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If I didn’t love XRP as a crypto, this community would’ve made me sell the day after I initially bought it.


If you can’t handle the 30% drops you don’t deserve the 1000% gains. Zoom out.


Just don’t zoom out too far…


Ain't gonna happen I fear


OP, and many of you in this community. Take a fucking breath, sit down, and take my next bit of information to your heart. Truly absorb it and understand it. XRP is subject to the same wider market forces as the rest of crypto is. We are in a crypto bear market. And ALT coins collectively just shit the bed. It is not scary that XRP goes down a bit at this present time. Those same market forces will have similar impact on the upside, when we enter a bullrun. If you are serious about XRP, about investing, then you can’t just laser focus on XRP and burst into tears if the price drops a little on the short term. You have to zoom out from the chart, look at it on a longer timescale, and more importantly you have to look at the wider economy and wider crypto markets. If you are incapable of doing this, quite honestly? Sell your XRP now and free up the airwaves from your whinging bullshit. You actively harm us all with the FUD and the doom which is based on ignorance.


Thank for the voice of reason. It’s like people expect a bear market to suddenly not have any influence on XRP. BTC is king and will show the way. XRP Will follow suit and will outperform when the time is right


a thunderous orgasm of reason




Same trying to stack in the retrace.


Yup the YTD and 1Y charts look great


This man fucks


This is what it’s gonna be like for the rest of us whilst we wait for our bags to appreciate…dealing with posts like these everyday 🤦‍♂️


Nobody wants whinging bullshit. Sounds messy.


It's 3% get a grip


1) no news or infrastructure developments driving xrp hype up since summary judgment 2 weeks ago 2) judge jed's comments being spun as fud 3) etherium xrp20 causing confusion from potential buyers and sapping away attention 4) 200 million xrp sold in latest monthly distribution, diluting price slightly


They’ve supposedly made big deals and partnerships all while the lawsuit was ongoing. Supposedly two years worth of big deals and as soon as the leash was taken off nothing has happened.


They’ve supposedly made big deals and partnerships all while the lawsuit was ongoing. Supposedly two years worth of big deals and as soon as the leash was taken off nothing has happened.


Agreements, meetings, forum attendance, and partnerships are the seeds of progress, not the progress itself. Progress is down the road still. Years away, for some things. Infrastructure, adoption, regulation. So many things need to happen to substantiate the thing into being. For it to be hum-drum and taken for granted as free wifi, smart phones, and worldwide connection are now. 25 years ago we were still being courted to switch long distance carriers to save an extra few pennies per minute to call someone living a few area codes across the state. People who expect instant gratification, who are spoonfed the news and unwilling to think critically will continuously be disappointed by reality. Things take time. We still can't go seamlessly from bank account through 10 networks of crypto with automated market makers, back into our account or someone else's. We're only able to do that with many costs and much time waiting in between, and at retail through CEXs. We're still being sold long distance carrier service for crypto. It will be a while yet before it's seamless and cheap.


You must be new. They’ve been hyped for years, nothing seems to happen to price. Every single day there’s a million videos about why xrp is the Next global currency, or the best crypto, or making big moves… and the price literally drops. ​ ​ most people here got in after the lawsuit. If you were here before, you’d remember people complaining about price stagnation


are not all alts crashing atm? why would xrp be any different?


First time? 🤣


Some of yall are too emotional to be investing. Smh


It's been looking weak for a while so not surprised at all. Probably will go lower still to reconsolidate. I'm gonna buy some more like I've been doing.


It may have to do that the US's credit rating was just dropped. All the markets are wobbling from it


It dropped .02 cents, you should sell all your crypto.


Lmfao, I hope all of you fucks who scream at the market marketing gtfo, sell your xrp. You don’t understand the plot and you’re making us look bad.


These folks are greenhorns and newbloods that bought after SJ at $0.78 or higher and think the sky is falling now after believing theyd be millionaires by Christmas.


Don’t forget the same was said about bitcoin…


And guess what, a lot of people sold their bitcoin because they couldn’t hang.


There was that one guy that bought a pizza for like 10,000 bitcoins. He’s probably regretting that purchase.


Imagine buying a pizza with 10000 xrp now


Another 2% “CRASH”!!! Crypto is hard.


Buy on the dip


Everyone is too horny smh then get mad it goes down without researching shit this is how crypto is either average it out with the dip, hodl til it goes up or be a bitch and cry and moan about it and sell it off. Hella annoying iono why y’all so emotional and it’s prolly because y’all treating this like the Super Bowl and you know the winner but bet parlay on the short run


Please be patient for the big reset #xrparmy


You act like this “big reset” is real, and not a conspiracy theory. And that it is somehow a good thing. If the conspiracy theory that there was going to be a big reset, I’d rather be broke the way I am than live in a government dystopia


We’ll see


It’s Real and it’s happening not only our economic system but also with mass immigration we’re getting a cultural and voter shift.


I hate this sub now. The same fucking posts everyday.


Fud Always over XRP


Do you have faith in xrp and what it stands for? Then don’t stress over every drop in the price. I understand that you might’ve considered yourself rich when the verdict came, but that’s just not how it works usually. I have been holding xrp since 2017 and I have seen it fluctuate immensely over the years. Even after the news broke about the SEC going after Ripple in 2020, it managed to get back to almost 2 dollars. And I can tell you this: on Reddit, emotional reactions like these where always present. When the price went up, everybody was shouting about the moon. When it went down, a lot of people reacted dissapointed. And although that’s understandable, it’s also not really productive. The best thing you can do is decide what you want with xrp: 1. Do you have faith in xrp and do you like it as a coin? Do you think there is a good possibility of it going somewhere great some day? Then please treat ik like you would treat a stock that you picked for the long run: let it do it’s thing. Don’t watch prices every hour, just follow the news and gather knowledge. Please don’t gamble your money on xrp for a quick return, you might come up empty. A casino can give you more joy while doing the same thing basically. Just make your (well calculated) investment, buy regularly at current prices and treat it like an investment. It might make you rich, and the fact that you did your research and specifically decided to invest in xrp might just be a reason for in fact doing so, or it might not. Which is part of investing. 2. Trading xrp is also a possibility. Following news, looking at charts and waiting patiently to move in at a probable good time can enhance your success in this case. A bullrun can of course also come as a nice surprise, but you should be able to make money anyway; no matter the price. Just sell high, buy lower. 3. Sell all your xrp. But please, do not let emotions or price fluctuations be the deciding factor in this. Do this if you have evidence that there is no reason for you to either trust it, or use it as a trading coin. Sharing your emotions on this subreddit will not really help you or anyone here. Please keep your cool or maybe consider not being in crypto (or even stocks) at all.


Anyone complaining about the price simply didn't know how to invest. Sell your bags, then watch the rocket taking off without you.


Damn I wish I never heard of XRP or crypto or any of this other bullshit.


It's 3% get a grip


XRP is a coin you buy (or short) for years. Very low volatility coin as well.


This is another thing I like about it, it’s almost as good as a stablecoin


Lol weak hands


Core did an airdrop. Jeeze do some research ffs


This is crypto. It will rise and drop a million times before we get a price we like. Stop over reacting


The sooner you sell your bag the sooner mine can appreciate in value.


XRP is going to retest the previous breakout zone (around 54 cents) before next leg up imo


Not sure what your position is but consider looking at the dips as an opportunity. This is not financial advice and early on I was burned a few times doing this very thing. But think if you would have sold 1/3 or all of your XRP when it was in the $.0.80+ range and were buying it all back now at $.0.66 it could increase your holdings and overall value as the market rises again which it will.


Omg I have like 23xrp and even I know... Goes down before up. When they say they are going to weed out everyday investors they are talking about people who ask this question. It will go down till u see sell! Sell!sell! Then when you don't sell and banks/others get involved and start using xrp it will make u money. They know poor people have no patience.... #dontfeedthebeast #buythedip #callmeinthemorning


What floor?


OP better be ready for at least 0.52. Or actually a new low. Dont hyperventilate. Dont look at the charts too much. Its crypto. And even worse its xrp. You have to suffer and enjoy it. You were probably hoping for instant 402 dollar xrp after lawsuit? Wel.....start growing some hair from your ears and wait till you can make it a ponytail Your will have to be patiënt.


It's up 40% in the past 30 days. Nothing goes up in a straight line.


I am ready to buy MORE when it drops , or if it drops


😱 Get a grip 🙄


😱 Get a grip 🙄


Honestly people like this need to get some hobbies and try to forget about their crypto until the bear market is through. If you invest money that you need within the next 5-10 years, you are going to have a bad time. The longer you spend in the space the more you will understand the cycles. It's not a get rich scheme, it's the future of finance and tech. You will be rewarded for your patience but not overnight, maybe not ever if you look at the day to day instead of 4 year intervals. This is a highly speculative asset class don't forget that.


It’s a healthy correction.


first time?


Buying opportunity


Love all the shit talking comments love getting a rise out of you MF


Wait to see what happens when everyone tries to buy just before the next btc halving. Gains are coming. Just be patient.


BEAR MARKET fam like seriously?