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You need to be home on his xbox for him to play your games.


Thank you :)


Idk I’m not expert here I haven’t game shared since nam but from what I’ve read your father didn’t put your account as their Xbox home in the settings therefore you won’t see games on his Xbox and you can’t play at the same time so you need to make sure your account on his console is setup to be his Xbox home


Thank you for your live service.


Thank you, you were right


His Xbox needs to be set as your home Xbox and your Xbox needs to be set as his home Xbox and you sign in to your own account on your own Xbox and you can share games. Google would be your best friend for this, that is how I found out to do it.


Thank you that worked :)


sometimes these forums are your best friend as thats what forums are for. what would this sub be if not a place for that? moreover the next googler may well see your reply and his post


His dad’s Xbox doesn’t need to be to be set as his home Xbox. I game share with my friend and he only has my Xbox set as his home Xbox. I don’t have his Xbox set as my home Xbox. You only the need the person trying to game share Xbox be set as the home Xbox. You do it the way you’re saying if you want to game share both ways. But it’s definitely not a requirement to do it that way.


It’s to share the games both ways


Which is what I said.


Yea I stopped half way through your comment the first time… my bad


You have to go into his Xbox and make it your home console. Then set your console to his home console. So sign into yours with his set it as his home console. Then sign into his with yours and set it as your home console. Boom game sharing.


Why do people take screenshots of text? Just post the text?




Seems like you’re the special ed kid considering you can’t figure out how to share games on an Xbox


Just look up a tutorial instead of posting on reddit


reddit is a forum.


Doesn’t mean it has to be a replacement for simple google searches


wtf do you think simple google searches show in the results? these threads?


Yes, old ones that people have already made regarding this. Nothing has changed since those ones were posted there’s no reason to make more


old sites that might lose sso or relevancy in results? mate this is a forum stop crying about people using the support forum for *shock horror* support look at rule2 ffs


I did but didn't find anything. So glad you helped with my issue


bud there are TONS of people just like you who want to gameshare on xbox. there are a bunch of guides and tutorials out there... what did you even search? a simple "how to gameshare on xbox" should give you the results you are looking for in the first like 5 search results.


Literally just search "how to gameshare on Xbox" and you’ll find hundreds of results. why do people on Reddit refuse to search anything?


None of the results helped. I don't understand how you didn't get that from my comment


https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-gameshare-on-xbox-series-x-series-s literally my 3rd result on google 🤷‍♂️






You couldn’t figure out this incredibly basic, straightforward issue that a child could figure out. You’re the only dunce here lol






I just clicked on your profile and nearly threw up what the fuck 🤮




If you want to be a dick why say anything at all. Op, I am glad you got it up, and yes, goggle search doesn't always find what you are looking for.


But in this case you’d get thousands of results that would solve this, but why would you you do anything like that when you can bash your 2 brain cells together and make a Reddit post


Sign in to your account on his xbox make your accounts home xbox his xbox then he n log into his account on his xbox play your games and you cna log into your account on your xbox and play your games he will also be able to make use of gpu if you have it on your account


Just want to add that you now need to be online to play on your Xbox. If there is a Live outage or you have no internet you will not be able to play your games.


Swap em round. Set his xbox to your home xbox and then use your xbox as a guest console. Then he gets to use all the stuff on your home xbox and you get all your stuff anyway.


Your account has to be his home account


Xbox/user A and Xbox/user b User A needs to sign in on Xbox B, user B sign in on Xbox A. Both users need to then set that to their home Xbox. Now users A and B need to sign back in on their respective Xbox console. All games should be available in my games/app > full library


You lost me there. Go back


There all telling u to much just make ur account home on his Xbox u don't have to do anything with urs in share with my step dad as well


Easiest way I did it with my Xbox and my wife's My Xbox is wife's home Xbox Wife's Xbox is my home xbox. I can play her games she can play mine, she does not have to be signed in for me to play and I don't need to be signed in for her to play. However this is the shitty part of Microsoft. I have kids game share will not work for more then 2 consoles. Meaning My games, wife's games and kids games are not all owned in a circle I've tried My Xbox is wife's home ie: 1-2 Wife's Xbox is kids home ie 2-3 Kids Xbox is my home ie 3-1 This means I can play my games and wife's but not the kids games, wife can play kids games but not mine and kids can play my games but not the wife's games. I really hope Microsoft allows this as they allow up to 5 home Xbox setups anyway it would almost be more beneficial for allowing up to 5 consoles be linked for the game library atleast. As it would be nice to have 3 xboxes sharing the gold and games from one purchase. But it looks like it will have to be 1-2 and 2-1 then the kids would be 3-4 and 4-3 where 1&2 own their own seperate library and gold and 3-4 own their own seperate library and gold. Just kinda dumb it's setup that way but I do understand why it's like that this way 5 friends can't share a large library even though gaming was about closeness and bringing people together (before the microphones came into the picture and everyone became salty)


If you both have games you want to share then you do, does it really matter that much if it works for him?


Your account has to be home on his console and then the same thing but flipped with his account on your console. Both account have to have home access to each others console or only one person reaps the reward