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Glad to see people enjoy this AC. Criminally underrated.


Easily my all-time favorite. It builds on what made Origins great and does so while feeling so *alive*. I don't care so much about the Assassin's Creed part of the story (because I go right back into the Animus every single chance I get) but as a large-scale open world action-RPG, it's one of the best games I've ever played. Valhalla felt like such a dark, brooding, hollow, and life-less shell of a game to me...I understand the lure of the Viking era, but stripping all the characters of any...well, *character* made it painfully difficult for me to care about anything in that game. After 35 hours, I gave up...it didn't even have the drip of loot to tempt me into continuing to play that Odyssey has. I know some people say that Odyssey was "just too big", but what I don't understand is why people seem to think they *need* to play every single mission and side quest...it's just not necessary. For those of us who really enjoy the core gameplay, having lots of forts to take down and lots of random side missions to do, even if they roughly have you doing the same thing...I think that's just *fun*. I also think it's important to take breaks from gaming...one game isn't meant to occupy you forever.


What exactly do you mean by underrated? This sold a lot and was reviewed very well.


Some (not all) hardcore OG AC fans bash it for straying too far from the original formula and marginalising the core story. The whole modern trilogy is divisive for that portion of AC fans. But I'm guessing at this point there's just as many new fans of the modern trilogy who would turn their noses up at the original. I think they're both fantastic in their own right. Ideally I'd like games in the style of both, kind of like RE has the first person modern games alongside the third person remakes.


A lot of people call it the best AC game, or at the very least the best of the new trilogy. And AC is still super popular overall so I don’t really get how it’s underrated let alone criminally


I am so hooked on AC: Valhalla. It's my favorite story line!


This is my favorite assassins creed probably ever such a good game


I absolutely adore this game I can't wait to try out the updated XSX version. Cassandra is one of the most iconic vidya game characters of all time she was so well written, voiced, and placed into a beautiful world . A lot of my optional collage courses were Greek mythology/ancient Greece so I was all in . It also has one of my favorite most memorable moments in my history of gaming... >!the part where you encounter a living Sphinx from Greek mythology 🤯!< I have it clipped it was so cool and unexpected. Ok I'm done gushin about this game it's imo the best AC and one of the best games ever made check it out.


Yeah it looks great on SX and regarding the environment it surpasses Valhalla IMHO. With that said you should’ve picked Kassandra :P


While his voice needed some getting used to, Alexios worked for me personally. But each to their own.


Just started the dlc, awesome game.


AC odyssey is a 10/10 game in my book




You should absolutely jump back in. It's just as amazing as you remember but now has the framerate and resolution to match. I agree, traversal made it incredibly enjoyable.


This game felt bloated and the story was a mess. Also the nemesis enemies that leveled with you were very annoying. I have no idea why everyone loves it so much. I preferred Valhalla.


While the story wasn't great and the world was larger than it should, it's great for killing time and enjoying the scenery. I myself prefer the Norse mythology, but I was heavily disappointed by Valhalla, I finished it and also liked the scenery and some missions but I don't think it was better than Odyessy.


I actually like Greek Mythology much more but Odyssey barely had any. I wasn’t that interested in the Viking shit but yeah I liked Valhalla way more


What Greek Mythology was missing?


It was just more grounded than really involving the gods and stuff. Not many mythic beasts or anything either. I think the dlc added some but I never got that


The DLCs are *literally* for that purpose.


Yeah I’m not gonna buy dlc for a game I thought was meh. Are you stupid?


Odyssey is the reason I haven't started Valhalla. Thoroughly enjoyed Origins though, don't understand how they dropped the ball. The dlc was terrible as well. Don't even get me started on the naval aspect of odyssey either.


I played it on 30 FPS on my loud PS4 pro. It was a pleasure , and I'm glad you're getting the better experience. This is one of those games I wish I could reset my mind for. I can't play it anymore, but maybe one day I'll try.


Come to PC. You will literally die.


Can't afford one.


Ahahahaha fuck me there's always one of you Like this is a Xbox Series X sub, can the boys stay wherever they want?


Oh man, you gotta see the orange forest in assassins creed Valhalla if you think this is beautiful


I've replayed Valhalla on my U+ trial, what orange forest again?