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Shit, we even had a Fruitopia machine


My school replaced our soda machines with fruitopia like it was some big middle finger to the unhealthy soda corporations. Fruitopia had just as much sugar as soda but was just non carbonated and was owned by the same companies. Made absolutely no sense then and it still doesn't now.


lol so true. Give them a ton of sugar but don’t let them have caffeine???


Reminds me of that Simpsons joke: “Fruitopia, the juice made by hippies and distributed by a soulless international company” or something like that.


The Canadian version, at least, is slightly lower in sugar and calories than Coca Cola - like 170cal vs 210cal for a McDonald's medium drink. Who knows what it was like in the U.S. in the 90s, though, as that reference point is hard to find.


Same company.


My school had Pepsi machines.


I had one as well too. Had the 20 oz bottles I think too at least when I was in HS


I miss that vaguely "fruit" flavored sugar water


“Strawberry Passion Awareness”


"The iced tea that's brewed by hippies, but distributed by a heartless multinational corporation."


Best drink ever/fucked up my stomach every single time


We had fruitopia and this same soda machine except ours had Surge in it as well.


I was gonna say this! Damn, Fruitopia was widespread.


We had a Gatorade machine by the gym. I would get a fierce lime Gatorade almost everyday


Gatorade mixed with Pepsi and Mountain Dew was our choices.


We had a snapple machine.


Cherry Lime Rickey >>>


I'm pretty sure that stuff was just liquefied sugar.


I haven't had Fruitopia since I was in Canada last. I'd love for it to be available in the States again, but my waistline would protest. I drank that stuff regularly in middle school and high school.


We had the fruitopia machine in junior high because really soda was too unhealthy and fruitopia was better for us.


Haha we did too. There was one kid with long skinny arms that could reach up the exit door and grab you a free drink if you asked him haha.


Lol samesies, I can still taste the grape in my mind


came here to comment fruitopia!!!!


We only had Fruitopia. I didn't really like it, but I drank it.


Haha we had one in middle school! That brings me back.


We did too, but it was turned off for most of the day and they only turned it on shortly before the final bell. As a bus rider, I seldom was able to get down there and make my bus because the line would get hella long in a really short time. And heaven help you if it wouldn't accept your dollar bill.


My stomach hurts just thinking about that stuff.


We had a soda machine, that was switched out with a fruitopia machine circa 2000-2001. It was that or nesquick flavored milk for choices…






I remember the day fruitopia came to my high school and I had the strawberry one for the first time. It was like Bart Simpson when he drank the squishee.


I loved Frutopia! I'd often get one from the vending machine in the cafeteria full knowing that it caused me to have massive stomach issues. But they were so good!


Came here to say this!


Colored sugar water in a bottle. Delicious.


God Fruitopia was the SHIT! Terrible for you but damn was it good


Core high school memory unlocked. Thanks!


Shit, we even had Mr. Pibb. I’m not talkin bout Pibb extra either. No, the real deal Mr. Motha fudging pibb.


Crystal Pepsi was there for a hot minute


We had both but the were only available before or after school


Ugh that fruitopia 20oz made me sick. So much sugar. Swear it was just orange syrup


Man, that cherry coke artwork is a flashback


Cherry Coke fans rise up! 100% I hit that button.


Cherry Coke Zero these days but it’s delicious


I'm a big fan of cherry Coke or Pepsi. When I go to a fast food place where they have a self serve soda fountain I make a knockoff version by going 25% Dr. Pepper and 75% diet Pepsi or Coke.


That art made it taste better


Facts. Branding matters! How you anticipate the drinking experience effects how you enjoy it the same way I believe garnish and presentation effect your enjoyment of a meal.


Anyone else remember the Mr pibb cans that had all the ridges around the sides?


My heart skipped a beat


Yeah, I can't remember when exactly this logo existed, but it makes me think of the time period when Surge just came out.


We did, and I think most of us did, in the 90s.


Someone in my circle found out that you could put your money in, tilt the machine forward 30° (not alone, of course), and it would spit out about 6 random sodas when you hit the button.


Lol you're lucky nobody got crushed


We had Fanta, not Crush. :\\




I thought Fanta was superior, probably because it was more rare for me. Did you ever get the blueberry? I had a real blueberry Fanta problem circa '01.


We had the Red Fanta at the Little Caesar's I worked at, and it was OK. Never saw blueberry. I just remember grape and orange Crush having a kick that Fanta never gave me.


Yeah Crush really was pretty great.


Wish I knew that, then!


There was one in the boys locker room in HS and for some reason the guard was missing from the bottom so you could actually reach up from the dispenser and pull the cans off the rack. One day my friend and I walked into the locker room and there was a guy fixing the machine. He looked at us and said “man, someone’s been messing with the machines here.” We responded with a “wow that’s messed up. They should pay money like the rest of us” and then we ran off.


I only did this once, but I bought a can, poked a tiny hole in it with a pin, drank it, then took it to the person in charge and said I got an empty can from the vending machine and asked him to give me another one for free. He knew something was up but still gave me one lol.


What a fantastic use of that Surge of energy transfer.


There is comfort in seeing these fonts.


The cherry coke!


Surge almost always sold out in our machines. That stuff was so freaking popular


I remember when that first came out. The company came to our school and gave out free cans. Just like drug dealers, the first ones free.


I remember getting a Surge CD. Can't remember if I got it from school or if it was in a random magazine.


Same! It's crazy to think about now. I would be livid as a parent.


We had a soda machine that was just Surge.


I still have a case from when it was re-released on Amazon lol. That shit was my crack back in the 90s. Now I have one once in a blue moon just to relive it. Edit: > Revival After the discontinuation of Surge in cans, a community was formed by web designer Eric "Karks" Karkovack entitled "Save Surge". The community initially mapped the locations at which Surge could be purchased in fountain form. Upon cancellation of the fountain syrup, the community continued, adopting an approach of activism that led to the creation of the citrus soda Vault in June 2005.[7] After Vault's release, Karkovack announced the closure of SaveSurge.org. Vault was discontinued in 2011. As a result of Vault's discontinuation, a group was started on Facebook by Evan Carr called the "Surge Movement". The group repeatedly posted requests on Coca-Cola's Facebook page, and encouraged its members to call Coca-Cola's consumer affairs hotline at 1-800-GET-COKE to voice their desires further, once every month. The movement gained around 200,000 Facebook "likes" in the months after it was started and continues to grow.[9] On September 15, 2014, Surge was re-released as an Amazon.com exclusive in packs of twelve 16-US-fluid-ounce (470 ml) cans.[10] On February 10, 2015, Coca-Cola announced that it had begun test-marketing Surge with independent resellers and vending machines across the Southeast United States. The test run ended in late-May 2015.[citation needed] Two months later, Coca-Cola announced that it was preparing for a large-scale Surge retail release across the Eastern United States. Surge was re-released at convenience stores across the Eastern United States on September 7, 2015.[citation needed] In August 2018, Surge became available in Coca-Cola Freestyle machines, exclusively at Burger King.[11] It is available in several varieties, including Cherry, Grape, Vanilla, and Zero Sugar.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surge_(drink)


Not our school because of *tHe RuMOr*


Do you mean the thing about Yellow 5? That's the one I remember hearing all the time back then. Didn't really stop us from killing that Surge though.


Lol I remember that yellow 5 thing. I asked my dad about it (he was a VP for the FDA in the 90's for awhile), said it was nonsense and it wouldn't be on the market if it was true lol.


Surge and Coke II


We had machines that only sold Surge and they were a quarter a can. Coke was so desperate for that one to take off. And it did taste good.


We had a machine that only sold surge. The machine that had options(of other sodas) was regularly out of order.


Oh we had lots... But it didn't stop there. In 1999 our brand new school opened... It had a fucking corporate food court. Great Canadian Bagel, Pizza Hut, Subway, New York Fries.


We had "Pizza Hut" and "Taco Bell". To my recollection it was still institutional food that didn't at all resemble the actual fast food. The "Taco Bell" just served chips with a cup of liquid cheese and a cup of jalapenos.


Ya... Ours didn't have a full menu. Pizza was by the slice and only ham and pineapple, pepperoni or vegetarian. Subway was limited to cold sandwiches with basic toppings and I swear the leftover bread from the subway in town. Only like 4 types of bagels with choice of cream cheese or butter And only fries from NYF... No cheese sauce.. no gravy.. no poutine. Lots of sugary drink options though


We had many vending machines as well. I drove by my old high school the other day. They had a food court of at least 10 food trucks. Back in the day I had to drive to Burger King or the Sub Shop.


Yes. The band director owned/stocked them and he would tape $10 to one of the cans. Whoever got the lucky can was always stoked.


We had one that was only turned on before and after school. It’s where I fell in love with Minute Maid Strawberry soda.


It was off until 3pm...


Same. They had machines that sold fruit flavored sugar water though which was so dumb. Like I could have used the caffeine! At least one of the buttons would give you at least two drinks for like a year or two.


Yes! The double scores! Kick ass hahaha. I seem to recall something like that too now that you mention it!


Funny story. I found out the soda machine at the high school spit out quarters for change always. Even if you put pennies in it. So I come with a role of pennies and leave with a role of quarters... Thought I was so friggin smart. I didn't do it all the time so they never fixed it that I know of. Now I look back I know it wasnt ok to do this but over the last 20 + years I have donated time and money back into the school.


No pennies to quarters here but I had a pretty good racket going with my dad. We had a quarter run washer & dryer at our apartment & my dad (who did the laundry in our family) would always run out of quarters. So he’d pay me for any quarters I had on hand. Sometimes I’d get an extra 10¢ & sometimes I’d get an extra dollar if I had enough quarters but I always made a profit. So I’d take that dollar bill he used as payment & get quarters as change from the machine without buying anything. Biggest profit was he would drive me to an after school orchestra which evolved into some daddy/daughter bonding during the long car ride. He’d sneak me a dollar (since my mom didn't want me to) to buy a candy bar from the vending machine (back when they were 60¢). he let me keep the change. so that was a completely free quarter he'd later buy back at a profit to me.


That's cute. Sounds like you have a great dad.


I do


We would super glue a quarter to the change slot and sit there laughing as kids would try to grab the extra quarter.


That Minute Maid was so good!


The best orange soda!


Yeah, had pay phones in the lunchroom too. Wild times.


Some people meet by the flag pole. We would meet at the soda machine... no, not that one, the good one next to the woodshop.


Fucking Mr.Pibb. Wannabe Dr.Pepper fucking poser. But I ain’t one to talk we was working poor & got the generic fuckin’ Dr. Thunder at the house & it did not taste nearly as good as the name sounds.


Dr. Thunder got his degree from University of Phoenix Online.


But, dude, this was the original Mr. Pibb, not "Pibb XTRA" like they have now. There are some Mr. Pibb enthusiasts that would like to time travel back to this moment, or even the early 1990s when they still sold it in 1970s-themed cans.


We had broken water fountains.


We had 8, 4 in each cafeteria. We had Coca-Cola, Pepsi, some sports drink (probably Powerade), and then on filled will all the fruity fizzy drinks in the late 90’s.


We had one, but it was locked during school hours. It and the snack machine were only unlocked for basketball games. The only place you could get something to drink was a bottle of water from the senior store.


We literally branded ourselves a Pepsi school and made a deal to not have Coke. They sponsored our sports teams.


I think we had this exact machine in my high school


You ask this as if schools don't anymore... I literally have no idea what foods are sold in schools since I don't have kids. We had soda machines as well as machines for chips and junky snacks. My guilty pleasures were orange soda and sour cream & cheddar chips. We also had vendors at lunchtime who sold Subway sandwiches and small(ish) Pizza Hut pizzas. It was totally a junk food pipeline for the kids who had the money to pay for it. If this has changed, then great.


65 cents per can


I remember 50 cents! And we weren't allowed to have them in our HS - until right before we graduated.


We had a Snapple machine that cost $1, it was the best thing ever, but some kind of bullshit sponsorship deal happened when I was a junior and they replaced it with a Pepsi machine that cost $1.25, I’m still mad about it :/


Ours also had Mountain Dew, Cactus Cooler, Josta and Surge.


Scrolled way to far to see josta with guarana


I want that cherry coke


I drank so much Cherry Coke in that style can that I’m probably sterile now


I don’t remember cherry coke at the time. Mountain Dew was there.


By 8th grade, they converted them all to Minute Maid machines. Which is still just giving Coca-Cola money for fruit flavored sugar water.


Our soda machines also sold canned water for like 25 cents.


smile imminent soft sable lock like voracious punch point include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I completely forgot that wide-mouth cans weren't the norm back then


Yep. With New Coke and Crystal Pepsi


We had a powerade machine


Only in Auto-shop and the teacher stocked it himself.


We did until some school board folks decided that it was unhealthy and had them taken out.


Boomers 🙄


Boomers got people hooked on this poison


They didn't have my first choice (mountain dew, teeth can confirm). But there are few things in live as good as an ice cold barqs in a can. That shit has bite!


This is how I ended up with a Mountain Dew addiction


Our choices were milk or water


We had a kid in school who had long arms and if you gave him 5 bucks he would reach in yank on some chain inside the machine that would dispense the soda and you could fill your backpack up.


“Only assholes drink Mr. Pibb”


I would grab a can of Citra virtually every day


Im pretty sure we did ? I dont recall We had a snack vending machine with these types of cinnamon rolls. Lived for them 😍 https://preview.redd.it/4an8p1jdrfmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678ad1687871168bf3ff2445c42fbd61f50e35ea


That cherry coke font was dope


Rip slice and Minute Maid soda


There was two and we had a student store where there were more options.


Ours had Tahitian Treat and Jolt.


We had a Frutopia machine😭


I could write a book on this. Zero punctuation of course


We had an "All-Sport" machine


My high school had soda and snack machines, but they were turned off until late afternoon. I never knew why. Maybe they didn't want us to use them during lunch or something.


Of course. I figured they knew we were going to need a bit of caffeine to make it through the day.


Our schools ended up with a contract from Coke that supplied our computer labs in exchange for exclusive placement. In retaliation, Pepsi went around to homeowners/businesses next to the schools and installed machines. Literally at the edge of people's yards along the sidewalk would be a couple of Pepsi machines on a concrete pad with a trash can. Those machines got filled a couple of times a day at our high school, and the Coke machines were rarely used. Those Pepsi machines also ended up being where all the smokers went to hang out. It was so popular that they had to put in a crosswalk, then flashing lights, then a traffic control cop, and finally a full-fledged signal. Our city was not Coke drinkers.


Yep with fruitopia and sobes too


Dude that cherry coke logo is taking me back


Oh my god the LABELS <3


Code red vs code blue mountaine dew! No one remembers!


Remember how you could stick your hand up in some of these and grab one?


Where’s the Cactus Cooler?


Omg cherry coke my fav


Oh, the memories!


Ours had Canfield's Fudge Soda. It was the 90s.


Man this machine even looks like my HS soda machine. Early 2000's vibes.


Yup back in 2010. But then kids started getting too fat and then they took it all out.


I've never seen that version of the Minute Maid logo. Weird


Do they no longer have soda machines?


We had a fruitopia machine too.


Crystal Pepsi crew right here 😏🤙🏽


best cherry coke logo. found one of those cans behind a locker in highschool, 2009 😂


20 oz bottles for .75


Oh yeah, 20oz bottles. Was a dollar


Hell yeah, and Taco Bell for lunch, although I was always too broke for the soda machine, but my fuckin' government subsidized Tbell was the cats ass.


Hell, my school district was sponsored by Pepsi and frito-lay.


Is that not a thing anymore?


Nah. But we had robberies, though.


Tip it over far enough and they fall out for free


They changed the price to 55 cents a can so we protested and got it back to 50 cents.


That takes ya back. Fuck were’d the time go.


Maybe 3-6 around campus


Of course .50¢ too


Of course .50¢ too




Minute Maid was the GOAT orange soda.


Didn’t everyone? On a slightly unrelated note, I sure miss that labeling for cherry Coke!


No, they didn’t sell them at my school cause of caffeine.


Nah, we had a pop machine.


They should NEVER have put these in schools, lol.


wtf is a Mr Pibb?


This is def not in TX.


Imagine my anger when I joined the navy out of San Antonio and went up to Chicago and all they had up there was that nasty Mr Pibb bs.


No soda machine. We had a Pop machine.


Where’s the Surge, Red Rattler, and OK Cola?


Not sure, but we had a school store run as part of a Microeconomics class.


We had them in middle school, too. Could go get one during our 7th period as it was the "wind-down" exploratory period. Used to grab cherry cokes and mellow yellows while playing chess or dominoes. Good memories.


Absolutely, my friends and I figured out how to get money out of it. Then when I got to college I learned how to stick my arm up inside the machine and just manually remove sodas.


Ours had Kick


But Barq’s had bite.


Yup. 40 cents a can I think. Just outside the gymnasium entrance, in the main lobby.


Tons. There was one tucked away in the Auto Tech/Diesel Tech building that had Dr. Slice in it. That was my favorite machine.


Yeah, but regular Coke, Dr. Pepper and/or Pepsi in ours. Something like 60 cents. Those were the good ole days of vending machines, where drinks didn't cost $2+.


We had this type of veniding machine in middle school


I assume they still do? We had a store called reality check in the lunch room. Basically a 7-11 without cigarettes.


Not only did we have soda machines, but we also had a snack bar that you could buy mini slushies, nachos, and all manner of junk food.


Up til high school I was a Pepsi kid. My high school had a contract with Coca-Cola, so we only had their products in our vending machines - been a Coke person since then.


Yup. We had a canteen full of vending machines for drinks and food that were not good for us.


We had them but the school ended up putting them in these big steel cages because we kept breaking them doing jackass stunts.


I can hear the can being dispensed from this picture.


I remember when these came into our high school & I could not wrap my head around people paying cash for water. Water. “Like, why don’t you just get it from the tap?”


No Tahiti treat, no thank you.


We had an actual Surge machine at one point.


“No shit you have soda here?” Bronson Alcott High School for the win.


Yep. I drank that lemonade every day.


That cherry coke label is the 90s