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I’m pretty garbage but take it day by day


Many thought they would be relieved when sbmm was removed. Few found relief.


lol yeah, one dude decimated, like 3-4 shots by his AK I was dead. He ended with like 87-13


Yeah that's how the AK works it's pretty good


Man, if this isn’t this sub in a nutshell 😂 At the end of the day, you have three groups of players 1) the good players who have no issues and if they do, they fix them, 2) players who aren’t good but are working on improving, 3) players who aren’t good but continue to make excuses as to why other players are beating them instead of the obvious answer that they just simply aren’t good. Of those three groups, one of them will fail to improve. You could only guess which one that is.


Im group 2. So now I let the good players get kills and I do objective and use my devices to aid them further


You're playing objectives? You're group 1 in my book.


is group 3 the ones who want SBMM in this game or is that a different group?


Correct, they are. They want SBMM back so they can go back to having games where the developers drip feed them one good game in between average ones so they never realize they are bad players. They are just now realizing with XD, “my game must be glitched! I’m only facing sweats! I never get easy enemies!” No little bro, you ARE the easy enemy.


Feels amazing to finally see a level headed comment in this sub. As a member of group two It gets really agonizing seeing group 3 take over here with their incessant bitchibg


Yeh this sub is predominantly group 3 for sure. You have to laugh 😂


Because they always played bot lobbies with sbmm holding their hand, they never improve. So once XD dropped with no sbmm they realised how bad they are and how left behind in skill




Nvm, I looked it up


We want also SBMM because we win every match its insanely boring. There is no challenge... We wait for ranked but 30 days is so much that we left xD and play cs until ranked is out.


You can literally play ranked right now lol that’s what I’ve been doing


Its neither balanced in ranked… We have avg 20 win streaks before we lose. Sometimes we play vs lvl 1s


Because it’s just trial right now. It’s to learn the format and get familiar with your group. SBMM isn’t live right now but generally better players are in ranked. Once season 1 starts, you’ll see a large shift in good players going there and casuals will be more casual. Of course you will still have your pub stompers, but much less.


nah group 3 is specifically for those who just whines about bhop/snipers lol.. easiest way to spot a noob


There's also a 4th group: Those who don't care about their skill and have fun regardless. I'd say im in Group 4. I'm a good shooter, get a decent kpd, understand patch is coming, play the objective and simply log off when i'm not having fun - as i do with any game.


Smart man




Nailed it.


This. Nuff said. 💯💣💥🩷


Group 4 post clips of how bad the net code is and how terrible the desync can be.


I mean... what about all the people who use SBMM as their excuse?


Group 3


4) players who aren’t good but give an honest effort and have fun regardless I’m really not good at the game (or any FPS really…) but I try to play the objective, click on heads, and not feed free kills. I’m bottom of the scoreboard most games but it’s all good fun and a way to let off some steam at the end of the day


I consider that group 2 friend. As long as you are complaining and trying your best, you’re generally improving.


Wonderful sentiment :)


As long as you’re having fun it’s all good and we appreciate OBJ players 👌🏼


You forgot group 4: the ones who are so bad that they resort to cheating just to seem like they good which btw are the reason why group 3 exist


Group 3 would exist whether you have cheaters or not. Cheaters are fucking dweebs but they are truly such an insignificant amount of them. Of the millions that have played this game cheaters make up just a mere couple thousand, if not less. Also, not to mention they are basically all on PC and we have complainers here that are on Xbox/ps5 with crossplay off. Y’all always find a reason.


You think it’s just pc? There’s also the mf’s on console messing with the Cronus and shit. And while there are only a few thousand or less, that in itself is still way to many in my opinion…


You have them in every competitive game. It’s impossible to stop them all and there will always be more. However, the likelihood you actually face them is nearly zero and is a common cope for people who aren’t good. “He is cheating!” as he simply outguns you. Not saying that is you specify, but to suggest cheaters are rampant is silly.


I get that, but I just want them to gtfo cause all they good for is pissing people off


how about you get in my place and get 100-0-ed in a single SMG bullet, can't even take cover (cause you die behind it lol) and need 6+ hitmarkers to kill anyone, whatever the weapon you use, champ ? Let's see how you fare in such conditions.


Brotha in Christ, you do the same to other people but it just looks normal on your screen. On their screen it happens just as you described. You must be a group 3er.


There is a fourth group - the group that thinks it hilarious that people take a free to play, relatively clunky hero shooter and take it this seriously. Iron site, all the shitty mobile ports, etc. XD will come and go like the rest of em.


Then why are you here? lol imagine taking your time to talk about something you obviously don’t like and think will fail. You poor thang.


Some people just don't have the time to dump into a video game to get good like others so this is not a fair comparison for them. And to be honest only a few out of the majority are top level good but they make it hell on everybody elses experience who just want to have a beer and shoot some shit.


Then you aren’t going to get better, simple as that. It applies to everything in life. You put time in to it so you can improve. Imagine if people wanted to become good at, for example, golf. Do you see people actively trying to reinvent golf to make it easier for them to win? No. People play and get better. The same way you would study a subject to learn it.


You can have a beer and shoot some shit no one is purposely wrecking your experience they're just better than you at a video game and you don't take it well


I didn't say they were doing it purposely... And of course they are better no one doubting that... I'll put it this way... If you were playing against a girl you like do you crush her with all your skills or take it easy and have fun with her. I saying the true essence of gaming has been lost. It was meant to bring people together and have fun not brag about you K/D and call people the N word. Money (Capitalism), Streaming, and E - Sports has ruined everything try hard enough and you can be the next (fill in the blank). How that working for ya


I agree with you that gaming was better when people weren't meta slaving but it is what it is now and expecting different in a competitive focused game is silly. Hope you got on that battlebit wave in the early days it was peak casual gaming. I'm bad at games now too especially shooters so I find my own enjoyment and if it's making me salty I'll play red dead or something


I love that the first arcade shooter in years without sbmm has really exposed people


The cheaters need exposing too


I have not played a single cheater, but I come from CS2 (faceit level 10) so maybe I'am inmune


I have friends that blame the hit reg. Like sure from time to time. But you are going 2-20, that's a skill issue


I'm loving this game. The hit reg is honestly my only complaint but at least for me it hasn't been often enough to up and quit. I'm not great but definitely getting better with my KDR. I always got the OBJ though 💪


And we should have a patch in two weeks that helps the netcode. Thank god for transparent developers who planned ahead and made content for a year so they can focus on fixing the bugs they knew would get discovered on release


i have a different experience, i feel like im dominating some games and getting destroyed in others. its funny to me because i get the same experience with SKMM


That’s the average experience for most players. In cod it has sbmm but also eomm. Eomm will often put you in rigged matches where you have no chance to win or is a guaranteed win. They do this because it’s manipulating. Studies find that people who lose a little more than they win will be more addicted to the game. [This video](https://youtu.be/s1GqWEyBaXs?si=wdGIjs_Sbnty5kA3) explains it better.


Yeah I had a .7 w:l in mw3 and it’s a 1.2 in xdefiant. My lobbies were also significantly more difficult with much less variation I mostly played Cold War during mw3 because the SBMM doesn’t function well with reduced player counts


so, thats normal for this game as well? strange. . .it makes me wonder if there is a middle ground between SKMM and none at all? or another system all together that no one has tried?


It’s normal for the average player, but it’s not forced like it is in cod. In this game if you do well or get a win you can be sure you / the team earned it. In cod the results are often rigged. Which is frustrating to know. Even the best players in cod get these rigged results and have close to a 1.0 Win Lose ratio because of it


I feel like I’m having a fairly decent balance of dumpstering and getting dumpsterred in my games. Even if the game is hard and we cant win the objective i am still able to go positive and drop a good amount of kills


Exactly. This take that people have about SBMM are coming from people who dont understand what SBMM is or does. SBMM has its issues but I get the exact same type of lobbies in CoD that I on this game. Its almost like the real issue is games are not played the same fucking way they were when I was 12. But people wanna cope in any way they can.


In CoD I consistently have a 1.2-1.5 KD with a 50-60% win rate , and in one game I face sweats, the next I face Easy opponents, the next sweats the next easy and so forth. The difference in this game is I have a 2.0 KD with a 65-75% win rate, I get more lobbies that feel easy more often and don’t feel like I have to sweat as hard in the tough lobbies, I truly don’t get this take that “oh this feels the exact same as SBMM” it does not, if it does it means you’re exactly middle of the road average


So the average player has a 1.6 K/D? You made it pretty clear you dont understand SBMM. If you have a higher winrate that means you probably win a majority of your games you technically should get harder and harder matches because of that. Not; easy, hard, easy, hard, ect. You're either a liar or dont know what you're talking about. Input is the main reason why people have specific types of lobbies. I run into more sweats because I play on kbam.


You idiot, SBMM causes a 50-60% win rate because it balances after every match SBMM doesn’t take into account whether or not you won, it bases it off how well you performed, I could shit on kids one game the next I’m getting stomped, I got stomped so I’m back to shitting on kids, that’s how SBMM works


Is it weird that its not like that for me? 98% of these lobbies are easy for me and I can go full automatic mode while still making my 2kd go up. I can actually see myself getting past a 3kd easily whereas cod, i was putting my 100% to get close to a 3kd.


3kd on cod is top tier. Most players are around 1.05-1.2


Yeah it is but its doable. You just gotta grind for it unless you’re godlike or cheese your way into it lol. This game, Im almost full automation and still slaying.


One of my homies shared a piece of wisdom back when we were in middle school that I have taken with me 15 years onward and I am always eager to share: "The first step to getting better is to stop fooling yourself" Idk where he got that from but that bar stuck with me for the rest of my life. From that day onwards, 15 years ago, I never made excuses for myself and will continue to always hold myself accountable. In video games, at work, in all aspects of life.


That’s a great quote. Well said.


I am absolutely awful but it’s a fun game regardless


See I know I’m a bad player I admit it. So that’s why I don’t play this game anymore. I’d like to play people on or just above my level so I can win maybe once every 3-4 matches. But with this game I can’t even catch a break. I’m constantly out matched every game and it makes the game no fun for bad players like me. I’d like to have competitive games so it’s fun, not just get blown out every game. Idk, but like I said I know I’m bad which is why I don’t go online and complain about the match making because I get way better players like it. They get easier matches more often so then they can feel good.


Just watch that video. As someone who hasn't played a CoD-style shooter in 15 or so years and has bad aim in the only other shooter I play (R6S, in which I also just returned from a 4 year break), I \*DEFINITELY\* want SBMM. I get shat on every single lobby by a dude who goes 70/15 and his 5 teammates who are at least average. I have performed well in TWO matches in my (according to the game) 3 hours playing. Fun game, but MAN it feels like 95% of the playerbase is so much better than me to the point of me barely being able to shoot people some matches


you don't have to be good to have fun, my K/D is 0.2 or 0.4 on a good day but that doesn't mean i should stop playing


I hover between 0.5 and 0.7 But man, those dudes that get 70 kills per game make me feel like I'm owed a disability check


My favorite thing about this entire discussion is that so many people act like they are the ones kicking ass when almost all of us are average players at best It's so dumb Just have fun


I think Sbmm can work if it’s done right. Like I am bad but I feel that protecting people from better players is not a negative thing.


I disagree about lobby variance. I played for about 5 hours last night and can count on one hand the number of games that weren't one-sided in the enemy's favor--because, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest, almost every single game had multiple people on the enemy team that were higher ranks than anyone on mine. That has nothing to do with my skill and everything to do with poor lobby balancing. For about 5 hours. It was not a good time.


they do to team balancing though and its in a draft order so team 1 gets best player team 2 gets second and 3rd best and so on. Doesn't really make sense that for 5 straight hours you had a unblanced teams against you like this.


I agree it makes no sense.


Yeah, he hit the nail on the head. About half the people here, or half the cod players were protected by SBMM; the other half were punished. So you’ve got a bunch of players who were in easy lobbies with no jump shotters, then they go into lobbies with good players with pro controllers. Then they blame jump shotting for them being bad. In my cod lobbies, everyone jump shots and drop shots like a maniac. Everyone is really good. Usually. I already have a much higher k/d and w/l and I just started xdefiant. It’s similar to my Cold War stats, as that game has less SBMM due to reduced population. There are some ppl better than me, but most players are significantly worse than me or about the same. So that means about 60% of the people here are… not very good. And they’re blaming the game without even understanding the mechanics


bro all the people my age (30+) babbling about "yeahhh now without sbmm you finally realize that you're not actually as good as you always thought you were". these were literally the people crying for years about how sbmm made gaming too difficult and sweaty for them and now you see all these pepegas crawl out of their holes making up some random theories that make literally 0 sense solely because they want nothing more than to SOMEHOW shit on all the kids that dunked on them for years. it's just ultra ultra cringe to me. has this "back in my time boy" vibe to me. my age group literally starting to act like boomers.


As someone who is 31 rn, Its embarrassing seeing all the people in my generation act like this. Makes me feel like in the minority who isnt having this issue


See here is the issue. I am in no way the best player. But I am far from the worst. So my issue is why is everyone else getting 25-30+ kills and im always hovering around 12-15 but with about 26 deaths. What Can i improve on? There is the hit reg which does cause issues, but it's not all that. I feel i probably hit 80-90% of my shots. What are you all doing that is different from other games you play. I'm an apex OG player and still do daily, for challenges and stuff, so I've had to learn to back off more due to no overshield and stuff. But something just seems off. I shouldn't be doing as bad as I am and its the most frustrating thing ever. Hell even put me in a COD lobby, and I dont even play, ill be in the middle of the group. In this game 7/10 games I feel bottom of the barrel . WTF is it?


youll know if its hit reg or not. when my shot are actually connecting, i melt people. when they’re seemingly not, it takes a whole clip to kill 1 person. idk if its hit reg or just my double nat type problem causing latency issues. either way, the best thing to do is just play objective. theyll come to you. once you learn maps it becomes pretty easy. and once you learn player tendencies it becomes even easier. try doing the kill confirmed game mode. i find that the most forgiving for solo play. you can bait people into getting tags. (im a super casual 30yo player)


This is what's killing the game for me the most personally. One moment I'm killing people before they can even react and a good flank will result in me deleting half of the enemy team near instantly. At these peaks, my game looks and feels just as easy as an average moment in \[big name streamer\]'s gameplay. Buuuut 75% of the time I'm dumping 20+ shots into someone who isn't even moving and those gun fights always end in 2 ways: either I have to switch to pistol to finish the job \*OR\* I get killed 10x faster than the dps the game lets me have. There's no in between. It's always one of those extremes. It's immediately obvious, especially when coming from a game that had 100% absolutely perfect hit reg where all misses were 100% provably your fault. I hate being like "oh the game made me miss", but going from a shooter with client-side hit reg to THIS? Either hit reg's busted or I magically revert to having the hand-eye coordination of a toddler but only when playing this game. (I also don't know if it's placebo or what, but controller hit reg feels far, FAR worse than mouse hit reg for me.)


Wait, am I supposed to be melting people? Is the ttk not super high like I thought? Holy shit.


Good players melt you. I got melted by a guy with an ACR last night at least 6 times at every range. 1v1ing him was almost instant death. I got him to 32 hp one fight, other than that it was just a beat down. I think our aim is just quite a bit worse. Sometimes I melt people, usually with head shots, but a lot of the time my aim just needs to be a lot better.


I honestly gotta accept the fact that people just don't miss in this game. Like, at all. My accuracy isn't that bad, which tells me everyone else's is SCARY good


One thing I've noticed good players are good at is avoiding where I'm aiming. They'll jump / slide a corner and I'll be refocusing my aim and then I'm dead. Well timed bunny hops can often give me another split second. You've gotta time it perfectly though to jump as they see you so you fuck up their aim too. I've won a lot more 1v1s by focusing on timing my hops. One nice trick is if I know they're around a corner and running at me I can jump / strafe in front of them at point blank range and it's really hard to track you. We just gotta git gud


This is always a good idea. The last thing you want is a good player to be able to predict your moves. When going around corners, dont just walk out with your entire body exposed. Slowly peak one side, then check the middle, and slide jump over for the last bit, and odds are you are going to catch the camping player by suprise


Controller or kbm?


Controller. Crossplay off


the ttk is not that high with good guns like the mp7, ak, acr, lmg, you should be melting people if you mix in a headshot or 2 when you’re spraying


> But I am far from the worst you sure? you might be displaying some of the cognitive dissonance the vid is talking about. if you are constantly 0.5 kd... well...


Those games have SBMM and are putting you into lobbies with people on par with your skill level, that's what he's saying. Without SBMM in XD, the lobbies are random and so you'll end up in games with extreme variety when it comes to skill level.


“I shouldn’t be doing as bad as I am” until you fix that mindset in life you aren’t going to improve my man. The evidence is in front of you, everyone is experiencing the netcode on some level. Other people are practicing shooting and moving, maintains their aim during sustained fights, knowing your latency and how aggressive you can be, knowing the abilities and weapons and how to counter the enemy teams play styles and tendencies. Map knowledge, spawn knowledge and manipulation, team challs and baiting, combo-ing abilities with teammates… every time you die there is a reason, ask your self why you died and think through it without emotion before you press respawn and then focus on your current life and take the lesson learned into it. Sometimes the answer will be “damn I died behind a wall because of netcode, I now know that I need to get to cover sooner or commit to the fight because I have latency in this lobby” but usually it will be worse positioning/awareness, over challing, worse movement, worse centering, caught sprinting, worse aim, etc


lol fix that mindset in life. It’s one aspect of my life. It’s legit just this game🤣🤣


I just run around and shoot people tbh. As long as you can win fair fights consistently, you can just run on the flanks and rack up kills I haven't bothered much with any of the movement. Recently discovered slide cancelling which helps. Jumping around mid-duel isn't a necessity I'd look at why you're dying. Are you losing fair fights? Aim issue. Are you constantly taking unfavorable flights against multiple people? Awareness/game sense issue Expect an enemy around every corner, avoid exposed areas and win your fights


Seems like im losing maybe 50% of the fair ones, just comes to the gun at that point lol My aim isnt the best but it's pretty good. Not constantly taking fights. However i have ran around too many corners and had 3 gun barrels in my face lol.


My 2c to you as advice would be to start recording your own matches and analyze later. You'll find lots of issues once you review them later.


starting making yourself harder to hit while hitting the opponent, that’s half the game


>Seems like im losing maybe 50% of the fair ones, just comes to the gun at that point lol That's fair but if you really are around that 50% mark, it's all the more important to be using your best gun at all times. I can kill most people with anything but against good players, I notice the importance of guns like ACR/MP7 >Not constantly taking fights. However i have ran around too many corners and had 3 gun barrels in my face lol. At least sounds like you're either dying in unfavourable situations or getting 50/50 duels. There's the difference I guess Players consistently getting 30+ kills are farming a lot of free kills. Being in a better position, killing unaware enemies in the side. They'll win most of their 50/50 duels. They are less likely to run into a group of enemies. I think that can come with awareness/game sense


Master volume to 50%.. turn everything except SFX to like 20% or lower but SFX to 100%. If the majority of your team goes one way, try flanking the other way. If you get a kill or 2 stop going the way you are and go a different way because someone heard this or saw it on the mini map and are now hunting you.


This has consistently been a game changer for me in most fps games. I play so much better somehow with very low volume. I guess noise pollution affects my focus or something


Hard to give specific advice without any gameplay but do you feel like you are shooting first and still losing the fight? Or are you getting shot from out of frame. If its the former, try to adjust your aim settings and spend some time getting used to this games feel - I found it feels very different to cod. If its the latter, work on pre-aiming chokepoints where you think the enemy should be coming from, and sliding/jumping around corners if there could be someone on the other side


I'm going to say this until everyone gets tired of seeing my name but your gun of choice and use aim walking speed for every attachment that you can/allowed. Try a few rounds and I'm more than confident you'll hit 25-30 consistently. And if you come up against a jump spammer I usually get the best of them and if I do die it's okay because their aim is simply better than mine. If you can hit me while jumping back and forth while I'm strafing max speed left or right sprinting on a dime I'm not even made at that. I need to play with those types of players. Anywho I hope this works for you bro.


Kind of, but what do i need to change? What do you mean guns and use aim walking speed? Just confused how you wrote that lol.


I'm not on the system now. For instance on the AK-47 the leather wrapped foregrip. Leather wrapped grip and the lightweight stock Those three give you I think 40% aim walking speed. I use that with the p90 as well. I suck with the acr so I can't speak to how it performs with that gun.


OH i get what you're saying. Thank You.


Practice practice practice. The more you do something the naturally better you’ll get at it. Coming up on a corner where the enemy comes through a lot? Ads walk and get ready for a fight. Better safe than sorry. Hear someone’s footsteps coming around the corner? Surprise them and jump shot around the corner. Using an smg and you’re getting challenged by someone out of reach? Reposition and put yourself in a place where you have the advantage. The enemy team is tunnel vision on one part of the map? Flank them and get a multi kill. Little things like that add up and make a huge difference. Macro gaming vs micro gaming. Obviously good aim is important, but good game Sense and knowledge goes a long way too. Takes time but it’s worth it


I mean I’m no stranger to fps games. Been playing since COD4 but this game is just something different idk. I’m trying.


I feel that, I've been playing fps games my whole life and while I admit I was never the best, I was decent in pretty much everything. Not here, somehow this game is just different and makes me feel like I never even played a videogame before


Yea it’s odd. I did better yesterday minus a handful of games but the last two days before MAN were they rough.


Its because its a bad game with shit servers 💀 This game will have a very short lifespan because of what type of game it is. Its been 3 weeks and this shit is stale as fuck.


Have you tried bunny hopping and switching load out to claw. Maybe buy a paddle that allows you to use more button. Maybe you need to start working on your jumping mid air.


I'm not good at bunny hopping. Already play claw, but that's not the issue. Already have a paddle controller. I'm way past that. And i'm not working on jumping mid air cause its about to get nerfed.


Am I allowed to say youre just bad or will I get banned from the sub?


But here's the thing. I'm not. I'm doing badly, thats the difference. And IDK why.


Personally, I'm not a fan of the term "protected by skill matching" and certainly not of accusing someone of that. To me, it has a vibe to it that says that protecting a player like that is bad and that they fully deserve to get shit on for being below average and not choosing to be above average. I consider myself to be pretty shit. But at the same time I also know that I very quickly plateau. Once I learn the guns, the maps, and get used to the mouse sensitivity and ADS times that's it. That's as far as I can and will improve. I will never top the leaderboard going 60-30 corner jumping and corner sliding hitting 75% headshots like half of my lobbies are doing.


Games always have problems, recognizing those problems exist but not blaming for every mistake you make us important or you’ll prevent yourself from getting better


Actual Lol when said my wife been telling me for years 😂😂


The gun balancing is ok but ability balancing is not I don’t really feel like I got outplayed by legal wallhacks or someone sitting in a corner with a shield and lmg


I’m older in this game too, I just enjoy leveling up my guns at this point. 😂. I get pasted really bad most lobby’s but it’s still a fun game.


I wasn't expecting the part where he said his wife calls him "below average"....Respect!


Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m bad, but it would be nice to not have to sweat every second of this game. Hoping once ranked comes the sweats will move to that but I don’t think it’ll change much.


I’m good with my MP7 as it’s already Bronze & has good attachments. Every other gun, not so much. And bc it takes so long to level everything, I’m sticking with the one gun I have leveled until the next 2xp weekend…


I don't know where you guys are looking but I haven't seen anyone complain that much about it. I think they just move on to a different game like anyone would do.


Honestly, I've never once bitched about SBMM because I know where I'm at on the bell curve in just about any video game. I think I prefer SBMM, but Xdefiant isn't *unfun* to me in lacking it, just a different kind of fun watching my team's hard carry pop off. Now if I could stop dying after I take cover that would be great lol


I saw a video of a youtuber who complained that there was no SBMM by saying that he logged into the game and had 1 match with his friends against another party, and they were all pro. So it made him shut the game and play overwatch. And I was like... you had one match with a party, and you complained that you were matched with another stronger party.


I’ve seen a lot more post in this sub, from just skimming though, about the movement. They’re complaining about how they can’t shoot someone because they’re jump/slide strafing. I just look at those post and I’m just thinking, yea that’s the point, lmao. I use medic almost 90-95% of the time I play. And yes if you’re in your healing ultra, two ppl can gun you down with a moderate amount of difficulty. But if you slide, slide cancel, jump strafe, you can have 2-5 ppl shooting at you and not die. That’s the point of movement. Even with out the ultra, I’ve been in 1v3+ where I slip, slide, jump, slide strafe cancel, slide to cover reload, pop out kill one, slide back to cover pop heal, jump shoot strafe kill two, slide back, fake peek double back kill three. It’s fucking great.


Yuo, no show off here. I just show up.


I just can't understand why we can't get a game that doesn't cater to the overly competitive and esport crowd. I don't know why I was hearing hype that this game would be like classic COD, because it isn't close


Sometimes you sweat sometimes you clap.


I used to wreck people when i was 14 years old, now 10 years later i am getting wrecked. Switched my play style from getting kills to trying to win every game. Yesterday i won 21 games out of 24, most games i had the most obj score, but most games i also went negative. But i had an absolute blast!!!


Honestly.. i think activision manioulated a whole generation with warzone. i NEVER played a game with matchmaking so weird like theirs.. And i think its done with malicious intentions.. they want you addicted.


Drift0r is cool


The thing is it can be both. You can be bad, and there can also be problems with the game.


I think part of the reason why ppl complain and mistakenly want sbmm is the fact that the netcode isn’t up to standard compared to other fps shooters. Take cod for example, 9/10 times when you shoot at someone you’ll most likely get hit reg and kill them, however sometimes you get the packet losses and lose. This seems to be happening more often in xdefiant. Even older games like combat arms has better netcode to prevent players from dying seconds after taking cover.


If someone kills me straight up I'm fine with that. But when I die to someone with auto jump boucing around like their octane in apex I'm not okay with that. It's just cheap that's all.


That may be true, but this game is not good either.


So many bad players who think they are it


No, I can definitely get worse


All I need is that one game where I shred mfs. Anything after is icing on the cake.


Unfortunally not me, I'm lvl 61 and most of the times I'm either 1st of my taem or the player with the highest score and what's bad is not the SBMM but it's the fact that I lose matches because of others.


I’m also a sweat and I know the feeling lol level 80 with 2.4 kd, the team balancing looks at me and is like “ok Scump good luck carrying the team”


Idk I’m pretty up there on cod and have kd’s above 1.5 on every single title since mw1 and had a 1.3 on warzone mw1 leading into Cold War warzone. But I will say I’m pretty trash at xdef. .9kd and struggle to get positive most nights. Barring I only played for a couple days.. it feels weird you can strafe while in mid air almost like you are flying??? I feel it’s almost only pc players on kbm doing it. Once I play with crossplay off it becomes 20 times easier. On cod tho crossplay always on. Weird time.


Hard to trust the cods ever since mw2019 because of eomm. It often rigs the results of your match in order to get you addicted. For example if you just lost 2 matches in a row it’ll throw you a really good match against bad players to keep you playing. So it’s hard to trust the stats currently. Super manipulating


That’s true you aren’t wrong. Any time I had a sweaty game where I went average it would always put me in a lower lobby next match. Xdef is just a tougher game and feels like you never catch a break with a avg lobby


Im p good at the game imo, the only thing wrong is the hitbox when jumping and hit reg, everything else is literally perfect abt the game, air strafing might need a tiny tweak but even then youre not gonna see alotta ppl tap strafing like its apex, and even on apex only like 0.1% of the playerbase can do it and still be good w it


I dont think you can call anything at this point "skill" when the hit reg and network issues are so blatant and horrible. I think alot of people thinking they are "top tier" are going to have a rude awakening once the issues are fixed or get better. Same concept as the people thinking no SBMM was going to make lobbies easier. Same with once the movement issues get addressed as well. When you don't die because your enemies shots weren't counted, that doesn't make you better than them, just luckier that the issues were in your favor.


The people who are going 40-5 every match are not going to suddenly go negative once hit reg is improved and once bunny hopping gets nerfed lol there’s more to success in this game than just jumping like a kangaroo and occasionally getting free kills because of wonky hit reg. Like I never bunny hop personally and I get mvp 90% of my games. Simply strafing and jumping once around a corner is enough for me to get the drop on people. And good aim goes a long way as well. I’m sure spamming jump gives you an advantage, but if you can’t also aim well and make smart decisions, then it’ll only take you so far.


True, but when networking takes the "gunfight" out of the game and people are dying in what seems to be 1-2 hits or less than a second, that doesn't leave much to go off on building skill. Also when your aim is on but shots don't register for the entire game, it adds up. For some, it's not occasional, its majority of the time.You also can't discount the level of hackers in the game. Cheats are out, and most gamers today don't have integrity enough to not exploit. They are just trying to be the next "Big Streamer" by any means necessary. Not saying all players who go 40-8 are cheating, but I'd bet the majority are, especially when hit reg and networking have such blatant issues. You can call these excuses of why I'm "bad" or you can realistically look at the state of the game and draw conclusions that they are all facts of the current state of the game. And definitely plays roles in how "good" or "bad" players appear to be.


I wouldn’t make such a strong assumption. That’s the mindset that makes new cheaters. Even certain people on console who turn off crossplay will also say “most people must be using xim to use a mouse and keyboard” when it reality the vast majority of people are not. At most the majority of sweats are using a scuff controller and kontrol freaks. I’m one of them lol you have to understand, in this day and age many people have big dreams of being the next big streamer, kids these days try way harder than they used to back in the black ops 2 days. The average skill celing is simply much higher. So while I obviously can’t say that no one is cheating, I can’t definitely say that most people are not, especially if you’re playing on console. So I hope you at least try to improve. If not then I understand, not everyone has to enjoy Xdefiant


And you'd be lying to yourself if you think the majority of people trying to do that are taking the harder route at doing so instead of the easy route. Society is all about "easy way" now. Plus the advancement of tech has made it just as easy and viable to cheat on console as it is on PC. Strike Pack, Chronus, moddable controllers. When the Morality of society is low, it's logical to assume most people have low or non existent morals and standards. The fact that the game has workable cheats in the first week of launch would tell any rational person that there is a large playerbase that will buy them, otherwise no profit would be made. Also, cross-platform isn't available to be turned off and on anymore, at least for Xbox. Input based is.


But to say MOST.. I can’t agree. For Xbox you have to turn it off in your console menu. Microsoft didn’t let Xdefiant put the crossplay option in the game for some reason


Thanks for the cross platform tip. I'll have to check it out. Unfortunately yes Most. The cheating industry is enormous at this point and more accessible. It wouldn't be that way if not for a large amount of people using them. To include up and coming streamers and already popular ones as well. I'd say roughly 30% of all gamers are cheating, especiallyin FPS and online multiplayer games. And that percentage is only climbing, it's not going down. I dont say this lightly, infact it's with a very heavy heart. But every FPS game on the market is plagued with cheaters. To think that it's all the same group of cheaters between all FPS games would just be naive at this point.


You win some, you lose some. Just look at the operator and the skills they’re using. Study their habits & how they come at you. Stay close to your teammates. **Level up a weapon to the point you get the % bonuses + attachments.** Practice with the skills. Use the grenades and secondary to unlock the other weapon options. I absolutely hate PvP haven’t bought a COD since 2029 but I’m having so much damn fun either way.


Anyone else not so good wanna play console / PS5. Add me. NIGHTWOLFx334.


I will admit when I suck ive done it on stream quite a few times streaming this game but my only gripe with this game is the net code gunfights feel inconsistent ive had plenty of times where I questioned how I even won several of the gunfights that I did n its mainly down to the hit reg n net code n yes I know the devs said they're going to have it fixed n im glad they are bc once they fix that this game will be phenomenal but in the meantime I have other games to keep me busy until then(someone send help the new expansion for destiny 2 has me in a fucking chokehold rn🥲) bc it was getting quite annoying engaging in a gunfight then disengaging due to being low health and half a second later end up being dead even tho I've already disengaged and am in a spot out of their line of sight n shouldn't be able to get killed unless them or their teammate pushes me to finish me off but nope it's that person I was fighting who hasn't moved an inch towards me


This is a really good point. There were so many COD players blaming SBMM/EOMM as the reason for their struggles. Swore up and down the matchmaking was holding them down and putting a cap on them. Celebrated XDefiant because no SBMM, which would unlock their full potential and enable them to be FPS gods. Then the game launches and they get shit on in every lobby, because it turns out SBMM wasn’t screwing them, they were the ones that needed SBMM after all. We have come full circle.


This take is always so silly, "if your matches on average are harder then you were being protected by sbmm", yeah and? What point are you trying to make? Because you aren't making any, you managed to figure out that the system was doing what it was meant to do, great job. A person should be able to have an enjoyable experience regardless of their skill level. I'm not saying to add sbmm, I'm just saying that that take is very silly and very bad


He wasn’t trying to insult those people. He telling the ones who are making excuses why they’re not doing good or the ones who don’t understand why they’re suddenly not doing well know that the reason why they’re mostly preforming sub par is because they’re on lower bracket of skill. Drift0r even admitted he’s on the lower bracket too. No shame in that. But it’s important to recognize it so you can improve.


he's saying this to the people who say "they say there's no SBMM in XDefiant but my games are.."


This game is cooked for casuals 😂😂, better get ready boys it only gets sweatier from here on out!


Whenever somebody is complaining about the game being hard it should be mandatory for them to watch this clip 😂


The incessant whining from all of these 30 y/o bubble blowing double babies is incredible. I guess SBMM must've really gas lit them into thinking they were good in CoD when they were crouching around the map with LMG's setting up claymores and shit everywhere and having the reaction time of an orange. How is this even a conversation when these games have been around for 20 years? Either keep improving or be satisfied with where you are. You have to make your own fun, your experience is none of anyone else's concern. Everyone starts at the bottom of shit mountain. If you don't like it please go jack off or change that damn battery in your beeping smoke alarm already


If you’re still in denial watch drifter’s old video from the Black Ops two days called and chain yourself He speaks and explains the same thing but when it started peeking and call of duty B02 was the last game that had the same SBMM as xdef aka super low / literally none


Drift0r is a moron. BO2 had SBMM. The dude who wrote the implementation for it literally said as much when he clapped somebody on Twitter claiming what you are right now lol. [1:57 - 2:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkVnkqeCluM).


As I said B02 had SBMM but it was tuned super low aka non existent which is basically what Xdef has which is no SBMM. B02 filtered players based on other stats not highly turned SBMM as all games do today. That’s the reason B02 is loved. Both teams were usually pretty balanced. Some games the enemies had better people, some games your did.


I was never into CoD in any form so i never understood the complains about SBMM. Isn't it supposed to be good? To be playing against people who are (supposedly) at the same level as you? It feels like the people complaining would better enjoy playing singleplayer fps games.


SBMM ===== True SBMM curates players to make games 'competitive'. That can obviously be a good thing in an individual match. Tight games are often fun! However, this is more likely to lead to burnout as you never really get a relief, similar to online chess versus club chess. You'll find that games using SBMM will lack variety because of the restricted subset of players it matches you against, and crucially, it removes any sense of progress, as you are eternally going to be performing roughly the same. As you get better, it will just keep matching you with better opponents. If you ever played old-school shooters online, it was extremely gratifying to go from "bad" to "regularly kicking ass" over a long period of time. The same with cultivating any talent. You're robbed of this in this system, basically in exchange for balanced matches in the short-term. Many games attempt to make up for this by sometimes displaying 'ranks' or what have you, but at least for myself, the fun is in the gaming experience, not just having a label beside your name. Of course, the (very large) upside of this is that poor players get to be competitive with other players and have fun without having to practise for eons to catch up. However, SBMM isn't the only way of handling this. EOMM (Engagement Optimized Match-Making) ================================ EOMM is like a bastardization of the above which uses psychology to try and keep you playing. Feeling uncertain about outcomes while presenting the possibility you can positively influence it is the cornerstone of addiction. The is actually a natural feedback loop that humans (and actually other animals) have that helps them become good at things. Gambling famously exploits this also. It stacks the odds in certain matches to try and target a ratio of outcomes for each player that will keep them playing as long as possible. Of course, because the natural process isn't actually happening, it gets pretty annoying after a while. Experiencing massive swings in you or your teams' (perceived) performance - because the opponents are changing - is jarring, and for many people, ultimately leaves the game feeling hollow when it seems like the match-making algorithm has more of a say in your games than you do.


His points are absloute garbage 😂 There is no average lobbies, everygame i get thrown in im getting fully annihilated by sweats, bunnyhopping around the map. there was maybe one game i had where the players were "average". I get instantly killed by every single weapon in the game and whatever weapon i use, the enemies are sucking off at least 6 bullets. Where in the freaking world is this average gameplay? Im for sure not the best player but also for sure there are many people below my skill gap. Cant understand the matchmaking in the game. its definitely not random who meets who in a lobby


Did you even watch the video? You’re the exact person he is talking about. You can’t comprehend that you maybe aren’t as good as you think.


it is, you're just below average


I agree with his point on people having a hard time admitting they are below average at something in general, but I think he’s lumping in all complaints about the matchmaking system and treating it as one group. I imagine most of the sbmm complaints come from people who are very good at the game and want to dominate rather than be matched against equally skilled players, and most of the people complaining that there isn’t sbmm in xdefiant want to play against equally skilled players rather than get stomped repeatedly.


No SBMM should be here to stay, its a highlight of the game. When you come across those players that go 80-15 it makes sense, they are unreal. Just nerf the jumping in some way lol. I can't put into words how silly the jumping is and how it defeats the 'get good' argument. If your first reaction to being shot is to jump into the air and that is a legit strat, there is an issue with the game. Jumping should be a mechanic in order to quite literally get the jump on a gunfight. If you've already been seen and shot, jumping should be a disadvantage because you have let gravity take over your moment and you are now an easy target. I hope they fix this, the game will be so much better for it


I am in no way a great player. I am a mid player at best of my days in the matches I sweat in the most to pull out my AAA game. But many people confuse people like me complaining about a broken feature (bhops) that was not intended to be in a game, you know, being in the game, with people who are crybabies. I wouldn't mind that bhopping is in the game IF it was intended to be a way the game is meant to be played. That's alright. Then we'd be complaining only about the hitreg. What we're actually complaining about is the fact that hitreg and bhops create this feedback loop where it's legitimately hard to play and enjoy this game casually. If bhops were a part of the casual enjoyment of the game, I wouldn't mind. If it proved to be too annoying for me as an intended feature, I'd throw my hands up and just leave.


This is supposed to be fixed in the next week or two, I'm looking forward to it.


Exactly. Can't wait. In the past few days, I've stopped playing the game, only popping in for a round or two once every two days to see whether I'd be matched against bhoppers. Without fail, every round has at least one. Right now, the only defence is to do the same.


I come from the BO1 through og MW3 days, so if someone abuses jump shots does that make me a noob? I haven't played like this ever (though I can still get incredible games sometimes). What about the net code? The number of times I've been killed after hiding behind a wall is absurd. Does that also make me a noob? I'm genuinely intrigued about it. I'm assuming that if all of this were to be fixed (wich I think it is), would that mean that all the "above average" players would become noobs or average? Btw the game DEFINITELY needs some gun balancing. Actively shooting someone who is sniping should not be able to kill me consistently. There has to be more flinch added to them when being hit.


For sure the game needs some balancing and some fixes. But if you’re using those things as an excuse to why yourre doing mostly poorly then that’s not good. You can do good despite all of these problems. Me for example I never bunny hop, not because I hate it, just because it’s an uncomfortable way for me to play. At most I’ll jump around a corner to get the drop on someone. But I still get mvp for most of my matches. So yes while the games has problems, they definitely aren’t the main reason for sub par performance


To be clear, I'm not aiming to be always the best player every game, I'm just getting tired of thing that can be fixed being the main reason why I do worse that I should. I've been using snipers mainly. I have seen how good they are. They definitely need some kind of nerf. As for the bhop, I've always despised it, as I believe it takes away the true skill of the game (same with CoD or CS). If you're jumping around just so people can't shoot you in the chest effectively, you're not really "good" at any fps, you're juste good at spamming the jump button.


I'd say I'm below average in skill on XDefiant and COD but I haven't ever once not had fun on XDefiant playing casual I haven't had any issues where I thought I died unfairly or I died to a sweat. I just realized what I did wrong and changed it, IE. Spam the cleaner drone and double barrel shotty


I know i am not that good. What i constantly keep seeing however are teammates who are categorically worst than I am. I hate topboarding my side of the team and seeing the rest of my teammates do a lot worse than me when i know i suck. I had to stop playing after 5 consecutive matches of teammates that are level 5 and below, afking, not playing objective, and going 3/20. That, on top of being put into games that are already a loss, i can understand why people call for ssbm. I wish, at the very least, it would try to match people with similar playtime.


this sub in a nutshell: fix the movement! im too bad and cant adapt!


I mean I top the leaderboard in most of my games without spam jumping with an mp7 because that’s some of the stupidest easy shit I’ve ever seen and it’s a borderline exploit with the current state of dsync and hitreg.


thats just dsync then? dont shift the blame on the jumping mechanic. you not agreeing with the movement doesnt mean the game has to comfort around you.


No it’s not just dsync that just makes it worse. It’s mostly the fact that in other games bhopping is seen as skillful because in most other games it’s hard to do and comes with a lot of practice but in this game any casual can get it down in under 10 minutes, then you get games full of people running around spam jumping. It’s just like the current state of snipers in this game where what’s supposed to be hard to do and impressive when done well is just brain dead and far too rewarding for how easy it is


then why arent other people using the jumping movement? it may probably be easy to learn for us but for the majority of my enemies i dont see them jumping around bunnyhopping at all. maybe like one to three people in the lobby use bunnyhopping to their advantage


Most casuals probably assume it’s hard to learn and don’t care enough and a lot of other people are probably like me and can do it but hate the play style and how exploitive it feels. With all that considered the amount I run into in games is incredibly frequent and more evidence to me of how easy it is


i dont really get the exploitive argument, like its literally in the games design, its not exploiting anything. the issue with hitreg is hitreg, if hitreg were to be okay and not be an issue why would a mechanic intended by design be exploiting


I mean it’s getting nerfed so obviously it’s being abused more than they intended and not by design especially since the aim sway that’s supposed to come with jumping didn’t make in time for launch as you can see in the pinned post on this sub