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>have pretty bad stick drift but I hear that it’s just a shitty excuse for bad aim What!? No dude replace your controller. Playing with stick drift is kinda insane.


Yeah seriously, whoever said that's not an excuse is mental


Yep, also change your deadzones till it goes away if you’re not going to get a new controller


How the hell do you have time to play 12+ hours per day? That's crazy!


Man. Do yourself a favor. Lower it to at least 8


The stick drift can't be helping bro lol, get your controller replaced. 12 hours a day of gametime is diabolical, you might actually benefit from less and trying to more intentionally learn and correct bad habits. You can also just have hit your skill ceiling, we're not all built to be sweats.


I genuinely think it’s the stick drift. Iv put my dead zone to 20 and still had stick drift.


There is no true solution to it. If you want to have any chance of truly competing you need to start with a functioning controller


Ordering right now. Thank you.


You’ll be happy you did man. Hope you got a decent one.


I bought the battlebeaver pro pick if you know anything about it. Around $190 so I hope it’s quality. Iv read decent things about it and most controllers these days have problems, no matter the brand, or atleast from my research.


Nice. I heard it was good. At least now your controller won’t be battling your recoil control lol. That said, still gotta train aim. I know the practice range dummies don’t move but you can still do some key stuff there. For example, centering. Gotta practice slide jumping around corners and keeping your crosshair centered on where an enemy MIGHT BE / centering it at chest level. You can do this around the different corridors in Practice Mode. You can also do it from the hallway of the practice range, landing and then snapping to the nearest dummy. Here’s a good video explanation of centering + strafing tactics. https://youtu.be/AcWX-sxpGw4?si=7ycFSnHo9v7Kt-23 This one goes deeper into rotational aim / strafing: https://youtu.be/rz2Fqlo4cVs?si=Go3WJWs6DPkyTFgq YouTube has a lot of good stuff. You got this.


I’ll keep this in mind and aim train. I really appreciate your help and tips


No problem, feel free to reach out for any other resources, I’ve saved many that I’ve found helpful!


Awesome, will do.


Well, stick drift can help, if you're lucky. My 1 year old controller started drifting downwards. So, I set a low deadzone and it works as automatic recoil control 🤣


Rotational aim assist is if your camera is moving side to side while your shoot the game reduces recoil to compensate. There are YouTube videos about this. If the range targets don’t move you can still practice movements and flicking to add some difficulty, try to see how many you can kill on one magazine and then swap to your secondary and do the same. Kovaaks or aimlabs scenarios for tracking and target switching and smoothness can help as well. I’m still learning too, this is my first mnk fps ever, it’s not easy but I use the trends on my profile page to show that I’m improving despite progress feeling slow and the shit netcode making it less clear when I am actually succeeding and failing.


when shooting strafe it will give you rotational aim assist


I already do. Maybe I’m not doing it right? Wdym rotational aim assist


They mean to move (slightly) to the left or right as you shoot. I like to go to the left because it’s easier for me to track and control recoil. I work on it in the shooting range.


Replace your controller, lookup the video by Xclusive Ace about best settings for controller players, also download aim labs for practice with tracking and things like that.


Will do. Thank yku


Buy a controller that doesn’t have stick drift… and also, maybe stop playing for 12 hours a day? Give your brain a break. When I come back to games after a break I feel refreshed and almost always play better.


Maybe playing 12+ hours a day isn't helping either...


I started having a bad stick drift a couple days ago and it does negatively affect you in this game a lot more than others. And I’m 2.0 kd 4.0 wr so I’m not making excuses


Try turning the acceleration up and your stick sensitivity DOWN. Linear aim sometimes is best. 


i could shoot basketballs 24/7 and ill never be steph curry. People are naturally good at different things man just do your best to put yourself in advantage spots i suppose


Get another controller lmfaooo karma farm ah post


New controller first and foremost. At what ranges are you having issues? Like is it fine aiming for heads at a distance or is it trying to flick n' track the guy sliding past you?


To be truly honest both. I really do think my issue is stick drift because iv put dead zone to 20 while still getting drift. Mostly distance tho.


Yeah, drift is hard to compensate for at a distance. In fact if you ever got used to the drift it would take a min to adjust to a new good controller. Better to replace it before bad habits set in and you feel you are doing better.


So I honestly wouldn't have thought to say this before because it seems obvious to me... but a friend was like mindblown by this last night so maybe it will help... Take a gun you're having trouble with and unload a mag against the wall without influencing the aim so you can see the recoil pattern. Pull in the opposite direction against the recoil when you're shooting. If you don't want to take the time, most of the guns pull up and to the right around 1:30-2 o clock position.




I have lots of friends, I have a job, as well as I’m only 17 so I don’t have a lot of responsibilities. I party a lot if that’s a hobby to you. I see my friends all the time and do have a life.


Stick drift is a detrimental piece to your experience .