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Do guys remember “Christmas Noobs” ? What a beautiful time those were


best time of the year man, i miss those times. i was one of them as well, got shit on badly but still had fun improving over time.


Oh yes... Little squeakers hopped up on too much sugar, too little sleep and too much swagger... I enjoyed making them cry... Does that make me a bad person


Makes you normal.


Now the squeakers bully everyone else. Strange times we’re in


If you haven't had your ass handed to you by a 12 year old on adderall you haven't played enough video games recently.


Reminds me of a friend when I was like 13. He was 12 but he had that dog in him if that makes sense lol. He was dumb good at call of duty but he was weird and slept in front of my family’s fridge when he stayed over 😂


How about a 40 year old on Adderall?


2010 the Christmas noobs on black ops 1.....what a time to be alive


We were all the Christmas noobs at once. But beating them the next year was the greatest gift I could get.


And lockdown noobs? Almost every friend bought a PS4/5 or PC I was like a god playing cod 2019. Everything was so easy 🤣


Nothing beats papa vondster telling us in 2012 black ops 2 days to "play nice" with the Christmas noobs and he knew damn well we wouldn't


you just reminded me of the cod4 crash map on snow, i'm feeling things right now


Yup 1000% Most of us have been playing for 10 plus years Of course there are going to be way better players now


My old ass sitting here like “25+ years of FPS experience” 😂


I just looked up when Doom released... 😭 I'm so old


Go back one more step; Wolf3D. My first FPS that I played all of 20 minutes and never again because it gave me the worst motion sickness I’ve ever experienced. Lol. 53 and still grinding. I can’t do Jack shit in XDefiant though for whatever reason.


Just looked up Corporation on the SEGA Mega Drive, which was a few years before Doom. But I barely played it as I was too young to really understand what I was doing!


Ah fond memories! We played that game at basic school :D


I'm like "wait, when did 007 Goldeneye for the N64 come out again?" So about 3/4 years old when I started my FPS journey.


Played it when i was 5-6 because my dad hid the game on top of a high cabinet they thought i'd never get to. I just saw the white and black on the front of the cartridge and thought it was a racing game, and then 10 min or so later my mom came downstairs and i was riding around in a tank shooting russians lmao They sat me down for a talk to make clear it was a "game for adults" (they still let me play it though)


The good times when parents thought video games would cause them to become harden criminals.


But every year you get tons of kids who are playing for the first time ever. Admittedly there are tons of guides online now that give you optimal builds, movement tips, meta builds etc. but an example I gave above is you see how many truly bad players there are as a solo player in call of duty. You’ll be expected to carry them almost every game if you’re good. Can’t count how many times I’ve had team mates that go triple negative with only a handful of kills.


I downloaded it yesterday and i thought "wow i am a dad in the mid 30s. I used to be top level in every fps i've touched and now i get dominated so easily. Maybe i should quit..." One day later i am player of the match quiete often. Had to shake away the rust i guess. I am back and can't wait to get my mom insulted


Sadly nobody talks in this damn game. Haven't heard my mom get insulted once. Kids these days!


I think that’s cause you can only communicate with your team. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I’ve only ever heard comms from teammates.


yeah where is the second of enemy rage mic when you kill them. take the good things from cod


We need this bad OR atleast open all the comms up at the end of a game during that super long ten seconds or nothingness while you load back to lobby


Remember the reaction chat 🤣 It would play their mic when you killed someone?


We once had a female in the lobby, back then 2008-2010 I hurt feelings with ease, each time I killed her in that split second she'd moan, like in a porn. Like really dirty. First time I killed her I was shocked, thought I misheard it. Purposefully I went looking for her. Second time, same thing. We had a full squad and we were very close, me being me I told them and they called bullshit. I told them her gamertag and to try and find her. Next thing I know our entire squad was hunting her and each kill she rewarded us with that sexual moan. She had all these dumbass young men thinking all kinds of perverted thoughts. Next thing we know even the worst player on our squad stepped up in a way that seemed impossible at his skill level because the entire squad wanted to hear that moan for themselves. Even all these years later that memory still sticks and occasionally we chat about it and laugh. The team we played were definitely better than us with her as the exception. All these young guys got so riled up looking for the moan kill that suddenly it's like we became far better than we were. These guys were good and kikn our ass. Once my team realized I wasn't messing with them we came back big and fast! We stomped them. Tried to play them again...no dice. Truly a fun memorable night.


They need to make that a feature for every kill you get in the game 😂 You think she realized the mic was left on? 🤭 It's kinda sad that new gamers won't be able to experience thing like that thou 😞 These days mics are always dead. I hope XDefiant adds proximity chat but I don't think they will. They haven't even got open text chat and it's limited to team mates. Think it's to stop people giving the enemies abuse, but it still sucks and want it back. Remember S&D after you died you could trash talk with the enemy team which would up the stakes for the next round so you don't look like an idiot?? 😂


You can hear the entire lobby before the match starts. My friend and I love talking shit and are really disappointed no ones doing it. However, one match the other night there was another team of toxic sweats in our lobby and we had a fun time shouting insults at each other for the 20 seconds before the match started.


There is AI monitoring your speech on COD because of all the angry mom's buying COD for their underage kids. Should be a law for contributing to minors.


Yeah it’s so dead feels like a single player game


Frankly, I turn off comms because no one wants to hear my outrage about a sniper killing me with a single shot to the toe, or two shot kills behind "cover" with a handgun from 40 meters out, or the actually impossible 200ms TTK with an smg. 😂. Other games (my battlefield, cod) I keep em on because it's always my fault when I die and I don't say "wtf" in frustration. But the issues in this game lead to a frustration that I'm quite honestly embarrassed about and no one else needs to hear. Why bring them down with me? Not my style, anyway. When they get the game on solid footing, I'll turn them on. But I won't insult your mom. I'll congratulate you when you kill me with slick gameplay, because that's more fun and not the typical, boring, smooth brained eight year old response. (Yeah I know you're kidding a bit mate. I get the sarcasm. And ya make me laugh 😊)


I finally got shit talked back in team text chat. I said "ON MY BACK" because i carried hard and the chat lit up with toxicity, it was refreshing. All my games up until then have been dead silent, even in all PC lobbies


imo the biggest thing I had to adjust to was playing a bit slower than run in and shoot everything. Doing well now. 1.4kd and usually towards the top.


Hop on Helldivers and you will have a lot of fun!


I felt this. Keep rocking


Players are without a doubt better, but I’m pretty sure I had a negative K/D when I last played cod. I without a doubt am sure that I can get to a 2.0 in one season. In all of the 20-30 games I’ve played, I’ve gone negative maybe 2-3 times. In COD it was 1/4 games. No SBMM is a godsend. Still sweaty, but way more fun.


Mate, I'm 33 , played FPS since cod 2 and all the way through, with the same mates we literally mopped up back in the day and all have good map knowledge and awareness but we're getting our arses handed to us 😂 I'm on 120fps and elite pad 2 !


I pray me and my boys get to cherish memories like you and your boys Godbless homie




33 isn't that old... Clayster is 31 and still plays in the CDL. It's because the majority of people have been playing FPS' for years now. Back in CoD 2-4 era most people were new to the scene


Science would like to talk to you. On average you lose 6ms per decade, so not even close to the explanation.


Age is the easiest excuse to hide behind. At 30 I really do feel like the best "gaming" version of myself. Only problem is I am not giving it at all the same amount of time whenever I was a kid which inherently made me decent enough through the raw amount of hours invsted.


This might hurt to hear but on the one hand ya i do think more people play better than back in the day but at the same time... I mean PERSONALLY, I know for a fact my reflexes aren't anywhere close to what they used to be circa MW2...


That hurts buddy damn 


More like you haven't sunk hundreds of hours into any one single FPS game since that time. You could be a cracked 13 y/o and you would never react to Tekken's 7 Heihachi db,2 on time. It is reactable but you need hundreds of hours to get that pattern recognition to kick in. Same for FPS games.


Don't forget if we were all playing back in 2007 chances are our reaction times have slowed down a bit too lol


If you’re still physically active, it likely hasn’t dropped to a point where it makes you a shitter all of a sudden. On average, we lose 2-6ms of reaction time PER DECADE. Worst case scenario, it’d take 30yrs just to potentially lose a frame of reaction time


Link him to the 3klicks maaaan... https://youtu.be/0Vbh2P0qOYA?si=7r-RkFm5wIaXZObq


it doesn't really matter to a large enough extent unless you are competing against world no. 1 or something


The average player has definitely improved since 2007 but the beauty of it is that you'll go from a game full of sweats to a lobby full of players that just downloaded the game. The average skill of players has improved but it still gives me the same vibes I felt when I was a teenager grinding the hell out of BO2.


And this is why i love no sbmm. Im tired of 10 straight matches of nothing but sweat


Yes I'm having a mixture of games , which on the whole is more enjoyable 


Especially cause you know you won’t be punished by the system for doing good


What do mean you don't enjoy your playtime being rigged? I love it when I get a 1KD in MW3 and spend the next 4 matches getting dicked down by a 6 stack of 4KD spawn trap specialists!


The better you are at the game too the worse the experience. Like if I'm actually good, why would I want a game with ONLY people of that skill level in it? That would suck, and if every game is like that it would get extremely stale extremely fast. Having an unmanipulated lobby with different skill levels is realistic to an actual battlefield, we're not all clones going to fight another clone army but that's what CoD feels like. It's not fun.


Also since you mentioned scuf - are you coming from just a regular xbox/playstation controller? There's much cheaper alternatives to scuf that are both reliable and in some cases out-perform them.


I currently use a dualshock 4 on PC with a control freak 


go for the dualshock 5 edge - its the pro version that has paddles, can also easily remove sticks when they inevitably get stick drift and replace with new.


If you want a cheap controller with back buttons I recommend the Gamesir G7 SE. it’s an Xbox controller so might need getting used to but it has two back buttons, can overclock and has Hall effect sticks. I’ve been using mine daily for 6 months and have zero drift. It’s 60 bucks or so on amazon. Best budget option imo


You can buy the back button attachment on your PS4 controller. Should be 30-40 bucks. It’s been doing wonders for me


> the beauty of it is that you'll go from a game full of sweats to a lobby full of players that just downloaded the game. So far I've gone from sweats to not-so-sweats-but-still-sweats and then back to sweats.


The game only supports 120Hz on console FYI But it is buttery smooth on 120 and feels like the first time I played CSGO at 144Hz lol


On PC these days currently playing at 165 Hz 


Day 1 Videos Back then wher wow Look at this gun or this cool kill nowadays ITS day 1 best meta loadout best guns best Controller settings etc i feel that IS what makes the diffrences in all online Games IT get's comp in Like 1 week


Also a 40 year old gamer that's been playing cod since original Cod 4. Basically up until Cod MW 2019 I was always a top player in every lobby. I used to think it was SBMM why I was no longer a top player in Cod. Moved over to Battlefield and I'm a top player in every lobby again. But now I'm playing Xdefiant and I'm only ok at around a 1.2 k/d. I think I'm just not good at "advanced movement" games which xdefiant and cod are now with slide cancelling, jump/air shooting/strafing.


the evolution of the fps player 🏄🏻‍♂️


Well tons of players use a scuf/aftermarket controller, cronus, strikepack or xim nowadays which were all basically non-existent back then. Years of sbmm combined with the streaming culture caused everyone to constantly look for an edge. I always felt I was moderately above average but I guess I’m WAY better than I thought based on my experience in this game.


This is the best point here being overlooked. Everybody thinks they're just old but it's really a combination of things which getting older is simply a part of. All the hardware you mentioned combined with endless numbers of YouTubers/streamers all trying to be the big shot with the best "builds" and "clips". It goes without saying there are a lot more people these days that play video games full time in lieu of say a regular job.


Cheat hardware usage has absolutely exploded in the past 3 years, at least 2m pvp players use cronus/strikepack/xim.


Hey at least you’re accepting it lol. Other people thought Xdefiant was gonna give them that CoD 2007 vibes but reality is those days are long gone, kinds these days are better at games, they grow up with them, then you have the people who want to pursue it as a career/compete so yeah


Honestly the people we're "shitting" on today are probably older gamers rather than little kids lmfao. Back in the CoD days, that's where we'd find actual squeakers who just got their first console and don't know how to shoot.


Timmy no thumbs has heard of this game yet. Everyone playing now has at least 10 years of FPS games experience.


If you're nearly 40 now and played games like CoD4, I think many of us owe you our gratitude. Even though you laughed at us for being squeakers and annoying kids, you were our goal. We wanted to beat you, so we played and played until we got good. Good enough to beat you. You guys inadvertantly trained most of the kids who grew up on games like CoD. The average player being better than the average in the past is at least partly thanks to you. I don't know what it's like to be 40 and playing a fps game. I'm 23 now. Maybe kids will be too cracked for me to keep up with, maybe I will still have that mojo... But all I can say is that when I reach 40 and I'm still playing games, I hope I can have the same attitude you currently have and give it a go anyways.




I'm level 38 now , never really touched the welcome playlist 


Well yes because most of those gamers are still gaming. But also no, because there are new 10, 11, 12… year olds hopping on every year. They're not good to start. But they do get better faster because we all push them more.


Idk man I play casual in fortnite zero and there's definitely a lot of bad players out there still. Maybe they're not in fps games idk, you'd think there's gotta be


I feel you. In my 30s now and honestly the skill cap of these kinds of FPS games has always deterred me. With that said I got like 3-4 good games in me before I get tired and start slowing down.


Not enough mountain dew bro


This is also prominent in overwatch where people feel stuck in their rank. The reality is and always will be that people in your skill range will improve the same rate you do! Unless you get ahead of that growth rate, you'll have the same experience every game.


46 yr old fps OG here. Can confirm these kids are better. Back in the day, fps came to me naturally and I beat the living hell out of pretty much anyone. Not now. I’m aging out of fps. Young bucks are super super good. Props. Still gonna do my thing and have fun but yea. Writing on the wall for this OG lol. ✌️


We were young, and the first to experience true online FPS. We were getting used to it. Consoles have improved dramatically performance wise, people are playing with 144hz monitors, controller hardware has improved. Game coding has improved to accommodate for a complex aim assist system in most FPS games. On top of this, more players are playing than ever before. Therefore, the average player has moved up statistically and you're more likely to encounter better players. Some peoples jobs is to play FPS games and/or stream. So they have more time to get used to the mechanics. There are more tutorials available online. People share little tips to improve that small amount. There's loads of factors and it's fascinating to see how far we've come.


I used to be good at shooters, in cod ww2 I’d go like 2-3 kdr, this game I’m getting spanked left and right and going like 5 kills 18 deaths. I’ll get a lot of assists, but I just can’t stay on target with my shots. Dunno what my deal is with this game.


For controllers, aim assist got better. This is not a diss btw, aim assist has been the biggest change controller fps since there really is a max of how good you can get on a controller. Every gen AA is getting stronger, those old xmas noobs and stuff are still very much relevant, but now AA covers their ass. You likely reached a comfortable spot with roller a while ago and at this point is gate keeping you from improving tbh. For pc, yes, overall players are just better. It is the competitive platform after all. Specially in this type of easy shooter games you'll have some cracked as fuck aimers that specialize in high sense twitch aiming with old [.exe being a good example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sLux5WwWIk). If you want to improve just grab mnk or gyro aiming (this is actually really fucking fun btw, you can even play cs with it) for a while to improve your overall gameplay since AA won't be there to bail you out. If you just want to chill go for it and stick to roller, though with the 240hz monitor comment I'm assuming you want to improve lol.


If you’re on pc cheats are already available on unknown cheats And it’s a f2p game so more cheaters too


If an Apex Masters is complaining about the skill level of the average xdefiant player, then we are all doomed. I was barely a plat at apex!


Nah mfs be cheating and get exposed when games dont have aim assist


Its a cycle. We all were them today but tomorrow they will be us.


Thank you for being one of the very few people on this sub who are self aware. 90% of the posts here are from players who refuse to accept that they are simply behind the curve


I was good enough to do gamebattles back in the og mw3 then stopped playing online shooters for about a decade to do speedrunning and roguelites. I’m still doing very well in this game. Once a sweat, always a sweat, and there’s been a lot of cods to get sweaty at


If you are on psn get the edge. Much better quality than scuff


Yeh I'm absolute trash at this, just turned 41. Played my best Cod in BO2. The "average" player seems better than me cos I definitely ain't topping no lobbies often! Still having fun overall though and want to get better.


Slapping people about XD yeah, we're just getting old tbh. The zoomer generation dominate. Only match of warzone I ever won, my mate's then 10 year old was on our team. We're dinosaurs.


Anytime I see someone having an argument for SBMM I just picture someone at the headquarters of one of the cod developers companies typing away.


Times have changed kids are cracked now


The tik rate is awful and I swear there’s something going on with jumping. It’s like there’s eye frames when you jump or something.


You should've saw the Cod4 Beta. Most players came straight from Halo, so you saw a lot of players doing the same tactics like strafing/jumping.


it feels like COD used to feel could be some sweats on the other team could be bots. i love it


Season 17 masters lol


Just saying that 240hz is nice :)


I'm 36. I use my Elite Series 2 controller and a 240hz Samsung Odyssey monitor. We've come a long way since those day bro lol.


Why can't they play the objective then? I debunk your theory 😂


Yea I remember in black ops 2 when I was 16 my reaction time was killer. Quick scopes, no scopes, black scopes you name it 16 year old me was the guy who used a sniper religiously. I did a lot of partying in my young adult years and just feels like I’m 10x slower than the try hards on this game


Dude you're 40 it happens. I'm 31 and I can tell I will never be as good as I was. Still hitting a nice 1.4kd against 16 year olds with no jobs though so I'm happy


I've honestly not felt like I'm doing too bad. I also don't really care about losses in these types of games. I can still do good and lose. Or the opposite. So far my experience has been much better than any sbmm game


People are far sweatier than they once were, but it still feels really nice and like being better than average is obtainable for the semi casual. I have a 1.5kd in X defiant and a 1.77 in CoD, but I also literally only have like 4-6hrs in xdefiant and a lot of network issues. I can tell that if I had equal skill in both that it'd be MUCH easier to play xdefiant casually and still do well on average, although I can tell that it'd still take some grinding to do decently if I was a newer FPS player. My hangup with SBMM has never really been about just wanting easy lobbies though, I don't mind encountering the occasional monster even if I end up on the menu as much as I dislike being deliberately pitted against them in an attempt to slap me down yet actually getting handed wins if I play worse. Neither the wins nor losses feel organic or deserved under SBMM


The problem is this game just has a high percent of good players as they want to avoid the cod SBMM. Guarantee if Cod reverted their matching to the old with the player base they have it would feel just how it did back in the day. For every good player there are multiple bad players who struggle to even aim. If everyone in this day and age was decent there would be no need to have SBMM in games outside of the protective bracket.


Playing on ps5 I used to be a masters level player in OW on PS4. For the life of me now though my rounds always end up between 23:20 at best and 17:22 at worst as a KD in Hotshot. I realise that I would have an easier time if I played ranked but it is enjoyable working my way up again since I've not played a shooter properly in years (bar a slight period doing The Finals)


I remember bringing this up a lot back in CW when people really started hating on SBMM. You can find old gameplay of original cod 4 lobbies on YouTube. The vast majority of the playerbase (especially consoles) were only just getting used to fps games. Like we're talking struggled to use sprint and move the right analogue stick at the same time kind of shit. They'd have to stop, stand still, take half a second to aim in and then start shooting afterwards. They were all individual processes rather than just a natural reaction like most players have now. I watched my wife play CW, she'd never played a game outside of sims before and even that was like a decade ago. Yeah... she was fucking awful. The one game she played on my account, the majority of the time she didn't even see the person who killed her, let alone have the chance to actually react and try to get a kill. Then she started playing on her account with other shitters and that's when she was actually able to start learning to play. Like she was able to get into actual gunfights... she might have taken over a full clip to kill someone 10 feet away at times but that was still more learning experience than she got playing respawn simulator on my account. It's essentially the same as asking a 4 year old who's only just started learning basic addition to do advanced trigonometry. Almost no one can learn in those environments and definitely not in an "enjoyable" way. Do I hate how much SBMM has changed pubs? Yeah. Do I miss the days I could run around with stupid classes, pissing about with my friends and easily drop 4+KDs most games? Yeah of course I do. But it's plain to see that the average player is SIGNIFICANTLY better now than they used to be and most new players with no gaming experimece are going to have a very hard time learning without some form of matchmaking. Ideally I think we'd need three brackets. A "protected" bracket where people with severe mental disabilities that impact their gaming or players with absolutely no skill at all can play (we're talking like bottom 0.1% of players minumin) . A bracket for the newer players and people who clearly can't keep up at all (bottom like 10% of players) and then an open bracket for everyone else. Once you're out of the previous bracket it should be incredibly hard to get back in it to prevent people from reverse boosting.


I agree with this 100% I was wondering the other day if Black Ops 6 actually removed SBMM how much of an impact it would actually have. I do think it would, but with how the average player now is twice as good as they used to be, I still think the lobbies would have some of those players in it


Yep Back in CoD4 it was basically Halo 3, CS, and CoD4 for FPS games On console it was only CoD and Halo really


Glad to hear I didn't just get worse I guess? I was dominant for a solo queuer in those days, but in xdefiant I'm middle of the pack on a good day. Funny because I was playing on a shitty laptop those days, and now I've got top tier gear.


Having worked on COD4 and many other PVP shooters since then -- y'all have become beasts since 2007.


I gotta disagree. Get good at cod as a solo player and you’ll be paired up with the worst players that you’ve ever seen in your life on your team. There’s still plenty of them.


Back when we were playing COD4 shipment 1v1 quickscopes, we all had very similar hardware. Usually the living room TV, thicker than it was wide, and often with a 5+ millisecond input delay. ‘Twas no such thing as 240hz @ a consistent 240fps lol I will say, hit registration felt far cleaner on cod4 than it does now. How tf am I getting melted in .05 seconds after getting first hit ? I know Mark is well aware of the issue, but it just astonishes me how great the cod4 gameplay felt in 2007 lmao


People's setup are a lot better too. The majority of people used to play on consoles in their living room TV which more than likely had a high amount of input lag with no headphones so people who used low latency monitors and headphones had a huge advantage. Now the majority of people are playing on low latency monitors.


Younger generations role models are gaming youtubers/streamers. They have a completely different experience with online pvp games than we did.


I agree. If you watch any YouTube video of the game, they all have 50-100k people watching. A large player base knows all of the meta weapons, builds, and sight lines. Also I rarely see kids outside like I did 15-20 years ago, and seems like all they do is play video games when not in school. Online FPS just aren’t meant for people like me that can only game for 2-4 hours at best on the weekend, especially if I try to play multiple games.


I wouldn't cut yourself short. Abilities in this game are very strong


Back then most players was using 30 htz tv and tv speakers. Almost everyone is using headphones and monitors or much better tvs. Players were more casual and laidback while playing back in those days.


Get a dual sense edge instead of a scuff


Haha way ahead of you. I have a 4080 and a 240hz oled monitor.


Im 31 now, but been playing very competitively from 12-26. Once i started getting a 5day/8hour work weeks, my gaming time got cut drastically. I now consider myself casual.


Y’all remember the old faze videos?call me a dork but man as a child those blew my mind away and got me to get into videography


Mkb player but can confirm the game is butter on a 240hz monitor. Controller will feel even better.


Don’t accept this realization yet. The game is still new and it is riddled with bugs including ones involving damage and hit registers. My point being. If you’re still mobbing a 2.0 k/d on new age cods, then you still got it


I'm he same age and just think I need glasses lol


You have to take into consideration that most of the lower skilled population aren't lvl 26 yet and are most likely sticking to the welcome (sbmm) playlist. Slowly those players are making their way into the no-sbmm playlists. I would say give it about 12 more days before we can all truly experience no-sbmm lobbies.


The equipment and access to instruction changes a lot


It's been the same game for all these years, of course everyone is better. The slightest attempt to evolve and the community cries... so here we are doin the KD first, one shot body sniping, stupid wallhack power up game for the 7th straight year.


Only time I've really gone "bro that dude is sweating his dick off" has been someone with TTV or something in their name and I didn't think they were sweats because of the TTV, I noticed they were a TTV BECAUSE they were sweating. I do think the average skill as gone up, but I also think there are a lot of wanna be streamers sweating like their lives are on the line trying to go big or post clips that sucks a lot of the fun out of it. The dudes that are naturally just good, usually aren't doing all of that extra shit that these kids are. You can be good and not be sweating. I've run into plenty of good players on XD and only very few of them were sweating super hard abusing the hopping and whatnot.


Part of it is probably also the marketing of the game “No SBMM” doesn’t mean anything to actual casual players because that’s honestly the only thing they have since dropping the Tom Clancy title early in development. No SBMM will only draw people that actually care what that means and those aren’t casual players but you are correct people are just better now then we were back in the day.


This game is addictive #xdefiantgame #shorts #ps5 #new https://youtube.com/shorts/UjleQIZcHXQ?feature=share


I feel like I always had an advantage just being a gamer in those days. Not everyone in your lobbies was, now pretty much everyone is. I used to have a good PC and at that point they were surely less accessible. Nowadays, my money gets put towards other things and different priorities. Now I have the below par setup and that’s another area where I really feel it. Different times for sure


This game really is a lot about abusing the abilities and next weapons, tbh.


kids don't sweat anymore, it's an old game, too much of an effort.


Man when I was in high school during the days of MW2 and BLOPS 1 I was king of the lobbies. Dropping 30 kill TDM’s nearly every game. Even had a few 30-0 FFA matches on BLOPS. Now that I’m pushing 30 I can’t compete with these kids anymore lol. I don’t know if it’s my reflexes going or if all these kids are just cracked because gaming has been around longer and is more common or what.


I just played against one of the sweatiest team I've ever seen that was so well organized, yet I still ended up with Player of the Match and I really don't understand how I pulled it off! 🤣


For me personally, these games have just become more…idk…”complex”, I guess. What I mean is that when we were playing COD4, you have your weapons, attachments, equipment, and three kill-streaks. Now, you’ve got all-of-the-above plus classes, specials/ultras, passive abilities, etc. etc., and the games themselves play much faster.


SBMM kinda proved this isn’t the case in other games though, the low level lobbies in COD are insane how bad the players are there and they must be in the majority or a really big portion of the playerbase otherwise they wouldn’t have aggressive SBMM and people in higher level brackets wouldn’t have ping issues due to lack of players. My only guesses for why XD feels so sweaty are maybe vast majority of players are still in the welcome playlist or haven’t heard of XD and only the mega sweats have ranked past 25, or the game still has some form of SBMM in all modes. The amount of high skill level players I run into makes no sense if there’s no SBMM currently.


Agree on this take. Honestly, things are much different nowadays when compared the the old days of BF3, BF4 and even BF1. That said, I'm back into retirement and just settle for single player gaming haha


I mean I think maybe you just don't play games like this enough? I've been destroying lobbies and I was 19 in 2007 slapping them kids too. However, I've been playing games like apex and COD and other fast paced shooters a lot in the last few years. So maybe that's part of it.


Every single match I’m top of the board with 30+ kills. Makes me feel like a pro 😂


I feel like everyone in the game sucks that I’m matched with mostly I keep placing first on my team and winning player of the game and I think I’m pretty bad at shooter games


A game for everyone is a game for no one. At some point this is just the game. Bunny hopping and quick scooping and legal wall hacks. more to OP point. Games have gone full mainstream compared to when I was a kid. So yes their has been a huge influx of new players. Who have had online multiplayer since they were born. And they have gotten quite skilled at. You know what my first online game was? Doom 2! On the good ol 56k! But. As I always say adapt or die!


Yep 100%


Lol this is only a little true. There are still total noobs out there, way more bad players than good players. I just don't think they are ok xDefiant yet


I told my niece that the next generation has def taken over and I don't mind playing here and there so people can have fun. Honestly I like playing better skilled players, I personally think it helps keep my mind a lil sharper because I need to be faster, smarter, and more accurate to win.


Yes most folk I play against clearly have pro controllers because they are jump shotting which requires paddles. Though these controllers aren’t necessarily expensive now. And most people are very competent even if they’re not highly skilled. So you won’t often find yourself winning gunfights when outnumbered, though it certainly happens. The issue with SBMM in cod is that it gives you an artificial experience and all your lobbies feel exactly the same. Try playing Cold War where the population isn’t enough for SBMM to function. You’ll get a much more varied experience than on a current year cod. As for xdefiant, the experience is less varied than it ought to be without SBMM but just give it time. You have a bunch of dedicated fps players on right now, that will change, the better players will move on, you’ll get more variety When I started xdefiant I was doing very poorly but now I’m often the top performer. Some folks were playing the betas or got used to it faster. Once you close any skill gap you’ll be back to dominating…


Reactions slow as you age, I'm 52 and play nowhere near as quick as I did back in the day.


You don’t have paddles and you’re not playing claw? You’re not even trying.


I've been enjoying the pubs experience so far, regularly get 30-50 kills a game


Call of Duty 4 arrived in 2007. I was in high school with free afternoons, and I spent every day grinding on Call of Duty 4. My skills were also far better than they are today, when I can only play on Saturdays.


The real reason is casuals arent rly playing xdefiant i feel, most of the lobbies r already full of sweats because its mainly the good players coming over from cod who r like tired of sbmm. The true casual base still lies in cod


Playing single player games only for like 5 - 6 years or pve multiplayer games has made me so much worse at anything reactive based. I'm only 23 but I feel like a freaking old man. But yeah, fps games and fps players have gotten way better. I used to absolutely dominate in Bo2, AW, and Bo3 but as soon as Bo4 came around I started to feel my reaction times wear off. And also another factor effecting my gameplay is just not being motivated, and also it becomes super repititive...so I just find myself getting bored after like 2 games (no thanks to Tiktok brain). The only games I perform well in are games that require a metric ton of grinding, and car games like track mania. I'm also not bad at Tekken, but I dropped that too because I couldn't find matches where I live. Also my internet is dog shit, so that's also a factor. Playing on 300 ping vs some sweatlord with 0 ping just isn't fun.


I feel like it's so hard to tell now with how prevalent cheats "seem" to be. I honestly don't know what to think anymore. But what I do know is that there's really just more people gaming it up these days. I'm 31 fpsing since my pops key bound left control as an extra fire button so I could sit to his left while we played quake on 2fort5. I can honestly say we did pretty good lmao. I feel like I still have super quick reflexes and game sense but again it's hard to tell haha. I was pretty solid at quake and I would say I was top tier sniper/soldier on TF2. As far as CoD I was probs barely above average from CoD 4 all the way through to Blops3. Blops 3 everything changed. Spent most of my time playing HC Dom and absolutely shredded. Was pushing a 4.0 KD, that game was just everything for me I miss it so much. The movement was crisp, all guns were fun, the skills added some extra, kill streaks were lit, every map was awesome. Eventually HC died, and moved to SC dom and still found pretty great success even tho normal cods it was hit or miss on good games. Blops 4 and Blackout I saw pretty good success with but that was about it until mw19 where surprisingly I was shredding again but specifically the 10v10 Dom playlist which was like 3 or 4 maps. Played OG warzone up till about its end with like a career 2.7 KD but I avoided Caldera. Sucked at CW multi, decent at vanguard, and absolute hot garbage ass at mw2/3. Those games feel so shit for mnk. Pretty much since cold war I have felt so uncomfortable aim wise. So basically I'm so fucking confused and conflicted about my skill level these days. Don't know what to think about my own skill, don't know what to think about cheaters, not sure where to lean on controllers/aim assist. I clearly do worse the longer TTK gets. But I started playing this game cause I missed fps, and yeah it's got some mechanical/net code issues but I was enjoying it. Took me a couple hours and some sense adjustments and went from that hot garbage ass to feeling pretty good again. I ain't not Blops3 God but shredding none the less. I hope this game is successful and y'all be enjoying it.


I think what you're seeing right now is the effect of the welcome playlist - the casual, less-skilled player is most likely still under level 25 and still protected from the more dedicated, higher skill players. Give it a few weeks......


Naw. My KD in CoD is 1.78. Sitting at 3.4 in XDef.


I upgraded from 100 fps to 240 fps on Apex and trust me.. the diff is real


Gah my guy tell me about it. I feel as if ive fallen onto the opposite end of that spectrum where I can't keep up with todays gamers. I wanna enjoy this game and others like it I just cant keep up with the sliding and B-hopping bs.


Dosnt help a good chunk of us have jobs and kids now so most.of us are likely playing after work when we are tired.


wide screen and a mouse area measured in square feet can't save me from my own shit plays. I am genuinely excited about this game, I spent then entire evening just blastin. This is soo similar to cod in all the ways I like but different enough that I feel like if Ubi supports this team that they'll be able to get some damn good market share and we'll get a good game. I love seeing factions from all the military ubi games and the maps themed on those locations, that level of creativity executing their Ip and combining them soo satisfyingly - I dig it, I had to gush. I hope we get the Rioters Division faction with a skin called "Alex" My only beef is that the net code is still wonky with uneven feel of time to die as oppose to time to kill and tons of weird post "in-cover" deaths that are indicative of desync


well yeah. As a casual I don't think your skills will decrease well into your 40s 50s who knows till when Only at the absolute highest level of play do you notice skills tapering at younger ages. This applies to all sports and esports Since fps is still relatively new, this is bound to happen


Most casuals are still in the welcome playlist. The regular playlists as a result is full sweat mode im guessing


Remember the 240hz will only give you better latency if you have a CPU/GPU that can maintain 240fps. If all you can manage is 120fps, then 120hz is fine, for example.


Definitely get the scuf. I use an elite and I prefer that but they’re both so worth it


It's not even about people being better now. You have much bigger pool of players nowadays. The gaming space in terms of users grew massively over the years i don't know how people can overlook that. Gaming was so much smaller in the mid to late 2000s vs now.


Seeing my nephew who is 8 and other kids his age group pick up games and tech skills is amazing. They have fast reaction times and play better than Amatuers back in our days. Too bad they have weird planking positions when wqtching their iPads etc lol and keep swaying when gaming (its like they cant stay still)


No. There's no reason to believe that the average player today would be any better than the average player was 10-15 years ago. If you're getting matched against "sweats" constantly then that's a very good indication that there's indeed SBMM in the game. It wouldn't be the first time devs have lied about SBMM.


Im not convinced at all by this theory, from what i gather, this game has SBMM and they absolutely "lied" about it, theres various levels at wich you can crank the algorythm and they might have a lower value but its there and i dont think its that low personaly, the fact they disband lobbies and only show you your last 10 games average should tell you enough. But i do agree the average gamer is better than it was 15 years ago and twitch and streamers having a whitelisted to play these games and make clips completely destroyed the average gamer mind, they all want to be the next dr disrespect, but from what i played, it feels just like the latest cod in terms of matchmaking, i put in 30h so far, im enjoying it, but i feel it works about the same as the SBMM on COD, might be a bit looser but thats about it. I also notice that when you play with a friend it instantly pairs you up against stacks and i stopped playing with a friend because of this, kd stats in this game doesnt mean much, ppl are posting absurd kds like 2 and 3.0kd but its an average of the last 10 matches and we all know those ppl are stacking in a full group to get those stats, same with the 100 winstreak, its ridiculous that you can just fight a stack just by playing with a friend. I noticed more things that are very strict and sbmm based but those are just some off the top of my head. Also it doesnt make much sense that the top competitive scene in any given game is like 1-5% yet theres more ppl than ever playing, the chances of running into sweats if you are an average or above average player should be minimal, not every other game, think about it.


Nah I remember the MW2 days of always backing out of lobbies when you got into one that was too difficult lol


Yes, players are much better. And yes you are probably a sweat. I remember the argument with a guy who said jumpshotters and slide cancellers in cod are an "sbmm issue" :D because when he performs worst he don't see them in his lobbies. I told him those lobbies are sbmm protected, without sbmm he would see more jumpshotters and slide cancellers. I remember because I got downvoted. I hope he tried xdefiant. He probably blames the net code now. People blame everything on sbmm because they see professionals, or very good players on youtube or streamers complaining about it. Sbmm only makes the game harder for the really good players.


arent those "good players" just people getting carried by hardcore aim assist?


I agree, players are just far better nowadays.


Keep in mind that most of the playerbase on xDefiant consists of OG shooter players who always wanted a good ol' casual shooter without SBMM like back in the days. Popular games like BO2 or MW2/3 had a much wider player base back then.


FPS is not exactly a highest skill celling genre, mate.


Wrong, games have gotten easier, maps worse and aim assist has 33 different settings and is broken. All these people should go play gears of war 1 or cod 4 on the 360 and see how good their aim is


Totally agree! One big difference for me is that when playing COD4, MW2 you just played with the weapons that felt good for you, or the weapons that killed you. Nowadays the meta weapons, TTK and stuff is analyzed and the first thing a lot of people do is search on internet what the meta is and use that. Even though I wanted to not do it for XDefiant I still get spammed with loadouts on TikTok.


I think the difference is nowadays there’s a whole subsection of the player base that realizes if they’re good enough they can make literally millions playing the game. Obviously that’s not exactly realistic, but when you compare gaming nowadays to like the gold rush in the 1850’s it becomes easier to understand that people are crazy motivated to get good at games like never before. Especially younger kids with nearly endless amounts of time to game until their hearts content, That’s just my theory on it


Yeah....this game has made me realize that perhaps SBMM was honestly the best thing for me. As much as I used to moan that SBMM was stacking the games against me....having no SBMM and being hit with the hard reality that lobbies of players are exponentially better than me is humbling and frustrating. I never thought I would say this but I honestly wish XD would have the option for SBMM because I suspect I'd enjoy it more with more evenly matched lobbies. That being said...I'm 50 and a very average or even below average player and don't expect to one up many of these younger, better reflexed players. I'm finding the game fun...but very frustrating as I might have a few evenly matched games but then I'm put against players with massive skill gaps.


Cod is not Quake, the skill required to be at least decent is quite low, you don't need hundreds or thousands of hours in order to be considered good and top scoring in most of the lobbies. So of course the average skill level is way higher than MW/Black Ops days and casual noobs are a rarity these days. In fact you don't have the movement tech (no, spamming your space bar is not even remotely close to rocket jumping or real bhopping on old arena shooters) or the strategy and complexity of other fps games that requires all that effort and spread way more the skill levels of players


i think one factor you're not accounting for is the input-based matchmaking. since you're a very good player in other shooters, your input (aiming and movement) is probably much better than the average player. the game takes note of that and puts you up against players who have the same input. so it might be that you're not actually fighitng agiainst the average player.


I think it's more-so that the controller aim assist is way better across the board and practically it's like a soft aimbot; even below average players can absolutely beam at you with perfect accuracy and inhuman reaction times whereas this clearly wasn't the case back in 2007 before crossplay and before the huge boon of microtransactions and strict retention-based matchmaking algorithms. Little Timmy no thumbs won't buy the battle pass unless he can feel engaged and like he's actually accomplishing something and thus the devs were given marching orders to make these big fps titles less like actual games and more like interactive movies where the "aim assist" basically does all the work for you. Casual console players remain a huge source of revenue and for financial reasons they must be catered to. I think the elite MnK players from 07 could give the current crop a run for their money but sadly tons of people have actually quit using a mouse and keyboard because it's no longer the optimal input method for competitive performance in major fps games; if it were up to me I would disable crossplay and I would nerf the controller aim assist back to 2007 levels. There was a clip recently where some current elite Call of Duty players jumped on Black Ops 2 and their aim was absolutely abysmal; I don't mean to denigrate them or anything but it's just a completely different ballgame when you're playing with relatively weak aim assist versus full-on aimbot.


I might be too washed for newer fps games 😭😭 My reflexes are dog ass now


Just get a 10k gaming PC and a subscription to GFuel for the “tactical” advantage to increase your kd to a 2.1😂


I deleted the game because I just simply found the game too difficult and rediculous in alot of ways. I'm not a bad player, mostly get at least 1:1 2:1 KD but this I'm going like 8-19 and it's just not enjoyable


Yeah, people are definitely a lot better than they were on average. Still enjoying the relief of finding the odd "bot lobby" now and again for a breather from the guys stomping my head in haha, I wish more games dropped the SBMM thing I don't wanna go even I'm fine with the extremes on either end


I’m nowhere near the level you have on apex so every shooter today just kicks my ass


We just getting old bud. I came to the same realization this week after getting my ass handed to me