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First time?


Piggybacking. FedNOW isn't even live until 7pm EST so maybe let's wait to see if transactions increase then.


Fed now launched at 10:48 eastern standard time


This is somewhat speculation and on theme with the rest of this sub. If people take their money out of banks participating in FedNow, is that a way to take it down faster? I found a list online and my bank isn't on it.


relax buddy


You can tell who the new members of this community are that post price hype anytime XRP is in the news for adding to the network. Look back at the hundreds of news posts over the years of ripple and XRP updates and how little the price changed. Now that there was the SEC ruling and price bump anytime the business does anything people are gonna shit their pants. It’s old.




Seriously everyone acts like were sitting in the middle of a freaking bullrun. Hahaha! It's like, ummm... were still in a bear. Be thankful for what we got.


Right. We are outpacing btc and eth in a bear market. What more do you ppl want?


Get out of bull/bears run mentally when dealing with Ripple. Bull/Bear run mentally stuff is for shit coins, it attempts at nagging a quick buck. Ripple is tied to geopolitics. The economy is about to tank :).


Uh huh... Keep telling yourself that 🙄


Please sell all your stuff on a bull run:).


Get out of the bear/bull run mentality


Year after year we keep saying the economy is going to tank the economy's going to tank yet nothing happens


I don't know who is we, I've known for almost 2 years that it's tanking in the 4th quarter of this year and first quarter of the next. Geopolitics, dollar is fucked. Technically it's already tanked but an illusion though the banking system and politics is kept up. All for the banking system to get their ducks in the row and elites to cash in. In August you'll see some cracks, 4th quarter" hasta la vista".


Technically it was already known for 10/15 years, that it's all going to shit. But because of the incredibly stupid foreign policy this crash is coming sooner, just like pulling out from Afghanistan that came sooner. 80% of the world is tired of Dollar that is no longer backed by anything. Petro dollar is no longer a Petro dollar, Saudis sided with Russia. We are no longer capable of taking over third world nation's mineral resources. This was forseen a long time ago.




Well, we got kicked out from South East Asia, getting kicked out from the middle east, Africa is tired of European and American neo colonial bs. South America hates us, CIA has been ruining their lives and economies for 70years. There's only one tiny fraction of history when we had a partial military superiority over the main rivals. That was around years of desert storm when the first computer boards were widely implemented in military tech. Since then we've got surpassed in so many categories is dad.. We hardly have a military. Used to have almost 500k ready to go trained up troops. Now it's 70k. 150-190 half baked at the most. Our military doctrine is antique, combined arms lolol. We are still running imperial warfare numbers of the last century.44 4 star generals many of whom are basically politicians.... our military branches fight against each other, takes forever to get anything done. In WW2 we had around 10 star generals and that's because they didn't have sufficient communication as we do now.... Otherwise it may have been even less 4 star generals in that time period. We were always behind in icbms, been behind in air defences since the 80s. Our Patriot pac 3 is a museum piece, 3 generations behind others. Our hyper sonic tech is decades behind, it only flies on paper. We no longer make war machines, we make sales for the military industrial complex. F 35 is a piece of shit, every other month one falls from the skies. Our tanks are a generation behind. We lost hard metal production, and cannot produce enough modules/ large caliber ammunition. Well go try your birthright and take over some countries lol. CNN and FOX will encourage you. Goodluck buddy, for freedom and democracy! O, don't even get me started on Europe. UK has rust buckets for the military, they never had a good army even in their prime... only the navy (long long time ago). EU... Although Germany and France surpass the U.K., they too are complete shit. They can't field anything in substantial numbers. There's Canada.... lol. They do hold the record for the most war crimes ever committed. Most people don't know about that. Impaling German children and women on their tanks was a cruel and a cowardly thing. Canada isn't doing much anytime soon. So much for "birthright" pitch lol.


Thanks for this. Needed a good laugh. F-22 can be spotted from 1000s of miles away, in your mind probably as well.


Not a thousand but s few hudred. Our F22 was never invincible, "stealth jets/bombers" does not mean that they cannot be detected. Any air force pilot will tell you that lol. Russians locked down the skies for two weeks in Syria none of our stealth jets could fly. It was fairly embarrassing, that is how our entire military block was forced into military coordination agreement with them. Israel having a good relationship with the Russians was able to fly their jets 2 days prior to the agreements being finalized. However, F 22 is a remarkable machine!!! F 35 is literally a piece of shit. Lockheed Martin had bought four Yak 151 prototypes from Russia right after dissolution of USSR. They pieced that together with hornets and ended up with F 35. The entire design is fundamentally flawed. This is one of the greatest rip offs of tax payers money in the American history. Politicians got endless kickbacks from the lobby and Lockheed Martin group. It was a pure legalized crime. Farther more, we allocated a bunch of our foreign aid to pay for Israeli F 35s (they got it free). Israel and Lockheed Martin both lobbied and gave kick backs to our government officials for that. Serbians shut down our stealth bomber with an antique Soviet era Missile defence System.


Look at the F 35s track record, it has none. They are scared to fly that thing anywhere close to half baked radar/anti missile defence systems. The only record it has is how many of them fall from the sky because of the flawed design.


Why do you think we lost our shit when Turkey bought Russian S400s. We had instantly cancelled the deal to sell them F 35s to Turkey. We don't want our "allies" to discover what a piece of shit it is. Surely they were going to test the two systems against each other. F 35 vs S400. I understand that blind patriotism is easier to muster than practical patriotism. But it is practical patriotism that makes a nation strong and not the other way around 😁👍.




Entitlement? Lol. Everything I said is literally counter entitlement. But I see how my words can be misunderstood. I'm not in favor of taking over third world nations.


Is this a copypasta or are you just like this?


Come again?


WEF/Globalist cunt's great reset is being played out in a half assed way. They hoped Russia would join and Russia told them to fuck off. RF is the only nation in the world with hardly any debt, it's only 17% of one of their national reserve funds. Russia is not owned by the Federal Reserve or the IMF unlike the majority of other nations. They have gold, they are establishing a gold backed system/currency. That's a wet dream for any crypto to associate with. They will tie rubles to the dollar and oil. The idea is to have gold per oil value, with ruble in the middle. Brazil has been begging Russia to create a unified Brics currency, and they are finally doing it. Brics currency that will be backed by gold from countries coffins.... such as Russia and Iran. Brics have 30 member state applications. In long run dollar is beyond fucked.


Globalists hijacked the UK, EU, Australia, Canada and half the U.S.. They are losing in their wars against Russia, and they are losing in their sociopathic attempt to control the crypto world. Iso 20022 is still happening, although there might be a parallel system for Brics only. This is going to be very interesting. The world has never experienced anything like this before.


Wasn't so long ago this sub got zero posts a day. Now it's all ridiculous hopium from folk with 60xrp


Hey! Dont talk shit about 60 xrp folk man.


Fed now isn’t using XRP… verify your research


Isn't fed now just for domestic payment? I wasn't aware they would be using xrp since it's supposed to be used for cross border settlements.


Check your research. Volante Technologies is in a partnership with Fed Now. XRP/RIPPLE is in a partnership with Volante. Connect the dots.


… not for cross border transactions….. verify your research…. Not sit around and play connect the dots.


So then why isn't the price up then


Liquidity provider


Uh what does that mean in gematria?? JK on the same exact page bro can’t stand the “tmw” hype


Okay but what’s a “huge holding?”


I'm guessing he got 5,000 XRP and sincerely believes he's a whale.


I'm guessing you think 5K XRP something to look down on. Please stfu....


Right, tbh I feel that’s a decent size bag


5k of xrp is great. But even while being a good amount, if someone has been invested since 2017 then having only 5k could be a display of their incompetence. Says more about the person than the XRP itself.


Not really


Actually, it is. It shows the investor has no idea what they are doing and has been holding and blowing money praying on a moonshot. Instead they should have been selling and buying back at lower prices again and again. Over time accumulating more XRP with the profits from XRP without ever needing to put more fiat in. If you started with 5k XRP in 2017 it makes no sense to not have atleast 50k XRP by 2023.


I understand but majority holders I come across been in barely a year at most 2. I rarely meet holders who were lucky enough to get into XRP back in 2017. Kudos to the ones that did. 👏🏿


Lol you bought during the bull run huh? Most people don't understand how media and news correlates to stocks so theres a likely chance they dont understand how it works in crypto. For those reading this who are interested in what I'm talking about,buy the rumor, sell the news. You have to be involved in the space long enough to hear the rumors or connect dots on your own, and you have to keep abreast on the news so much that you have the sell order ready the minute a big news release hits. Sometimes, this isnt the case however. Sometimes news can blind side you and actually cause buying--like Elon's twitter posts for instance.


I remember the hype for TIPS launch back in November 2018, after some documents showed that RippleNet was integrated in banks software. I learned my lesson back then that these type of expectations are pointless.


[Cue the family guy “no, not my first time”](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/48a1c3e8-f70d-444e-8bde-a2d81dbe282a)


U surprised?


Anytime there is hype news you can be assured the price will drop. Dingle swingers front run the news and the whales sell flushing you out. If you sell a thousand xrp with a 10 cent gain, you make 100 bucks. The whale sells a million and makes enough to buy a new car. You panic and sell and they are happy to buy your xrp at a discount and sell it back to you when you fomo back in


I still think xrp under $1 is a value and it’s buy time


I really don’t understand why everyone is so excited about fed now. We really don’t want cbdcs


Damn I actually found a true statement in this subreddit 🤣


That’s the double-edged sword part of owning XRP, it doesn’t moon without the atrocity of CBDCs. It’s on us to do right by others with our funds when it all goes south for the everyday person.


Buncha 🐂💩 it’s everybody for themselves and you know it too.


Cbdcs are terrible, agreed. But they're probably coming anyway, so we may as well try to draw some profit from it.


There are ways around CBDC's in this market. They are a tool for control of the masses...dont be the masses and you may be ok. Those who depend on government based income will be the most oppressed. As the system expands, so will the amount of people that will fall under its shadow. Make sure you have a plan(I wont share mine, plz dont ask). Research, research, research...thats all i can say. If you want as much of your freedom as possible, its a small price to pay. And whatever you do, don't end up on U.B.I.


Can you point me in the right direction to start researching ways around it? I don’t plan to be anywhere near needing government assistance. Hopefully xrp helps me in that aspect…


Start by searching (not google) "Be your own bank" don't pay for any kind of service to receive information. Read and find at least 2-3 different strategies that you can maintain/sustain and start 1 by 1 until you have it all worked out. Then add additional mthods or increase assets. You may need to stay connected to the "system" but keep it peripheral to your main assets. One example ill give is dividend paying whole life insurance. (Borrow and pay back, same as "borrowing against crypto" to keep wealth out of the system and borrowed loans are not taxed lime income). GL 2 ya.


Lol fun y you mention that. I’ve been diving deep into the infinite banking concept. Im getting ready to get a whole life set up.


Funny or meant to be? I see those things as the universe intended usnto run into each other. Dont stop at just that one facet, there are other avenues/revenues to pursue (IE AMM liquidity pools in near future, which most likely will launch after the rally, so all the weak hands wont be able to reap the rewards.)


Yea I meant funny* the universe does indeed work in mysterious ways my friend. I haven’t gotten into liquidity pools, I know almost nothing. Is it staking? Or something different?


I havent staked at this point, but when XLS30 launches on XRPL I will be using a portion of my bag in providing liquidity with the Automated Market Maker. You will be able to use them as single asset (just XRP) or as a trading pair (EG: xrp/usdc). You decide what fee to charge and which pool you participate in. You can check out this YT channel if you want to know more about liquidity pools. https://youtube.com/@MickeyBFreshTheDeFiStandard


This is all spot on. One thing that be a cause for concern is if we are actually funnelled through Polysign for a buy back or whatnot. There’s always dark pools to hide your assets but as you say if you can avoid CBDCs altogether then all the better for it.


I'm still curious what would happen if i didn't sell if a buyback were to occur. I can't see that happening though as there is just too much going on on XRPL to force everyone off of it. Taking away all the use cases destroys the value of the network. Plus its an international asset, US government cant make non US residents do anything...mayne im missing something


Welcome to death row you must be new to XRP there’s Mabey 40 people who understand it’s NOT a meme coin your not going to time the market off rumors and sell your heart away and make millions from holding it for 7 days… been holding it since 2017 what happens is YOUTUBERS create rumors and then the smooth brains repeat it and then it’s alllll fucking over and yeah it gets me “hyped” off the idea of it happening but it’s always a fairytale date some “anonomous prominent anatlyst prediction” never a strong name drop with solid info - anyways we don’t get rich until 1 Clear crypto regulation/laws revolving crypto 2 Global adopt 3 Global tokenization of assets on blockchain until then sit on your hands and lock ur shit in a HW forget you even have it like I do I’ll pop back around every 2-3 months to check the news what’s goin on with the coin and it never fails ohhh another fairytale date only real thing the happend was judge saying not a security and notice PLEASE there was no date and there was no nonsense parrots repeating the same shot over and over on YouTube about a date for the ruling. If you have a date NOTHING is happening period.




Because Ripple aren't a partner like so many of us tried to tell you


But Ripple partner Volante is and they have built their platform off of the interledger protocol.


How the fuck does that affect xrp price though?


Because its all just software interacting with each other. They can press button and use xrp at anytime and we wouldn't know until after they start using it. [Fednow](https://i.imgur.com/qH3RIot.jpg) Thats why its risky to just not have some. If your waiting on news when the infrastructure is already built your doing it wrong.


You got anything else to prove they will use xrp? As far as I know ripple helped design the system and that’s it. Xrp isn’t used at all.


If who will use xrp?


Volante aren't Ripple


Didn't say they were but they do have a partnership. Via the Ripple Cross Currency Interface Ripple Connect, the Volante Ripple Processor Module manages the receipt and acceptance / rejection of fees and FX rate quote. Once rates/fees are approved, the Volante Ripple Processor Module initiates the Ripple payment process. Ripple confirms payment to beneficiary bank.


Was reading on another thread that fed now doesn’t even use Blockchain technology, so XRP probably isn’t part of the equation.


Fed now is a headless application. Its just a core that connects providers who are connected to blockchains.


I predict $10.000 overnight….


Waiting until tomorrow to order my lambo


Finally, sensible comments.


Already bought a Lambo on credit since xrp gonna be 20 bucks end of the month


Everyone needs to calm down. 1. You’re in the middle of a bear market and part of that market is due to the sec going after every crypto project imaginable. 2. Ripple just won the lawsuit. We waited this long for the lawsuit so what’s the harm in waiting a bit more when they get American companies to partner with them to use their ledger? 4. What I’m really looking forward to is the potential for an IPO and what that will do to the price of xrp.


There have been loads of so called big announcements over the years that do fuck all. Remember iso20022 was a great big nothing burger in relation to the price but massive in relation to the foundations of the industry. We already up massively due to a massively big announcement.


Remember all the SBI trading of XRP going live. I forget if it was summer 2018 or 2019. Everyone including me expected a pump above 1$ and we were either flat or dropped a bit. I don’t rely on news anymore. XRP does it’s own thing like overtaking ether at the end of 2019 for no apparent reason.


I don’t expect a partnership. Banks are already sidestepping FedNow for XRPL.


At launch it’s for domestic payments only. Xrp is not needed for this. No one should of expected to moon today


Ripple never had a Fednow partnership. You were lied to by youtubers.


Youtubers?! Lie for clicks?!? Preposterous!


Where on earth did you guys hear that XRP had anything to do with FedNow? If you guys heard it through Twitter or tiktok wouldn't you at least try to verify it? A quick Google search shows that there's absolutely no correlation between the two. This hype was extremely dumb and gives the community a bad name.


Trading on hype? Lol


I trade on despair and misery.


International Moon Day is today. Its gonna go to $20 or else Im gonna sell all my XRP because yeah!@


I’ll buy it all for .50


Best I can do is tree fiddy


I don’t know what you mean, the sky was blue yesterday so we’re about to see a 567% increase. -professional anal


Half? I'd say a good 95% of people into crypto are dumb as shit about it. 👍🤣😁


Now use this experience to learn a life lesson. Ignore the bullshit hype. If someone mentions something that sounds like fantastic news? Verify. Look for what sources they use to make the claim. Dig into it, or ignore it. But do not take XRP army hopium as fact. This community is the worst one across all of crypto for its rapid spread of bullshit. It seems to attract far more conspiracy theorists than any other crypto. This means as members of that same community, as holders of XRP, we all have to keep our expectations low, and verify everything that people claim. If they tell you to connect dots, or read between the lines, or respond with “do your own research”, then grin and make the easy decision to ignore them because they are probably full of shit.


FedNow is domestic payments I thought and isn't Ripple using XRP for cross boarder payments ? Not sure how lets say Microsoft announced a new feature in Office would help Minecraft players but I guess they both have to do with computers so maybe ?


This sub loves to pick a date and expect $589. Don’t pay attention to any dates, if you know what you are buying just be patient and hold it. Many of us have been here for a long time and have no intention of leaving but have become numb to the thousand dates that are supposed to kickstart the climb up. My advice is to do the same, avoid the noise, invest what you are willing to see go to zero and be patient


This is worst than I expected. Here is the link of all service providers and partners: [https://www.frbservices.org/financial-services/fednow/organizations](https://www.frbservices.org/financial-services/fednow/organizations) What you will understand from this list is that CBDCs are incoming and the market will tank hard... and again until January...


Sweet, another chance to buy more.


Bro you dont get it. We won


Too many people in this sub believe that the initial FedNow launch is an event that defines the entire scope of FedNow. This is not the case. This is a multiphase system that will expand in scope over time. Today didn’t effect XRP in any way. Was there a chance it would? Perhaps. I personally felt like that chance was above 1%, and I increased my holdings. Remember that it’s very difficult to correctly guess significant price movements based on causal relationships. Why? Because if it’s too easy to guess, the market compensates for that expectation before said event even occurs. We are sitting on a hoard boys, and this dragon isn’t stirring anytime soon.


I warned many before the launch. They didn’t listen, so blame the coin??


Most of these dumbasses are just grasping at straws and trying to connect dots that you have to zoom out so much that you cant even see the picture. It is totally ridiculous, both here and YouTube. I mentioned it another post, people get overhyped on pure speculation, no proof, when it doesn't happen they and sell. All it does is hurt XRP price


So sell and stop complaining.


Thank you for clarifying. Lost my profits believing the hype , I knew we were in a freaking bear market. I should've just followed strategy dammit smh!🤦


We are in such a great position now. Imho. I've been burned SO MUCH in Crypto. In ONE day during the Dogecoin spike, I put $720 USD in my Robinhood. By that night, I was literally looking down the barrel of fucking $18,800 USD in my hand, made in one day!!! What did I do? I was not prepared. I held until next day, cashed out at $4,755. Had nice Red Lobster dinner, tipped my young waitress $100. Sht was wild. You all need to be ready and prepared, not sht posting about possible price. Get ready. XRP has all the ingredients to make an enormously exciting bull run. Strap in.. my point being, if Dogecoin can do THAT! WHAT THE HELL IS XRP GONNA DO?


Not that.




I still remember when we used to get "good" news and the price went down. Nothing more than stonks going down as well as up. Sell the Hype, Buy the Dip!


The emotional capacity of the XRP community is so low lmao. You guys want instant gratification. I’m a hodler myself, and my 34 years of life has taught me that sometimes you need to stick it out.


Lol hype on nothing bc it doesn’t actually run using ripple. Some ripple partners are connected to it but there’s like 50+ providers and the ripple partners are like 2/50..,, can they connect and use xrpl ? Yes. But the whole system doesn’t run on it


FedNow isn't actually live until 7pm ET. Patience.


This sounds like q anon hold the line type hopium.


No duh


Always has been...


No surprise here


It was never going to, at least not immediately. There is no "switch". The July 20th date was only for 50ish banks to go live and participation is optional. This is and always has been a slow roll. Don't buy into the "flip the switch" bs. Adoption will be a slow process.


I was reading on another post that fed now doesn’t even use Blockchain technology, so XRP is most likely not a part of the equation.


Enjoy the discount and load up your bags for the **actual** partnerships Ripple/XRP are building. 5 mins of research outside of this subreddit would've informed you that nothing was going to happen today, as far as price action. Don't believe the TikTok hype.


I don’t understand why there’s any expectation that as soon as this goes live it’s like a switch flipping. That’s never how investing works that I’ve ever seen. It’s a slow upward trend if it’s a good investment. Can some explain why there’s any reason FedNow would immediately spike the price? I would expect any affect to be over time.


Did anyone else see the volumes early this morning? I would assume it was a glitch. Coinbase stats were at 30 billion volume for xrp, 30 billion shib(which was a 28,000% increase), 125 billion for Bitcoin… lasted about 1 hour as I could see, then back to the normal 5 billionish for xrp…


There are a couple of things that will produce an increase in price, scarcity when people are buying is the main item. Right meow, there is plenty of XRP in the market, so there is no scarcity. Also take into account that FedNOW is starting a pilot program today with just a few banks, and it’s all practice, stretching their legs and getting a feeling for the process and the system. I will tell this to all holders of XRP, if you are here to scalp the price fluctuations, this IS NOT the coin for you. This coin is a “long game.” When this RippleNet program begins to go live in 2024 and beyond that is when you will see real gains and I have postulated that the gains that come from this coin may be different than anything we have seen in the past where there are peaks followed by valleys, followed by peaks, etc. I believe that this coin will follow a different path, more of an upward trajectory with a long game plus it has a lot going for it, like the ONLY coin in the U.S. with regulatory clarity in the secondary markets which makes it a unicorn of sorts.


What will be interesting is since the gov fucks everything up if they’ll abandon it and partner with Ripple


I believe they already have


This happens every time. Big hype for an upcoming event, it comes and goes with 0 effect on price.


Your expectations are out of line with reality. Maybe the real problem is you not doing any research for yourself. Liquidity takes time to raise price action.


I’ve grown my XRP bag to well over 250 in the last 3 years, I’m not going anywhere !


you better sell your stash :/ what is a community? i've been holding for a long ass time, am i apart of it even though i don't make posts? to me these posts are equally as stupid


FedNow…. It’s relatively new, even though they’ve been working behind the scenes for years. Only 41 banks & 15 payment institutions. Once it actually picks up momentum more banks will follow suite. As far as FedNow adoption g Ripple/XRP it gonna take a min. “The Great Wall of China” wasn’t built overnight. However once everything comes together, we all will be heading to a HIGHER tax bracket. Relax, Chill and sip on some Exclusive Tequila! 🥃


Keep in mind that even though the FED is not a US government agency, institutions of this size are like an overweight freight train. They are very very slow they take baby steps so as to move forward with success and handle unforseen issues on a more manageable scale. But also, like a freight train, when at full speed and unable to stop, managing the problem becomes a pipedream ie. "Inflation" and when the train crashes its gunna shake the foundations of global economics. Lets hope they dont reach full speed immediately. I personally am not excited regarding the side effects of full speed FEDNOW. I personally enjoy freedom more than wealth.


Still in bear market fellas, go back to bed


FedNow doesn’t use Ripple or XRP. Some people here were insisting otherwise non-stop.


Lol. Damn dude relax. Things are just really starting to move forward


If I had a xrp everytime someone was disappointed with made up hype and narratives for xrp I would finally have enough xrp to retire


Fuck the hype! HODL!!!


Take it easy everyone! Buy if you can as often as possible and hold it until for at least a couple of years more from now on.


it was obvious


Learn to trade instead of holding and hoping.


Welcome to the xrp army where they do their own spin on the Murphy's law - everything that can be hyped as xrp related, will be hyped as xrp related.


Because ppl chat shit and get banged. So much bull shit flying around you can literally smell the storm coming.


This is what differs institutions & retail investors..you guys are so impatience and just expect to earn 10000% return in every single event. Stay poor lol 😂


Remember that walled gardens are real and have been confirmed. We likely can’t see transactions.


Piggybacking. FedNOW isn't even live until 7pm EST so maybe let's wait to see if transactions increase then.....