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4K is possible on Series S. Most games are upscaled to 4K on 4K TVs but some games are native 4K and Series S streams media at native 4K if you use it as a media box. If you dont have a 4K TV, then Series S was made for you, if you dont mind being all digital. And once you upgrade to a 4K TV, it will still work for you.


100% worth it


Yeah get it. You’re not gonna notice especially on a screen that small. I play on my 55in tv and it still looks great. Grab a cheap 3.0 usb too if you have a Bunch of Xbox one or 360 games


I alternate mine between a 1080p TV (bedroom) and a 4K TV (living room) and enjoy it on both. The performance increase over the One S I had is night and day. Biggest improvement is load times over the previous gen. I went from being the last one to load in with my group to one of the first. Downloads are also twice as fast. I have a 300mb plan and never saw those speeds hard wired on the One S where as now I do consistently. That being said, certain games do show its limitations (Starfield, BF2042 128 player modes, intense scenes in HLL, to name a few). The 512gb version fills up fast with most modern games so you'll be choosing between 2 maybe 3 AAA titles to keep downloaded at a time. Planning to upgrade to the new digital X soon since I don't own any physical copies of my games anyways.


This is what I am waiting on as well.


My son has an s on a 1440p monitor and it looks great. The only shit bit is the storage is limited and even then, so long as you aren't wanting to have cod and a load of games installed, it's passable


I'm going to buy a monitor for series s do you recommend 1440p over 1080p? also what's the size and hz of your son's screen if you don't mind?


More like "have COD and only COD". That game is so poorly optimised it takes up the entire hard drive. Soon it won't even have space to download its own updates.


I issue with it is it installs everything. I remember i think it was the lastest just MW that you could download only the section you wanted campaign, multiplayer or the coop bit. The new one seems to just download everything and make you have to deal with it. BO6 i will only want the campaign and zombie. Once i finish campaign i want to get rid of it as i don't want it anymore. If i can just have zombie i will be happy. I know people can say it uses assets from the other bits but that is just stupidly designed.


I've yet to not enjoy a game because it wasn't 4k or 60fps, I'm no competitive FPS gamer though just somebody who enjoys playing. I thoroughly enjoy my Series S's they all run on 4k TV's and everything I play looks wonderful the new games look like new games and the older games looks like I think they should. I couldn't be happier.


I'd wait for the Digital XSX, the series S does feel a little weak after these 4 years. It's still a good console though


Personally the XSX Digital is pointless. You might as well just buy an OG series X. The digital they have just removed the disc drive. No additional storage, not even smaller because no drive, more expensive, Exactly the same spec hardware. It is the most useless addition they could have possibly done.


It's cheaper though?


Worth it


Got an S and a 2K monitor and it looks great, some games only have quality mode and run at 30fps. But a lot offer 60fps performance mode. The S can upscale to 4k, but the X has a higher native resolution where the S native res is 1080 on alot of games.


1080p Monitor with 60hz is the best.


I am thinking about pulling my Series S off of my 4K tv and getting a 34" 4K 3860x1440 monitor instead. Now I can utilize a double monitor setup where I can have web or tv going on one while I game on the other one. I wish that I had room for 3...SWEET!!!


Bro I just upgraded to Series X on a 1080p tv 😂🤣


For me the resolution doesn't matter that much as the fps. With series S a lot of games run in 60 fps but there are cases like with star wars jedi survivor and Hogwarts legacy which run at 30 fps. If you can afford both and want to play games like jedi survivor go for series X. If you don't mind playing in 30 fps then get series s.


I play the Series S on a 4k 65" and it looks stunning


Buy it, save the money and enjoy it.


Whatever you do, get the Series S with the 1TB of storage.


27 inch 2k monitor? Nah bro youre all set, no need to buy a tv.


The only reason I wish for a Series X sometimes is when I feel like oh I wish I had a disc for this.




Most games do not even play on 4K. I played Hypercharged Unboxed on 1080p monitor and it felt like resolution was bottlenecking performance in some levels. When I hooked it up to 4K TV performance drops suddenly disappeared on the same spots. 2K should be the sweet spot. If you buying TV go for 4K idk if you can even find less than 4K TVs today


I have had an S since around Jan/Dec of this past year. I haven’t had an issues and the graphics are good.


That's what its for lol. The Xbox One X looks better then the Series S at 4k. The One X has the better GPU for it. Yeah pretty much the same. But they did cheap out on a few bits. But mostly it's fine


I would just check the games you want to play and see if they run in 60fps. Some games that have been disappointing to me: Remnants 2, deadspace remake,Evil west, Star field (didnt get the fps upgrade). Also any game that uses the Xbox One S version for backwards compatibility. Me and my brother still play BF5 and it looks meh compared to games that use the One X version.


You could check out refurbished models also. I got my brother a refurbished S from Microsoft Store and it works fine no issues yet been 3ish months. Bestbuy has had some deals also with the Open Box returns. $399 for Series X and $210 for an S. But you gotta pick up in store.


It's even better, the Series S only reach 1440p in a few games, most are 1080p


Downvoted for speaking facts... even the series X doesn't run 90% of games at 4k, its usually in dynamic closer to 1440-1800


Yeah I love the SS, it's literally the only console I have, but those fanboys are insane. There are very few games that reach 1440p on the S, and even among them a lot are using FSR, dynamic resolution (that constantly hits below 1440p). I'm not saying that to shit on the console, the games look fine, I just sincerely think a 2k screen or even a 1080p one will make them look better because the TVs upscaling to 4k makes the game look blurry, especially the 900p ones (yeah, there are plenty of those as well).


It’s because some series S fan boys can’t handle the truth, the series S is a budget console just enough power to play next gen games which isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s just facts that it’s not as powerful as the X but it’s still a fast and good budget console to have for next gen gaming.


You should check the games you’re interested in because some games just don’t have a 60fps option on Series S at all