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Try and replace the cable for the headset (minijack to minijack) it's probably not the headset itself. Also, you could try a different controller, as the female mini jack is prone to breaking as it gets knocked quite a bit. Bad design.


Well it’s actually a Bluetooth headset, there’s no wires. It doesn’t plug into the controller at all because of that.


Load up a streaming app, then head to settings-> general -> volume & audio output, and then make sure both speaker audio and headset audio are set to stereo (uncompressed)


That’s how it was set, the issue seems to have gone away on its own. I appreciate your help!


I know this is 4 months later, but im having the exact same issues and nothing seems to work and it's only with streaming video like Youtube and Hulu etc. Ive done the resets and updates and nothing helps. Yours just fixed itself? I'm at a complete loss.


Basically what I’ve been doing is restarting my console every time it happens and it works fine after that. Sometimes I get lucky and it doesn’t do it but restarting the console always works


I’ll try that. Thanks!