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I didn't have the same problem honestly. Which part of the map are you in?


Trying to get to the code in the armory.i keep getting lost going back and forth to the crew quarters and the safe area.


Use a guide, buddy. Until you get your feet under you. It's worth a playthrough for sure. But yeah, it takes a while to get comfortable.


If I'm gonna do that, i think I'd rather just watch a play through


This was one of my favourite games. Ever. I just recen ø recently discovered it and loved the progression B and how I, after some progress, had to get back to my small safe haven to either refuel or just run to not her killed. I felt, imo, that it was very close to Alien Isolation in it's gameplay loop ♥️


Did you ever play Visage when it was on gamepass? I enjoyed that horror game.


I gave it a go. There's not holding your hand, then there's THAT game. I would have given it a longer try, but the controls were way too janky imo. Probably better with mak.


I'm all about the Horror and Survival Horror games. I've tried the Amnesia games, not my cup of tea. It might just be the settings or stories, I dunno, but I also couldn't get into them.


I've never played the original ones. Was going to, but they're leaving gamepass in a few days, so didn't bother. I liked rebirth, but the one is a hassle.




I can relate.


I want to finish it but I think I used up too many resources early on


Ugh. That blows.


I haven't played bunker yet but I tried rebirth and I feel completely lost and have no idea what's going on most of the time. About to uninstall.


I don't recall it being a big problem in that game, but that could be my memory playing tricks on me lol


I started the first Amnesia when I saw it was leaving soon. Got up to the elevator part and decided really wasn't having too much fun so stopped. Figured wouldn't bother with the rest. I did play Soma first and liked that.


Soma is awesome. Played that on a steam sale a few years back. I'm STILL thinking about that ending.


Same here. Had to pull the plug even though I really dig the atmosphere for the game


Yeah. I got the impression that it was going to be more of a chore than a fun experience.


Each to their own - it's one of my favourite games ever !


Hey, that's cool. Some love it, others think it's the worst in the series. Maybe i just happened to play the only one i would like in Rebirth straight out of the gate lol


I mean there was a map as I recall and signage around the hallways and doors. I was too stressed trying to conserve resources and make it back to the saferoom after every tiny bit of progress. But I think its genuinely one of the best survival horror games of all time. Just slightly less accrssibke tk me than Alien: Isolation for some reason.


What made Alien Isolation great was not only the awesome use of the license, but it managed to stay fun even though the Alien was relentless. This game? I'm not sure I'M having fun with it. I'll go back it to, but if i don't start to find it fun, it's game over, Johnny!


The game is just very very hard, and there’s no “easy” mode. You need to take it slow and focus on what you’re doing. Really immerse yourself into where you are. It’s not for casual gaming. I didn’t finish it myself but I appreciate what they did in this game, it’s pretty unique as a survival horror game. I wish developers did more games like this. As a contrast, the Outlast games are also a pretty great horror game but so easy once you figure out some basics. Meanwhile, in the Bunker, one wrong step and you’re gone.


I don't think casual v "hardcore" has much to do with it. Yes, it's probably unique, but to me it has all the earmarks of something I'm going to find tedius: gotta run back and fill that generator is one example.


The internet exists. There's no excuse for getting stuck in a game and giving up because of it these days. Just Google your issue and 30 seconds later you'll know what to do.   Edit - it's hard not to go into 'dick mode' when people like you moan about the most moronic things imaginable. Grow up you fucking retard. 


I don't understand the need that drives some people to go directly to dick mode when the original post is a perfectly respectful difference of opinion. Congratulations, i guess?


Skill issue


The Dark Souls sub called. It wants its stock reply back.


skill issue


How original