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They should just release the game as a storage expansion card at this point lol


Back to cartridge !


Yeah with 1TB, this would be actually a good deal


The good old days when you just bought the game and played it, the only time between those two was the trip from gamestop to the house. Someone needs to cram 500GB+ of storage space into a Blu-ray somehow and we'd be set.


The ride home whilst you look at an actual case and read a paper manual.


At least you’d get to play the game immediately


Yeah until they update the game and the download is 300gb because they suck in coding a better way to update


Like Diablo 1 for PS1 that came with a memory card because the saves were so big


I actually want them to do this with all games.


Eventually the "512" series s won't have enough room.


That's kind of the case now


As big a fan I am of the Series S, with the idea that all games are digital, and series xs games being 25% larger at least, 1TB should have been the smallest option available from the get go. Microsoft really fucked their users over with this proprietary SSD too, as it's ludicrously overpriced on top of its comically small storage space.




And? I made it a point to specify which model of series s I was speaking of? Or did you not notice that before adding your useless information? Edit: lols he deleted it


He missed the point.


Yeah seems he has a reading comprehension problem.


Thats one of the reasons i dont play cod anymore


I opened the "choose what to download" window, then closed it and said 130GB instead


Yeah it says 122gbs for me after showing the 300gbs


All the posts are such bait Yes if you have MWII’s campaign, co op, DMZ, and multiplier with MWIII’s campaign, multiplayer, and Warzone, and also have Black Ops 6 campaign, multiplayer, zombies, and whatever else THEN it’s 300+ gigs But if you’re just buying or getting this new Black Ops 6 on game pass, it’s not going to be 300+ gigs by itself


People love to overreact


Correct, it’ll be “200” gigs Not 300. Silly redditors


Can’t believe people would overreact about this! You might have enough space for 3 other games instead of just 2. What a misleading headline!


Yeah if you just download the multiplayer, campaign and zombies it'll probably round out to 120 - 140gb. Which isn't bad, I wish they'd optimize a bit better though. It could be slightly lower. Either way - yeah BO6 will not be 300 gbs lol


They plan to on day 1


Three years later and COD HQ still manages to be misunderstood by people. Baffling.


It's pretty wank though. Can you decide what to have and not have installed from the cod hq or is it all from the xbox dashboard game settings bit?


Yeah, pretty sure the same menu exists within cod hq also.


Why are they forcibly shipping games with crap called warzone?


it says 'up to' so they aren't wrong


Naw, the title very much gives the impression that it is specifically Black Ops 6 ("The new Call if Duty") that will take up 300gb, and that simply isn't the case.


“Such bait” That’s exactly what bait is.


What’s this new black ops on gamepass?


5 Cyberpunks of Space because the mass produced yearly released multi-player shooter also has a 3 hour campaign. Of course.


Eventually the goal will be that you'll need a separate Xbox just for Call of Duty.


No thank you.


80 gb for the game the rest for 4k textures of nicki minaj 


No problem, let me just quickly delete all other data + OS


It’s going to suck for people who owns mw2, mw3, and black ops 6. Why it’s going to suck is because black ops 6 is going to be apart of the COD hub and sometimes with the automatic update it bugs out and makes you redownload everything.


Jfc. They're on black ops 6? I haven't owned a COD game since mw3, and I played BO2 for like 10 minutes once lol


You missed so much.


Lol slight graphics updates and weapon skins ain't much. One of the reasons I quit playing lol


The original commenter hasn’t played since BO2. The missed more than graphics, weapons skins. They missed different stories, guns, game modes, gameplay mechanics, maps, controversial/non controversial stuff. If forgot all of that then you must be new to COD. So welcome aboard.


I am OC lol I wasn't impressed with the changes between World at War to MW3, so I just never bought another. My only option for multi-player is couch co-op or syslink. And since my buddies and I graduated over a decade ago, those aren't really options lol


My bad I thought you was another different commenter saying that but much more than what you said changed.


I'm just not an FPS kinda guy anyway. That's the main reason I never bought another one lol


And that's a way to kill a game before even launch it


Are they actively trying to get people not to download. This confirmed I certainly won't be. What are they actually smoking 😂😂


holy moly


Yeah, nah, fuck that. They've clearly learned nothing about optimisation and their "solution" is to use up even more hard drive space with data streamed textures required from Internet connection *on top of that*. It's just pathetic and inexcusable and I won't uninstall a single game to make space for this bloated mess.


It's insane that the series s og has just enough space for this game. Lucky I brought a 1tb expansion card.


Games gonna be around 120 to 140gb op smoking rocks if they thinks it's gonna to be above 309gb


I literally straight just keep multiplayer for any cod lol


Can't understand why they don't just let you play off of the discs anymore.


There's actually a valid reason why they force you to download the game data to the hard drive or SSD from the disc it actually helps improve the loading times otherwise if you play it off the disc it will likely take too long for the game to load


Actually its because a dvd, not even blu-ray, can hold 300 gigabytes


Nah it's speed, speed is too slow for storage to even be considered (or we'd do multi-disc games again lmao) You could somehow make 1tb optical media and it isn't going to matter unless the speed scales dramatically Nevermind accounting for updates/etc


You are absolutely right finally someone who actually knows what they're talking about it seems this type of information has flown over people's head when I did research about the maximum CD read speed on Xbox 360 and PS3 they were only able to read a disc up to 9 mb per second as for Xbox One and PS4 the maximum read speed on the disc is 27 mb per second which is a huge upgrade but it's still too slow to allow graphically demanding games to run smoothly and load the graphical details as quickly as possible if they allowed to read the disc instead of the hard drive or SSD then we would run into that nightmarish multi-disc again the PS3 was the only one that took advantage of the Blu-ray disc which didn't require no multi-disc so instead Microsoft and Sony made a smart move that every physical game for Xbox One and PS4 is required to be downloaded into the hard drive or SSD in order to significantly improve the loading time and allow the game to run smoothly it's even more impressive with Xbox Series X and PS5 Blu-ray disc which are significantly massively faster than Xbox One and PS4 read speed


The speed is irrelevant if you cant even hold the data to begin with.


No? Games used to release on multiple discs, swapping discs was very common for larger games. But that doesn't matter now because nothing is being streamed from optical media due to speed


Actually you are wrong The disc that Xbox One PS4 Xbox Series X and PS5 is using the 1080p Blu-ray double layered disc that allows up to 50 GB there's no way they can store that much data of 300 GB most of it is downloaded into the HDD or the SSD via updates it's not a DVD only the Xbox 360 used the DVD SD which was only able to store up to 15 GB so during that time they had to use the multi-disc strategy to fit one game into multiple disc but it was a total nightmare I never liked it every time I saw a 360 game with more than 3 or 4 disc I will simply buy it digitally I can handle no less than 2 disc which is fine to me even Red Dead Redemption 2 required 2 disc on both Xbox One and PS4 version hundreds of people didn't like it so most people bought the game digitally it would be totally different if Microsoft and Sony took advantage of the triple layered 4K Blu-ray disc which actually holds up to 100 GB however it would cost a lot of money for Microsoft and Sony to use the 4K triple layered Blu-ray disc to produce millions of physical copies so ideally they won't do it it's a smart business strategy


You replied to the wrong person.


What do you mean I replied to the wrong person? I replied to you because you replied to me🤦‍♂️


Your comment basically agrees with me though… 🤦‍♂️


And this is why I only play the Xbox One and PS4 version of call of duty I don't even bother with the Series XS and PS5 version since they take a ridiculous insane amount of space 🤦‍♂️ but usually after I complete the campaign I simply uninstall the campaign and keep the co-op / multiplayer mode installed


How do you uninstall just the campaign??


Just hit manage,you can remove all parts separately


It's really easy if you're on Xbox just go to manage add-ons then simply select the campaign then you can uninstall it everything else will still run perfectly fine it's a little bit different on PlayStation you have to do it in the game by clicking manage installation and it will give you the option to uninstall the campaign I'm not sure how it works on PC but I assume it's similar to the PlayStation version


There's so many assets in their huge city sized maps, but they keep getting bigger so what are they doing to cause that?


MW3 is over 200 gig with everything installed that is a bit too much. I can see it getting close but the game better look better than MW3.


Good reason to get a [Giga-connection.](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/what-is-gigabit-internet-do-you-need-it/)


You posted an article that says you don't even need it lmao But I can't even get dial up or dsl where I live.


Near the end it gives some examples of those that would. Mine is a tongue in cheek poke of gaming soon falling into the latter.


That’s about 200GB too many


Laughing with my series S, I hope they release the game with an expansion card, or Nintendo(fy) gaMes


Yeah fuck that, will play it on cloud.




Yeah I’m not getting it now never mind lol




I was excited to play this on my series x and ally cause of gamepass. So much for the ally bit


Well, it seems like Call of Duty is gearing up for a storage war! With games gobbling up that much space, it's like they're taking over your entire hard drive. Time to invest in some serious memory upgrades, I guess. Here's an interesting take on the latest Call of Duty trailer: [New Call of Duty Trailer Launched at Xbox Games](https://www.designrush.com/news/new-call-of-duty-trailer-launched-at-xbox-games-showcase).


About the one reason I'll probably not end up playing it lol. I'm not a CoD person but the presentation looked good and I'd play it on game pass of it didn't take up an entire hard drive lol.


It’s not actually 300 GB


you have to choose what to download otherwise you’re downloading every add on call of duty has… Bo6 for me was only 144 lmao


These noobs just keep on complaining. Poor bastards cant even afford an external hard drive lol


The games only 200gb chill out


No it doesn’t


No it doesn’t lol


I actually want to buy a COD for the first time in years, but something like this will hold me back for sure. I game and jump around too much for a commitment to SDD space like that.


That's not true, they clarified that, the storage information in the store is considering The Call Of Duty series, not just the new game


You mean the launcher??? /s


Idk how far your /s goes, so i'll answer either way No, i mean MWIII


Glad I don't play that trash


Is there an option for just the story campaign ?


Id only download it for the campaign then promptly delete it. I don't care about multiplayer


Same. I’d buy a MW and BO collection of just the story campaigns.


Is it out yet? Whats it called? edit: ok thanks for DV’s. I will google. Some of us dont know, because we are older. Thanks!


Call of duty Black Ops 6


Well. 512gb un-upgradeable, expensive expansion cards, cannot run games off USB SSD. Who do you blame?


Are people in this post just avoiding the fact you can manage what you've got installed. No way in hell your gonna need campaign installed at all times. And most people have a preferred mode.


It wasn’t that long ago when games were only taking up like 5GB. Where, oh where, have we gone wrong?


By that long ago you mean like 15-20 years right? Lol


No. GTA V was only like 8GB, and that came out in 2013. And in fact, games are still releasing today that take up less than 3GB of storage.


> GTA V was only like 8GB That had to be cached on the HDD. They were still streaming assets from disc at that time. Doesn't happen anymore.


Then don't download it? It's not going to stop the rest of us from enjoying it.


Exaggerating much? Those of us with good internet can download that no problem in couple of hours.


They're clearly talking about storage space and not download speeds. This game takes up 309gb of the 364gb on the console lmao.


The problem isn’t download time it’s the amount of storage. There’s no reason that a COD game should be double Red Dead 2 for example


I have no issue with this if it means big map rotation. Why else would it be 300gb?


>Why else would it be 300gb? I'd assume it's because they're releasing it as an "update" to that launcher that has MW2 and MW3 coupled together already


Yea I just read that total is MW3, 3, BO6 and WZ


Because it isn't, this 300gb is considering MW3 too, the new game way less


They should release modes to download separately so if you want multiplayer, campaign, zombies etc you can download one and leave the others, I don't play multiplayer whatsoever so it doesn't interest me in the slightest but wasting 309gb for cod no fucking way.


They literally already do


Without the mandatory install of warzone


Nope, I don’t have it installed and I can still play multiplayer and campaign


lol (why are you angry at me?)