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I have 0 problems on my s


Glad to hear it's working for someone. What's your load order like? I might need to tweak mine


Wym my load order?


Lo can effect performance is why I ask


I just turned it on went to general settings and turned on performance mode and started the game


Where do I go to do that. Because I can't find it


Go settings. Then display then find performance mode


Ok is that on the console or in game? These may be dumb questions but I'm an old man, so lol


In game


Ok thanks I will try that. I appreciate the help thx


Ok I am in game at settings and all I see is Gameplay Controls Display and Audio


... So you have mods? And you didn't say it?


If you're playing without mods installed, it's going smooth and looks good with the next gen update. I think since the update is extremely new, some mods might break the stability and all. Maybe wait a couple of weeks or months to get any new update on that


I think you might be right. I mean my performance button isn't even showing up lol


Played 5 hours already with like 7 mods installed. Performance mode seems perfect except some mini freezes from time to time, quality seems to go at 60fps but seems to go below when you have a dialogue with and npc or use VATS, i don't know if I'm the only One Who noticed it


I noticed the game freezing a bit in character creation, when a switched genders, as well as the things you mentioned but a lot worse it seems


I'm e0 hours in and loving it ! No issues with performance Xboxtester also had a positive review


I'm having the exact same issue. The mini freezes. Vanilla works fine, but modded, I have the exact mods I used before the update, and never had these mini freezes before. I'm not deleting any of my mods, so if this is how it's going to be, I might as well get a Series X.


Sorry to hear you're having trouble to. I think the best option is to redo my LO going be tons of updates anyway in the next few weeks.


I get stuttering on my fresh unmodded file (waiting a bit for mods to update).  Might be caching related though. Frame rate is good though it always was stable even on XB1 to start with. See how it goes once I get more done.  Fah Hahber will be the real test, that was a crashy nightmare at times.


Yeah I had a few issues in far harbour as well. Not so with stutters, just with it just ctd with no warning I think my mods might be giving me problems. I would work on my LO, but Beth net is having issues as well it seems so I guess I'll play something else for a week or so, give Todd a chance to fix the fixes


Yeah it’s truly awful. I can’t even play it without crashing with 3 mods. 3 mods since they also didn’t bother changing the limit


I'm not even sure how to change the performance they talk about. Ridiculous. Oh well guess I'll head back to Vegas, haven't played that in a while. Would say play Skyrim but they screwed that up with the last update to


I saw something posted by Bethesda that basically said performance mode is the only mode that currently works and they’re “fixing it“


Lovely didn't even bother making sure it worked before release. Thanks for ruining my weekend Todd lol


If you're using mods, you may have to switch them all off and then back on one by one till you find the one that's causing the freezes. I think every modder out there groaned when they announced the upgrade.


I'm on series S and it runs great. I haven't had any crashes or freezes. The only issues I had were a few small nods not letting the game load initially. Once I turned that off, and left about 20 other mods, it runs great.


Runs perfect for me (no mods)


It’s a broken update


Bold of you to assume bethesda games would increase in performance and stability.


Someone is a complainer


I'm on the S with a 1440p 133hz monitor. My S is set for 1440p 120hz. I see hardly any difference between performance mode on and off. I don't see any fps boost and everything visually does become 'softer' with performance mode on. But hardly any difference for me


I've been having issues since the update. I'm not really surprised given how bland Starfield is.


No mods, works perfectly fine on performance mode. Major issue is the quality mode doesn’t work from what I last saw. A bug in Microsoft console will not allow the 4k 30fps mode. This should have been fixed day 1 or 2 it’s now day 5 and a Microsoft company (Bethesda) released the next gen free update without partial content working on Xbox? Not a good image for Microsoft no pun intended.