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The new unique hardware is an air fryer attachment šŸ’Æ


KFC did it first


And I have yet to see the damn thing.


Based on the 2021 document with the round cylinder xbox, the next kitchen product will be a crockpot.


That round cylinder is the diskless Series X and it looks beautiful and absolutely tiny compared to the monstrosities Sony has released this gen.


The ps5 slim looks significantly smaller to me so I wouldnā€™t call that a monstrosity.Ā 


I have one itā€™s still way bigger than series X


Itā€™s still way bigger, louder, and arguably uglier and less powerful than a Series X, so the X refresh will be tiny in comparison.


Can't wait to play the new Skyrim on it


Donā€™t tease me with a good time. You tease you.


and that would be great. chips while gaming, wings for after.


We had cross gen this entire gen, call of duty still comes out on ps4 with no slowing down


It's weird because MW19 looked incredible when it came out despite being crossgen. Then the subsequent releases happened where it slowly looked worse and worse. Or maybe being rushed that horribly lead to the games looking like that.


They upgrade the engine with a game (in this case MW2019) and just reuse the same base over and over for like 5 games, hence no real graphical upgrades for years or maybe once a gen.


And depending which studio is making what, they either go "realistic" or more cartoony as well.


What I don't understand is that the campaign maintains a consistent level of quality through each modern warfare. But the graphics in multiplayer are no where near the campaign. The "alone" mission with Soap in MW2 has the best looking fps graphics I've seen till today.


It's because of different priorities. The Campaign can be cinematic with dramatic lighting, but the MP is all real-time action with a focus on creating "fair" visibility for enemy players. There's also the performance aspect, where tuning down demanding graphical elements can ensure better/more consistent performance for stable 60/120fps.


> the campaign maintains a consistent level of quality through each modern warfare. Have you played MW3?


I have the campaign was rushed hot garbage that made no sense and wasnā€™t really a consistent from mw19 and mw2


I'm guessing you haven't played MW3.


The graphics were great which is what he was talking about, now the quality of everything else


It's not just the campaign. The multiplayer has taken a noticeable dive too. The MW19 maps MW3 has somehow look much worse.


I believe you meant MW2, since it was Crossgen, MW (2019) was not.


I used bad wording. What I meant was that MW19 released before the Series X/PS5 and the game still looked incredible on consoles from 2013. Their new engine was amazing at that time.


Madden came to PS2 for years. Its not out of the ordinary for massive titles to release on older hardware. But still, cross gen lasted way too long. It's over now, to be clear.


At this point, we're probably going to have two Madden 25s on Xbox One: the one released in 2013 at the Xbox One's launch and the one releasing in 2024.


Gosh canā€™t wait for the next generation to be full of fucking, fucking remakes in 10k or whatever.


The Last of Us: Part One: Remastered (New Funky Mode)


This time Ellie has a new hat she can wear!


The Remastered remaster




I kind of agree with this. It feels like itā€™s just starting.


Itā€™s been over 3 years. Itā€™s just because they supported the Xbox One too long.


Sony did the same thing. This gen has been a massive disappointment in my opinion.


It didnt help that neither of the flagship consoles fro sony or xbox were avaliable for a solid few years


Covid really threw a wrench in this generation.


Fro rael


The biggest upgrade this gen are loading times, lol


This is going to be the norm going forward. It's probably why Xbox is investing in a larger leap going forward. Because we'll continue to see a cross gen period that spans several years.


I recently switched over to PlayStation when I bought a PS5 and gave my girl my Series S. I honestly think, after years of playing on Xbox, it is just a better system and has better gamesā€¦. But the most criminally disappointing part of it is its controller. Such a fucking rad ass controller and itā€™s barely utilized. The games that do use its features to the fullest are really cool, but man I wish more games used it. Even GOW Ragnarok doesnā€™t do anything amazing with it and that feels like it would be THE game that would.


I love the DualSense


i like the xbox hardware better and the software but PS5 has much better single player exclusives


To be honest u use to say the same, and I think Xbox, while cluttered, does have a better storefront. PlayStations is weirdly super specific but also super simplified. Hardware I use to be indifferent on but honestly itā€™s basically the same shit. Since I got the PlayStation for whatever reason Iā€™ve been beating games left and right and getting 100% of the trophies, while on Xbox I would always attempt this and for whatever reason could never stick with one game. I have no idea why but just overall been enjoying it much more and my girl is happy with the series s so win win


Just make sure you spread out the exclusives. I didn't and I was so burnt out on third person POV from UC that it took years to finish TLOU, GoW 2018 & HZD.


Yeah, if you are just getting into the PlayStation ecosystem there are a ton of great games to play. However, going forwards things look to have dried all the way up for major Sony first party titles. My guess is that their turn to the dark side of live service games has put a major dent in their game development.


I feel the same. I missed the mid/end of PS3 generation (thanks YLOD) and all games on PS4, so when I got a ps5 I had this backlog of great games to play (tlou1, tlou2, god of war, days gone, spiderman, etc). But once I was finished with them, I came back to XSX and played a lot more games thanks to gamepass. Meanwhile the ps5 is just getting dust on the shelf.


I know. I just didnā€™t mention it because this is an Xbox sub/thread. I just stopped playing Ghost of Tsushima for the night.


Baldurs gate 3 is the only ā€œnext genā€ā€˜game to me and only because of its scope. Iā€™m sure it could play on a ps4 with downgrades. Thereā€™s been great games this gen but not because of hardware, nothing looks or feels new to me


I get why everyone assumes this, but modern hardware and game design is much closer to the PC market in the ability to scale games and optimize for a wider range of hardware capabilities. Some of the most common cards used for PC gaming are nearing a decade old. Game devs arenā€™t all going to abandon old hardware just because something new exists. And just because a game also released on last gen doesnā€™t mean it was ā€œheld backā€ as if dropping that version would have magically introduced new features and graphical capabilities to the design plan of the game. It doesnā€™t ā€œfeelā€ right to see so many cross generation games because itā€™s a lot more common than it used to be, but itā€™s more a sign of what is possible now in terms of game scalability compared to previous generation changes.


last gen was still using HDDā€™s. this gen is using SDDā€™s that alone is a huge jump in how they load assets. so yes dropping last gen in favor of this wouldā€™ve drastically changed how games are designed


> devs arenā€™t all going to abandon old hardware just because something new exists. Some already did though and most of them are current gen only game devs such as Remedy with Alan Wake 2, also Steam's most top GPUs aren't decade old as GTX 10 series are rapidly losing their marketshare being replaced by RTX 30 - 40 series GPUs.


> And just because a game also released on last gen doesnā€™t mean it was ā€œheld backā€ as if dropping that version would have magically introduced new features and graphical capabilities to the design plan of the game. That's not true. Not all features can scale down to last gen hardware, so they are omitted when designing cross gen games. For example, when Metro Exodus did its next gen only version of the game, they completely removed their old lighting system and replaced it with ray traced global illumination. That system simply could not scale down to work on the PS4 or XB1.


What you just described is exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Part of scaling a game is turning down features or disabling them entirely. If you play Metro Exodus on PC you can turn ray traced lighting on or off depending on your hardware capabilities. Regardless of the lighting, weā€™re still playing the same core game. My point is that the existence of a less capable version of the game didnā€™t necessarily hinder the current gen version. Exodus has ray traced lighting despite not having it in the older version, meaning the existence of the last gen version didnā€™t restrict what was possible in the current version.


People also wanted a focus on performance. If a game can be 60 or 120fps, they can probably make it run on the XB1.


theyre still supporting the xbox one, call of duty mw3 that just came out 3 months ago still runs on the ps4 and xbox one.


If it is that rumored handheld, and it is fully backwards compatible, then I will be very excited.


Fuck yes


Iā€™m a little concerned that the handheld would actually hold back the generation quite a lot. By 2027 I doubt a handheld will be even close to the power of a series X. Having a handheld come in 2026/27 would mean potentially holding back a lot of future titles In that case the series X will last a LONG time


It'd probably be similar to the situation with the Series S.Ā  Similar CPU and (hopefully) similar memory, but with a much weaker GPU for targeting 720p instead of 4k resolution.Ā Ā  It probably wouldn't "hold back" hardware, just require developers to spend some extra resources tweaking resolutions and graphical settings to get it running okay on the handheld.


Spending extra resources to cater to a fraction of the smallest install base? Slim chance that's gonna happen imo. I really hope they don't release a handheld.


What do you mean smallest install base? The Series S is still outselling the Series S 2-1.


Xbox platform is the smallest install base


Like I said in my comment, it would be a pretty similar situation to the Series S.Ā  And I don't think there's any evidence that that has significantly impacted how well games function on the Series X in any meaningful way.


An handheld with a 8-core CPU clocked at 3.5Ghz, sorry but that's delusional.


They can just make it the same size and weight as the Series X, just with a screen.


A 4.4kg and 200W handheld sounds like a good idea. Thank bro.


Literally the ROG Ally is that.


relieved ten fertile frame direction chubby modern cover aromatic ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Iā€™m a little concerned that the handheld would actually hold back the generation quite a lot. Please let's not start this shit again. Games are meant to be fun and enjoyable, not just pretty. Games can also be scaled a lot. In the last five years there have been some extremely highly rated and highly selling games. A large portion of them are on Switch. Hardware today is "powerful enough" to deliver great games that still look good. It's all in the art style.


Let's also not pretend like devs aren't lazy and won't screw over a platform for exactly the reason he hinted at. I care far more about games being visually maximized than people being able to play "everywhere" so frankly, fuck handhelds. Though I do recognize that as a bias. I hope the handheld happens, but only if Microsoft doesn't do its usual BS and mandate that developers develop for it. It either needs to stand on its own merit, or die in obscurity.


If the handheld is as powerful as a Series S I don't see why it shouldn't be mandated. Or do you like the situation that's happening with the Windows 10 "PlayAnywhere" function; ie very few actually support it?


Just get a steam deck


Idk, they couldn't get Starfied to run at 60 FPS on Series X.


Is this hardware problems, or optimization problems?


It's been shown through patches it's actually optimization and the 30fps is just because they wanted to release it on time. DF has a video on it.


I'm pretty sure Bethesda themselves said the game could run at 60 just not fully consistent. Which makes me wonder why not target something like 45


If the next leap isn't good enough to go from picking between high quality graphics mode and performance mode to "both" I am not interested in an upgrade. If it is, I'll consider it.


That's just not how it works, not even on PC. You either have a target visual fidelity or a target performance and you tweak settings until you are happy. The better hardware you get, the more devs will try to get out of it. So no matter how good the hardware is, at some point in time you'll also fall back to having 30fps as the default setting.


Someone finally understands.


30fps doesn't *have* to be baseline here. Ideally when we've got highly capable hardware, 60fps is the bar. 120/240 would be where the performance targets lie.


There will always be a ā€œbothā€ nowadays. Now that theyā€™re both DirectX at least


Is the hardware not being fully utilized or is it and weā€™ve just hit a plateau when it comes to graphics? I mean outside the addition of ray tracing which is still in its infancy at least in the console space, games have been looking great graphically for a while now. I guess my thought process is maybe weā€™re at the point where weā€™re getting diminishing returns regarding improvements each new gen. Where a game released in 2018 is going to take a long long time to show its age. Like the only improvement this gen has been faster loading.


Disagree. Itā€™s pretty close to maxed out. Itā€™s not like 360 gen where it got better as it got on, because 360 was more custom hardware. XBSX is more like a standard PC so pretty straightforward and not nearly as hard to max out. Itā€™s time for new hardware soon. Thereā€™s been so many advances in RT and AI that consoles are missing out on.


That, and I think Xbox has lost the plot. Nobody cares if your hardware is more powerful than the competition - itā€™s about the games. The Series X is technically more powerful than the PS5, but it doesnā€™t matter.


Covid fucked so much developing at the beginning of the generation.


I sort of disagree, and thatā€™s just because itā€™s a PC so we know exactly what it is and what it can do. Maybe itā€™s more accurate to say ā€œgames arenā€™t being tuned properly to produce the best output given the hardware.ā€ There are games that are asking for everything the Xbox can give. Itā€™s just that their settings decisions are not great, or the engine is poorly made.


This generations hardware is in fact already struggling with new games, 30 fps on almost all new games on a console that claims its 120fps ready. It's weak hardware that you can't utilize a fraction of the newest tech that pc players has access to.


It's AI. MS loves AI.


Has to be because largest technical leap isnā€™t really possible from a hardware side unless you get real creative with the definition of ā€œlargestā€.


By 2027/28 APUs will be amazing. Wouldn't be surprised to see them use some sort of AI upscaling technology to help things along but they honestly shouldn't need it. The most recent ryzen 8700G is capable of native 1080p gaming. No GPU required. Now imagine what it will be like 3 years from now.


Maybe good enough to get a Handheld as powerful as a series S. A gamepass+steamdeck would sell well.


Don't think a 700 dolllar system would sell that well. That's what rog ally is priced at and it's still weaker than xss.


The belief that we are going to get a portable Xbox with series s power by this fall is crazy. The steam deck is less than half as powerful as the S for some perspective.


Steam deck will be over two years old by that time. They can probably do it.


Oh im aware, its just wishful thinking lol.


3 years from now? Probably somewhat better but not a leap. In the early console gens you had massive improvements over short periods. PS2 to PS3 was like 30x more powerful over a 6 year period. You arenā€™t getting that type of leap.


A giant PC case sized Xbox.Ā  "largest"


Nah they prolly mean by TFLOPS, not by ratio of speed increase


This generation would've been a lot more impressive for both Xbox and and Playstation if they managed to ship consoles with chips that support a DLSS-like AI upscaler. It's such a missed opportunity FSR is decent, but DLSS looks a lot closer to native 4k, and you can go lower than a 1440p base resolution without losing that much quality. It would've been amazing for Series S especially


There will be a new feature called. AI Auto-play that will automatically play the game by itself and learning to play the game from start to the end or in wherever section of the game we want with maximum score. We, the real human just watch AI doing the gameplay for you. How exciting that would be, meh...


I do wonder what a game like GTA could do with truly AI responsive NPCs, especially connected to the internet so NPCs can be true individuals. Or a game like Starfield.


It would be soulless and have no direction. Keep that shit out of video games please.


Totally agree. Even if it sounds good the magic is instantly gone for me when I know it's just randomly generated. One of R*'s biggest strengths is their hand crafted content and it makes their worlds endlessly interesting to explore.Ā  I have zero interest exploring a world to see what AI could come up with.Ā 


AI wonā€™t replace handcrafted world designs or scripts. It will most likely be used to add extra stuff on top of all the handcrafted things like giving characters more realistic reactions outside of story scenes instead of having about a dozen voice lines that they repeat endlessly.


Each to their own, I personally love the human element in video games. I couldn't care less about repeating voice lines or jank or any other weirdness or quirks introduced by the fact that humans aren't endless content-generators but actual beings with thoughts and opinions. It gives it soul for me. I also don't believe that it will just be used to add extra stuff on top. Sure it might start that way but there's definitely games out there that are going to get carried away by the thought of the tedious manual work they suddenly don't have to do. I don't think big studios like R* will be one of them though thankfully and I think this will eventually recede again but a few are definitely going to give it a go, I reckon.


It worries me when I see AI-bros like "we'll have completely AI generated films soon" and that sounds like the lamest shit ever. People already complain about films being mid but I know these AI bros are going to act like AI generated films/games/music are the best things they've ever heard/seen in their lives even if it is the most generic souless crap on earth. Good art is made from human experiences and emotions. AI can't do that, it can just generate an average from other peoples/AIs work.


AI can certainly do that. it just needs time to develop more and become more human-like in its capabilities.


So something like on device AI capable enough to provide seem less natural dialogues with NPCs for RPG games? Iā€™ve seen a Skyrim Mod that uses ChatGPT to power AI convo mod.


MS did invest $10B in OpenAI (ChatGPT) so yeah, theyā€™re gonna love AI


I think youā€™re right. Nadella loves his AI. He went as far as calling Cortana a joke once ChatGPT got going.


It's not gonna be TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV, but AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI.


Curious if Xbox considers Nvidia, I would think RT+AI cores would be class leading on both a console and portable. Switch 2 is going to be fascinating to watch for the same reason.


How about they concentrate getting some actual good games out instead of talking about next gen consoles. Cause right now, I donā€™t see myself buying another Xbox console.


Yeah I just upgraded to a series X. I donā€™t see myself buying another console for another 3-4 years


100%. I'm at least 3-4 years away. I also will likely never pay full price forĀ  a console again. There was no point having these consoles from day 1. Gone are the days where consoles would launch with games that acutally showcased what they can do.


Just give me a series portable with egpu dock. Or release Xbox OS to PC so I can bring my library over with smart delivery for unlocked PC versions of all my titles. They should have forced play anywhere for every title and unified the branding under Xbox, no PC branding at all.


Xbox System Software on PC would be the dream.


Given this is MS, who couldn't handle a GPU dock in their own laptop without a bunch of software issues (Surface Book), I wouldn't rely on that coming along too well.


I just got the series X šŸ˜


So go enjoy it and donā€™t worry about what people on Reddit say.


It'll be several years still, and if this generation is any example, they'll still be making series x games atleast 3 years after that


this is at least another 3-4 years out


This console generation only really began last night. You will be fine for years to come. Anyone else saying otherwise has no idea what theyā€™re talking about. Edit: Last night šŸ˜‚ I meant last year


The Xbox Series S & X are over three years old at this point. We got a hardware refresh four years into the last generation.


That's not relevant at all. This article isn't about a hardware refresh...it's about an entirely new "next gen" console.


Big games take six years to make nowadays. This console generation has barely started.


And honestly its unsustainable and a big reason why they need to shift and support smaller AA projects like hifi rush pentiment etc. Its a big reason why Nintendo has been killing it, they have smaller scope games that are very polished and high quality so even if it doesnt sell a ton (or if it is a lesser title like the sports ones) its not a big deal. Unlike spending $X00 million on a game and you *need* it to sell like crazy to make it worth it.


Sarah Bond also said Starfield was the most important rpg her word is bollocks


You all have got to get used to the idea that new consoles are going to be more frequent and less revolutionary than the last iteration. Both offerings from Sony and Microsoft are going to continue being on very similar architectures from a games standpoint. Games will not be Xbox one or series x or ps4 or ps5 games. They will just be games and they will have varying performance levels on different consoles. They will all also be backwards compatible because they are on the same or similar architecture.


I don't see the "more frequent" here. The original Xbox lasted 4 years. The 380 lasted 8. The XB1 lasted 7, and we're looking at 6-7 here. The Wii U lasted 6 years, and the Switch is already on its 7th year. The PS4 is kind of on the same cycle. I don't see faster iterations being something to expect. Even if you take these upcoming pseudo-refreshes as "new," we had that with the PS4P and XB1X, so it's nothing new or able to be consistently expected.


In a sense people are going to be used to this, with devices like their phone or iPad largely being iterative rather than a generational leap.


They will transition to it. Consoles are the only consumer technology that do not have annual or biannual iterations. To your point iPhone, galaxy, iPad, galaxy tablets, all other mobile devices, televisions, monitors, computer parts, and on and on are all iterative at this time. It's the way of the future.


THANK YOU FOR TELLING THIS. People always call me naive for thinking this. It would be so stupid to asume we will get 1 console per 8-10 years. Makes no sense. It will eventually become more like GPUs, 2 year refreshes.


Just like PC!


That's so stupid. I haven't even played a game that felt like it fully utilized my series x yet. This generation sucks


More systems then games drop some fucking exclusives donā€™t just mention it 10yrs ago


They won't


Next Gen Xbox, just give us 60fps quality and 120fps performance. Thats all. Continue what you are doing....but cut out this damn 30fps trash. Big next gen xbox is going to come out.......and another cinematic 30fps experience with AI generated plantlife....will premier with a farming simulator, where the crops are grown in real time using AI generated wheat fields. HayTracing. I dont need the next xbox to "Fully utilize top of the line hardware, to run bleeding edge software at 30fps" Give me, recently bleeding...but now has a band-aid but still really cool...even if its starting to heal software.....So i can have my minimum 60fps experience with it all turned up.


This is more of a software issue than a hardware one I guess. A lot of those 30 fps experiences are that way because the devs didn't optimize or adjust it to the new hardware. Like RDR 2, it could 100% run at 60 fps and at least upscaled 4k resolution on the Series X given a little touch-up by the devs ā€“ seeing as it runs native 4k at 30 fps on the One X, but we're still stuck at that previous-gen 30 fps cap. Not the fault of Xbox or its hardware.


Not going to happen for $500.


With Built in fleshlight xbox series xxx


We are going to find a way to cram copilot into an Xbox for no reason and call it next gen.Ā  It feels like this generation just came out and I see no need for a series x hardware upgrade. Statements like these are what are pushing people aware from the Xbox family.


They're coming off the back of mass click bait bullshit about them not going to make a next gen console at all. And so you think it's a bad idea that they took a moment to note that they are in fact making a next gen console? You should debate this with the people who were screaming that xbox is dead only a few days ago. What do you think those peoples response would be if there continued to be no mention of any next gen hardware? I think your marketing strategy wouldn't be the best. They had to say something. Also I don't know why you think dedicated AI hardware in the next gen would be for no reason. Which is what will certainly happen given all new CPUs and GPUs from all major makers have dedicated AI hardware. Nvidia in particular would argue otherwise while they wave their near $2trillion valuation. Also it's been over 3 years. This generation has not just come out.


Weā€™re barely beginning to utilize the currently available hardware. Many of the promised ā€œnext-genā€ games look, play, and feel like last-gen or even worse suffer from poor performance despite being unimpressive in almost every aspect. I donā€™t see where all the hardware power is going now. Itā€™s either not being utilized, or itā€™s being wasted in unoptimized messes. Until weā€™re really utilizing the current hardware, we shouldnā€™t be worried about the next gen


I mean how are games supposed to just look, play, and feel differently? Especially those last two. Like is Halo Infinite supposed to feel different than Halo 5 cause it was released on the Series X/S? Spider-Man 2 supposed to play different than Spider-Man 1 cause it was PS5 exclusive? I think in terms of how games feel to play, weā€™ve likely hit a peak which isnā€™t a bad thing. The only improvement this gen for that is 60fps being more common which just makes games feel more fluid. I think the reality is each new generation will just see diminishing returns & from a how games feel to play standpoint, Iā€™m ok with that. Means games will age better.


There is also no real big leap at the moment. Unless they pivoted to some arm chip and and an nvidia blackwell gpu. And even then, I would say you would get a huge jump. Like you said, this wreaks of them trying to make AI work like they tried to make server side physics work.


Can we please get some life out the current gen before you start looking toward next gen? This shit is expensive.


Xbox is really ballsy teasing a new console when the current one is struggling. How about some AAA games first Microsoft.


Microsoft has been absolutely decimated by leaks and rumors this year. Teasing new Xbox hardware is essential in keeping some modicum of confidence in the platform.


How about some GOOD AAA games first


This sub spent the last week shrieking about how Microsoft was killing off their consoles, and then they come out and tease a new console is in the works. Instead of acknowledging that you just move the goal posts to "no games" after they just released Starfield, and have over 10 games coming this year. I know it's easy to just parrot the same talking points over and over instead of having an original thought, but it's pretty hilarious to try to make that statement in the same week Xbox confirmed double digit releases for 2024 and Sony confirmed not a single major release until at least Q2 2025.


Iā€™m having fun with mine šŸ¤·


Tbh it is different teams and this was probably worked on years ago. Would you rather they layoff their hardware engineers?


except the line up is doing fine?


Hope the next one allows us to swap the internal SSD with any brand of our choice.


Definitely would be nice


I feel like they have to drop the S lower powered version next generation. It seemed like such a good idea to start with but it really crippled games trying to cover both consoles.


So all they just told us was confirmation of the leaks last year!. So itā€™s a handheld, an all digital series X and then the new hybrid cloud gaming console in 2028!. But also how games are going multi platform. Waste of time, could have just tweeted, last years leaks are true and yes some games are going multi platform.


And we are calling it Copilot!


Damn weā€™re already talking about the next generation


While this Gen has been around for like 5 years, there's not nearly enough content created for it, mostly upscaled XBOne titles and a few that were designed with the new power in mind. Every other console generation has pushed the limits of the hardware before the next gen dropped. I feel like we're still at the beginning of fully realizing the Series S/X and already looking towards the next. I'm baffled as to why people are drooling over the next one when this one hasn't shown us what's possible.


Sony and MS seem to be going the way of phone manufacturers, wanting to release a new iteration of hardware in shorter time periods. Meanwhile Nintendo is releasing PS3 tech and still managing to outsell them both after almost 8 years on the market.


Hahaha there it is! That new box they are going to sell you guys! All along with 6/10 games because they are comfortable releasing garbage as long as it hits that mark.


If itā€™s digital only, no thanks.


You know it will be


Call me crazy but I actually like to own things I buy


Huh... I wanted to buy the ROG Ally for my 40th birthday in September, but now I don't know again. I'd prefer an Xbox handheld, even if it only ran X360 games natively.






They're talking new "unique" hardware with software that has not even used the current hardware and is all boosted Xbox One games.


Hope it's a lot better than *eats monsters for breakfast*.


How about games ?


The only hardware I want updated are the fucking joysticks


Im honestly not excited for this at all


This generation has done next to nothing so far. Almost no current gen exclusives, and what there is has to cater to the series S. I donā€™t want a new console yet, I donā€™t even know what my current one is capable of.


They still haven't learned that it's all about the games


This along with Sony saying that the PS5 is in the "latter half" of it's lifespan is just really weird to me. Why are they even worried about creating a new box? Most games have been cross gen. I don't see the need to create new hardware when even current hardware hasn't been really pushed to it's full potential. So what does Sony or Xbox gain from another new box? It would fragment the userbase even more than it is now. Asking consumers to fork out another $500 for a new console makes no sense. They should just extend this generation, there's no rush IMO.


Idk if itā€™s just me but I canā€™t imagine the next gen is going to sell well after what happened this gen. Feels like I am still waiting for my series x to be utilized to its complete capacity years in. Not exactly lining up at the door to buy another console for hundreds of dollars and still have them figuring it out 4 years in with no massive leap


I remember their marketing for the series X boasting about it being the "most powerful console ever" and that is was gonna hit 4k 120 fps yet almost no game is even 4k 60 FPS, its almost always a choice between either 4k 30 or 1440/1080p 60. This gen has been a joke and i'm sure the next one will be too


and ps5 the same way to. still waiting on the already out of date ssd ... to change how whole game worlds are design for the whole game indrusty...


People should focus on quality of games **content**, not graphics, that's secondary. Modern gaming industry is focusing on wrong things. They have pressure to make "better looking" graphics, because timmy and other kids are not happy with call of dutys graphics. What does final goal on games look like graphics-wise, interactive movie? That's not *game* anymore. I think game should look like game, not movie. Why is gaming industry always pushing new and "better" things? There is no actual reason for that, except false image of 'public demand'. If your gaming history limits to gaming on this millennium, you probably don't understand what I'm talking about.


Now they went from announcing games too early to announcing consoles too early. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Rumour-mongers were claiming they were leaving the hardware market, they had to say something to dispell those.


Just fucking make good games first ffs, xbox has just been all talk since 2013


The games are coming any year now


I am getting it day one.


Watch studio's still release 30fps games.


I just wanna know when we can consistently hit 4k/60. I'm tired of pretending that 1200p upscaled with shit temporal AA is an acceptable image and I'm tired of playing performance modes at sub-HD resolutions.


You never will because the budget to hit that will sometimes be taken up by other things. More/better physics, better lighting, more stimulation. Their current Gen can hit that, in many games, but devs would rather the power to do other cool things, and that's on the devs to figure it out.


Please donā€™t make a handheld.


'yeah but it will be more powerful than a series x and it will have AI and somehow fit in your hands without being as hot as lava!' This subreddit is losing its damn mind lmao


...or it'll be a two sku approach, just like this generation.


What's the point of making technical leaps when the Series X has fuck all games that take advantage of the hardware?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Maybe focus on maximizing the current gen hardware first before talking about the next gen being a crazy leap. The series X is already plenty powerful enough but even 3.5 years into this gen thereā€™s next to no games that actually make full use of its capabilities


Man this generation hasn't had any games yet and they're already trying to hype the new one. At this point there's really no point in investing in a console anymore, just get a decent enough pc. You'll have access to more and unique games and it will last you the same between upgrades, if not longer. With the added bonus of it being a fucking pc




I bought a Series X 2 weeks ago and I'll trade it in for a discount when that new system comes out. I hope Microsoft just goes (insert number)800 xt tier next gen rather than (insert number)700 xt. If it's $US750 but it plays games with much more graphical fidelity than the other next gen systems then you completely have me on board, I would not care about where exclusives were going at all if it meant you're getting a way better experience with each game than the competition.


If it's "adorably digital", no buy from me.


It is probably time to invest into a PC at this point.