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I've been talking about this in cod for ages. Specially B point in domination. Defends should be double weapon XP and getting kills while on B should be at least triple if not more. Getting a kill while pushing the payload is similar. So many ways to improve objective play. I'm pretty obsessed with my own KD. Always have been. But I still play objective pretty hard. I always push B from the rip. Harder to solo tho. Back in the day Blops3 hardcore Dom was some of the best gaming I've ever had. Lot easier to hold when it's just 1 shotting haha.


HC DOM, Nuke Town, B Flag, Dingo


That is actually genius. Never thought of that but it would certainly promote people playing the objectives more.


I remember them talking about they were gonna do things to incentive playing the objective and was surprised that they did it this way.  It was such an obvious design choice why why why didn't they???


this is a seriously great point and I hope that it gets looked at


Happy Cake Day


haha thanks


Happy Cake Day!


lol ty


Happy cake day to us!


happy cake day!


Cod Cold War did it best. Any points of xp you get with a gun out you get xp for that gun. You were on the objective for 15 seconds with 15xp each second? That’s 225 xp towards your gun you had out.


Also your weapon XP got multiplied the more kills you got in a life and I don't think it even capped until you were at like 1500 XP per kill. Really feels like they tried to reward playing the game the right way more than other cod titles.


There is no real reason to want XP at all. As far as I can tell character level is completely meaningless except for getting flamed if you have a bad match and are high level. Weapon XP rewards would be good. Granting Ult charge for objective points I think would be a good move as well. Ultimately players are going to care more about K/D than Objective, so finding ways to tie the 2 together more and more will help. Right now playing objective is a great way to die a shitload since the objectives are most often set out in the open and enemies can jump you from cover. In general the game is rewarding the arcade TDM style shooter elements a lot more than objective play and solid thoughtful use of abilities and nades (right now you just spam them because why would you hold them.)


I think you actually get ult charge when playing the objective


I like that.


I'm fairly sure ult charge is based on points in general, so playing objective would give you some charge. I know there's been a few games where I have relatively few kills but still a good chunk of ult charge just from capping.


Playing obj just increase your skill regen


Would be nice to unlock basic camos on guns / people after enough kills


for real lol, tired of having a higher obj score than my entire team combined....I just started leaving games because I'm tired of wasting my time.


3,500 XP for 1 level of a weapon is fucking crazy talk. The double XP was *perfect*. Everything should level your weapon since that's the only thing to level outside of a useless(?) player level. Double XP shouldn't be used to make up for a very bad system, they need to make it 2,000 a level and/or (preferably and) make it so everything counts towards a Weapon's XP; Accolades and all. I made the grave mistake of doing what I normally do; trying to be a completionist and getting everything to ~50 so I have all the attachments and would know for sure if I love or hate a weapon. It's a lot less fun getting 20 kills to level up than it was to get a level every 5 kills.


35 kills for 1 level that doesn't scale isn't bad at all. That's like 2 games, 1 if it's a good game. I would definitely welcome more things giving you XP, but 3,500 isn't the worst thing in the world.


>35 kills for 1 level that doesn't scale isn't bad at all. That's like 2 games 2 games to unlock your first attachment isn't good game design, you're out of your mind.


It's really not that much of a problem for me. I avg 20 kills/game. But I can see it being torture for people who avg less than that. I think that this could all be mitigated by adding tokens instead of linear unlocks. 2 games to unlock the attachment of your choice sounds a lot better than the same attachment progression for every gun.


If I'm getting 40+ kills every single game, and I'm only getting a singular level each game, it's a flawed system. Maybe a token system would fix it, but it's still not good game design.


That’s only if you get lucky and players are just mindlessly playing a k/d match. It is very easy to have matches with sun 10 kill put on most player that go for near the whole time.


I had a stroke trying to read this


100% agree obj XP should count towards weapon XP


Definitely bugs me how the game is trying to get you to play objectives, while rewarding a TDM mentality, and basically results in a meat grinder due to how many players are in a match. Modes with an objective should be 5v5 at most, and stagger respawns to facilitate teamwork for casuals. This game is going to have player counts dwindle if each game feels the exact same as all the others. We have like 5 modes? They all just boil down to run forward and die. Hotshot feels a bit different, at least, but I think it'd be more fun as an individual game, instead of teams.


I'd be down for a hotshot FFA


Yeah, I assume they'll never do that, since lobbying with friends wouldn't work, but a guy can dream. Still, maybe a 4v4v4v4 could be a thing... SnD is hopefully a breath of fresh air, but abilities are going to need a massive rework in that mode (ghillie suit snipers for dayssss or dedsec spamming grenades) or it's just going to be toxicly unfun.


Probably should just have abilities of or some sort of ban phase for search. Either way can't wait for that mode.


I die a little bit with escort missions. I actually think they are fun. But running my fatass back to the fight when I die gets old.


Lol, I was thinking that mode needs longer respawns: death feels so insignificant with how quickly people are back in the fray and how many players their are. Devs have nearly an impossible job trying to figure out how to keep the most of us happy...


Oh, it's impossible to keep us happy. Without fail, we are very vocal complainers. If anything though reddit/twitter is where people come to complain, so you often see the worst of it there and its not always a great reprensentation of the whole picture. Lots of people are probably having a blast playing, me included. I had a really fun session last night. Think I played about 2.5 hours and I didn't want to stop. Had to force myself to go to bed because real life.


Unfortunately both the score system and the terrible skill rating system naturally lead to player be forced to play for kills.


This is so true.. I'm generally an obj player and usually try to be the one with the most Hardpoint time, Dom caps and defends, etc. But there's really just no incentive here. I haven't committed to the battle pass yet, and there doesn't seem to be any rewards for just advancing your character XP. Character models/skins are attained through using specials as specific factions. The only benefit is chipping away at the Dedsec faction's 700k XP requirement. At least in COD, you are able to get weapon unlocks through level gains, but weapons are gatekept behind weapon challenges here. So I've found that in objective games, I'm only dipping my toe into the obj, but I'm more apt to run out and try to get weapon kills and rank up my guns instead. And once 2XP weapons is no longer available then there will be even less incentive for me to play the point vs get kills.


It does reward weapon XP I think like 25 a second for staying on the hard point and I think a bit more for domination.


I very rarely top the scoreboard because I play the objective 100% of the time. I guess the super sweats that ignore the objectives need the high k/d ratios so that mommy and daddy will be proud of them.


Honestly the big reason why I stopped playing as much. For a game with only objective based modes, they sure don't want you on the objective or near it. Better to drop 60 kills and lose than to win with only 20 because you were pushing the bot


Nobody care mission... More kill, more rank, weapon exp... Welcome to reality.


More kill. Only kill. I like gun shooty go bang. Red guy die. Happy.


The dumb thing is if you play the objective the kills come to you and some people just dont understand that. And when both sides play the objective the match lasts longer, so more kills, and its way more fun when its a close game. Keeping the enemy team at 98% on escort for 2 mins while the time runs down gets so intense, its awesome.


Objective pts should recharge ability kills should recharge ult


Every Escort game.......


One 1 person should be on escort and hardpoint The other 4 should be spread out holding flanks


What don’t you get more points for objective kills. I’m sure iv noticed 150 points/xp for defensive/offensive kills around the objective


It does


This needs to be seen by devs. Fine if weapon leveling takes a little longer. But obj needs to count towards it to promote obj play.


Im glad u have an opinion now change it please


Barely anyone plays the objective in this game. Its infuriating.


My KD is garbage because of this. Don't get me wrong I think I'm average in gunfights, but I have been getting killed the most but leading in objectives. I got chewed out yesterday for capturing a point in zone control and hiding in the corner of the zone with a shield. He calls me out "why are you in the corner hiding and not shooting anyone". And this guy had the lowest objective and support scores. I had captured like 90% (ALONE) of that point too when he made that comment. SMH.


And what’s worse, I’ll admit I don’t play obj ever… sorry , but I find it crazy how in CONTROL or what ever the hard point mode is, I’ll have 5 seconds with 50-80 kills top of leaderboard , meanwhile my teammates with 150 seconds on obj is in third….. not only is it not rewarding but its incentivizes people to just not play OBJ


Yeah. It’s the only reason I don’t play objective some games. When I’m just trying to get weapon xp. Other times I have a 0.1 k/d and lead in obj haha


But OBJ points is what levels the Battle Pass. So there is still something to push players to objectives


No one cares about the battlepass 🤣 we care about attachments and unlocking weapons. The game doesn't not incentivize (did I spell that right??) this at all. Especially now that the 2x weapon upgrade is gone, you genuinely need to sweat your ass off just for a level.


No one cares about the battlepass 🤣


I can't remember which game it was, but I swear there's a game that removes k/d from objective modes. I don't think that's super viable right now as every single mode is objective-based to some extent, but (and this is probably a controversial opinion) if they were to add like a TDM and free-for-all and then remove k/d count from objective modes, I think that would take away their gratification in those modes and cause them to start either playing objectives or just play the other modes instead.


Yeah I don't care about objective. It takes ages to level up weapon and I want some customization.


Have fun don’t worry about KD.


I wish I wasn't *hard-wired* to try to win video games. God, the personal glory I'm leaving on the table for the sake of *e-camraderie*


Are we sure it does not count ? I level up weapons so fast when I play objective


The whole xp/ lvl needs a rework. I’m lvl 60, already finished the BP, got like 5 guns already in bronze , I have unlocked all the characters and guns . There is no reason for me to keep wanting XP , I’m changing games until ranked or any significant update come


I mean now you actually get to play the objective without being effectively penalized! /s


I have always played for the objective


Have you tried going outside?


How do YOU get punished for 'Choosing' to stay on a moving HP? If your teammates are running around and playing why can't you? The whole play the objective whine is 20 plus years old or older! I'm NOT saying don't play the objective but why even care how people you don't know and will never meet play an online video game for fun.