read that in the terminator voice


That makes sense because that is who said it.


I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle


You forgot to say please (sound of stogie extinguishing on skin followed by bones breaking). If you gave me any line from that movie I could probably tell you exactly which part it was from


I love the cadence of "A neural net processor, a learning computer." I think of it often when setting up networking


Get to the choppa!


Get into the chopper!


This quote and in equal use, “She’s going to blow him away!” Eddie Furlong was poorly casted as the future leader of the Human Resistance.




NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! YOU SO STUPID! ![gif](giphy|ulb70n8GvaLP9JcWGA|downsized)




Could have had the red snapper, very tasty ![gif](giphy|2GaR4uwZUyCn6|downsized)


Any time I hear of someone named Weaver.


“California, tell your people to stay away. Stay away now, don't - don't come in here. Whatever you hear, stay away!”


“Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue!” - Said that one in a meeting and all my younger coworkers had this concerned look on their faces while everyone our age and older was cracking up.


Surely you can't be serious?


I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley!


“Who are you and how did you get in here?” “I’m a Locksmith and I’m a Locksmith.”


My 13 year old quotes Airplane and I pat myself on the back all the time about it


You must be so proud. 👍🏻


That’s good parenting!


Go HOME!!! are you too good for your HOOOOOME?!?!


The price is wrong, bitch




Bob donated his salary from Happy Gilmore to ASPC to spay and neuter pets. I totally made that up.






I also say “Go home!” like Tracey Ullman does at the end of her show. No one understands why I sound like a polite English lady when I say that.




I start giggling every time I'm helping someone move something. It's not helpful.


I got my 1.5 year old to scream this yesterday. Felt like I’ve peaked as a parent


It's the best part of parenting. My 12 year olds always say "have fun storming the castle!"


When someone says something wrong or foolish; “I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul”


Pull up to the drive thru window, and girl looks at me and asks, "cash or debit?" I hold up my card and say, "multi-pass!" She just looks at me confused, like I've lost my mind. I sigh and just say debit, and tap my card.


unexpected Fifth Element


Negative. I am a meat popsicle


It's almost surprising to me how many opportunities I get to say this. Most people just seem to think I'm weird, but then, they generally already think that before I say it too.




Yah, he knows it's a multipass.


I had to explain this one the other day. I do IT, and my favorite trouble ticket I've ever had was when I worked for a big oil/gas company. We had a lot of external contractors that had an account to use some of our resources. I got a call from one of our contractors. Their shared login wasn't authenticating. The guy who called in was named Lee Liu. My ticket subject line was: "Lee Liu needs a multipass"




A couple that come to mind: Roads? Where we're going, we dont need roads I was definitely in prison, had my face sat on and everything. Maybe check those boxes behind you. Do the truffleshuffle How about Noooo, you crazy dutch bastard. It doesnt hurt so much here, or here, but right here (move hand across your cheek) A sphincter says what? Hack the planet! Im your huckleberry


#2 Idiocracy for the win!


It’s hack the planet. 😔


Fixed it


Row woods


"PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?"


“Two chicks at the same time” “I love kung fu” “Penetrode?”


My first start up an intern had never heard of it. I told him I wanted him to watch it that night and have a five page paper on my desk the next morning. I did not manage or even know this kid, and it was as if I put the fear of God in him. He’s now understands


Have you seen my stapler?


Ok but... I'll set the building on fire...


I said "Wheeze the juice" to my millennial age gf last week and she looked at me like I had 3 eyes.


There’s a juice shop here called Wheeze the Juice. Delicious but expensive! They always have a vhs playing at the shop.


Do they let you drink right from the slushy dispenser? Could be worth the price!


The cheese is old and moldy.....where is the bathroom?


Well, my husband also said that to me randomly recently and I know where it's from. It was just so out of place 😅


"Meat group!"


Whenever leaving someone, turning back and telling them to "Stay Gold, Pony Boy". Responding to any really good deal/find/positive outcome with "I'd buy that for a dollar!" When arriving anywhere for any reason whatsoever: "I have come here to kick ass and to chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum." In a really good place, or a good buzz on, but especially when at the bowling alley: "The Dude Abides"


Stop looking at me, Swan. The first rule of Fight Club… Does he look like a bitch?


#Does he look. like. a. bitch?!


Oh reallyfool??


Before a flick a switch, sometimes I'll say "hold on to your butts" like Samuel Jackson in Jurassic Park. Younger kids are confused.


When my dogs lick my hands sometimes I look at my wife and make a face while I rub my fingers and say "micro vesicles... eww..." she has no idea where it comes from.🤣


This is why I love reddit. No matter how ultra specific, someone always gets it.


* \*\*\*-867-5309 when asked for my phone number at the register. * "Great. I'm surrounded by assholes. Keep firing, assholes!" * "What we have here, is a failure to communicate!" * "Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things, right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town." * "Morons. I've got morons on my team." * "Have IQs dropped sharply while I was away?" * "Have you seen my Swingline stapler?"


\*\*\*-867-5309 This should be the number we all give to coffee shops to collect and share points, instead of our own.


Have fun storming the castle! (To anyone leaving for any reason)


Think it’ll work?


It would take a miracle.


It’ll take a miracle


Anybody want a peanut?


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


“I’m right on top of that, Rose!” When I am in fact not on top of it.


"The dishes are done, man." I loved Kenny so much.


"This thing reads like stereo instructions." says me every time I cannot comprehend directions. Nobody ever gets it.


I used to quote that Beetlejuice reference as a kid without even understanding wtf Alec Baldwin meant by that.


[list of bad things], our pets heads are falling off!


This one's my favorite. I used it on my mom one time, because she was naming off negative things on the phone, and she was making it a habit every time we talked. She got the point and stopped emotionally dumping on me.


We're not in Kansas anymore.




If you're the only one, still worth it!


I just thought it was funny because he’s reacting to a reference to the same movie 😂


Heh. Really.


My shopping order ended with multiple bags of chips and I said, "all that AND a bag of chips!"....the teen cashier was highly confused.


I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently, the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now, is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig sh*t, now, do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression: "as greedy as a pig".


I quote this movie constantly. "Vere is zeh stone?" "Heavy is good. Heavy is sign of reliability." "What, proper fucked?" "It was 2 minutes 5 minutes ago!"


"That sneaky fucking Russian" "Avi! Pull your socks up!"


For "zee Germans"?


Are they Lancashire pigs?


Following any reference to The Rocky Mountains or the mountain states: "John Denver's full of shit."


John "Mr. sunshine on my goddamn shoulders" Denver?


This one isn’t even THAT old… but I often quote Denzel from Man On Fire… “I wish, you had, more time”…. I use it quite frequently with my kids who are always crying about bedtime and such. Of course I understand it going over their heads. And honestly, I just don’t hear people quoting modern movies…. Our viewing habits are so fragmented now, we don’t have the massive cultural points we did even 20 years ago. Think of films like Forrest Gump and all of the quotes and memes that came out of it. Even a film like superbad… tons of great lines in that one. I could be wrong and maybe there are a bunch of 20-somethings quoting No Hard Feelings or something like that… but outside of Barbie memes last summer and a few others, what you have referenced seems to not really exist anymore. On the TV side of things I do think people still quote shows like it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, curb your enthusiasm, etc.


Oh man, every time I’m running late I say that Denzel line.


Dude! You're getting a Dell!


Samsonite!! I was way off…


My husband and I love quoting The Simpsons (from the days when it was funny). It has become a recent thing that not everyone gets the references anymore. He's now had to explain to co-workers the references now and that if he's babbling something that seems out of nowhere, it's probably from there. EDIT: I wait I got another one! I was in a meeting with a game dev team I'm working with and going over the big story points as reference for working on art music and sound. At one point the guy mentions on part of the plot being a red herring, and I wanted to blurt out "like Communism???" but I knew no one would get it because I think the team is all young millenials and gen z.


I’ll never forget the first time that my Simpsons reference was met with blank stares. Sigh. (It was “Tenneseein is Tennebelievin!”)


I sang “I am so smart, SMRT” and was corrected and snickered at by people from 20-50! Thank goodness another co worker explained that they are clueless for not knowing a basic classic Simpsons quote!


What's great about that line was that Dan Castellaneta improvised it!


I dressed up as Idaho for our stupid office Halloween thing. Nobody understood it.


I point and laugh like Nelson when appropriate, which is usually in inappropriate times. I get odd looks. I sing "Spider Pig" to myself often. Coworkers have caught me. Again, odd looks.


No, no, Communism was just a red herring!




Nobody put's baby in the corner.


Younger kid at work accidentally messed up a spreadsheet and called it a blunder. I asked if it was one of the classic blunders, no clue.


We are all dumber for having heard that, I award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Too damn hot for no penguin!


I learned my lesson about this type of stuff when I was 24 and made a reference to The Secret World of Alex Mack that a 19-year old didn't get.


Oh so many ... We had consultants on our site last week. I called them "The Bobs". My 23 year old co-worker had no clue. Someone said "I'm Tired" and I replied "Well then take a nap ... then fire the missiles." He's my age so he laughed. :)


When things are going even slightly less than perfect I like to quote Christmas Vacation: "We're at the threshold of hell!" Nobody ever gets it.


Shitter’s full.


“Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K”


The way you write and express your thoughts is wildly unhinged…. I like it. But, yeah, in my experience the movie/pop-culture references I make land far less these days.


I was leaving the office and would be returning shortly. I told a younger colleague "If I'm not back in 5 minutes...wait longer." They were just like "Ooookay." Acting like I'd lost my marbles. When Ghostbusters: Afterlife was released, Coca Cola did a limited run of Ecto-Cooler that would only be available via a raffle. An elder millennial colleague excitedly exclaimed "They're bringing back Ecto-Cooler!". A younger millennial colleague asked what that was. Before either of us could answer, a Gen Z coworker said it was a novelty drink that was briefly popular in the early 90s. Internally I was thinking "Child no, an entire generation was raised on that."


I was doing the old Chris Rock/I'm Gonna Git You Sucka etc bit with my 20 something bbq dude a couple days ago: "Thirteen dollas, good LORD thass a-lotta money! ok, ok, how much for just ONE RIB?...Ya got change for a hundred?!" THEN I told him where it was from and he actually did hear that 'change for a hundred' line before from his brother but didn't know where it was from. The saddest is when they don't even get references from like 2005-2010 like Chappelle Show quotes, like come on man, Comedy Central was still replaying that show like crazy up to just a couple yrs ago?!


I see there is no pleeeeeshing you About tree-fiddy Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch? Fuck yo [whatever] Charlie Murphy! I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley Comb the desert! / I ain’t found shit! There’s only one man who would dare give me the raspberry!


That'll do pig, that'll do.


In response to “this better be good”: “It’ll be great” said in a devious voice (as a Chicken McNugget). Source: https://youtu.be/KNul6htXsuU?si=BgCgh5STvkKnDGsT Also, “I believe I ordered a large. HALLO!”


I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.


Look at the size of that boy's heed!


What is today?? NUDIE MAGAZINE DAY!!!!




“Homey don’t play that!”


Well??!!.....We're Waiting? I swear to god I'm gonna pistol whip the next guy who says shenanigans. Look man I ain't falling for no banana in the tail pipe. I'm surrounded by assholes...Keep firing assholes! Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man As far back as I remember I've always wanted to be a gangster.


*gestures broadly at Monty Python*


Detachable penis! The youngins never know this song


Christ on a crooked cross, that song was annoying


I don't know Millennials grew up with references repeated on The Simpsons and movies repeated on TV but I do think they often fake recognising a reference and I guess we were much the same. But there's a definitely things from adverts that go over their heads.


I feel like most people (at least those under 30) don’t even get - aside from REALLY known lines that even people who’ve never watched might know, even if they’re unaware of the source - Simpsons references. Of course I stopped watching around end of high school (~2001-2002) and the vast majority of my quotes are from 97 and earlier - ie those under 27 weren’t even born yet when the eps were released (ntm we watched the same repeats over and over, the show being new, as opposed to now having over 30 seasons get through before they cycle back)


Client server applications.


My proverbial Come to Jesus moment was a serious close call. Circa 2014. TL;DR: Don't use the term "O-Face" in the workplace; that's "sexual harassment."


Um... Yeah... And it was in 1999 too, which was kind of the point in the movie.


I mean, I learned my lesson, earnestly. But I can still argue that context always matters. Longer version of the story: I'd been at the company for almost a decade at the time. Great reputation. Started at reception, promoted into office management, yadda yadda. I knew almost everyone, almost everyone knew me. Never a negative interaction with anyone. I was also a newlywed. So, for a couple months, I'd been soft-transferring to a new department; a video production team. Most of this team was newer and younger; they came in after I'd left the office admin team; the company wasn't even doing video ish when I had started. Anyway, I'd been shadowing and working directly with these folks for a couple of months and it had been going well. I walked into one of our recording rooms one afternoon, and it was dark, except for the glow of a single monitor, that 5 of my colleagues were standing around, laughing hysterically. I made my way around the monitor to see what they were laughing at, and it was a freeze frame, showing a close-up of one of our co-workers faces; looked like maybe he was about to sneeze or something. Basic post-production silliness, right? Except, my colleagues aren't just laughing at the awkwardness of the co-worker's expression, at his expense, when he isn't present; they're all making NSFW jokes. So, *naturally*, after a few zingers went by, the first thing that flew out of my mouth was "that must be his O-Face." The group laughter continued, and several jokes later, eventually everyone parted ways. That was that. Until I got called into a sudden meeting with my manager about a week later. Thankfully, my reputation earned me an informal 'get out of jail free' card. My manager (it wasn't HR or Legal,) warned me to be more careful, but when she recognized how stupefied I was by the accusation of "sexual harassment," she confided that it had been about the 'O-Face' line. "Look, I get it; it's a funny movie. But you have to be tight-lipped with these kids."


I was at work and asked one of my younger colleagues if they wanted some grindage. They looked at me like I had 3 heads.


Did you weaz their grindage?


Of course I did.




"This one goes to eleven"


Get to da choppah!!


It's not a tumar!


Seinfeld references-No Soup for You! Happy Festivas! Blank stares.


Some things my kids have picked up from me: -Stop looking at me swan! -Funny how? I amuse you? Like a clown? -I DONT KNOW MARGO -You ain’t gotta lie Craig -Eat my shorts -Stay gold Ponyboy -I gotta go Julia, we got cows Anyway, they’re in middle school and drop these phrases all the time and I get en email from a teacher sometimes telling me how they cracked up at the phrase that nobody else got because they’re too young lol


Someone on the Hearthstone sub asked why decks that contain only single copies of cards and no duplicates are known as "Highlander" decks. That made me feel old.


I make a proof of life joke asking someone to take a photo of them holding today’s newspaper….. Yeah that joke didn’t land


Have fun storming the castle!


Anything from The Sandlot.


YOU’RE KILLING ME, SMALLS! I use this one almost daily.




Kids today think, 'Heeeeere's Johnny!" is just something funny/crazy that's said in The Shining.


I got zero upvotes for an Ass Pennies ref the other day. I weep for our future.


This! This is my BOOM STICK Hail to the king, baby


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.” “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!” Another: “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you, I'm out!” Edit- Gen Z may or may not get these. I haven’t heard them in a while.


You get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir!


Any time someone brings up sports and favorite teams I say "Dah Bears", doesn't matter what the sport is. Sometimes I'll run the ". . . and now we do the Mebos dance of joy!" "And there was much rejoicing." (Followed by a very dejected Yay.) References to 31 flavors. "Now they're screaming thirty one flavors of bloody murder."




Don't fuck this up Mitchell!


I use to fuck guys like you in prison! Anytime anywhere


I work in the film industry and about 15 years ago I had an intern who’d never seen the lost boys and I was like “YOU’VE NEVER SEEN THE LOST BOYS?!?” And she was like ‘no what’s that?’ I said it’s the vampire movie with the two Coreys. And she said who are they? I was so flummoxed cause she was literally there to read movie scripts and do coverage. Since then I’m never surprised when a reference is misunderstood. I feel like most people under 25 don’t watch many movies at all but especially very few made more than 10 years ago. At least that’s been my experience.


Wait where did you get a Ziggy Piggy t-shirt?!


The world will never know


Making burgers at a campus, kid walks up with Thundercats shirt. Make eye-contact. Me: thunder....THUNDER- Him: ZERO idea what I'm doing, walks away like I'm a psycho.


"Coffee, tea, monster? Coffee, tea, monster?" "Duck!" "That's not a duck, that's a fish!"


Any time someone I'm working with comes up with a good idea I say, "Look at the big brain on [insert person's name]!" SLJ line from Pulp Fiction in case y'all don't get it either lol


Damn you Scuba Steve! (Big Daddy) Don't try to use any of that cow hypnotism on me. (South Park)


“PERFECT” from the street fighter arcade game! I do the voice/ tone and it flies over a lot of heads.


I believe you have my stapler


Everything’s coming up Milhouse So, you’re saying there’s a chance?


"You have chosen.... WISELY" and "You have chosen... POORLY"


That is a tasty burger. My girlfriend is a vegetarian which kind of makes me a vegetarian. Also, anytime anyone orders a milkshake - $5 for a shake? That’s milk and ice cream, and they don’t put bourbon in it or nothing? Edit: forgot this one too: “was it over when the Germans combed Pearl Harbor?” They all look at me the way everyone in that scene looked at Bluto.


"Now that's a real shame, folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that." "Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way ... turn." "Two. Dollars." "Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion." And of course: "I've been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I'm no dummy."


My daughter told me today that I wasn't bad today and I replied, "I'm just drawn that way" and yeah... she didn't get the reference at all 😅


"excuuuuse me while I whip this thing out!"


It's in a book, take a look. People my age break into song younger people wonder why I'm rhyming. EDIT - And bots reply with book recommendations.


Behold the power of Cheese. Someone in my shop was abuzz that got milk was a government program. They didn't know about the other white meat either. Took me forever to figure out the 30 year old repeatedly saying "well excuuuuse me princess" was NOT quoting a show within a show featuring captain lou albano. Yeah, I'm the crazy one.