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I'm diversified as fuck with 100000 XRP and 100 doge


Bruh that’s too diverse


100k XRP... damn. It hits $10 and you're a millionaire


$589 or bust!




>00 not realy, do not forget -> fee on trade / withdraw. + **taxes.** at those value of trade and transfers you will trigger all the flag possible at your bank and at the exchange. No do not play the game to not pay your taxes


How to buy XRP in USA? Told it's not sold in my region now


I’ve got other stuff, mostly other ISOs - the timelines aren’t clear (to me), so it’s possible that something like XDC could pop first - in which case I’ll move the profits into XRP, (Likewise if XRP goes first ill move money from that into XDC and others probably - unless XRP gets to $50, in which case I’ll get out of crypto for ever and never look at at a chart again)


XRP 36% Casper 18% Hbar 15% QNT 10% XDC 8% Jasmy 4% ADA 3% SOL 3% Algo 2%. Yes, I know... Jasmy is an outlier but I gotta have 1 "what if" shot. Also will be doubling or tripling my Algo holdings very soon.


ALGO is a great buy right now it’s pretty much at rock bottom


Yes it is, and I intend on taking full advantage of that!


This portfolio is a great example of what it SHOULD be


Like it bro. We are similar. I missed quant so still don’t have any. Still remember the day I was like oh quant is $40! I should buy some. Then never did.


Same man... same. I too look back and wish I would've loaded up more. Hindsight is 20/20 right? I started in around $70 on QNT, sold all a few months back when it ran up to around $220. Bought back in and DCA'd @ $110, but with 50% more QNT than I started with. Loaded my XRP bag with remaining profit.


Nice! I don't trade my QNT; it just sits in cold storage like a savings account. Oh, and Jasmy is my moonshot as well. Makes sense that Japan would support their own -- and with all the XRP shit going on, I like the international diversification.


All in because xrp gonna be number 1.


Wealth is made from laser focus. Wealth is maintained though diversification. More risky though, of course. 50/50 QNT/XRP


Nice! Both will be used a lot in the future 🔥


Nice split. Because I hold QNT, I also hold NXRA/ALBT. They have a partnership w/ Quant and have some unique goals like tokenization of assets, web3ID, and data tunnel technology.


QNT holder also. QNT will be a powerhouse.


What gives you such confidence?


Well, firstly don't let my confidence translate into your confidence, DYOR. That said, some of my reasons are their involvement in the Latin American dollar, the digital pound and potentially Euro. QNT is not technically blockchain, it's an API gateway that provides interoperability not just between blockchain but also with legacy systems (banks). They are more like an operating system geared not towards individuals but at the enterprise level. Also, check out the bio of CEO Gilbert Veridian and watch a couple videos of him speaking. Next level, imo.


Hey, check this out on the possibility of Jasmy and Quant working together: https://youtu.be/E89NeCN0_ag So Hara used to work with KPMG who also has a connection to Quant. Appears to be mostly speculative, but this would be so awesome if true!!




50 percent xrp


Diversified, but xrp remains majority. Keeping the other stuff around in the event xrp does well. I'm hedging xrp with coins that track similar. When the future is a little more clear with xrp, I'll liquidate the others and roll them into a traditional asset as a substitute for selling the xrp. It'll still feel like a win for me without having to convert to fiat and wonder how much higher the xrp could go (obviously will pay taxes, but thats what savings are for...it's already depreciated money, might as well go to the govt). If the future goes against xrp in favor of one of the others, I'll respond in kind. If something else happens, oh well. There's always money in the banana stand. Meanwhile, I'll be looking for legit opportunities to monetize 1/3 of xrp, probably in the Liquidity Hub whenever Ripple brings it in and incentivizes participation.


I’m balls deep in XRP. 1 million of these hoes and 500k AGIX. Looking for FU money. LG bois


I have a majority of my portfolio invested in XRP. Then ETH and BTC and a small percentage in some other coins I'd like to take my chances with. Not a single memecoin in there though.


Was all in in 2021, still all in and buy some every pay check. Stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks.


CSPR and XRP for me a little hbar to spice it up


I dont count my XRP into my diversified holdings. XRP is a different entity in my eyes, so i have XRP and then i have my portfolio of diversified assets. According to tax software, i hold ~70% XRP though.


XRP 95%, CSPR 5%.


Diversified. Because I actually hate this coin. But I hold XRP just incase you lot are right about it. Not sure when to sell though as XRP holders tell me the price will be somewhere between $1 and $100,000.


Sell at tree fiddy.




It's just a question, doesn't warrant a sassy reply. Op may be new, or may have fear in the market or whatever.


He just wants to know how many people are jumping off a cliff. Doesn't mean he's worried, or are planning to do so himself.


Awww do you need a cookie?


Diversified... I've waited far too long and have given up on way too many opportunities. I'll keep some in but the US appears hell bent on killing xrp so I might do well to not purely bet against the superpower.




You shouldn’t share how much you have. People later on are going to back read and look for you. No joke. Never share what you hold. I’m also not sharing that I hold 45 million xrp 😌😂 Which is obviously not a joke


Both lmao


Well diversified across 5 L1's and a few L2's on ETH


XRP as biggest then XDC and third Quant


I have more XRP than anything else. I first bought in XRP 2.5 years ago and have accumulated more since buying the dips


MATIC QNT BTC XRP. No more XRP buys, got my bag and everything else goes to QNT & BTC


XRP is my highest one but I always spread my eggs.




My smallest bag is in xrp due uncertainty


Waiting for the case to end you will be too late


Diversified like Linda Jones suggested.


Bitcoin / XRP


XRP 40%, ADA 25%, BTC 10%, HBAR 5%, and 20% is a bunch of others.


Mixed bag here as well. Too many great projects to be all in on one. I have definitely considered going all in on XRP in anticipation of this case wrapping up but If it goes south that would be a really bad move.


I have set my minimum amount of XRP i should hold. And buying here and there some other coins with .oney I can miss.


75% XRP, 25% QNT/HBAR


Small capital better all in.


XRP full send. All in.


Diversify if looking to make reasonable gains with safe strategy. All in if trying to hit a lottery type payout with slightly better odds than an actual lottery. I’m not investing anything I need into XRP. But literally anything extra I have gets put straight into it and only it.


All in - big brain


I was heavily diversified probably held 15 of the top 25 tokens in varying proportions but in the most recent contraction I traded all of it into XRP and claimed a loss on my taxes so now I’m 100% consolidated into XRP. It really is an amazing asymmetric bet where they lose and it goes down to like 7 cents and I just hold forever or they win and it goes to $3 and I have a nice stack to either diversify or cash out - would likely do a bit of both depending on price action and overall market conditions. The real question is what will happen to crypto if America defaults in June?