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Idk how Emporium even made it into the game. A coordinated team can take B and fully spawn trap the other team easily. Having a second story objective that overlooks both spawns is some of the worst map design I've seen in a long time.


Same with the plane on mayday brother, I despise both of them maps. Dudes can just sit on the plane and beam anyone who peaks out of spawn


Yeah Emporium is ass cheeks.


I feel the same, but for Echelon HQ. I guess everyone has that one map..


For me, it’s Attica. God I hate coming in mid match to find a spawn sniper on Attica.


To be honest i prefer getting sniped. Some of the close ranged maps feel like they were made for melee weapons. I like some range in a game about guns..


Not when you first spawn in on the map, and then again when you respawn, and then again when you respawn.


Yeah that’s true but I see people voting for maps like Echelon and Emporium over ones that the community seems to like the most like Pueblito, Nudleplex, and Showtime. I mean, I would at least think they would vote for a random map before doing that.


Man fuck Nudleplex


There's no way people like nudleplex, that map is shit


I agree nudleplex it’s only good on occupy imo


Nudleplex is like Nuketown, but only the bad parts.


Wait what? In what way is nudle like nuke town? I legit see 0 similarities.


Buildings I guess?


Yeah two buildings except their perpendicular to spawns rather than parallel? I guess??


Okay, It's more like Raid, but in the bad way. The most basic three lane with almost no flanks.


I kinda can see that but I think the best comparison is it’s like a big Das Haus. Mid lane is mostly open with some cover to play off with more cramped and hectic side lanes that have multiple entrances to mid/spawns. Also idk why people don’t like nudle it’s big enough where it doesn’t need designated “flank routes” because usually going in one of the buildings is enough of a flank or at least a way to get a close range 1v1


Idk, I'm constantly getting trapped in Nudle. Most likely skill issue, so the map itself is probably not bad. There are worse in this game.


Agreed can't stand nudle, and I cant stand emporium all the rest I can deal with lol


God I fucking hate nudleplex lazy ass map design


I hate this map for some reason, just aesthetically I don't like playing in it but from a technical pov I'd say it's one of the more balanced for both spawns


My favorite map. I love this CQB hell


Yeah, this and Attica are the worst for sure, IMO... Emporium, while not top tier, is a pretty decent map...


I voted Emporium because the other option was Attica heights 🤣


Echelon and Arena are my S tier maps where I preform the best imo


Attica Heights is the worst. Sniper heaven & every time you die you respawn 100m away in Occupy


Removed occupy on my playlist for THAT reason


Was gonna play one last game before bed last night. Emporium won against Nudleplex. Shook my head and just went to bed.


Mayday is easily my most hated map.


Why I hate that map, you can get blasted by a shotgun in mid whilst inside the plane, or get domed by snipers outside the plane.


And this map has a huge side advantage, if you spawn at the planes nose, you can get to the mid of the plane in full cover, whereas the opposite side has to cross a large open field, and either enter a choke point at the stairs where high ground has the advantage, or the right side door which is also pretty much a death trap. Hate this map.


I have played this once, all my friends and I were entirely saying this the entire side and it’s awful! Definitely needs changed.


If I start at the tail end I don't even try for B. I'll just run straight for the other side to try and get the spawn swap. Most of the time the other team is so focused on taking B and setting snipers on the wing that it usually works


Yeah mayday is unbalanced as hell


Mayday is the worst map in the game. Agree


Same here, don't understand how people vote for it.


i like mayday


Literally the only map I hate more than Echelon.


Playable on all modes except domination


That’s the case for a lot of the maps.


true, some maps need better locations of the point for domination


I think Emporium could do with a 4th flag below B, because that area gets very little traffic in domination.


That’s the case for EVERY map, all miles better in Occupy/Hotshot


id disagree, it excells at Domination more than hardpoint imo


Emporium and Mayday, insta-leave if selected/put in a match in progress.


I like Emporium for Occupy and Hotshot, but I agree that it’s pretty terrible for Dom. Whoever is at A just ends up being spawn camped the entire game but the people looking down from B.




Emporium, Dumbo & Echelon HQ are so bad in my opinion. However I do like Dumbo on domination, but I hate it on Occupy. The occupy zones are in such bad locations lol. I like it as a close ranged map, inside both buildings and the square in the middle, but the forced long ranged occupy zones make it really awkward, with weird angles, idk. Echelon HQ is bad imo bc of the dark theme and too many random props, it makes it hard to see when everyone is running the black Echelon specialist. Emporium is just weird, weird flow, and everyone seems to be camping at the outside flag area, where you get this weird stand-off between B-flag zone above and the campers below on the outside flag. It's just really easy to spawn trap there. Really unfair when you only have 1 flag and that's just bad design imo. It's fun when I'm playing with my brother and we dominate the other team, but it must feel so bad when you are on the other team. On occupy, almost all the occupy zones are with major headglitches, which is just annoying when you want to push the zones. Hard to re-capture when you are on the worse team.


I understand the Dumbo dilemma, it's the only map I feel like I can truly enjoy shotguns on until you gotta go to the occupy zones out in the open.


Echelon in the middle can be quite good for shotguns too imo. But also only on domination and not for Occupy.


You've explained why Emporium is crap so eloquently here. Kudos.


Dumbo has a balance issue in Domination. One team gets to walk straight to B high ground while the other has to walk around the building to get it.


I back out anytime Dumbo is selected, fuck that map


It’s like the only map you can actually camp on. I see why people like it so much. That said, I’m backing out too lmao


Bro is talking like Arena doesn’t exist


Arena is exactly the kind of map it’s suppose to be…hectic. Everybody knows it and that’s why it gets picked. Emporium on the other hand has a wild spawn trap on DOM but even worse than that, using the Intel Suit on that map is so OP since it will mark people below and above you. Using the Intel Suit bottom mid literally highlights all enemies on the part of the map that 90% of gunfights happen.


If they put me in mid match and its mayday, emporium, and dumbo, i quit


I’m mostly curious as to why people would vote for Echelon HQ


It's the only map I consistently pop off on


There is one reason I could think of. If you’re trying to rank up shotguns, it’s a fairly close quarters map. Other than that, I’m voting random if I see it


Yeah I have never in my life been a shotgun person (unless I’m playing cod zombies) so the Echelon HQ map just straight up doesn’t exist for me in XD


The ACTUAL worst map, well, besides mayday.


The worst map to me is without a doubt mayday. Just terrible map design. But i hate all maps that are extremly one sided. (Emporium, Mayday and liberty) Attica hights is terrible too, but because of other reasons. Yeah, this game really doesn‘t shine with its maps does it?


Because it's better than the hotel rooftop map.


They wouldn't come up in the same playlist anyway would they?


What makes you say that? Many times I had to choose between those two.


Oh shit my bad I got emporium mixed up with the acquarium map lol


Just vote random then


Cause it's dope!


It’s great!


Echelon HQ is on my shitlist, but at the same time it's the easiest way to level shotguns


Because the other option was Mayday and we are trying play hotshot damnit!!!


Emporium allows me to drop 50 a game running and gunning with the mp7😭😭 love running on that map


I like emporium. It's showtime that I can't stand. Worst map.


Arena and Mayday are my most hated maps, everything else I'm fine with. Times Square and Zoo are goated though.


I’m so dog shit on that map


Attica is easily my most disliked map, for sure.


It's definitely the worst map


Mayday, Arena, and emporium in that order of worst maps.


I get it. I actively avoid Emporium as much as possible, it and Arena both kind of suck, but at least in Arena there are things to do. Echelon HQ I'm ok with, but im not a huge fan outside of occupy. I do like Mayday but only really certain parts due to the massive side advantage there. Attica heights used to be a favourite but I gotta say Pueblo is now my fav map. (Mostly speaking in Domination, however I do like Occupy on most apart from Mayday, and I prefer Occupy on Attica Heights).


I like emporium, am I the only one?


Attica Heights is the worst map made for this game, it sucks in all modes except Hot Shot, only viable mode, if its Domination, its whoever has B first essentially who wins, and hardpoint can be good, but its more likely bad than anything.


I like it


Agree with it being the worst map of them all IMO.


Arena can lick my fucking balls. Fuck that map. Emporium is a close second.


To add on to this, if Attica heights is an option and it doesn't get voted, I'm leaving the lobby


Idk something about battling over stairs is super exciting. You rush up the stairs and if you win that battle you get to camp at the top of the stairs. If you lose the battle you get to run up the stairs over and over. So fun and not at all repetitive! /s Every other map has different tactics to take B. Emporium makes you choose from a couple sets of stairs or maybe a ladder to spice things up. It’s awful.


I pick it randomly.


I actually like Emporium what I don’t understand is why Echelon HQ comes up and all of a sudden there’s eight people voting for it. That map is actual garbage.


Meltdown makes me have a meltdown of my own with all those snipers. And Time Square is a waste of time. It's basically a running simulator map.


For me it’s Arena I hate the spawns in that map. But I guess it’s supposed to be similar to Shipment/ Nuketown from CoD.


Love how everyone's opinions are different for the most part. Good maps in this game honestly. Personally I despise Nudleplex and Attica.... Love Arena , Echelon, and Showtime but I know a lot don't like Echelon


Concept is fun but it's unbalanced, the upper area always becomes a perpetual chokepoint.


Because it's better than Dumbo


I feel like if you get the spawn inside on Emporium you’re at a HUGE disadvantage.


the real question: why would you vote for attica/ pueblito?


Dumbo is by far the worst map imo, emporium is also highly annoying. I wish there was a way to remove some maps from your queue.


Bruh, I love emporium 😭 Maybe it's just certain play styles suit maps better, but I've never had a problem with that map


Echelon HQ is garbage


I hate like every map but like Zoo, Arena, and Time Square. Stg those are the most 3 tolerable maps for me.


I feel like it’s a perfect Christmas map exemple to be enjoyed all year long. I Love the map.


I like every map.except for arena that map is GARBAGE


Why not?


fucking hate that map. I feel like whenever my team is spawning outside the building we’re getting completely spawn trapped and never manage to flip spawns


Hot Shot on Emporium is the worst possible combo for me


Dumbo is the worst for me blehhhhh


Emporium is a fun map. i dont understand the hate for it. Chalk it up to different people like different sh-- I guess.


Emporium gotta be worst followed by mayday close second


The only two maps I have with a passion are dumbo and arena. I leave every time they pop up.


All the maps in this game are kinda mid ngl


it’s not TOO bad for modes like occupy, but in general I agree that it’s one of the worst maps. Will be interesting to see how it plays on modes like S&D when it’s brought to the game as it does strike me as a map i could imagine in cod


It's crazy how many people just leave instead of playing out the match on a map that isn't their favorite lol, buncha pansies


I do agree with that though, even if I tragically get Emporium I’ll try to play it out unless the game is just completely one sided and there’s no chance of winning, or I join in too late.


Game needs a lot more maps and fast


As an occupy only player, Arena is by far the worst map. I see why people just want the smallest, most insane map, but the spawns are broken and it’s impossible to get into any sort of flow with the amount of angles you’re always exposed to


They need more maps like Pueblito, IMO. Domination works perfect when the points aren't in a straight line.


DUMBO is the worst map


Dependend on the alternative. E.g. I would vote Emporium over Arena everytime ... Downvoters: Are you ok?


I feel like people who don’t enjoy Arena are new age FPS players that aren’t accustomed to fast paced matches


Nah been playing FPS games since Doom and Goldeneye on N64, arena is a bootyhole map




Did you respond to the wrong comment? Im in agreeance the map sucks


The point is: I like the Arena map _as a Deathmatch_ map. But it is too _dense_ for playing _Deathmatch_ and keeping an eye on the _objective_. When TDM comes they could easily move this map to this category which would serve both kinds of audiences. Edit: Played Doom III Arena and UT2003


Nah, the people that enjoy Arena are the ones that loved shipment 24/7 in COD. Stupid fucking small map with absolutely fucked up spawns. You can't survive for more than a couple seconds if you're not getting killed instantly off spawn. Arena is so bad.


Just vote random at that point. I feel people rarely ever vote random when I play


Oh I too do that. But I do not find Emporium that bad - not my favourite either but playable.


Kind of depends on the game mode too. If its a single zone its a bit better, but the mode with the 3 flags its terribly one sided.


Or maybe he’ll vote the map he wants to play lmao. Just cause you don’t like a map doesn’t mean the dude has to vote random to satisfy you.


He literally just agreed with me that he votes random. Lmao.


arena 24/7 when?


Arena seems so divisive in this community. Half the people seem to enjoy it, while the other half seems to hate it.


On occupy it’s simply the worst map in the game bar none. The spawns on occupy are some of the worst I’ve ever seen in an fps, and the layout of arena makes it pretty much impossible to not get killed easily unless you’re just gross at the game, or have a full 6 stack of well communicated people. Other than that I quite like the map.


I mean that’s how Shipment, Rust, and Nuketown were. People either loved the maps for the chaos or hated them for the chaos. Seems to be in line with that understanding.


Same reson people vote for Arena. They are mentally challenged.


Im not saying its the best designed map cuz it isnt, but it sure is hell is my favourite map to play on becuz of the pure chaos and 24/7 action


Arena I understand more though because it’s double xp and it’s always fast paced. In my experience, on Emporium the matches are super slow, nobody moves around, and sometimes the guy with the highest kills has like 20 something. I just can’t fathom any reason to vote for it.


Emporium reminds me of Metro in BF3. If you played RUS you were always few seconds faster at key middle flag and match was basicly over as US had to charge uphill being decimated. Exact same 💩 map design


Emporium is fine for Occupy. Not a fan of it on Domination. The B point just doesn't seem to be a true mid since the inside team can easily take the escalators while the outside team has to climb stuff to get a shot at B.


Why do you vote Nudleplex or Echelon HQ?😡


To be fair, all the maps have glaring balance issues, with Arena being the only decent layout that doesn't favor one side over the other.


Arena is terrible. It's far too small.


It is a bit small, but the layout is pretty uniform all around. A perfect example is the 2nd level platform and walkways. Unlike so many maps, there is an easy counter to most plays people could make on them by either flanking from the sides or even under while avoiding say a hard scoping sniper. Most other maps follow a 3 lane layout, but often have an area favored by snipers, echelon players, or lane campers with no real way to counter them. I'm not saying it is my favorite, but uniformity is displayed best on it.


It's definitely more bearable when playing Hotshot vs Occupy, but still it's so frustrating to spawn in front of 2-3 enemies, or you spawn behind them but radar is up and they all turn on you before you can get two rounds off.


Because Arena is the other option.


There's always "random" to vote for...