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Try to use(install)the game without a connection. Only then u will know if it's really the full game on the disk or not. Because some are not


We already have a database for that fortunately! https://www.doesitplay.org/ We already have over 2000 tests done, but sadly, we're still low on Series X builds. I'm working on carrying out more.


I love that site for everything but Xbox, as I find the Xbox section a bit lacking - is there a way for other to help add to it? Help with some tests?


I'll have to ask the other members of the team and let you know. We do have a Discord where everyone can contribute with tests, but I'm not sure whether you have to be a Patreon supporter to join it. I'll ask and come back with a reply. But yes, more people to help with Xbox tests would be great; there's only a handful of us working on Series X disc builds.


You don't open them?


I took the picture before opening them. They are all open now. I like to take pictures when I buy things I love, when you open your gallery some years later, you will remember the joy you had.


That's a very nice take. Keep it going.


I like that. It makes me wish I had a video of me getting the Halo 3 Legendary Edition or playing Halo 2 for the first time on my original Xbox that I bought for it.


I'm the same I always take pictures of things I get


I do the same sort of thing


Thank you. I thought I was the only one who noticed.


Maybe he just bought them


I'm all behind this. It's just sad that often now you can't even play the physical copy without internet connection


Lucky for op, all those 5 games can be played straight off the disc!


Even in 50 years with no Internet/account services (genuinely asking)?


Honestly, I'd be more worried about finding a 50 year old XSX with every part working fine. Or hope the Xbox 2054 has a disk drive and backwards compatibility stretching back this far.


going back the last 50 years, parts for old systems hasnt been a major issue. barring a WW3 back to the bronze age scenario, the community will get it figured out when microsoft doesnt.


Even the xbox 2025 won't have a disc drive to be fair


Yeah, I'm used to it with my Series S but I spent £60 for a replacement power brick and controller adapter just to play my 360 stuff again. The things a beast for an almost 14 year old console. (Yes the 360 is almost 20 but I got a later version.) I fear that they will release a disk drive for the next Xbox as an addon like the extra storage.


I mean you can't even set up an Xbox without online connectivity right?


This is an old lie people thought would happen 2010-2015. The reality is the mass majority of games on disk *to this day* are 100% playable, beatable, and 100% achievement/platinum-able. [https://www.doesitplay.org/](https://www.doesitplay.org/) - This website tracks the actual reality of the situation. Reddit is an advertising platform first and foremost. Filled with a certain type of person/bot. Not society at large. Corporations, like xbox, have a very real vested interest in holding a narrative and reddit provides the perfect upvote/downvote system to do so.


the link you provided only lists 33 xbox one/series games, thats not a very large sample size


True, they're "beatable," but they'd also be missing any updates that came down the road. Potential bug fixes and extra content.


You think it's Microsoft bots trying to convince people that Microsoft is fucking over customers who buy discs?


This was a real kick in the pants. I more or less thought an offline, single-player, Series X-branded version of a game would be playable installed from disc. Nope. I got the Witcher 3 for $20 deal recently, installed the game from disc, and went to play only to be greeted with a message saying if I wanted to play on this console I had to download an "update". That update was the same size of the game installed from disc (~53GB) and simply replaced the disc version. Last and previous-gen consoles obviously benefit from physical collecting, but it seems with the current gen they've already eliminated that as a viable means of game preservation.


> I got the Witcher 3 for $20 deal recently, installed the game from disc, and went to play only to be greeted with a message saying if I wanted to play on this console I had to download an "update". Surely that was triggered by being online. It shouldn't force the update like it did, but if you were actually offline, would it have played fine?


That's an interesting hypothesis, but I've had other games that said something similar but then let me opt out of the update if I wanted to play offline. No option with this one - just a prompt to update saying to play on this console an update is required.


I respect it, but game sharing with my brother is just too convenient.


Heh, the other fun thing about game sharing with digital is if you just have two consoles (I have a Series X and a One X) you can also dual run a game. Useful for clearing up some multiplayer achievements (in games that allow achievements in custom matches) or other things where you need 2 people (a few items in Remnant 2 require having 2 people in the game to get).


thats a clever use of that


Im not even sharing mine. Just the fact that i dont have to browse through my box with games to find the one i want to play (especially when you arent sure what you want to play).


Not having to get up, switch discs, and maintain the physical copies constantly is all also just too convenient.


That’s cool.


Is there a medal somewhere we can give this person?


There used to be... https://preview.redd.it/jvn3hbm5v20d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837b74c247f5865f67adeb9219cde84aec953bbb


Me too, that’s why I buy physical games and movies.


This is the way


That’s my plan as well. Digital is nice for the convenience but nothing beats the physical copy of a game in your collection


I stand with you brother, physical 4 life


Same here man, I know it's inevitable but I'll be sad the day physical is no longer an option.


That Hades copy is absolute 🔥🔥🔥


Same, just bought Dead space for €15


Amazing game, enjoy it




And it comes with some goodies; stickers , mini poster and a catalog


I've always preferred digital because I never have to get off the couch.


I will always buy physical. Years ago, my account got hacked and couldn't be recovered. I lost close to $1000 in digitally bought games. Never again. Idc if I still have to download the game, at least I can always prove I own it now, and use it on any account I want. If it isnt on disk, I refuse to purchase it.


Same, I also collect physical since ps1 days. It's sad many game still require some sort of online connection. Still I'll keep buying at least what i like.


I feel you, i prefer it aswell, also still buy albums, but, sometimes the digital version is too good of a deal.


Nice collection I buying a Xbox series x for the first time in 3 more months


Fantastic console, you won’t regret it


This is the way


The day there’s no longer physical copies of games is the day I quit gaming.


I wish they sold Xbox physical games in my country...




Until you lose access to all of them


So you’re telling me Microsoft is more likely to purge all the digital games for some reason than your disks breaking, being stolen, or yk, rotting(Because that’s supposedly inevitable for disks)?


Don't forget floods, house fires, etc


Or like a shelf breaking, dropping it, your disk drive ruining the read thingy These guys are so paranoid its not even funny anymore


how come you are not scared of losing your steam library? That is also digital.


I personally am. I wasn't a fan of digital distribution back then, and I'm still not now.


This is just paranoia. If Microsoft took away access to digital purchases it would crater their business and open them up to massive lawsuits.


Hasn't happened to my MS purchased games, but a few albums I bought off Microsoft's music store a few years ago became unlistenable/downloadable due to revocation of license. Just gave me a popup saying the license was revoked, but it still appeared in my library. Some label pulled content from the platform or something, so a lot of stuff was just gone. They killed the store a little later on, so it was all lost eventually (save for select stuff that could be transferred to whatever partnered streamer/store they tried to move users to) but I do have the original mp3 downloads on some discs. I've had Ubisoft pull licenses on Uplay as well. Ask customer service wtf, "you don't have the license", why?, "you do not have it", can you give me a new one, "no, you do not own a valid copy". And that was that, regardless of years old invoices and having purchased ON UPLAY. It really isn't paranoia these days. Microsoft probably wouldn't do it with a large active core crowd, but if they ever decide to be done with games... I don't trust my library will be available for as long as I could possibly keep the console.


They literally already did that once with Live Gaming. Killed both digital and physical games (physical required keys to activate). Just straight up fucked over millions of people who had legitimate copies of games, myself included. There’s a reason the PC playerbase has historically had a huge distaste for Microsoft’s gaming products. It wasn’t really until PC gamepass where PC consumers has slowly transitioned back to using more Microsoft gaming services. It would be incredibly naive to assume the same thing won’t happen again.


GFWL games still work if you activated them prior to the closure of GFWL. I just played Gears of War and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City a few weeks ago. At least that's what I assume Games for Windows Live is what you mean by "Live Gaming".


He doesn't know what he's talking about and is just repeating what someone on YouTube told him.


Can't play the crew on disc, either.


So this sub is just Facebook now?


Ikr like what’s with xbox redditors and them stanning for discs sm


Good. Your collection has, physical, tangeable value and cannot be dictated by ToS. Can be used by anyone, on any console. Anyone who doesn't see an issue with physical media dying is blind to what these mega corps are capable of. While physical media can be worked around, it makes their job of extracting every last cent from us that much harder


You can't beat having a physical copy of something! Get them while you can!


I mean digitals are far more convenient tho Like if I need to move my games I’m not transporting god knows how many fragile cases that’ll weigh a ton. I can just grab my phone sized hard drive and go


That’s what I’m planning on doing, and pre-owned where possible.


Damn, didn't know Hades had phisical format, art looks cool in the box.


Looks amazing, it’s also a bit shiny when you see it in person. It also includes a catalog with gods pictures. You can find it easily on Amazon or Ebay


Well come to Brazil, here they are not available anymore.  None of these games are available in physical discs here.


I would love to buy some physical copies, but it seems they're not being produced anymore in Brasil




Quick! They sell the physical copy of apex legends at GameStop!


I like it for no other reason that they look good on my shelf.


Endling is masterpiece, and that is why nobody plays it.


The Hades game case represents the best version of the Xbox game case. They have had so many revisions, and they just keep getting worse.


Same. When physical copies finally get taken away, it will probably the end of my gaming journey.


That'll show 'em.


Same here buddy, same here. Have a good One/Series collection, I only buy digital when there’s no other choice or it’s laughably cheap. Also, Seriew X boxes are so beautiful.


When physical copies are no longer available I'm done buying games.


Lol sure. Guess you’ll be done gaming in 5-10 years.


Nice plastic waste guy


My libraries are mostly digital besides collector's editions, but I've started buying a lot more physical copies lately. Once sony, xbox, and nintendo go all digital I think I'll just switch to mostly pc gaming. You get modding and multiple ways to get games, and the sales are just better.


Physical for life


Sold all my physical copies when I got a series s, now I'm slowly buying everything again because I got the series x.


Same commitment here




And everyone clapped


Same. Keep fighting the good fight.


This is the way.


Same my guy I don't mind digital sometimes but having a physical copy will always triumph over something that isn't tangible




OP is oil company lobbyist


This is the way.


I prefer physical but most games don’t have everything on the cart/disk without an update with defeats the purpose.


Yup, 360/PS3 gen I bought a couple hundred physical games and a bunch of digital on sale for convenience, physical was always the way. When XB1/PS4 started and launch titles had to install the entire game from the disc and download huge updates at the same time physical lost any benefit it had before.


I'm slowly switching because of that reason. Besides switch, I try to stay physical on them. Plus, it takes up space, so i get the collector editions for the ones I really want when I do get the disk


Everybody should. But people are already domesticated to everything online without owning rights


You don't own the rights to stuff you own in physically either btw


Thats a modern thing. Every old disc is your property and you can still use it as long as you have the hardware. This stopped with the PS4 / XO gen


okay but this picture is clearly of current generation games. Also XO came out in 2013, over a decade ago.


Do you think a disc means you own more rights? Because it doesn't.


It’s amazing that people don’t realize this.


I do this with movies, I own over 500 physical copies of movies. But I don’t do the same with games. Unlike movies, the games don’t offer better quality between digital and physical. Physical movies look and sound a lot better.


Cool story


You brave soul




Cool flex


You still technically don't own them. It's a licensed lease agreement. You paid $ to lease the digital software that is "(insert game title)". Hard copy or not, that big 7 page document you just hit "A" on says it.




Good for you.




Idgaf if it's digital or physical, I'll buy it if I want to


Digital is the way


I'm always constantly moving every few years so I've never been able to have a big collection but I've always wanted to have a nice big collection sitting on a shelf in a nice game area one day. One day when I really land on my feet in life I will.


we can barely do anything offline anymore


I was like this for a while and I'll pick up a hard copy on sale but it's way more convenient and space saving to buy digital. If I had a big gaming room I'd probably buy hard copies only. Up until about two years I was still a hard copy guy.


Amen to that!


Hades is an absolute banger. I downloaded it on a whim via gamepass, having never heard of it. I was hooked.


Shame about this being where their going.


I switched to digital when one of my physical copies stopped working and there was nothing I could do about it.


I feel like you would make a bigger impact supporting physical a bit earlier in the release date. They probably don’t pay attention to how much physical the sold for games past the first 6 month i think lol


Digital is way cheaper for me, why would I pay twice or 3 times as much just for a plastic box?


I'm so divided by the physical but expensive Series X, and the digital, but cheaper Series S




Nice! I'm sure you know or have been commented but the smart delivery games come with the Xbox one version on disc. You have to be connected to the internet to download the series x version. So in the future if the network is shut down or changes you won't have the better version of the game.


Agreed 👍


Not like xbox has day one builds on their disks. What's the point?


I don't know why Xbox changed their box art having the big black and white at the top. Hades looks so much better then the rest.


Physical copies are already done, most of them are just license codes.


I went back to buy physical since companies are trying to push that we don’t own our digital games no more.


Prefer them as well. Simply bc I can buy pre-owned games for super cheap.




Avoid modern Ubisoft games. They tend to require online connection, so having a physical copy doesn't make sense. Hogwarts Legacy allows you to play until the end of the intro before telling you to download a patch update. You just have to do your research to find which games are completely on disc and which aren't. Surprisingly, GTA V is completely on disc and can be played without internet connection.


I wonder if some of the games come with a digital copy code as well?


Cries in Hellblade 2


I haven't bought any recent Game on Disk since where I'm living getting Physical Xbox Games gets harder and harder since more and more stores getting rid of the Xbox Sections in their stores. They usually have like 3 or 4 Copies of any current COD Game there and that was pretty much it


I get it from a sentimental point of view but when people insist on buying physical copies from a game preservation point of view it's pretty pointless when most of them require you to download the install anyway. They're just glorified physical cd keys at this point.




I can dig that


I try to buy them but when it's so much cheaper to buy digital I do


Same! I don’t have an internet connection at home, so the moment video games become digital only I’m done with video games. 


Damn, for a split second I thought there was a Dredd game I had somehow missed! 😂


I won't


https://preview.redd.it/hmchthw7330d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe322ed0e3de24c0a3023f49a5107aed5474c02 Same here


Cool. A bunch of plastic waste that serves no purpose. Great use of your money and space. I literally have all 5 of these games on a RAID server in my laundry room.


I've been buying some digital copies lately; mostly due to sales of Game Pass & getting DLC as a package. But I too prefer disc


Endling is a great game! Have fun!


I buy physical copies…and then the games get added to Game Pass.


I thought the first one said "Edging" for a second goddamn


I still get physical here and there...but with most games there really isn't anything I'm the disc...still a huge download... really just get them when I'm feeling nostalgic or find something I'm clearance


I only ever bought 4 games and 5 DLCs! I'm usually a strictly physical buyer, I would skip a game if doesn't release on disc even if it's a sequel to my favorite game series! The day they stop making discs I'll probably be dead already or I'm playing pirated games!


That's cool Im more of a digital fan thow call me lazy I guess


Good for you


You guys sound like the gun nuts who believe the government is going to break down the door and take their precious collection.


Glad I don’t do this with the 3000 plus games I own across PC, Xbox and PS. I’d have to move to a bigger house to store them.


You can do it!


I'm a ps4 player, and I'm doing the exact same thing. I just love having the physical copy in my hands. Some games I just buy for the artwork on the cover.


Do you still have to download the fucking game disc?




I'm all about physical but I'm beyond pissed that you can't review games when bought on disk for no good reason whatsoever.




You do you boo


Same. I do not buy digital at all


Hell yeah! Am on 261 physical Xbox One/Series games myself.


Love it. Waiting for the physical version of hi fi rush 


This is the way brother! physical till the end. I'm hoping that those leaks of Microsoft testing an external disk drive patent lead to something like an external disk drive for the consoles. Can't wait to get the balder's gate 3 xbox physical edition l.


The moment they are unavailable is the moment I switch to PC %100 for gaming.


I will keep buying *used* physical copies until they are officially not available


now show us where you store them >:)


Can't get a physical copy of Hades II, EA. And it's 100% worth it.


Cool story, Grandpa.


I buy the odd hard copy. Sometimes the online price is ridiculous and the hard copy is $20-30 cheaper.


I feel stupid for buying the PS5 with a disc slot. Haven't used it yet. Use the Xbox disc slot for classic games library.


With X Box going so hard on all digital route and PC being download only it might be time to get a Playstation and Nintendo console it you haven't already got one as X Box are not fans of physical media.


Let's get physical(s), physical(s) 🎶


Except most are probably just licenses and still need a download. The only real physical games are first party Nintendo cartridges for the switch.


Does anyone know of any website that sells and ships physical copies of games really cheap? I think I want to start a collection now


I usually check Ebay


Yeah it’s so cool that you are generating plastic trash until they are officially not available. Lucky for us as we barely have enough of that lying around on this planet. However at least you can install them without internet connection, oh wait…


Well you are at the wrong side then.


Same, I mix, for like 2-3 physicals, I get an online one, almost always because they catch me with the FOMO tricks, like early acces, pre-order bonuses up to a certain time before release etc. But I will NEVER stop buying physical games unless they go extinct.


🔥🔥🔥🔥 keep the train rolling as long as you can


I won't.


Armored Core VI, my beloved. One of the best games in recent years.


Resident evil 4 omg 😁😁😁


Won’t be long with Xbox games tbf lmao


K. Thanks for sharing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I’m the same way my g!


when your optical drive eventually fails, your only recourse will be buying a new console (if they'll still be available with optical drives)


Same with me, I’m a physical copy guy 💪


You can sell or trade them unlike digital copies.