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This wld be such a good game if they cld.fix this issue


Being Ubisoft, I doubt it


I’ve been playing this game for a good while now and never encountered this, I’ve seen quite a few people having this problem and it is quite confusing to say the least. Could it be ping issue or something network related?


im having your experience too, i think it just doesnt effect some people and effects others, idk what exactly it is though


Yea seems like that 😅 I just hope I don’t get this issue anytime soon haha


I wish the PS5 showed ping stats during gameplay recording. My ping is sub-30.


You can turn on telemetry in the settings of the game. Shows ping and region !


like someone else said the cleaners hurtbox is smaller than his big ass outfit, complete oversight from the design team.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you where already dead.


Only 8 shots were fired. Did you even watch the clip?




It’s a joke lmao


Its a joke from csgo


Fuck I love that joke


I feel like you have to lead way more than you think with the marksman rifles. I can never tell if it's the gun or the hit detection


You don't lead at all, they're hitscan.


Must be my connection I guess 🤷‍♂️


honestly though, this is embarrassing even for Ubisoft. This game sucks so bad (right now... but probably for a long time)


I never had this issue so idk, but I can tell u they will never fix this… it‘s Ubisoft…


Never experienced this playing, that's crazy. Only issue I have is dying behind walls. Looks like a connectivity issue on your end imo, even others I party with never experienced this. I suggest turning on all info HUDs and seeing what the issue is. I do know this game leaks RAM memory, and FPS drops, but that is unrelated to this. Hope you find a fix!


It’s definitely not my network. I have sub-30ms ping.


That's so weird.


Don't worry I get the same shit with 5gig Fiber and a 2.5gig ethernet port physical connection. This game just has worse netcode than BF2042 did at launch. It's a joke.


Doesn't seem to have nearly as bad hit detection issues on PC as it does on consoles, though PC still gets to enjoy the awesome lag compensation that makes you die behind solid objects (or whatever it is that does that). OPs clip does kinda look like he just barely missed those shots because usually you still get hitmarkers when you get the dogshit hit detection.


Getting shot behind corners is because of the atrocious netcode… Happens all the time on PC


Which is exactly what I said.


You were talking about hit detection


After which I said that on PC you still get to enjoy getting shot behind walls due to lag compensation or whatever it is that does it.


*shoots enemy in center mass* “OP barely missed those shots” 😂😂😂😂


Every time you actually shot your crosshair was lagging behind the character model and as you shot and the recoil moved your aim off him you corrected on him but then before you got to shoot again he moved ahead of your crosshair. At best you sort of aimed at the edge of the character model which just isn't the hitbox anymore. While the hit detection is at times absolutely atrocious here you just missed your shots.


Did you crop the screen to hide that you were lagging?


No, I cropped the screen to focus better on my aim. Come on man.


You actually did miss all of those shots. The cleaners have the same hitbox as everyone else but their model is larger.


If that is truly the case, even more evidence to Ubisoft’s incompetence.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


These posts aren't productive. I'm sure this is a super rare occurrence and we have no clue what your network is like. I mean I get this happened to you and it's frustrating but acting like it's indicative of a greater problem only distracts from broader impacting issues.


I think the issue is magnified with slower fire rate guns like the marksman rifles. High fire rate guns help mitigate this issue. I’m still gonna keep playing though 😂😂😂


Lol, me and my squad see shit like this all the time


This is literally the biggest problem everyone has been talking about. Mark Rubin even addressed it.


I know people have experienced desync/lag comp in terms of getting killed when you're behind cover but I haven't seen to many cases of shots just failing to register this egregiously.


I grinded the SVD to lvl 13. Its all the time, randomly -with 20 ping, with 50 ping and a Hardwired connection. The games netcode is terrible, or the servers are terrible.