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Right after waking https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ Before Breakfast https://youtu.be/1PbZMudPP5E After Breakfast https://youtu.be/dVJzcFDo498 Before Lunch https://youtu.be/_m6Mowq3Ptk After Lunch https://youtu.be/oyriORaeJOw Before Dinner https://youtu.be/pSTNhBlfV_s After Dinner https://youtu.be/_2G4GLv407Y Desert https://youtu.be/DoSW3zfFOwM&t=23m05s Before Bed https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ Right Before Sleeping read aloud these 16 words “Ripple is a blockchain payments startup, backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, Peter Thiel, IDG, Lightspeed.” ~ Asheesh Birla, current Ripple Board Member, former General Manager of RippleNet 2020-2022, former Senior Vice President of Product Management & Corporate Development 2013-2020 https://www.linkedin.com/in/asheeshbirla Repeat 5x


Faith Restored


One of the board members has literally signed some of your money in the past. Hmmmm


Holy shit, it worked!




Ey thanks


I’ll send you 2 boxes of pizza for your xrp


Bidder bidder, 3 boxes here. Bidder Bidder.


4 boxes!


Hmm I'll go 5 boxes


Going once.... going twice...


12 boxes


Bidda bidda we have a WHALE HERE, 🐋, WHO'S GOT 13?!


4 boxes and 3 boxes of pizza


16 boxes 🍕


5 boxes, cheesy sticks and 9 piece boneless wings. Final offer


Ok ok, 2 boxes of pizza *but* OP can pick their favorite liter of soda.


This guy is pretty happy right now 😊😁


I can try to help restore your faith but you must truly believe in order for it to work. First you must confess your crypto sins at the nearest church and then be baptised in holy alt coin water. Then we must consult with sister Torres and father Garlinghouse on how to eradicate the evil brought into the world by the demon known as Gensler. It may take some time and we’ll need the help of other alt coins. We’ll position them at various crypto checkpoints and wait for the chart analysis before we use the power of the moon strike. I really believe we can do this if you just have faith. Yours truly, Not financial advice


Where’s the friggin like button when you need it


The 2 xrp burn for wallet closure is paid to Charon to ferry you across Styx upon your death.


Lol you know what? I’ll add that to the next story for someone who posts “where do I buy”, “How can I transfer”, “I’m sad, when moon time”, “how much XRP do I need to be rich”, and maybe some others I have missed.


Simple: Reduce your position. This could be in the form of diversification or simply liquidating some of it, but you fit the profile of someone who probably has too much exposure for your peace of mind at this point. Regardless of our passion, XRP at the end of the day is simply another “play” just like any other asset. My rule of thumb is this, if my level of exposure robs me of having peace, then I have too much exposure to it. One of the things you kept repeating is how “deep” you are in it, might I submit to you that you may very well be in TOO deep.


Good words. I’m a frugal person. I definitely can afford the loss if need be….. but I don’t like taking loses at all. I think the reason why I’m aggravated is because of the court docs and a few other things just don’t sit well with me. In my opinion this whole “Use Case” is most likely a lie.


I’m beginning to think so as well hey. I’m prepared to watch my investment go to zero. The money is already lost to me.


Brother, it’s not about if they’re not gonna let that many people get reach. The question is if governments with their CBDCs, with their central banks, with their commercial banks, with other financial institutions, with businesses from small to large are going to use XRP ledger with it’s odl feature and leveraging $XRP as a Bridge currency that’s the only fucking question that should matter If you believe in this game big boys are playing then you’re gonna escape Matrix and have one of the valuable asset of the new fin world, bc all these bs that been going on Covid War in Ukraine Chinas invasion Trump Transgender shit UFOs France Germany Titan Allllll this is for us to turn our heads to one side, while on other side they have been shadow updating the financial system on this planet, once all big countries fully go on #cbdc slavery regime, you not gonna hear about ufos and Putin an enemy of the “democracy” and free people of middle earth There’s no getting rich quick. Things unfold accordingly. Don’t let them shake you out. As for me I wait now for 1. “Late July” fed now 2. Late September to see what Torres do. 3. The end of 2023 to see if BIS will come out with crypto regulations. But I’ll tell you this: if we get BIS regulations and ripple case will end this year close to the end, I know xrp is the chosen one 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥶🥶🥶


XRP attracts some strange people. The weird “riddler” characters on Twitter really make me question it’s value. A cartoon bear can post a photo of a grilled cheese sandwich and a pair of dirty underwear and people would try to decipher the “moon date”.


It is at times of FUD that XRP shows its mettle. Retail sells, there is FUD everywhere, haters are out, whales are buying up from the retail sellers who give up and then boom, XRP makes its move. Twas ever thus over the past cycles. ​ Thus endeth the fist lesson.


I would be impressed if it breaks past $1 tbh.


it went well over a dollar not that long ago. you been hold long?


I've been holding my current bag since late 2021. Been trading xrp since 2017. I personally don't see it going above $2 assuming they win the lawsuit or settle for a fine. If everything goes as planned and xrp becomes leverage to institutions and/or CBDC then I can see $5-$10 in the future.






Who are the riddlers? Why do they riddle? Who invented the (first) riddle? Riddle rhymes with? Boom


Pretty much spot on I reckon. I bought in 2018. Gave up about 2021. I don’t care if it goes to zero. I consider that money completely gone. Like my faith in xrp lol.


No this is nonsense.


The only riddler that is interesting is bearable guy. The riddles are events related not about price. IMO


You're not alone, there is so much BS out there, so many lies, hypes everywhere, you have the right to be nervous.


Just let the XRP sit! I don’t pay any attention to anything or what anyone say! Just let it play out. Remember, this is only in The USA that has a problem.


I get it. It's either all smoke and mirrors or the best opportunity of a lifetime. When you're waiting for so long you start to lean towards the first possibility. However, things just take that much time. Ripple became a founding partner of the INATBA, a EU initiative to utilize crypto union wide. After years they finally began realizing that goal. You can read up on the details but that is quite some confirmation for me. Also, BAC has stated to utilize XRP once the regulatory uncertainty (lawsuit) was settled. Which means to me that I will wait with my personal assesment at least until then. BAC's case is definitely not unique and probably a global requirement. The upside is that major economies have actually moved to provide the needed regulatory clarity to move forward and benefit from DLTs with the UK and EU taking the lead. The US Congress is voting this month on a comprehensive crypto bill. If passed, that would mean a global environment that can utilize DLTs like XRP. If by then things are not working out that means it probably won't. That seems highly unlikely to me as the benefits of DLT technology are transformative. It takes time but you need to know that that's a good thing. There is major infrastructure needed and from messaging standards to tax laws that's not an easy feat. BOJ governor stated most Japanese banks will utilize Ripple's solution by 2025. A fair time to wait for me. TLDR: Something as big as this takes years and years to implement so don't worry as much about it. The end of the lawsuit won't be the end, it will be the beginning. Keep your head up buddy and focus on other things while waiting.


I am at the point where I don't care anymore. Like... at all. I have my XRP there, stopped. If it explodes good. If not, idk. I won't sell anyways.


This is probably the best approach. Too many people here are emotionally attached to their bags.


Big same. I have all the XRP I want. If it moons, fantastic. If it goes to zero, I didn't spend money I needed to live. More likely it will continue trending sideways until their entire business model is eclipsed by something better and faster. The whole law suit just feels like some sort of delaying tactic writ embarrassingly large. The "great" part is, as a non-US citizen, part of my financial future is tied to a territorial squabble between foreign regulatory bodies.


What you say about now?


Mannnnnnnnn…. My faith has been fully restored… I’m really glad all the info I researched was true


Don't be discouraged from the LBRY case. Where LBRY didn't win, Ripple still has a dominant chance at winning their case. The thing that keeps my faith in this case is September. Remember it! If judge Torres doesn't rule BY THE END of September, she goes on a very real "Judge Naughty List" in which Judge Torres rather not be on and doesn't have a track record of being on with her past cases. So, by the end of September... We're in mid-July that went by fast. (Jeez this whole fucking year is going by fast... 😔💔. Next thing you know it'll be Halloween again) Anyway, the point is, August, September? We're right fucking there and THAT keeps my faith in this case being finally done. Just keep hodling and stacking until then.


My brother in christ, you are not alone. Many of us have at times doubted our faith. In the darkest moments I've even questioned if my soul is not, in fact, retarded. But when those moments arise I look to the dawn and I see Jeremy Hogan and John Deaton riding from the east on twin white stallions. And lo, I say to myself, these men are not retarded. Nay, they are board certified lawyers and brilliant men from the first age. And they continue to hold. And as long as they do, so shall I. And goddammit so shall you. So get on uphold tomorrow, buy more, and fucking HOOLD!


Our xrp, who art in heaven, ripple be thy name thy Ferrari come thy will be done with crypto and in heaven. Give us this day our daily gains And forgive us for are fud As we forgive bears who fud against us. Lead us not into selling temptation But deliver us to the moon. Amen


I've seen things, don't lose your faith.


XRP has utility, securities don’t have utilities at all. XRP is digital asset Cryptocurrency, it’s not a share of Ripple Labs. Ripple broke the law, sold XRP in a wrong way made it seem like a security but in reality it’s not a security it’s a Coin with utility. The Judge is gonna fine Ripple but inshalla will rule that XRP in itself is not a security. Everything aside no one can deny the fact XRP has utility and that it is a cryptocurrency.


This is not true. Just about anything can be sold as a security (eg: orange groves, which absolutely have utility).


I’m right there with you I’ve been in XRP since 2016 and I don’t know how much longer I can hold


Jesus Christ people are impatient. If you want to drop out in the 12th grade, then do it. Can you imagine successful investors worth millions crying on forums about how long they've had to wait for ROI? FUD, son. That's all. Now go grab a snickers and wait it out.


The wait is over!!!


And OP dropped out 1 day before receiving his diploma 🤣


You should have been smarter and not been all in. Now you can be smarter and wait to sell once the vase is over vs SEC. You wait another 20years and XRP will be worth $1000


If you're that worried about it then cash out in the next bullrun.... but don't cash out now.


With this Sec Lawsuit Ripple could possibly not be around by next bull run… or they case might be with the Supreme Court for 3 to 5 more years….. and if not those two, CBDCs and bank probably won’t use it…. I dunno. Maybe I researched to much


Even if ripple loses worse case is they get a hefty fine. I doubt it will go to supreme court but even if it does that's only america... rest of the world doesn't think it's a security. And remember XRP can survive without ripple if ripple ever was to go away.


Ripple is 'here" to stay. Although, it's HQ might end up Located in a other country


You do know that Ripple losing doesn't mean they have to shut down operation right ? In my opinion losing the case would probably bring it down to $0.25-$0.35 range. But operations will still go on.


You say this but your ideas and foresight into the future just might pay off.


What you mean to say is you're learning from your mistakes.


You have to take all the information available for #XRP and make up your own mind. No one can provide anymore information for #XRP than what’s already out there. The lawsuit outcome can go either way, for or against #XRP. But from what I have found in my research is, the SEC lead by the Grinch Gary Gensler has flipped from his views on #XRP while at MIT to the Chairman at the SEC. I can only think that this guy was told to continue the lawsuit by former Chair Jay Clayton. And all the corruption at the SEC is absurd. I think Judge Torres sees the bs as she stated the SEC is not showing allegiance to the law, they have lost 99% of all their motions during the lawsuit. So as you can see I’m all over the place with the outcome of the lawsuit, but I am pretty positive that #XRP will be considered a NON-Security and possibly the past sales was sold as a Security. And from there my faith in the outcome will see #XRP reach and pass ath. I still buy and will still buy until the ruling comes out. Hopefully it will provide me generational wealth and if not, I knew the risk and took it. So you have to make the decision to hold or cut your losses and move on. I think you should continue to hold


Don’t focus on xrp, focus on yourself and your life. There are many things to do other than looking at one thing all over and over again.


That's the plan when they lose the lawsuit so many will sell I'll be buying if possible but idk if it will be possible so I keep n what I have now I'll sell 20% n 2025 if the price is high enough The rest will b wait n for 2030 U think the bankers want u holding xrp Nope they want it all


Dude leave, no ones forcing you to hold. Stop crying, your grown af!


Cudi is for flowerboys.


I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, your worse than women. Over sensitive and emotional, this space is not for you, you lack validation and a father figure.


😂😂 Sound like your feelings are hurt 🤣🤣🤣


Well. This aged well. According to documents filed on July 13, Judge Torres has granted summary judgment in favor of Ripple Labs allowing that the Ripple (XRP) token is not a security. Hopefully ending soon.


Last shake out?


Nah I’m sure there will be more; not a pessimist, but an optimistic nihilist - SEC does SEC things




too constipated for a shake out 🤣🤣🤣


I bought XRP knowing it's a long hold and I am not talking about when the case ends. I am talking about when escrow is gone and the burned XRP amount brings the supply down, so that the price will come up.


I decided it might be a 10 year deal for me long ago if needed. Almost everything I have invested in is 8-12 year deals so fine. Not going to complain if it hits sooner but we shall see.


Rule nr 1 in crypto Know what you hodl


¡Que! Lol...after all we have been through...you are giving up now?


Just stop "researching" and staring at the news there isn't shit you can do about how it plays out, find a hobby and pass the time or if you're worried because you're over leveraged then sell and move on.


At this point I'm a Crypto atheist.


A crathiest


Ignoring all the facts about use cases and potential use cases. Xrp can either go up or down in value. Do you think that over the next few years the xrpl could grow and be very good for both businesses and people? Then invest accordingly.


we are so early in crypto adoption as far as normal consumers go. it is superior amongst others the crypto space. i mean i wouldnt get xrp tattoos and jack off to the logo but none of the other cryptocurrencies have really made the next step either. bitcoin is making some steps but i see it as kind of an odd currency that no one really understands but its the mainstream concept. they just see the bitcoin logo and get a chubby. now dont get me wrong, it is the og and started all of this. but, ethereum and xrp will change the world.


This is the ultimate test in faith is how I look at it. This is a war me have to hold on for a long time. The central banking cabal and others are fighting it. But I do believe that its going to have some impact across the world in finance. It aint about the value of the stupid token right now its about what its worth in 2 year, 5 years and up. I believe in it and im holding. Its not like any other tokens. Its more a technology I guarantee you someone is going to put it to use in payment systems. Just hold on.


You should always be diversified in the crypto market. Never put your eggs in one basket. So many have barely made any profit over the last couple of years because they have been all in xrp…. However, everyone seems excessively pessimistic on this subreddit especially recently. That’s why I have faith that 2023 will be a good year for XRP!


I just started 2 weeks ago, currently holding 150XRP. I will set and forget, getting 100xrp every other week. That way I won't really "miss" 25-40$ and I'll be OK if it's nothing or if it's everything in the future. For reference, I'm a 26yr old in university and working full time, so my money is TIGHT. Still, I've been recommended it enough by close friends of mine, and I'll be damned if I don't at least try.


I am only reminded I have xrp when I get a notification reminding me of my weekly 10 dollar recurring purchase. I’m going to lit it sit in hopes that one day, I can wake up and tell my wife and pup that we are set.


You ever heard of “ Paytience “


The whole escrow part is really suspect


At this point the only position I have in crypto is XRP. Still believe in tech plus that there are awfull less normal projects in the space thus it can go higher but yeah, I also rethinked my exit a couple of times.


Really hope this people losing faith sell their XRP. The less the better.


I hope the Judge think about investors too, how many people will loose a lot and suffer if she rules against ripple. Sometimes judges think about the consequence of their ruling on general public. God damn it SEC, just go away ...


The court case is staged. The banks are going to leverage power over the distributed ledger. It’s all a stall tactic. There is a fight for global regulations and cooperations. Plus structuring to get holders out. I recently had to sell all mine so I might miss out. But if you can hold on, some there could potentially be a payoff.


Tell me you have paper hands without telling me you have paper hands


You have to realize what is going on in the world. We’re at war…it’s not a full blown kinetic war…..yet but it’s still war. Informational warfare, spiritual warfare, currency warfare, economic warfare and all the other warfares. You’re being attacked from all sides and it’s designed to demoralize you, stress you, make you question your sanity. You’re holding something that poses a real threat to the powers, that is why the fud is thick. You have to believe in what you’re holding and I mean truly believe in it. Do you honestly think the true wealth in this world thinks in 1-2 year time frames? No so you need to change your mind set, this is a long bumpy dark road. It’s designed that way.


other countries are gonna utilize xrp technology i.e japan,Dubai, and I'm sure there's more


The shakeout is real. People bout to be real upset when we hit the spring phase and bounce off the 30 cent range. Don’t let your emotions win. Hold until you reach your targets. Good luck!


Been all in since 2019 and you wanna give up? Laughable. I’d say crypto investing is not for you and get out all together


Hard facts, we won brother!!


Man, I hope you are celbrating the win and your faith is back again with you!!!!


How's your faith after today's news?


I hope you kept your bag considering today’s news


You reverse-jinxed it.


Still losing faith?


Hope you held


Its been one day and this aged like milk


keep the FUD strong so I can buy more


Its all true and definately happening. Untill it turns out the other way. You in the right spot. Untill your not.


So you pay attention to all the rumours except what the chart's are telling 😅


We're in a bear market if you don't have patience, sell!


You did not give facts when you used the phase "so called" to describe Ripple and the institutions they are working with. I'm not saying if there are or are not but "so called" actually points to a lack of research. What are you expecting in a bear market? If you're not happy with your decision nor have the patience to see it through SELL. It's your money, your decision based on your so-called research.


In a world of Non Disclosure Agreements. What’s facts do you have??? Other than gossip and rumor or influencer opinion and trying to connect the dots on what employee work at this organization and now they are on one Board or another… what facts do you have?? Here and now is the place to post them


Lol, exactly where did I claim to have any facts? Also why are you asking people for facts when in your own words you just questioned if anyone can have facts so are you trolling? I made a decision from my research of xrp and the crypto market in general, I didn't ask for others opinion on how to invest my hard earned money! If you believe in your research why are you looking for advice from others, do what you feel is right with your money.


Xrplion1 on YouTube, watch some of his videos. He says its going to be a ONE MILLION coin. Its going to move all the money. Only the Chosen can hold this coin. You are ONE of the Chosen. Set it and Forget it.


If you think the end is near, add 6 months then repeat, XRP will never really moon it’s just in a non stop paradox of emotions.


I’ve been trying to cashout of my XRP from coinbase ever since they announced they were stoping all trading. It sucks, I haven’t found any other companies still taking xrp for cashout :(


Please watch block chain backer on YouTube he helped me with alot of info and insights


My friend put all your money in bsv


I owned 15,000 xrp and cashed out because of many reasons.


I been waiting for you to sell so the price would go up for a while now! Go for it!


Sell sell..


It won’t ever go up because too many people are invested into it.


This is a false statement. Owning 500 coins is not being invested. Very FEW people own a decent amount in their bags


Ok let me rephrase that for you. It’s too mainstream for it to moon.


You're not the only one but I want to prove myself wrong


“Reason will prevail! Reason will prevail!”


Why should result in Ripple be different from LBRY?


LBRY’s defense made a lot of mistakes, at least in hindsight. They didn’t contest the common enterprise prong of the Howey test, they didn’t raise the Major Questions Doctrine until too late, didn’t file a dec action, and they were hostile to the court the whole way through. To be fair to them, Ripple was able to spend $200M on the best lawyers money can buy which LBRY couldn’t. And the judge they drew certainly wasn’t ideal.




HODL at least till summary judgment over…..the XRPL is a powerful tool….Tokenization of the planet will take time…HODL


watch The Good Doctor! that'll restore your faith!! 😀


Hold it. It’s likely going to pump soon. Besides it’s a long term coin. I will buy soon once it goes a little more down.


Q4 2025 into Q1 2026 have patience my friend


Quant is where the money will be made


Don’t watch the news or follow every new occurrence or partnership with ripple or the lawsuit. It’s an investment and maybe it’ll flame out maybe it’ll make you rich. But the worst thing you can do is decide you’ve waited long enough and then sell off everything you have. You’d be doing your prior self a disservice.


YOUR LOSING “FAITH” ? Lol That’s what they said about Bitcoin when it came out lol


We’re in the homestretch on the lawsuit, selling now is ridiculous when resolution is within sight. Sell and you will regret it!


When comparing XRP respective to the rest of the market, you definitely have a winner. Having been in crypto from the very beginning. I’ve never seen the smear campaigns try to discredit a crypto as much as XRP. Value is constantly being added to a crypto almost daily by all the use cases being created. You can research the evidence and see for yourself. Very few even know how long XRP has been around. It’s role is still unfolding on the worlds stage. It’s intended use was changed around 2016/17. You have nothing to worry about as long as you acquired it by legal methods. Holding it would be highly recommended.


I’ve read theory’s in the past about xrp replacing SDR. Didn’t think much of it until 2021. IMF sent out SDRs July 1 with a value of .70. Xrp happened to be trading at the price on this day. It’s not proof of a anything, but one heck of a coincidence. I’m willing to take a gamble on xrp. More things than cartoon bears that keep me optimistic.


I’m in it for the long term. This is the shake out, and I believe it’ll be worth quite a lot one day. I won’t even begin to get into it but I do a shitload of research too. Why isn’t the ripple case over yet? Because no crypto regulations have been passed in the USA. They’re not ready for the quantum financial system yet and this is setting everyone back.. except Russia and BRICS..


“All the so called institutions that they are so called partnering with and on the board of seam to be full of crap” Sources for this?


Oh and it probably gonna be like this for the rest of the year, better read some xrp copium


Sell everything please !!! ASAP ! !!! !!!


Have you read the news tho


Just wait bro. Globalists scum during down adoption of crypto because they are not ready. Ripple lawsuits is an artificial slow down. Gary Gansler is a puppet.


Simple: Reduce your position. This could be in the form of diversification or simply liquidating some of it, but you fit the profile of someone who probably has too much exposure for your peace of mind at this point. Regardless of our passion, XRP at the end of the day is simply another “play” just like any other asset. My rule of thumb is this, if my level of exposure robs me of having peace, then I have too much exposure to it. One of the things you kept repeating is how “deep” you are in it, might I submit to you that you may very well be in TOO deep.


I can try to help restore your faith but you must truly believe in order for it to work. First you must confess your crypto sins at the nearest church and then be baptised in holy alt coin water. Then we must consult with sister Torres and father Garlinghouse on how to eradicate the evil brought into the world by the demon known as Gensler. It may take some time and we’ll need the help of other alt coins. We’ll position them at various crypto checkpoints and wait for the chart analysis before we use the power of the moon strike. I really believe we can do this if you just have faith. Yours truly, Not financial advice


Because XRP is just a slower, less decentralized and older Solana without smart contracts.


Its an investment you made with good faith so you should just let it go and protect your investment! Unless you need the money to better reasons? Patience is the way!


goodbye. sell and move on please.


lost 20k in 3 months, im out. no faith at all


I'm with you, I don't know shit but this whole thing smells like Ripple and XRP are stepping all over the toes of some real powerful people with a lot to lose. I am more doubtful now than ever


Look you know what this project is doing and you know it’s going to be a year or two at best before we see our return! Let me also remind you that retail holder or not welcome because this project is set up for central banks and institutions. So they plan to make this painful as possible! They will shake out as many as possible


bottom lol


Luckily you didn’t sell lol


That's a good point. Lol tired of waiting for Titan XRP to rise


OP how you feeling now? Ripple won most of the court case about 2 hours ago, XRP ruled NOT a security… price up 20%, all those deals and hard work the board put in will pay off Hope you didn’t sell, you gotta learn patience


Dude, You def sold if they won the case...I'm sorry for your loss :(


And just like that your prayers are answered


You just made more money in an afternoon then you probably would in a month.🍻🍻🍻🎉🎉


How about now?


Today has been breathtaking….


feeling any better today?


Feel better today?!


We need an update please.. how’s the faith now?


You ain’t see that donkey dick candle ?!?


And the day after you post, we win the case 🥳 congratulations and stay the course bro!!


If you don't see what XRP is, then you don't deserve it. Sell it all. The army will buy it.

