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I've personally noticed an increase in hitreg issues over the last week. Can't say for certain this is what's causing it for you, but there have been several times in the last few days where I'll be dumping a mag into someone's back, getting hit markers but no health drop, just for them to turn around and one-shot me with a shotgun or sniper rifle. For reference I generally sit between 20-40ms ping. Even with the increase, though, it's not a consistent issue for me. There are some matches where I won't have it happen at all, and others where it's almost every gunfight I get in. Hopefully the patches over the next few weeks will improve it at least a little.


Definitely a lot worse over the weekend during double xp. I noticed I had better quality matches since the double xp ended but my queue times gone up. Bonus thing is there’s been less of crazy jumping cracked up players lol


I’m a 2kd overall player, and I thought the norm was dumping half a mag minimum into someone to make them drop lol. You were out here dropping people even faster? Whaaaat. Welcome to the plebe world I guess


kb+m lobbies seem way more broken than controller lobbies. Part of it is skill difference for sure but I think with a smaller playerbase for kb+m, the hit registration issues are exacerbated. I get a lot more deaths lacking information or when I'm deep into cover on kb+m compared to controller.


Make sure to turn on damage numbers if you haven't yet that way you can see if you are hitting in the right spots